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⑴ 電影《雷霆萬鈞》(A Sound Of Thunder)的英文簡介

A Sound of Thunder is a science fiction film released in 2005, and directed by Peter Hyams. The film was planned originally for a 2002 release. However, flooding in Prague (where the proction was filmed) and other financial difficulties—including the bankruptcy of the original proction company ring post-proction—resulted in a delayed release. A Sound of Thunder is based on the short story "A Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury. The film is about "time tourists" who accidentally interfere too much with the past and thus completely alter their present. Plot 情節 Businessman Charles Hatton (Ben Kingsley) has recently offered a time tourism service. For an extraordinary price, Time Safari will take clients through a wormhole to the past to hunt dinosaurs. Scientist Travis Ryer (Edward Burns) is the leader of these expeditions, along with several other guides. The following protocols are set out: Don't change anything in the past. Don't leave anything behind. Don't bring anything back. To further ensure that Earth's evolutionary timeline will not be disturbed, only creatures that are already doomed—such as dinosaurs about to die in a volcanic eruption—can be killed. The participants must wear helmets with sealed faceplates (like astronauts) and use rifles that fire frozen-nitrogen bullets that melt, leaving no trace. The wormhole itself creates a path that physically separates the party from touching the ground, and on which they must remain. On one excursion, the guides are escorting a party of wealthy clients that includes two friends. One of the men, who is extremely nervous, is surprised by a prehistoric butterfly which he tries to shoot when it flutters close to his helmet. He learns that his weapon will not fire, as all safari patron weapons are tied remotely to Ryer's. He alone can fire first, thereby deactivating the safety feature on the tourists' rifles. The group gathers before a large tar pit, waiting for their prey. As scheled, they are charged by an Allosaurus, but the safety on Ryer's rifle does not deactivate and nobody is able to fire. Panicking, the two wealthy tourists run off to seek cover. Ryer and the guides distract the dinosaur, while quickly exchanging gun parts in order to slay the beast. The party returns through the time portal. Unseen, a footprint of tar on the path indicates that someone has stepped off it. The next day, Ryer notices significant climate and other small changes around him. On the next expedition, Ryer and a new party of tourists arrive to slay the Allosaurus. As they wait for the creature to emerge, Ryer checks his watch, realizes it is late and that the Allosaurus should have already arrived. Instead, they find it has already died. Furthermore, the volcano, which is supposed to erupt after the explorers return to the future, is already in the process of erupting. The Federal agency that oversees temporal travel opens an investigation and shuts down Time Safari in order to review protocols. Ryer seeks out Sonia Rand (Catherine McCormack), the original developer of the time travel technology and the computer (TAMI) that controls the jumps. She believes that Time Safari is essentially playing with fire and she eschews her previous association with company. Because the past has been changed, a series of time waves sweep across the present. The first wave proces changes that drive the two from Rand's apartment. Rand explains that the sequence of changes will not take effect at once, but instead will spread out like a series of ripples on the surface of water. Moreover, they will proceed in order of evolution: first the non-living physical environment will reset, then the vegetation will change, then wildlife, and finally humans. Under supervision of the temporal agency, Time Safari sends Ryer back to fix the past with Rand's help. When he arrives, he discovers he is in the American Southwest and about to be trampled by an Apache tribe on horseback. Ryer cks out of the way, but sees that another time wave is about to hit. He leaps through the wormhole, but just as he exits, the wave hits, causing all power in the Time Safari facility to go out. When back-up power is restored, the building and the city are covered in dense vegetation. One of the scientists, Payne (David Oyelowo), discovers that the team arrived just over a gram heavier than when they left. It is also discovered that Hatton has bribed a government administrator to allow the shutdown of a costly "bio filter," which screens out the transfer of organic matter. The team leaves the company building and find the two clients battling baboon/dinosaur and bat/pterodactyl re-evolved hybrid creatures as well as predatory plants. They learn that one of the tourists stepped on a butterfly, bringing it back to the present, and critically altering the evolution of life. Another time wave hits just before they reach the time portal. Finding it no longer works, they decide to try to get to a university possessing a particle accelerator, which can be modified to function as a time machine. Eventually, only Ryer and Rand are left alive. Rand manages to send Ryer back 65,000,001 years to dodge the time waves, after which he is sent forward one year to the point when the original explorers traveled into the past. In the present, the final time wave hits and Rand is turned into a catfish-like humanoid. Ryer tells Jenny (Jemima Rooper) about everything that will happen in the future. He stops the tourist from stepping off the path and killing the butterfly, and thus the future is saved. Back in the present, Jenny gives Ryer the video of the alternate Ryer who saved the future. He visits Rand to show her the video, hoping that together they will be able to put the time company out of business. 希望幫到你啦~

⑵ 踩死一隻蝴蝶導致未來發生很大變化的電影叫什麼

英文名:A Sound of Thunder
導演:彼得·海姆斯 Peter Hyams
編劇:托馬斯·迪恩·唐納利 Thomas Dean Donnelly

⑶ 外國有一部穿越時空隧道的變異物種電影叫什麼名字

外文名:A Sound of Thunder
導 演:彼得·海姆斯
片 長:103分鍾
發 行:華納兄弟公司
類 型:動作/劇情/科幻/冒險/奇幻/驚悚
編劇:雷·布萊德伯里 Ray Bradbury ....(short story)

⑷ 找一部西方科幻電影的名字,回到遠古的題材。只記得裡面有個情節是:一位士兵踩死了只蟲子,自己就消失了


英文片名:A Sound of Thunder




⑸ 分別用中英文寫出你知道的英文影片!謝謝

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透明人2 (2006)(Hollow Man II)
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格林兄弟 (2005)(The Brothers Grimm)
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雷霆萬鈞 (2005)(A Sound of Thunder)
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天氣預報員 (2005)(The Weather Man)
世界大戰 (2005)(War of the Worlds)
吮拇指的人 (2005)(Thumbsucker)
僵屍新娘 (2005)(Corpse Bride)
鬼霧 (2005)(The Fog)
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冰雪公主 (2005)(Ice Princess)
斷背山 (2005)(Brokeback Mountain)
空中危機 (2005)(Flightplan)
黑暗侵襲 (2005)(The Descent)
黑夜傳說2:進化 (2005)(Underworld: Evolution)

百萬寶貝 (2004)(Million Dollar Baby)
杯酒人生 (2004)(Sideways)
雙狙人3 (2004)(sinper 3)
威尼斯商人 (2004)(The Merchant of Venice)
BJ單身日記2 (2004)(Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason)
小姐好白 (2004)(White Chicks)
復制嬌妻 (2004)(The Stepford Wives)
貓女 (2004)(Catwoman)
機械公敵 (2004)(I, Robot)
魔法灰姑娘 (2004)(Ella Enchanted)
驅魔人前傳 (2004)(Exorcist: The Beginning)
秘窗 (2004)(Secret Window)
星河戰隊II (2004)(Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation)
機動殺人 (2004)(Taking Lives)
賤女孩 (2004)(Mean Girls)
女孩夢三十 (2004)(13 Going On 30)
西班牙女傭 (2004)(Spanglish)
生化危機2:啟示錄 (2004)(Resident Evil: Apocalypse)

太陽之淚 (2003)(Tears of the Sun)
記憶裂痕 (2003)(Paycheck)
神秘河 (2003)(Mystic River)
鬼影人 (2003)(Gothika)
最後的武士 (2003)(The Last Samurai)
魔戒3:王者歸來 (2003)(The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)
天降奇兵 (2003)(The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)
怒海爭鋒:極地遠伐 (2003)(The Far Side of the World)
海底總動員 (2003)(Finding Nemo)
黑客帝國3:矩陣革命 (2003)(The Matrix Revolutions)
律政俏佳人2 (2003)(Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde)
聖誕壞公公 (2003)(Bad Santa)
迷失東京 (2003)(Lost in Translation)
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刀鋒戰士2 (2002)(Blade II)
魔戒2:雙塔奇兵 (2002)(Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers)
間接傷害 (2002)(Collateral Damage)
雙狙人2 (2002)(Sniper 2)
芝加哥 (2002)(Chicago)
蠍子王 (2002)(The Scorpion King)
火龍帝國 (2002)(Reign of Fire)
冰川時代 (2002)(Ice Age)
生化危機 (2002)(Resident Evil)
鋼琴家 (2002)(The Pianist)

紅磨坊 (2001)(Moulin Rouge!)
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原罪 (2001)(Original Sin)
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兄弟連 (2001)("Band of Brothers")


⑹ 一聲驚雷/雷霆萬鈞,2005年的美國電影,A Sound of Thunder,要內嵌中英字幕

一聲驚雷 A Sound of Thunder
也有翻譯為 :雷霆萬鈞A Sound of Thunder(2005)

美國/德國/捷克/英國 - 動作/奇幻/驚悚

⑺ 求一部科幻片 有個時間機器把人傳回過去旅遊!然後一個人踩死了一隻蝴蝶世界就改變了叫什麼名字

外文名:A Sound of Thunder
導 演:彼得·海姆斯
片 長:103分鍾
發 行:華納兄弟公司
類 型:動作/劇情/科幻/冒險/奇幻/驚悚
編劇:雷·布萊德伯里 Ray Bradbury ....(short story)
Thomas Dean Donnelly ....(screen story) &/(screenplay) &
Joshua Oppenheimer ....(screen story)/(screenplay) and
Gregory Poirier ....(screenplay)
主演:愛德華·伯恩斯 Edward Burns
本·金斯利 Ben Kingsley
凱瑟琳·邁考麥克 Catherine McCormack
傑邁瑪·盧珀 Jemima Rooper
IMDB評分:6.9/10 (33 votes)
故事發生在美國的工業重鎮芝加哥,時間是2054年。這一次影片所描述的並不是什麼機器人暴動、怪獸進攻、異形傷人等的故事。而是在科學技術高度發達的幾十年以後的未來,人們可以乘坐時空飛船穿越時空到達從前只能在自然和歷史課上提到的神秘的白堊紀時代,並且,人們到那裡已經不是單純的科學考察之類的研究工作,而是已經達到了隨意旅行觀光的程度。然而,歷史和大自然則用它們不可抗拒的力量再一次給 了無知的人類一重大的教訓甚至是毀滅性的打擊。由於,一次前往白堊紀旅行隊中的一名打獵者無意間踩死了一隻蝴蝶。可不要小看這只蝴蝶,它恰好處於人類發展進化鏈中的重要一環,它的死將在很大程度上影響甚至是毀滅整個人類以及人類辛辛苦苦世世代代所創下的文明偉業。還好,這一事故被及時發現。於是,拯救人類的偉大行動就此開始了。肇事獵人特拉維斯(愛德華·伯恩斯),旅行隊老闆查理斯·哈頓(本·金斯利)以及穿越時空計算機的發明者女科學家索尼亞·蘭德(凱瑟琳·邁考麥克)組成了這次拯救隊伍的骨幹……

⑻ 《復仇者聯盟》電影英文故事簡介

A sudden strong evil cause deadly threat to the earth, without any a super hero alone could resist. Long-term commitment to protect global security.

Aegis board feel unprepared, and its commander "one-eyed man" Nick, Fred realized he must create a "in the history of the strongest alliance, gathered the parties.

Outbursts, together with the super hero can save the world from hot water and resist the invasion of the forces of the dark.

So by six big super hero - iron man, captain America, thor, green giant, black widow and hawkeye man of "avengers alliance" came into being they.

Demonstrated together, finally win over evil, to ensure the safety of the earth.


突如其來的強烈邪惡會對地球造成致命威脅,沒有任何一個超級英雄可以抵抗。 長期致力於保護全球安全。



因此,由六位超級英雄 - 鐵人,美國隊長,托爾,綠巨人,黑寡婦和「復仇者聯盟」的鷹眼男人組成了他們。




由六大超級英雄—鋼鐵俠、美國隊長、雷神、綠巨人、黑寡婦和鷹眼俠組成的 「復仇者聯盟」應運而生。他們各顯神通,團結一心,終於戰勝了邪惡勢力,保證了地球的安全。

影片講述了神盾局指揮官尼克·弗瑞為了對付《雷神》中被流放的洛基,積極奔走尋找最強者,在神盾局斡旋下將鋼鐵俠、 美國隊長、 雷神托爾、綠巨人、黑寡婦和 鷹眼俠六位超級英雄集結在一起,組成了復仇者聯盟,共同攜手應對邪神洛基和故事。





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