⑴ 頭腦特工隊的英文名Inside Out 有何含義
inside out這個短語本身的意思是是「徹底的」但是看完電影可以得知inside out指的是內心和內心之外的世界 也就是單純的「里」和「外」兩個概念 inside out這個標題其實是一個非常有意思的雙關語 但是頭腦特工隊這個中文翻譯就他媽是一坨屎...重演了歷來電影標題引進時的悲劇
⑵ 頭腦特工隊英語台詞
1、Do you ever look at someone and wonder.
2、What isgoing on inside their head?
3、Well, I know. Well, I know Riley's head.
譯文:我知道 我知道萊莉在想什麼
4、And there she was...
編劇組一共考慮了27種不同的情緒,最終只挑選出五種情緒,快樂 、恐懼 、厭惡 、悲傷 、憤怒出現在影片中。
影片《頭腦特工隊》拍攝背景設置在洛杉磯,Riley的家是一個真實存在的地方。在電影中房子的地址被改為皇家街21號,在迪士尼樂園中,這個地址是位於Club 33附近的一個私人餐廳。
⑶ 頭腦特工隊主要內容是什麼
大腦總部只剩下掌管憤怒、害怕與厭惡的三位幹部負責,導致本來樂觀的萊莉變成憤世忌俗少女。樂樂與憂憂必須要盡快在復雜的腦中世界回到大腦總部,讓萊莉重拾原本快樂正常的情緒 。
編劇組一共考慮了27種不同的情緒,最終只挑選出五種情緒,快樂 、恐懼 、厭惡 、悲傷 、憤怒出現在影片中。
⑷ 《頭腦特工隊》百度雲無刪減完整版在線觀看,艾米·波勒主演的
⑸ 跪求《頭腦特工隊(2015)》百度網盤免費在線觀看彼特·道格特導演的
鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1ClRtHQgYoyMYC0k5OolveQ
⑹ 頭腦特工隊 英語電影 百度雲
⑺ 電影頭腦特工隊的英文版名字
Inside Out
⑻ 頭腦特工隊英文觀後感,80詞左右,求大神幫助!
Every time I saw the poster for the new animated film InsideOut, I cringed. I felt that the color palette was tacky, and thecharacters did not look attractive to me at all. But I went to seethe movie anyway, lured by its high score of 8.5 on the movie website IMDb. It was released inChina on Oct 6.
I knew I had chosen the right movie not long after the opening scene. The story follows an 11-year-old girl named Riley who is struggling to adapt after moving to a new place. But the maincharacters are actually five personified emotions: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust. They liveinside Riley』s mind and help advise her through everyday life. This 「boldly abstract premise」, asThe Guardian puts it, got me intrigued almost immediately.
Being a children』s movie, Inside Out does a great job illustrating complicated mental processes. Itguides viewers through Riley』s dreams, her subconscious, her imagination and the mechanics offorgetting. But beneath its traditional adventure-based storyline, its philosophy speaks to childrenand alts alike.
Most of Inside Out』s audience members are no longer kids, but that doesn』t mean they』re mastersof their emotions either. Lashing out occasionally, and accidental bursts of melancholy, can befrustrating. Many of us face the question: why do negative emotions have to exist at all?
Riley』s story gives us an answer. Human beings can be both strong and vulnerable. No twoindivials are identical, and no one is as straightforward as a math equation.
Inside Out doesn』t feature a single villain – a rarity in the realm of children』s movies, wheremorality is simple and good always triumphs. Yet, there is plenty of conflict in Inside Out, andthat』s a testament to how complex our inside worlds are.
兒童電影的道德觀十分簡單——邪不勝正。而《頭腦特工隊》里沒有這樣一個通常設定里的反派,這是十分少見的。 但是它卻充滿了戲劇沖突,也證明了我們的內心世界是如何的復雜。
The film』s protagonist, Joy, confronts the complexity of human experience, when her reign asdominant emotion is threatened by Sadness. Joy used to believe that only positive feelings count,and she tried to keep Sadness out of the way. But Joy comes to understand that life』s bittersweetmoments help Riley grow up. No single emotion is better than another.
When I walked out of the cinema and saw the poster again at the gate, somehow I started to likethe 「tacky」 rainbow-colored imps, representing Joy and her four colleagues. Don』t we all havethese little people inside our heads?