『壹』 求電影《冰河世紀》英文簡介
20,000 years before, our planet is entering an ice age. All kinds of animals begin immigrating to the south, seeking more warm climates. Sid, a sloth who never stops talking is left behind sleeping while everyone else begins the journey to the south. Awaking, he meets Manny, a mammoth who travels to the north, and decides to follow him. When a humans camp is attacked by tigers, a woman takes her baby and jumps on a river. Before she drowns, the baby is rescued by Manny and Sid. The two animals decide to search for the father and return the baby to him. Diego, one of the tigers that attacked the humans, comes also claiming the baby.
『貳』 《冰河世紀》是哪個國家的影片
出品:二十世紀福克斯公司(Twentieth Century Fox,
《冰河世紀》電影劇照(20張)USA)2002年 中文名稱:冰河世紀 英文名稱:Ice Age 發行時間:2002年 地區:美國 語言:英語 冰川時代》是二十世紀福克斯公司策劃許久的喜劇動畫巨片,全片以3D電腦特效呈現 史前冰河時期的壯麗奇景,為了避免流於浮濫的科技特效,福斯公司特別重金禮聘去年獲得奧斯卡最佳動畫短片獎的導演克里斯·韋奇掌舵,讓這部影片在科技和藝術成就上相得益彰。 動畫大片製作成本高昂,製作過程費時且繁重,但它的受眾人群廣泛,獲益豐厚。近幾年迪斯尼和夢工廠均在動畫大片上狠賺了一把。夢工廠獲得巨大成功的動畫片《怪物史瑞克》的上映,使得20世紀福克斯公司更加堅定信心,要在這日益紅火的3D動畫影片市場分一杯羹。 其實,《冰川時代》策劃多年。在《怪物史瑞克》大獲全勝後,福克斯公司特以重金聘來去年奧斯卡最佳動畫短片獎得主克里斯·韋奇負責掌舵,他那誇張新穎的動畫風格,顯然並不會落入俗套。該片以史前冰河時期為背景,描寫了一名突然出現的人類棄嬰令三隻性格迥異的動物——忠厚老實且富有愛心的長毛象、粗野無禮卻調皮搗蛋的巨巨爪地懶以及兇猛異常而又重情重義的劍齒虎湊到了一起。它們不但要充當棄嬰的保姆,還要歷經冰河與冰山各種千驚萬險,護送小寶寶回家,展開了一場驚異之旅。 《冰川時代》這樣的故事情節很難不讓人聯想到一系列的同類型動畫片——《人猿泰山》、《恐龍》、《怪物公司》中棄子歸鄉的模式。好萊塢一而再再而三地選擇這樣的題材,是否映射了現實生活中社會對兒童的冷漠,需要從影片中獲得某種慰籍或是心理補償?可以理解,每個人都希望自己身邊的孩子能像影片中的主角一樣,總會左右逢源地獲得各種真誠的幫助,最後也都能有皆大歡喜的結局。
『叄』 冰河世紀簡介,英文
要電影《冰河世紀1》的英文簡介 不要劇情的介紹 要電影出品公司 導演 編劇 Ice Age (film) Theatrical release poster Directed by : Chris Wedge
『肆』 冰河世紀內容簡介
In the ice age, a wild age full of surprises and dangers, three animals with different personalities had to come together because of a sudden human abandoned baby.
The sour mammoth, the rude giant sloth and the crafty saber toothed tiger. These three prehistoric animals not only served as baby sitters, He has to go through all kinds of surprises and dangers of glaciers and icebergs to escort him home.
『伍』 冰河時代4電影的英文名
《冰川時代4》英文名: Ice Age: Continental Drift
英文名: Ice Age: The Meltdown
中文名: 冰河世紀2:消融/冰川時代2/冰原歷險記2
導 演: ( 凱蘿絲·山達納 Carlos Saldanha )
主 演: (雷·羅馬諾/瑞·羅門那 Ray Romano) (約翰·雷吉扎默 John Leguizamo) (丹尼斯·利里 Denis Leary) (西恩·威廉·斯科特 Seann William Scott) (喬希·佩克 Josh Peck) (奎恩·拉提法 Queen Latifah)
『柒』 誰有迪士尼所有動畫電影的英文名字
1《玩具總動員》Toy Story,1995年
3 《白雪公主》Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,1937年
4《玩具總動員2》Toy Story 2,1999年
5《鋼鐵巨人》The Iron Giant,1999年
6《美女與野獸》Beauty and the Beast,1991年
7《聖誕夜驚魂》The Nightmare Before Christmas,1993年
8《誰陷害了兔子羅傑》Who Framed Roger Rabbit,1988年
9《南方公園電影版》South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut,1999年
10《千與千尋》Spirited Away,2002年
11 《木偶奇遇記》Pinocchio,1940年
12 《獅子王》The Lion King,1994年
13 《小雞快跑》Chicken Run,2000年
14 《小鹿斑比》Bambi,1942年
15 《怪物史萊克》Shrek,2001年
16 《幽靈公主》Princess Mononoke,1999年
17 《怪物公司》Monsters Inc.,2001年
18 《黃色潛水艇》Yellow Submarine,1968年
19 《阿拉丁》Aladdin,1992年
20 《亞基拉》Akira,1989年
21 《昆蟲總動員》A Bug's Life,1998年
22 《小美人魚》The Little Mermaid,1989年
23 《螢火蟲之墓》Grave of the Fireflies,1988年
24 《小飛象》Dumbo,1941年
25 《夢醒人生》Waking Life,2001年
26 《睡美人》Sleeping Beauty,1959年
27 《森林王子》The Jungle Book,1967年
28 《101隻斑點狗》101 Dalmatians,1961年
29 《冰河世紀》Ice Age,2002年
30 《龍貓》My Neighbor Totoro,1993年
31 《海底沉舟》Watership Down,1978年
32 《夏洛的網》Charlotte's Web,1973年
33 《小姐與流氓》Lady and the Tramp,1955年
34 《賓尼兔》The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Movie,1979年
35 《勇敢鼠媽媽》The Secret of NIMH,1982年
36 《小飛俠》Peter Pan,1953年
37 《灰姑娘》Cinderella,1950年
38 《攻殼機動隊》Ghost in the Shell,1995年
39 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》Alice in Wonderland,1951年
40 《埃及王子》The Prince of Egypt,1998年
41 《小蟻雄兵》Antz,1998年
42 《動物農場》Animal Farm,1955年
43 《星際寶貝》Lilo & Stitch,2002年
44 《愛麗絲》Alice,1988年
45 《鍾樓駝俠》The Hunchback of Notre Dame,1996年
46 《魔女宅急便》Kiki's Delivery Service,1989年
47 《弱智與喪門星玩轉美國》Beavis & Butthead Do America,1996年
48 《最終幻想》Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within,2001年
49 《花木蘭》Mulan,1998年
50 《奇幻星球》Fantastic Planet,1973年
全球聞名遐邇的迪士尼,全稱為The Walt Disney Company,取名自其創始人華特·迪士尼,是總部設在美國伯班克的大型跨國公司。
皮克斯動畫工作室(PIXAR Animation Studio)、驚奇漫畫公司(Marvel Entertainment Inc)、試金石電影公司(Touchstone Pictures)、米拉麥克斯(Miramax)電影公司、博偉影視公司(Buena Vista Home Entertainment)、好萊塢電影公司(Hollywood Pictures)、ESPN體育,美國廣播公司(ABC)都是其旗下的公司(品牌)。
『捌』 冰河世紀3 英文簡介
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, also known as Ice Age 3, is a 2009 3-D computer animated film. It is the third installment of the Ice Age series, proced by Blue Sky Studios and distributed by 20th Century Fox. A sneak preview was shown in selected theaters on Father's Day in the United States. The film features the voices of Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis Leary, Queen Latifah, Seann William Scott, Josh Peck, Simon Pegg, and Chris Wedge. The story has Sid being taken by a female Tyrannosaurus rex after stealing her eggs, leading the rest of the protagonists to rescue him in a tropical lost world inhabited by dinosaurs beneath the ice. Despite many negative reviews by critics, Dawn of the Dinosaurs became the third highest grossing animated film of all time with $884 million worldwide, behind only Toy Story 3 with $940 million and Shrek 2 with $919 million.
冰河時代3--恐龍的黎明,是2009年一部3-D電腦動畫電影,為冰河時代系列電影中的第三部。該電影由藍天動畫工作室製作,由20世紀福克斯發行。其預告片曾在父親節之際於美國的部分影院中試映。其英文配音演員包括雷·羅馬諾,約翰·雷吉扎莫,丹尼斯·利瑞,Queen Latifah, Seann William Scott, Josh Peck, Simon Pegg, 和 Chris Wedge。故事從樹懶希德偷走雌性霸王龍雷克斯的蛋開始講起,這使得他的那些追隨者必須要在冰雪覆蓋的恐龍居住地——曾經的炎熱之地對他展開援救。盡管影片上映以後,得到了不少的批評,但是這部電影仍然以全球8.84億美元票房成為了史上最賣座的動畫電影的第三名,僅僅落後於《玩具總動員3》的9.40億美元,和《怪物史瑞克2》的9.19億美元。
Ellie (Queen Latifah) and Manny (Ray Romano) are expecting their first child, and Manny is obsessed with making life perfect and safe for the family, since his first experiences as a husband and father went bad when his family was killed by hunters. At the same time, Diego (Denis Leary) finds himself unable to catch a cocky gazelle (Bill Hader) he has been stalking and decides to leave the herd, believing that he is losing his predatory nature as a tiger. Sid (John Leguizamo) grows jealous of Manny and Ellie and "adopts" three apparently abandoned eggs that he finds in an icy underground cavern and call them Eggbert, Shelly, and Yoko. Manny tells him to put them back, but Sid instead looks after the eggs, which hatch into baby Tyrannosaurus the next morning.
Although Sid tries his best to raise the three dinosaurs, their rambunctious behavior scares away all the other animals' young and ruins a playground Manny built for Ellie's baby. A female Tyrannosaurus, Momma, whose eggs Sid stole, soon returns and carries both Sid and her young underground, with Diego in pursuit. Manny, Ellie, Crash, and Eddie (Sean William Scott, Josh Peck) follow as well and discover that the icy cavern leads to a vast jungle populated by dinosaurs thought to be extinct. Here, an Ankylosaurus threatens the herd despite Diego's efforts to fend it off; they are saved from a further crowd of angry reptiles by an insane, one-eyed weasel named Buckminster, or Buck (Simon Pegg).
Buck has been living in this jungle for some time and is chasing Rudy, a large albino Baryonyx, with the intention of avenging the loss of his right eye at Rudy's hands. He agrees to lead the herd through the jungle's perils to Lava Falls, where Momma has taken Sid and her babies. At one point, they have to cross the "Chasm of Death" which is filled with gas fumes (a mixture of helium and laughing gas, causing anyone who breathes in it to laugh uncontrollably while speaking in a high-pitched voice). Although the gas is not the actual cause of death, victims usually cannot stop laughing and thus die while trying to cross the chasm. Eventually the group manages to cross the chasm. In the meantime, Sid and Momma try to outdo each other in feeding the offspring; he loses this contest, but is soon welcomed into the family regardless. The next day, however, Sid is separated from the family and attacked by Rudy. Sid is knocked onto a loose rock slab that is floating on a river of lava and about to plummet over the falls.
As the herd moves toward Lava Falls, Ellie goes into labor and a Guanlong pack strikes, causing a rock slide that separates her from Manny and Diego. Manny doubles back to protect her and Diego fends off further attacks, while Buck takes Crash and Eddie ahead to rescue Sid. Just as he goes over the falls, the trio swoops in on a commandeered Pteranodon only to be chased by a flock of Quetzalcoatlus on the way and saves his life. Manny reaches Ellie, and there is suddenly a reaction, the cry of a newborn baby, then he sees that it is a girl. He wants to name her Ellie, or Little Ellie, but Ellie instead names her Peaches after the fruit (and the codeword they had chosen for Ellie to use if she went into labor ring the trip). Sid is saddened at the fact that he never had a chance to say goodbye to "his" children as he returns to the herd and learns of Peaches' birth.
As they venture back to the tunnel, they are shocked to discover Rudy lurking inside of the entrance. Rudy exits the tunnel and attacks at full force; Buck lures Rudy away from the group and is nearly eaten himself, before Diego saves him at the last second. Manny, Sid, Diego, and Buck manage to ensnare Rudy and knock him unconscious, but as they begin to leave, Sid trips over one of the ropes and breaks it. Rudy quickly recovers and escapes, and is about to attack Sid when Momma arrives on the scene, charging at Rudy and knocking him off a cliff before roaring her victory. As she and her children wish Sid well, Buck – now without a purpose in life since Rudy is gone – decides to join the herd and live on the surface. However, a distant roar tells him that Rudy is still alive; he changes his mind and sends the herd home, blocking off the path to the underground jungle at the same time, so nobody else can go down there anymore. Manny and Ellie welcome Peaches into their frozen world and admit that Sid did a good job looking after Momma's children (though Manny tells Diego that he will never let Sid babysit Peaches). Diego decides to remain with the herd, while Buck stays where he wants to be: underground, battling it out with Rudy.
『玖』 冰河世紀簡短英文簡介
The last ice age is the story of the adventures of the "family" of the special animals that live in the ice age. That will forever chase the invincible, the pine nut, and the bitter force of small squirrel. The development of the greater event, a careful not to let apart of continents that makes the mammoth like Manny, Sid and Diego the saber toothed tiger and therefore lost family and partner separation, in intense plate motion and break up and drift apart after, can only use a piece of ice as a temporary vessel, launched a surprise sea adventure, in the sea they will encounter the evil of the natural environment, will encounter pirates, and go home and family reunion is their ultimate desire.
『拾』 請問誰能詳細介紹一下《冰河世紀》(ICE AGE)的劇情啊
冰河期使得動物們紛紛遷移尋找食物。心地善良的長毛象--曼菲德、嗜食的樹獺--希德、狡猾的劍齒虎--迭哥,這三隻性格迥異的動物為了使一個人類的小孩重返家園,竟然聚在了一起,組成了一隻臨時護送隊,踏上了漫漫尋親路。一路上這三隻動物矛盾重生,迭哥心生毒計,想誘領隊伍踏入自己族類設下的致命伏擊,但在他們共同經歷了雪崩、飢荒等無數險境之後,這些與嚴酷環境抗爭的經歷使迭哥開始對自己的計劃動搖了…… 後來他成了一隻好老虎,離開了虎群跟另外兩個朋友結伴同行......