❶ 卓別林的所有電影
1914 Making a Living(謀生)
1914 Kid Auto Races at Venice (威尼斯兒童賽車記)
1914 Mabel's Strange Predicament (梅布爾的奇怪困境)
1914 A Thief Catcher (捉賊高手)
1914 Between Showers (陣雨之間)
1914 A Johnnie Film (拍攝強尼)
1914 Tango Tangles(探戈紛亂)
1914 His Favorite Pastime (他的消遣)
1914 Cruel, Cruel Love (殘酷的愛情)
1914 The Star Boarder (明星寄宿者)
1914 Mabel at the Wheel (梅布爾賽車記)
1914 Twenty Minutes of Love (二十分鍾的愛情)
1914 Caught in a Cabaret (在卡巴萊飯館里)
1914 Caught in the Rain (遇雨)
1914 A Busy Day (忙碌的一天)
1914 The Fatal Mallet (致命的大頭錘)
1914 Her Friend the Bandit(她的強盜朋友)
1914 The Knockout (決勝一擊)
1914 Mabel's Busy Day (梅布爾的忙碌一天)
1914 Mabel's Married Life (梅布爾的婚後生活)
1914 Laughing Gas (笑氣)
1914 The Property Man(道具員)
1914 The Face on the Bar Room Floor(酒吧地板上的肖像畫)
1914 Recreation (娛樂)
1914 The Masquerader(假面舞會)
1914 His New Profession(他的新職業)
1914 The Rounders (酒鬼)
1914 The New Janitor(新看門人)
1914 Those Love Pangs (競爭調情者)
1914 Dough and Dynamite (面團與炸葯)
1914 Gentlemen of Nerve(厚顏紳士)
1914 His Trysting Place (他的幽會場所)
1914 Tillie's Punctured Romance (蒂莉的破損戀情)
1914 Getting Acquainted(公平交換)
1914 His Prehistoric Past (他的遠古過去)
——1915-1916 1915 His New Job(他的新工作)
1915 A Night Out(深夜外出)
1915 The champion(冠軍)
1915 In The Park(在公園里)
1915 A Jitney Elopement(乘車逃婚記)
1915 The Tramp(流浪者)
1915 By the Sea(在海邊)
1915 Work(工作)
1915 A Woman(女人)
1915 The Bank(銀行)
1915 Shanghaied(誘騙)
1915 A Night in the show(演出之夜)
1916 Burlesque on Carmen(卡門的鬧劇)
1916 Police(警察)
——1916-1917 1916 The Floorwalker(巡視員)
1916 The Fireman(消防隊員)
1916 The Vagabond(漂泊者)
1916 One A.M.(凌晨一點)
1916 The Count(伯爵)
1916 The Pawnshop(當鋪)
1916 Behind the Screen(幕後)
1916 The Rink(溜冰場)
1917 Easy Street(安樂街)
1917 The Cure(療養)
1917 The Immigrant(移民)
1917 The Adventurer(冒險者)
First National(第一國家影片公司)
——1918-1923 1918 A Dog"s Life(狗的生涯)
1918 Shoulder Arms(槍上肩/夏爾洛從軍記)
1918 The Bond(債券)
1919 Sunnyside(光明面/田園詩)
1919 A Day's Pleasure(一天中的快樂/快樂的一天)
1921 The Kid(小孩/尋子遇仙記/孤兒流浪記)
1921 The Idle Class(有閑階級)
1922 Pay Day(發薪日)
1923 The Pilgrim(朝聖者)
United Artist(聯美影片公司)
——1923-1952 1923 A Woman of Paris(巴黎一婦人)
1925 The Gold Rush(淘金記)
1928 The Circus(馬戲團)
1931 City Lights(城市之光)
1936 Modern Times(摩登時代)
1940 The Great Dictator(大獨裁者)
1946 Monsieur Verdoux(凡爾杜先生)
1952 Limelight(舞台生涯)
British Proction(英國倫敦影片公司)
——1957-1967 1957 A King in New York(一個國王在紐約)
1967 A Countess from Hong Kong(香港女伯爵)
❷ 卓別林的代表作有哪幾部電影
查理·卓別林(Charlie Chaplin),1889年4月16日生於英國倫敦,英國影視演員、導演、編劇。 他的代表作《淘金記》《摩登時代》《馬戲團》等。 在接下來的兩年時間里,小查理做過各種各樣的工作:賣花童、理發店小工、醫生的小工,還有報童。1903年5月,他的哥哥西德尼出海歸來,打算憑借他在船上學會的娛樂表演登上舞台。
❸ 急啊!!卓別林《摩登時代》的英文翻譯
This piece is Chaplin the last silent film. Some feelings in the world economics crisis the pain which brings for the unemployed worker, he decided that cries out with movie's vivid language. in 1935, the movie entered has a time, but Chaplin believed that with the funny exaggeration's body language, must by far in the dialog, therefore he only joined in the piece bs in music screens with the little sound. The movie pungent sharp satire, the revelation being present at work person suffers the capitalist to bully, to press out their final blood and sweat severe reality, incurs the international capital influence to rally together naturally the counter-attack, some critic's wrong misregistration solution, also adds fuel to the flames for this evil potential. The public opinion misinterprets happen to proves this movie incisiveness and profound. The audience forever forgot leading character Charlie to be involved by the machine the lens which as well as by the assembly line the volume left is made the numb machinery, in person's nose, the button screwed tight nut's lens. Outstanding have not demonstrated by its excellent expression means to the common people the life portrait which represents billion unemployed to encounter. The movie simultaneously is also he says goodbye to the tramp image in the movie art to advance to a maturer symbol.
❹ 卓別林的介紹 中英版
Charlie Chaplin, born in London on April 16, 1889, is a British actor, director and screenwriter.
His main works include gold rush, light of the city, modern times, great dictator, Mr. ver, stage career, etc.
He died at the age of 88 at home in Switzerland on Christmas morning, December 25, 1977.
❺ 誰有《卓別林(1992)》百度網盤高清資源在線觀看,小羅伯特·唐尼主演的
鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1XvqB9DOpbHEt5zbUWbl1XA
❻ 卓別林淘金記的完整英文台詞
the gold hunt
the gold rush
淘金: gold washing; panning; washg ...
記: remember; bear in mind; comm ...
One of charlie ' s most famous films was 「 the gold rush 」
卓別林最著名的電影之一是《淘金記》 。
The gold rush ( 1925 ) - a broke charlie chaplin cuts into shoe leather in lieu of a steak
淘金記? ?身無分文的查理卓別林把鞋拿來烤。
1977 charlie chaplin , english / american film star , director and procer , died , he starred in the gold rush , city lights , modern times , etc
英國/美國影星、導演、製片人查利?卓別麟逝世。他主演過的電影包括《淘金記》 、 《城市之光》 、 《摩登時代》等。
He had been reading about the sufferings of the gold prospectors in the klondike . he decided to make gold rush , which was to be one of his most famous films
當他讀到克朗代達河金礦勘探者的悲慘遭遇時,決定拍攝《淘金記》 ,該片後來成為他最知名的作品之一。
A self - confessed technological freak such as kwong tzan kuang zan relied on his own efforts of experimentation , procing hong kong s first own indigenous 3 - d film the gold hunt taojin ji 1953 with his own special prismatic lens
❼ 英語作文 喜劇演員卓別林
Charlie Chaplin was bron in a poor family in 1889. He learnt singing and dancing when he was a little boy. He was the best welcome little actor of Britain when he was ten.
Then Chaplin made the film. People have provided more applause of The Tramp which Chaplin acted. And he received Oscar Special Awards in 1972. After that, he lived in Switzerland and died on Christmas Day 1977.
Charlie Chaplin's comedies have been the classic films of the whole comedy, and his moustaches, huge pants or tail coats made every people can't forget him.
查理·卓別林(Charlie Chaplin,1889年4月16日—1977年12月25日),生於英國倫敦,英國影視男演員、導演、編劇。
❽ 卓別林電影英文名稱
1915年 《計程車上的私奔》 A Jitney Elopement
1915年 《流浪漢》 The Tramp
1915年 《拐騙》 Shanghaied
1916年 《冒牌的伯爵》 The Count
1916年 《銀幕背後》 Behind the Screen
1917年 《安樂街》 Easy Street
1918年 《狗的生涯》 A Dog's Life 又譯:《狗的生活》
1918年 《夏爾洛從軍記》 Shoulder Arms
1921年 《尋子遇仙記》 The Kid
1921年 《有閑階級》 The Idle Class
1922年 《發薪日》 Pay Day
1923年 《巴黎一婦人》 A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate
1925年 《淘金記》 The Gold Rush
1928年 《大馬戲團》 The Circus
1931年 《城市之光》 City Lights
1936年 《摩登時代》 Modern Times
1940年 《大獨裁者》 The Great Dictator
1947年 《凡爾杜先生》 Monsieur Verdoux 又譯:《殺人狂時代》、《殺人的喜劇》
1952年 《舞台生涯》 Limelight
1957年 《紐約王》 A King in New York 又譯:《一個國王在紐約》
1963年 《三十歡樂世界》 30 Years of Fun
1967年 《香港女伯爵》 A Countess from Hong Kong
❾ 《卓別林》免費在線觀看完整版高清,求百度網盤資源
鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1pcF-vZEB5P9ONIEzCC9Z4A
❿ 有誰知道 卓別林 城市之光 英文簡介,謝謝
《城市之光》影片簡介: 本片為美國國家電影保護局指定典藏珍品。 這部影片描述了一個流浪漢愛上了一位雙目失明的賣花姑娘,為了醫好她的眼睛,流浪漢拚命賺錢,參加拳擊比賽,在夜總會當打手等。 這是一部夾雜著鬧鬧吵吵的戲謔而最終抓住真愛的愛情喜劇。卓別林幽默的表演使他的形象更加深入人心。治好眼睛的賣花女,通過手的觸摸而明白了流浪漢真面目的最後一幕,令人熱淚盈眶。 本片也是查理·卓別林的最後一部默片作品,是他演藝事業中最高的藝術成就,片中充滿了淡淡的哀愁,但是卓別林則細膩、直率又幽默的肢體語言,巧妙的將其平衡。片中,小流浪漢與一個百萬富翁酒鬼之間的友誼,為此片增添了不少笑料,但是津津樂道的代表片段,還是片中的—場拳擊賽,與在餐廳中的一場瘋狂的舞蹈。 這部影片更被影迷們譽為「遺珠之憾」,因為當年的奧斯卡發現「沉默已不再是金」,默劇的時代已經過去,有聲電影當道,但是卓別林在片中卻始終一語不發,因此該片在奧斯卡上遭到冷遇。不過,如今的美國國家電影保護局已經將《城市之光》列入典藏電影目錄中,但那些同一年出品並獲得奧斯卡提名的影片,卻沒有一部列入典藏目錄。這樣子看來,小個子卓別林還是獲得了最後的勝利!