『壹』 英國《島》 電影雙語高清下載
『貳』 我想找部外國叫什麼島的電影
『叄』 神秘島電影英文版
『肆』 美國大片中有島的 電影是
前言美國大片中有島的 電影有《逃出克隆島》《小島驚魂》《孤島驚魂》《格列佛游記》《荒島餘生》
『伍』 英文電影
In 2012, Jackson brang his own son and daughter to the yellow stone park, but he found out that the lake with his good memories already disappeared by drying out. He felt strange and went into the dried out part, and met Charlie. Charlie told him that human are using too many sorces on earth, so the balence was broken, human will have a huge problem, but some countries are already making huge boats to escape. Jackson thought he was a random crazy guy, then he laughed and went away.
In the second day, it did really happened. Flood and fire came and ruined the whole planet, Jackson and his family ran for live. He remembered the crazy guy and the map that guy held, then he went foward the crazy guy's live place.
During the way to that boat, Jackson's family passed through death and life, finally to the boat. But people in the boat is limited, they have to choose people with good gene to live. But at last, they choose to let human be fare, people crowded in that boat and had the chance to reproce again....
There are some special chemical on the planet pandora that human need it to change our energy factor. But Pandora is not a place for human, its air will cause damage to humans, creatures in this planet will attack humans, and had some living on pandora's human like creature, the Na'vi s. Na'vis unlike human on this planet, so did the creatures.
Jack's brother was a DNA donater to the cloning na'vi, that he can control the cloned na'vi. After his brother's death, the company tried to find Jack because Jack and his brother has the same genes, he could also control the Na'vi ( cloning Na'vis are expensive )But Jack was happy, since he could walk again...
In the pandora, Jack was lost and met a wolf. The Na'vi princess saved him and taught jack a lot about this planet. Jack was in loved by this princess, and finally found his own reason to fight. People wanted to have more profit, so they wanted to destroy the goding tree, where the Na'vis lived..Jack tried to tell them not, but they didn't care.
At last, Jack told the Na'vi to fight, they called the whole creature group in pandora, and they successfully won the company, Jack became the leader of Na'vis...
3.The island (逃出克隆島)
Linchon 6E and Jordan 2D lived in a building that does not really touch the wourld, with about hundreds of people living there. In this building, every thing was caught by the camera, people in there has regular dealings and exercises for having a health body. They knew that after earth had a ecological disaster,every living things other than people in this building was dead. They wanted to be free, the only hope is to be chosen to "the island"-- the only place with fresh air.
But linchon had a strange dream, he dreamed that people chosen to "the island" will be caught down to the water and killed. Then he started to think, started to doubt everything in this building. The curious of linchon made him knew more things. He found out that "The island" does not really exsist. Every one in this building including Jordan and himself will die. They are just the "standby" of the oringinal person, they are cloning peoples..Once the oringinal person had some problem, the healthy organ will be sent from the cloning person to the original one, and the excuse to sent them do death, is to choose him/her to "the island".Linchon knew this, and ran away with Jordan, ran for live. The building company found out and chased them. At last they lived happily forever (..many sacrifiser in this movie......)
One trip to the wild became a death trip, these people on the boat knew nothing about this....they steped into the lake with many crocodiles.Peter, a US novelist, was also on this boat. The guide of this boat named Kathy had been peddle the idea of to have a adventure to a place she never had-- the mystery triangle by the others on the boat. They found a lake that was strange, and was attacked by a mystery thing under the water, the boat started to drown. When it was hard to move—to stay on the boat or not, Kathy made the boat forward a little island beside. If the night comes, water will flood and drown them. Then they found out that the thing attacked them was a super crocodile, they can now only escape with themselves. They tried a lot of ways, and it finally worked, but only Kathy was caught. Peter wanted to save Kathy, then he went back that dangerous place to fight with the crocodile. The crocodile ran forward to Peter, and peter raised up a stick that made crocodile』s throut though. The two had been all saved, and loved.
5.Super hero 最後來個好笑的...
Rick wat bitten by a gene changed drangonfly, and found that he had some strange super power, like strong power and hard skin that can stick. Same with all the good super heros, Rick wanted to do things good and have a nice, different future. Then, he designed a set of clothings for himself, and hidden his own face, named 「The dragonfly」. Of course, if you wanted to save the world, you will always have some difficults harder than you imagine. Stand the opposite side of rick, was Landers. Because of a experiment accident, Landers had a power to steal others』 energy, he was bad at fisrt and now worse because of the strong power, he started to want to have forever life, and became sand glass man. Same as all other stories, of corse the good side win!
『陸』 關於島上的美國電影
『柒』 尋一部美國電影 關於島上的十幾個人的生存
發行:帝門影業 Dimension Films
導演:雷尼·哈林 Renny Harlin
編劇:韋恩·克萊默 Wayne Kramer
主演:瓦爾·基默 Val Kilmer
克里斯汀·史萊特 Christian Slater
約翰尼·李·米勒 Jonny Lee Miller
LL ·酷傑 LL Cool J
凱瑟琳·莫里斯 Kathryn Morris
艾恩·貝利 Eion Bailey
七名FBI特工學員們迎來了最後的受訓課程,在嚴厲的FBI教官傑克·哈里斯(瓦爾·基默飾)的率領下,與另外一名以觀察員身份加入課程的警局探長一同來到了離加州海岸線不遠的海軍孤島基地上接受代號為「Mindhunters」的特別訓練,就像《入侵腦細胞》(The Cell)中耍弄過的噱頭一樣,在這座設備設施齊全的孤島上,他們即將與一個代號為「木偶」的虛擬殺手鬥智斗勇,他們要走入殺手的精神世界,獵捕其作案動機及下一步行動計劃。
他掛名主演,戲份似乎還不如LL Cool J重,90年前後斯萊特可是好萊塢風頭最勁的青春偶像,後來毀於吸毒和斗毆丑聞,自《斷箭》後就沒什麼叫好或者叫座的作品面世。
LL Cool J
說唱明星,在雷尼·哈林上一部戲《水深火熱》(Deep Blue Sea)中也扮演過角色。
超級偉大的片子,《絕命終結站》(Final Destination)系列後的最棒殺人場面!
——Andreas Svensson
『捌』 經典英文電影