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㈠ 泰坦尼克號電影基本是真的嗎


㈡ 泰坦尼克電影 英文簡介

Titanic is a romantic film proced by 20th century fox pictures and Paramount pictures.


Directed by James Cameron and starring leonardo dicaprio and Kate winslet.


The film is set in 1912 when the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank on its maiden voyage.


It tells the story of two people from different classes, jack and Ruth, who abandon their worldly prejudices and fall in love.


Jack finally gives up his life to Ruth's touching story.



《泰坦尼克號》劇情介紹:1912年4月10日,號稱 「世界工業史上的奇跡」的豪華客輪泰坦尼克號開始了自己的處女航,從英國的南安普頓出發駛往美國紐約。




㈢ 南京河西萬達國際影城的泰坦尼克號是英文的嗎



㈣ 泰坦尼克號電影是是英國的嗎


㈤ 跪求電影<泰坦尼克號>電影簡介的中英文對照

英文: April 15, 1912,Loaded with passengers, 1316th and 891 crew luxury flat wheel ", Titanic" collided with an iceberg and sunk, This shipwreck is considered a 20th century one of the top ten disasters in the world. In 1985, ", Titanic" remains of sunken ships two and a half miles of the submarine was found in the North Atlantic. United States Explorer Mr Lovett personally into the submarine saw a picture on the wall of the cabin, Los maintained the discovery immediately attracted the attention of an old woman. Is already 102 years old rose claims that she is the girl in the picture. Diving in the hold, rose began to describe her story of the year.April 10, 1912, known as the "miracle on the instrial history of the world" ", Titanic" from the United Kingdom Southampton start towards United States New York. Rich girls rose on Board together with the mother and her fiancé Carl, on the other side, an unruly young painter Jack gambling win over against the pier to the ticket. See that Carl is a real snob rose early, from the bottom is unwilling to marry him, even going to touhai killed herself. Critical moment, Jack a teenage rose cling, two young men have known each other.To resolve teenage hearts of sorrow, Jack where happy with rose has come to life. Soon, the beautiful rose Jack fell in love with the handsome, cheerful and lively, Ross took off his clothes, put on Karl give her necklace, allows Jack to her portrait, to witness of their love. When they make love, ", Titanic" hit an iceberg.Extremely brutal tragedy happened, on the Titanic was in chaos, in the midst of critical, good and evil in human nature, noble and mean more defined. Jack had the chance to live a lover Ruth, himself in binghai is frozen.Swollen rose up after the love of this world mourn, sinking into the sea that string of priceless jewels, let it stay with Jack and this love sleep Harbour. 中文:1912年4月15敘日,賭載庇著1316號乘御客霹和891名船僵員肉的豪華扁巨然輪奉「泰坦尼蔑克號」與冰山濤相殲撞鷗而那沉沒,這場核海慕難被認瓣為幀是20世紀謹人間闌十憎大災難之一玉。1985馮年,「泰坦尼私克號蛤」昔的鴨沉陶船遺欠骸在拭北大帕西洋兩啞英陝里半的海底化被發苔現莆。美國探險檢家洛維坑特蚤親自腎潛鏟入海援底在船艙的嘿牆角壁上烙看范見油了思一幅父畫郴,洛延維持冪的笑發豪現很立刻引起了毅一位鑿老羨婦覽人的篇注蛋意奉。揖已秧經是102歲議高齡諜的羅絲洛聲稱她就是汁畫姓中的少女峽。暮在孽潛水暮艙甄里晚,羅戍絲唁開喊始主敘述她貼當吹年韻的器故豬事恐。 昆1912直年4元月10擒日,鈾被鈍稱面為八「世克界吻工業史上蠢的奇跡惕」的架「泰查坦尼壁克褪號」冗從英國的南安旺普疾頓出燭發駛往美國紐約震。富家少補女羅絲萄與母親沫及未糜婚餌夫癱卡擲爾一塹道蟹上船霹,挖另一邊,琉不殊羈歸的遺少糜年畫白家傑克淵靠廊在碼頭上驗的一移場賭橋博凡贏到圾了犢船蔣票攢。涕羅縮絲雛早躁就春看娛出甲卡爾是艷個擺十足賣的烏勢利小人,俏從苔心咯底碴里不演願盧嫁摸給戚他廓,佯甚至打算議投海自型盡。矣關滅鍵時臟刻爭,為傑稍克一把抱住剁了廖少女悠羅絲詩,兩個年輕揭人猙由傅此長相識朽。 輝賊湊為姬排雀解汛少女心萊中的索憂類愁,鑰傑克帶羅復絲不湛斷發現殷生活丙的快幸樂之處繞。很汲快公,美梳麗吾活產潑的羅絲與英災俊妙開丑朗的幀傑克拍相愛汲了翹,羅旋絲脫陪下娥衣服,戴雌上掏卡於爾送毯她的項鏈債,課讓除傑險克唯為勝她尖畫惑像,以傲此作吻為禱他恢們愛橢情的見證墟。摔當他倆皂做頻愛垮時,領「織泰翼坦惑尼克號扎」撞黨上了瘧冰山。 禱舀慘龍絕人砸寰費的蛛悲劇償發異生了,藝泰檻坦繼尼克號上擴一漁片乍混亂根,求在隘危綉急珠之中,廈人類適本感性彥中的善騾良吻與丑熙惡驢、高貴軀與呢卑劣更加譽分迎明逃。傑克鍍把褲生灰存的因機轅會岳讓給了烤愛人羅冉絲典,自掩己懼則表在冰海摳中氧被凍死氧。 輔老布態放龍鍾的淚羅絲講完這段哀慟笨天地的唇愛菩情抑之效後,把那串疙價況值連城的珠寶沉融入盼海底貴,讓瞬它陪著傑只克和這段愛絕情長裕眠海徑底。

㈥ 用英文介紹泰坦尼克號


April 14, 1912, a calm night, not even a bit of wind. If there were any, the crew would find the waves lapping at the tip of the iceberg. The Titanic was traveling at an extreme speed of 22.3 knots across the dark, icy surface of the ocean. Captain Smith ordered the watchman to observe carefully after receiving reports of ice from many ships nearby.

It was a warm winter, and the icebergs were farther south than usual. But the crew of the Titanic could not find the binoculars (the only binoculars were locked in the cabinet by the second officer, who did not end up on board), and the watchmen had to watch them with the naked eye.

It was 23 o 'clock and that man Frederick fry, who was found to survive, found a dark photo of a "two table" at a distance which quickly became high. He knocks three off the bridge and grabs the phone. "there's an iceberg right ahead!" . The six people who answered the phone, moody, informed the one next to murdoch.

Murdoch immediately ordered the bell to be fired: "all engines slow down! !! Reverse propeller no. 3. It was only 37 seconds before the lookout spotted the iceberg hitting the ship's starboard side.The first command was proved to be a fatal error. Just 37 seconds later, the Titanic was too big and moving too fast to stop and hit the iceberg.







1912年4月10日,世界最大的客運輪船「泰坦尼克號」從英國南安普頓出發,開始了它的首航。「快樂的乘客根本沒有意識到,他們剛剛登上了一座浮動的墳墓。」 四天後,號稱「永不沉沒」的巨輪撞上冰山,沉入大西洋,1500多人葬身海底。


㈦ 泰坦尼克號英文名叫什麼


㈧ 泰克尼克號是不是英文電影,急需要,馬上回答我

應該是泰坦尼克號! 是外國英文經典電影之一!前段時間有3D版本!



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