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㈠ 三部英文電影,三本英文名著,寫6篇英文故事梗概。


㈡ 影片大魚的英文介紹

In Tim Burton's family film BIG FISH, a wonderful storyteller named Edward Bloom (Albert Finney), who lives in a small town in Alabama, recounts tall tales of his wild worldly adventures. These are shown in flashback with Ewan McGregor playing the young Bloom. Wonderful special effects and vibrant colors that pop off the screen make this Burton film a much sunnier experience than his macabre gems EDWARD SCISSORHANDS and BEETLEJUICE. Yet his signature quirky artistry is unmistakable, and the movie benefits from crisp proction values and a loveable, bizarre cast of characters. Told through a series of vignettes, Bloom's stories involve a witch, a giant, a haunted forest, and yes, a big fish. A self-described small-town hero, Bloom explains how he left home at 18 determined to experience anything and everything life could dish out. He worked for the circus, took on daring assignments as a WWII soldier, and rambled across the country as a zany traveling salesman. Utterly unbelievable yet magical and delightful, Bloom's stories just don't translate to his son Will (Billy Crup) who wants to know his dad's "true" life story. But little by little--through increasingly outlandish tales at which Will cannot resist smirking--the two begin to understand each other, and Bloom weaves his stories into their genealogical fabric.

㈢ 急!隨便兩部勵志的電影的英文故事梗概

A film review by Jeff Pidgeon
Copyright 1994 Jeff Pidgeon
THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION is a strong debut for director Frank Darabont, a screenwriter who sold the script on the provision that he could direct it. This isn't a Film For The Ages, but it is involving and engaging for the majority of its 150-minute running time. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman are both fine as convicts who meet in Shawshank Prison in the late 40's and get to know each other as they do time together. The suspense mainly revolves around 1) whether Robbins will continue to survive prison life; and 2) whether he should be there at all. The script does a decent job of sustaining these elements and keeping the viewer in doubt. On the other hand, there are few moments in the story that, once they are revealed, are different than you might expect. For the most part, the satisfying option is usually chosen, the one that will make the audience happy. While this makes for an enjoyable immediate experience , the side effect is that the lack of genuine surprise makes it less enring than you'd like. On the whole though, aside from script weaknesses and implausibilities (more than a couple), the performances are uniformly strong, if a bit two-dimensional in spots, the period feel of the art direction is thorough yet understated, Thomas Newman's score nicely supports things and is emotional without being too overpowering or treacly. For a prison drama, the violence isn't played up particlarly, but this ain't FREE WILLY, either. For the curious, SHAWSHANK makes for a good night out, as the saying goes. If the concept doesn't grab you from the start, I don't know that it would win you over. Marginally Recommended.
"The Pursuit of Happyness" -- the title comes from a misspelled schoolhouse mural -- has a lot on its mind but mostly this: If America is about the promise of bettering oneself, why does it have to be so freaking hard? In the movie, Jefferson's Declaration of Independence words about happiness kept recurring to Chris Gardner. Every day, Christ had to work hard from morning till night, but still could hardly make a living. Chris saw a bunch of suits, mostly male, pouring out of the Dean Witter Reynolds brokerage firm in downtown San Francisco. They all looked 「happy,」 「Why not me? 「 Christ wondered. He did have an adorable boy, Christopher, but wife Linda was becoming a scarecrow of overworked anxiety. Finally, his wife left Christ because of life pressure, leaving him and her five-year-old son, Christopher. And naturally, Christ became a single father.

With the failure of his business, Christ had no money to pay for the rent, so they were driven away from the flat. They became homeless. They slept in asylum, subway station public bathroom or anywhere as a temporary shelter. The destitution of life was absolutely depressing, but for his son』s future, for his own belief, Christ never gave up and he still strongly believed that happiness would come one day if he worked hard enough today.

With his great efforts, Christ won a six-month internship at Dean Witter, but there was no pay at all. So on one hand, Christ had to work hard to make a living; on the other hand, he had to fight for his intern work, since only one of the twenty interns would succeed finally. Besides, he had to take good care of his son after day care. However, Christ made it with his amazing willpower.

Christ was unfortunate, for he got a wife who was not understandable at all (though she has her own difficulties) and was in bad luck with his business. But he was very fortunate also, for he got a son who was very thoughtful and, I think, tough life experiences always make a great person.

㈣ 英語作文60詞左右關於英語電影簡介

隨便嗎? 那我給你個肖申克的救贖吧
<The Shawshank Redemption>: The story may sound simple, but the truth behind the words is remarkable. When I heard the name of the film first time, I considered the Shawshank to be a man』 name, but in face it is a jail——a hell in the world. Not only for the inhumanity of the jailors——they behaved brutally; but also for the jail gnawed at people』 heart by keeping them waiting and waiting as life passed. It seemed that only those utterly worthless people who gave up everything could survive. That』s where the story happened.

㈤ 10部英文電影 要主要內容

1 變形金剛2 地球上的戰爭雖然結束,但變形金剛之間的戰爭並未告終。紅蜘蛛飛回塞博坦星球,打算帶著軍隊再回到地球一決死戰。汽車人發現威震天的屍體不見了,原來已被薩克巨人偷走,威震天隨後被復活,決心要開始復仇。與此同時,紅蜘蛛也正率領塞博坦的援軍趕來,汽車人在這時增強了自己的戰鬥力,一場大戰在所難免,山姆因為掌握了有關變形金剛的起源以及在古老時期到訪地球的線索而遭到霸天虎的追擊。霸天虎為了獲取這些信息,妄圖生擒山姆。汽車人、美軍和其它多國部隊聯合起來抵抗霸天虎的襲擊。
2 先知 在1958年,為慶祝一所新成立小學的奠基儀式,一群學生將自己的繪畫作品封藏在時間膠囊里並深埋入基石之下。但其中的一名神秘的女學生,似乎聽到了耳邊的各種私語聲,她將整張繪紙填寫上了數排無規則的數字。50年後的現在:一批新時代的學生從地下挖出並開啟時間膠囊,來查看裡面的內容。那位女學生留下的神秘數字信息被其中一位小男孩Caleb Myles拿到。而碰巧的是,Caleb的父親教授Ted Myles揭秘了一個驚人的發現,這些編碼信息毫釐不差地預言了過去50年裡每個重大災難所發生的日期、死亡人數和其它匹配數字。當Ted更進一步地揭開了這個莫名檔案的神秘面紗之時,他發現這之中還預示了未來的三件重大要事,最後一件暗示了一場全球規模的大毀滅……
3 天使與魔鬼 故事主要講述了羅伯特教授運用他在破譯密碼方面的知識,粉碎了一起企圖在教皇會議期間炸毀梵蒂岡城的陰謀。
4 博物館奇妙夜2 紐約自然歷史博物館的夜班保安拉里在趕跑了妄圖監守自盜的三個瘋狂老同事,拯救了一到晚上就撒歡吵鬧的博物館藏品之後,總算過上了兩天不用操心的舒服日子,不光兒子把他視為英雄,愛情翩翩降臨,工作也升級為解說員。可是好景不長,博物館關門整修,藏品給挪到了華盛頓的史密森博物館繼續展出。拉里知道,雖然有老成持重的西奧多·羅斯福總統壓陣,但他的一干能量過剩的藏品老友,在新家裡也不會改掉愛胡鬧的本性,於是他也跟著來到了華盛頓,不讓他們胡作非為。但他沒有想到的是,邪惡的法老王用咒語喚醒了史密森博物館里的藏品,新來的和坐地戶之間為地盤,為榮譽,也可能什麼也不為,就想打人,爆發了一場大戰。拉里雖然得到了第一個駕機飛越大西洋的女豪傑艾米莉婭·埃爾哈特的幫助,甚至就連林肯雕像都放下身段,力促雙方和解,可無奈史密森博物館里都是狠角色,不光是巨大的恐龍化石,猛獁象,甚至上世紀二三十年代的黑幫大亨阿爾·卡邦,星球大戰中的黑武士也來橫插一腳。而拉里越幫越忙,陷入了自身難保的悲慘境地。
5 天使之城 塞斯是一各充滿好奇的天使,他被上帝派駐在洛杉磯,專門護送垂死的病人上天堂。而在當地醫院中從事心臟科手術的醫生瑪姬卻成日在手術台上幫助病人與死神交戰。因為職業的沖突,天使注意到了這個美麗、自信的女醫生。有一天她在進行手術時,一名病人突然暴斃於她手中,當塞斯前來護送病人上路時,卻發現了瑪姬的脆弱和自。瑪姬無法釋懷如此打擊,頓時對一切失去信心,天使情不自禁的想要伸出援手,幫助這個令他心動的女人。於是,塞斯冒著極大的危險,毅然在瑪姬面前現身。他從一名天使,變成陌客,一嘗他嚮往已久卻只能袖手旁觀的凡人生活。當他們相遇後,瑪姬也喜歡上溫柔體貼的塞斯,可是她對這名沒有過去的男人感到十分懷疑,但卻又無法抵抗他的魅力,瑪姬因此感到困惑、害怕。而這時候的賽斯卻對自己無法真正融入現實生活,體會凡人的觸摸、感官而無奈沮喪。但他深愛著瑪姬,渴望分享她生活的點滴,於是他對上帝提出要求,那就放棄天使的身份,成為一個真實的凡人,會飢餓、會疼痛、會流淚。為了愛情,他寧願用在天堂里億萬年的永生,換取人間短暫卻甜蜜的生活。

㈥ 暑假檔的英文電影故事梗概。

Following Dumbledore's death, Voldemort completes his ascension to power and gains control of the Ministry of Magic. Harry, Ron, and Hermione leave Hogwarts to hunt and destroy Voldemort's remaining horcruxes. They isolate themselves to ensure their friends and families' safety. They have little knowledge about the remaining horcruxes except the possibility that two are objects once belonging to Hogwarts founders Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff and a third may be Nagini, Voldemort's snake familiar. The whereabouts of the two founders' objects is unknown, and Nagini is presumed to be with Voldemort. As they search for the Horcruxes, the trio learn more about Dumbledore's past.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione recover the first horcrux, Salazar Slytherin's locket, by infiltrating the Ministry of Magic. Under the object's evil influence and the stress of being on the run, Ron leaves the others. A mysterious silver doe leads Harry to the Sword of Godric Gryffindor, among the few objects able to destroy horcruxes. When Harry attempts to recover the sword, the horcrux attempts to kill him. Ron reappears, saving Harry and using the sword to destroy the locket. Resuming their search, the trio repeatedly encounter a strange symbol, that an eccentric wizard named Xenophilius Lovegood tells them represents the mythical Deathly Hallows. The Hallows are three sacred objects: the Resurrection Stone, with the power to summon the dead to the living world; the Elder Wand, an unbeatable wand; and an infallible Invisibility Cloak. Harry learns that Voldemort is seeking the Elder Wand, but is unaware of the other Hallows and their significance. Harry decides that finding Voldemort's horcruxes is more important than procuring the Hallows. They break into Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange's vault at the Wizarding Bank Gringotts to recover another horcrux, Helga Hufflepuff's cup. Harry learns that another horcrux is hidden in Hogwarts. Harry, Ron, and Hermione enter the school and find the horcrux, the diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw. Ron and Hermione destroy the cup, while the diadem is destroyed by Vincent Crabbe.
Voldemort and his followers besiege Hogwarts. Harry, Ron, and Hermione, their allies, and various magical creatures defend Hogwarts. Several major characters are killed in the first wave of the battle, including Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Fred Weasley, and Severus Snape. Harry discovers while viewing the memories of Snape that Voldemort inadvertently made Harry a horcrux when he attacked him as a baby and that Harry must die to destroy Voldemort. These memories also confirm Snape's unwavering loyalty to Dumbledore and his role as spy in Voldemort's camp. Harry surrenders himself to Voldemort, who casts the Killing Curse at him, sending Harry to a limbo-like state between life and death. There, Dumbledore explains that when Voldemort used Harry's blood to regain his full strength, it protected Harry from Voldemort harming him; the Horcrux inside Harry has been destroyed, and Harry can return to his body despite being hit by the Killing Curse. Harry returns, the battle resumes, and after Neville Longbottom kills Nagini, the last horcrux, Harry finally defeats Voldemort, and the wizarding world lives in peace once more.

㈦ 電影《音樂之聲》的英文故事梗概


Maria had longed to be a nun since she was a young girl, yet when she became old enough discovered that it wasn't at all what she thought. Often in trouble and doing the wrong things, Maria is sent to the house of a retired naval captain, named Captain Von Trapp, to care for his children. Von Trapp was widowed several years before and was left to care for seven 'rowdy' children. The children have run off countless governesses. Maria soon learns that all these children need is a little love to change their attitudes. Maria teaches the children to sing, and through her, music is brought back into the hearts and home of the Von Trapp family. Unknowingly, Maria and Captain Von Trapp are falling helplessly in love, except there are two problems, the Captain is engaged, and Maria is a postulant!

Maria had longed to be a nun since she was a young girl, yet when she became old enough discovered that it wasn't at all what she thought. Often in trouble and doing the wrong things, Maria is sent to the house of a retired naval captain, named Captain Von Trapp, to care for his children. Von Trapp was widowed several years before and was left to care for seven 'rowdy' children. The children have run off countless governesses. Maria soon learns that all these children need is a little love to change their attitudes. Maria teaches the children to sing, and through her, music is brought back into the hearts and home of the Von Trapp family. Unknowingly, Maria and Captain Von Trapp are falling helplessly in love, except there are two problems, the Captain is engaged, and Maria is a postulant!

Maria had longed to be a nun since she was a young girl, yet when she became old enough discovered that it wasn't at all what she thought. Often in trouble and doing the wrong things, Maria is sent to the house of a retired naval captain, named Captain Von Trapp, to care for his children. Von Trapp was widowed several years before and was left to care for seven 'rowdy' children. The children have run off countless governesses. Maria soon learns that all these children need is a little love to change their attitudes. Maria teaches the children to sing, and through her, music is brought back into the hearts and home of the Von Trapp family. Unknowingly, Maria and Captain Von Trapp are falling helplessly

Maria had longed to be a nun since she was a young girl, yet when she became old enough discovered that it wasn't at all what she thought. Often in trouble and doing the wrong things, Maria is sent to the house of a retired naval captain, named Captain Von Trapp, to care for his children. Von Trapp was widowed several years before and was left to care for seven 'rowdy' children. The children have run off countless governesses. Maria soon learns that all these children need is a little love to change their attitudes. Maria teaches the children to sing, and through her, music is brought back into the hearts and home of the Von Trapp family. Unknowingly, Maria and Captain Von Trapp are falling helplessly in love, except there are two problems, the Captain is engaged, and Maria is a postulant!

㈧ 用簡短的英語概括下阿甘正傳的電影內容


"Forrest Gump" is a film directed by Robert Zemigis, starring Tom Hanks, Robin White and others, and released in the United States on July 6, 1994.


The film is adapted from the novel of the same name published by the American writer Winston Glum in 1986.


It depicts the boy of the innate mental retardation, Forrest Gan, who is self-improving, and finally "stupid people have stupid blessings" to get the favor of God. Inspirational stories that create miracles in multiple fields.


After the film was released, he won 6 awards such as the Oscar for Best Picture, Best Actor Award and Best Director Award in 1995.


On September 5, 2014, on the 20th anniversary of the film's release, the IMAX version of Forrest Gump began to be released nationwide.




拍攝時Gary Sinise(丹中尉)的腿是用藍布包著的,這樣在後期製作時可以用電腦去除。



「Sometimes when people go to Vietnam, they go home to their mommas without any legs. Sometimes they don't go home at all. That's a bad thing. That's all I have to say about that.」

湯姆·漢克斯演阿甘時模仿了飾演小阿甘的Michael Conner Humphreys的口音。

㈨ 求英文電影英文梗概

The Parent Trap (1998)的英文梗概:
When two pre-teens named Hallie & Annie meet through their summer camp, their two lives are rattled when they realize that they are identical twins. With parents, British mother aka famous dress designer Elizabeth & American father, a wine maker named Nick, living in two different sides of the universe, the girls decide to make an identity swap in hopes of spending time with their other parent. The girls later choose to aware their guardians of the swap while at a hotel in NYC, which late reunites the divorced pair and sends them back into remarriage with each other.

㈩ 英文影片的英文簡介


Directed by Anthony mingra, the English patient is adapted from the novel of the same name by Michael ondaj.

The film is co starred by Ralph Fiennes, Christine Scott Thomas and Juliet Binoche. The film was released in the United States on November 6, 1996.

The movie takes the war and desert as the background, decing a love tragedy across time and space.

During World War II, a British plane was shot down by the German army while flying over the Sahara desert.

The pilot on the plane was completely burned on the face. The local people rescued him and sent him to the Allied field hospital.

Because of the injury, the pilot lost his memory and could not remember who he was, so he could only be called "English Patient".


該片由拉爾夫·費因斯、克里斯汀·斯科特·托馬斯、朱麗葉·比諾什等聯袂主演。影片於1996年11月6日在美國上映 。







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