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發布時間:2021-07-09 12:30:09

Ⅰ 幫我找一下『忠犬八公的故事』這部電影的英語劇情簡介

Li tsakir plays a university professor at the station on a small town encounters a poor little Akita dog, it is lonely figure sparked his mercy, while his wife (Joan Allen decorated) strongly opposed, but in the strong request of his daughter, eight public and finally became a member of the family, Parker called it "eight public." But the daughter was busy falling in love, no time to take care of eight public, so dogs errand falls on Parker's head.
8 public and accompanied with the Parker family to grow graally into a monster from the puppy. Courtly and even lying on the floor of the Parker model Jianqiu his mouth moves to the eight public to see, but could not the church eight public Jianqiu back action.
8 Parker, accompanied by the public and to work on time every day, 5:00 in the evening appeared on time at the station entrance to greet Parker work, that was the date of their time! In the town the station masters, hot dog vendors, near the eyes of the store proprietress these are already used to screen; see Parker called out from the station out of it soon as the familiar "Hachi", threw himself excitedly went public eight fanciful appearance, has become the station almost daily stories. However, in eight the day the public learned Jian Qiu, Parker happy and proud, but it is also the last time the two of precious memories ... ...
But one day, Parker suddenly fell in the university lecture, he died of illness, and never returned to the station. After a day in the evening five or eight years waiting for the public came to the railway station, staring ... ... The next day, the third day ... ... from summer to autumn, the nine-year period, 8 the public is still wind and rain without change, until it finally dies . 這個就是了

Ⅱ <忠犬八公的故事>英語的影評


Ⅲ 《忠犬八公》的英語影評

每個男人,都應該擁有一條大狗。這樣,在你的人生征途中你就永遠也不會感覺到孤獨和寂寞;因為你擁有一位最忠誠勇敢的夥伴與朋友。 每個女人,同樣都應該擁有一條大狗。這樣,在你遇到了險情的時候你就永遠也不必為之害怕與擔憂;因為你擁有一位最無畏強悍的衛士與情人。 從某種程度上說,這部電影幾乎可以算是一個日本秋田犬(Japanese Akita)最華麗麗的廣告長片;只是,我們會那麼心甘情願地掏錢給這部廣告長片買單,並且我們還被整得一把鼻涕一把淚地幽幽輕嘆:這錢花得值啊。呵呵,現代人呀——我們會為自己的眼淚買單,並且除此之外一般我們都無法落淚。是的,我們在大銀幕前苦修多年把自己的淚腺練得幾乎水火不侵之後,電影人拖出一條滿臉哀怨的大狗後,我們苦修得來的免疫力瞬間被它給徹底瓦解了。 這是個挺奇怪的現象。多少次鏡頭里的俊男美女們哭得七零八落時我們報以之笑場,可是這條大狗拖出來之後僅僅只是讓它安坐在鏡頭前的花壇上安安靜靜地坐著,用大量的膠卷對其進行全方位的特寫的同時講述一個頗為姍姍動聽的故事,卻能將我們的最後的那道心理防線完全地擊垮。我想過這個問題,然後有一天突然間就豁然開朗了。因為動物對我們往往更真誠一些,而且它們還沒有進化出能夠思考的大腦來,它們的本能決定了它們不會跟我們玩心機游戲,所以它們對我們也更真誠一些——要什麼不要什麼,做什麼不做什麼全憑它的動物本能。所以對著一頭看起來頗有些可愛的動物,我們總會更輕易地卸下防備進而與之坦誠相對;如此一來,它們總能輕而易舉地完成輕松一擊。 這部電影,說白了其實簡單得幾乎可以用直白來形容,可是也許正是因為它的簡單明了所以才更顯得感人。類似電影里的劇情,其實可能在許多的犬種身上都可能發生;可是別的犬主也許都不那麼重視,日本人搶先給他們的八公(Hachiko)建起了雕塑,並且把它的屍體製作成了標本收入他們的國立科學博物館。早在1987日本導演神山征二郎執導了一部電影《忠犬八公物語》(Hachiko monogatari)之後,八公的美名早已經傳遍了世界各地。這部翻拍自日本舊作的電影,延續了其平靜淡雅的敘事風格,重新演繹了現代版本的忠犬故事;我本以為看這部電影會不會只是在茶餘飯後打發半晌閑暇時光,結果終於還是在意料之外徹底完敗了。 故事還是那個故事,人物還是那樣的人物,狗狗也同樣還是那樣的狗狗;只是,我們也許太久沒有發現一些日常生活中的小小感動所以太容易臨屏感傷了呢。理查·基爾(Richard Gere)飾演的帕克·威爾遜(Parker Wilson)教授在某一天夜裡乘火車回家,在火車站里揀到了一條秋田幼犬,他本來想把這條犬交給火車站的管理處被拒絕後無奈地將這條幼犬帶回了家裡,又因為找不到幼犬的主人所以他只能把它一直養大。有一次,秋田犬八公循著主人的氣味一路找到了主人上班必經之路的火車站去,主人只得把它送回家之後才去上班,八公卻從此記住了主人上下班必須經過的這個火車站,早上送主人去上班,下午五點准時地等在火車站門口守著主人歸來。

Ⅳ 求一篇100個詞的英文電影觀後感的英語作文.最好是寫《忠犬八公》的,不是也可以。中英都要,謝謝,急求


I am very sorry that i didn`t write my blog in time.

I watched Hachiko: A Dog』s Story days ago, eyes filling with tear. It』s really a fantasticly moving film. The plot went as: A college professor (Richard Gere) took in an abandoned dog and they formed an unbreakable bond. The dog arrived daily at the correct time at the station, to meet his owner. After the professor died while away from home, the dog kept vigil waiting for his master for nearly a decade.

To wait for your love for a decade, which contains almost the whole lifetime of Hachi, it』s an incredible dedication that we human beings never has. This is why the film strikes us a lot. No one has the ability to show his love to only one person ring his whole life, let alone make friends with only one people; have the food that never changes year by year; do the same damn thing without complaining and conciousness of exhaustion. We can』t! However, what we could learn from Hachi is that we should never forget the one we once loved.

A detail in the movie catches my eyes. One day when professor was on his way to school, Hachi fetched the tennis ball as he was taught years ago. But ring the last several years, he never did like that, because to fetch a ball in this way is not his instinct. Why Hachi did so? He wants to entertain his master for more palatable food, for a hug? I』m afraid not.

Research and statistics prove that pets are more sensitive in human』s potantial deseases than us do. Hachi fetched that ball because he knew that his master is going to die because of his heart desease. It』s his only way to hold him back.

Hachi has been waiting in the weeds, waiting for his only fellow to walk him home. His hope has been floating in the breeze, carrying his loneliness and misery all above the ground. Maybe professor knows, but he could never come back.

Ⅳ 求以下電影的英文簡介

In the film, major suit people fight and mysterious forest in the dark and mysterious kingdom in two young hero is all quite backing -- Josh Hutcherson and Annasophia Robersan is in the movie, two people age is small, but the acting is uncommon, and with the Hollywood star cooperation. Eat chewing gum mean girl as Leslie Annasophia Rob 's " Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ". She was paired with Josh Hutcherson boy, have challenged the limit of imagination in the " game of the brave II ", demonstrated beyond the old. Two alt supporting is familiar faces -- and ED Harris " winter " by Zoe Daschel, came to the film into a loving music teacher. And the famous liquid robot T-1000 Robert Patrick, also no longer and Arnold comrades fought, but with the boy's father, sh-ow its multifaceted talent。
Hachi, Japan's history of a legendary loyal dog, this is a true story happened in 1924, Akita Inuyako was its owner Ueno Xiumiro to Tokyo, Ueno Xiumiro is a University of Tokyo professor in the Department of agriculture. Every morning, eight mr.s are at home watching Ueno Xiumiro go to work, and then in the evening went to the vicinity of the Shibuya train station to meet him back home. Such a happy life continued until 1925, one night, Ueno Xiumiro did not Saburo returning home, he had a stroke in the University, after the rescue invalid death. Later, the owner and never returned to the train station, but Hachi still faithfully waiting for him.

Ⅵ 我喜歡的電影英語作文-忠犬八公的故事

Film "faithful dog Hachiko's story," adapted in 1933 occurred in Japan since the true story, directed by Lasse Hallström, Richard Gere, Joan Allen and Sarah Roemer and other co-starred in . Videos on August 8, 2009 at the home of a prototype of the story first to be released in Japan. He tells the story of a professor at the University adopted a small Akita dog named "Hachiko." After a day, the morning Hachiko Professor to the station, waiting for the evening to go home with a professor. Unfortunately, the professor passed away, never to return to the station, but Hachiko still waiting at the station on time every day, after nine years, until it finally died.

Ⅶ 電影《忠犬八公》英文介紹,詳細點,還有經典英文台詞,或者看過後的感受,也要英文的。

Loyal dog eight male story based on a true story happened in Japan since 1935, 1987 into a Japanese movie, starring secondary generation of vector, which was caused a sensation in Japan.In December 2009, the American version of the film, directed by leser, halls, directed.The archetype of the film for the 1924 akita dog eight male ueno show saburo to Tokyo by its master.Every morning, eight male all at home watched the ueno show saburo go out to work, and then in the evening and into the nearby shibuya train station to meet him after work to go home.One night, ueno show saburo didn't back home as usual, he suddenly stroke at the university, rescue invalid died, never returned to the train station, but hachiko still faithfully waiting for him.(《忠犬八公的故事》改編自1935年發生在日本的真實故事,1987年拍成日本電影,由仲代達矢主演,該片當年曾在日本引起轟動。2009年12月,該片的美國版本上映,由導演萊塞•霍爾斯道姆執導。 電影的原型為1924年秋田犬八公被它的主人上野秀三郎帶到東京。每天早上,八公都在家門口目送著上野秀三郎出門上班,然後傍晚時分便到附近的澀谷火車站迎接他下班回家。一天晚上,上野秀三郎並沒有如常般回到家中,他在大學里突然中風,搶救無效死了,再也沒有回到那個火車站,可是八公依然忠實地等著他。)

Ⅷ 請觀看電影忠犬八公的故事並用英語簡單描述人物與動物之間的關系

樓主看看吧,不光有人與狗的感人故事,望喜歡。。。。。南極大冒險;; 導盲犬小Q; 消防犬;;; 靈犬萊西;; 新靈犬萊西;; 海豚灣 人魚的童話;;; 藍海豚福吉;; 狼犬卡爾;; 奇犬良緣酷狗正傳; 老友狗狗;; 奔騰年代;;; 星守る犬;;; 雪地狂奔;;; 我與狗狗的十個約定;; 雪狗兄弟;; 心動奇跡《艾瑪》(一個小男孩和一頭小豹子的故事);; 、《小狐狸海倫》(日本,講一隻耳聾、瞎眼、先天有殘障的小狐狸的故事) 《象的故事》本來大象是個很善良的動物種群,會收養落單的小象,但有個旱季,連成年象都面臨著死亡的危機,一直落單的剛出身不久的小象想要加入另一個象群,被象群無情的驅逐,還被踢進水坑,最後虛弱無力的它被一群鬃狼吃掉……(看的我心情沉重);; 《阿鸚愛說笑》; 、《小貓歷險記》;;;;; 零下8度

Ⅸ 有沒有人能將《忠犬八公》的故事用英語描述出來

The movie "Hound Dog Story" is a true story. The story took place in Japan in 1925.
A university professor adopted a dog, he named the dog "eight male."
Every morning, the dog sent him to the
station and returned home with him in the evening. One day, he did not return to the station because dⅰed of illness, but the dog waited at the station on time every day. Waited nine years, until finally died.

Ⅹ 用英文介紹電影《忠犬八公的故事》50詞8年級水平

Hachi was a lost little dog at the station, but a man named Parker
Wilson (Richard Gere) found him. At home, he cared for him all the time
and learned him a lot things. But after a year, Hacki is a smart dog, he
often walk with Parker to the station because he couldn't be without
Parker. Hachi at the station always waiting for him to finish his job
(he knows when he finish) and come to home with Hachi. But for a moment,
Parker isn't returned anymore, it happened unbelievable about the dog
Hachi after he didn't returned. This movie will show you a strong




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