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1. 歐美經典電影 英文賞析



2. 經典英文電影賞析的內容簡介


3. 經典英文電影對白賞析



4. 急求英文電影鑒賞論文

先知從常規意義上來講,應該算作災難片。優秀災難片有定位,在這里我只說最重要一點,那就理想和現實完美結合。如果影片太過於理想化,情節全部都虛構,那麼它給人們感受不會很真切;反之如果完全取材於真實事件,則似乎又乏味了點,可參照某部911題材影片。 如果你還沒看過先知,建議你去看看,作為災難片,影片主題說世界末日,雖然有些老套,但裡面很多新穎東西讓人眼前一亮,與以往災難片相比,也出彩地方。 我先復制一下劇情介紹,以便你對影片有大概了解。 1959年,馬賽諸塞州,威廉·道斯小學成立奠基儀式。一群天真浪漫孩童,在畫紙上繪下了對未來憧憬,由校長和老師們帶領將圖畫封藏在了時間膠囊里,深埋入基石之下。50年後現在,遵從儀式,入學新生們從地下挖出並開啟了時間膠囊,人手一份當年畫紙,而小男孩凱萊布,拿到了一張填滿不規則數字奇怪紙張。 如果不凱萊布天生執拗好奇,如果這張紙片不半個世紀前出土,如果凱萊布父親泰德不對隨機性大有研究教授,或許它只會被當成孩童囈語,隨手丟到一邊。然而,對畫紙內容感到有種難以言喻蹊蹺和詭異,泰德不由得開始了一番推演運算。讓他震驚,這些數字所傳遞編碼信息非同小可--它們竟然毫釐不差地預言了過去50年中每個重大災難! 純屬巧合?神秘預言?曠世陰謀?一個小孩子又怎能在多年前預見到所有災難依序發生時間和死亡人數?疑惑不解泰德沒有時間思索這個怎麼想怎麼無稽答案,他只知道,預示著未來KB事件數字還在不斷延伸,其中更包括了世界末日到來!地鐵慘案,81人身亡,畫紙上一個又一個預言成真,由不得他再坐視不管。一心想警告世人、阻止KB末日發生泰德,卻被所有人當成瘋子。唯一能幫助他,只有黛安娜和女兒艾比。因為她們,正當年做出神秘預言小女孩女兒和孫女 亮點一相對於世界末日,地心危機等一系列優秀災難片而言,本片場面除了最後結局之外,顯得不那麼恢宏。劇情僅僅以一個平凡人去看待這一切,尼古飾演科學家因為兒子關系無意間發現了寫有預言紙張,從論證到說服朋友,再到尋找黛安娜和她女兒艾比尋求幫助,整個過程你會覺得很無力或者說無奈,而主角不管以一個普通人身份,還以一個父親身份,他都沒有放棄普通人飛機列車事故,跑去救人。父親為了兒子,找帶按捺及其女兒;最後沒有搭上外星人飛船。 不管發生什麼,人都要作出正確選擇,即便你很渺小,很無力。 亮點二因為影片場面不很壯觀,那麼為了提高人們興趣,或者說為了刺激人們神經,影片自始自終都彌漫著一種詭異氣息,這種氣息來源分別那幾個裝扮成耳語者外星人,以及尼古兒子夢,以及很多個為什麼。即便沒有浩大場面震撼觀眾,但詭異情節和眾多伏筆,依舊讓人性質濃烈。 亮點三尼古最後回到了家裡,和父親擁抱,與父母妹妹相擁著面對死亡;女主角為了女兒,不顧危險命喪車禍。這都說明了親情永遠不可取代和至高無上。優秀電影,離不開人類眾多情感中光明一面。 亮點四影片最後,地球被太陽赤炎毀滅了,但有一小部分人被外星人轉移到了另外一個星球,包括尼古兒子和女主角女兒。雖然只很小一部分人,但當你在結尾看到兩個孩子在美輪美奐草原上奔跑時,體會到只會靈動生命。生命與希望相互陪伴。 亮點五演員方面,尼古表現依舊搶眼,一個面部表情就可以讓你明白他感受,在此不多評價,此人演技早已成神。這里重點要說女主角表現,我一開始對於女主角演技或者說表現持否定態度,覺得很多時候她反應過於激烈了,給人一種假感覺,但隨著情節延伸,當你換位思考一下之後,覺得一切都理所當然,她做得很到位。好演員不可缺少。 亮點六細節處理無可挑剔,一兩秒畫面瞬間即逝,卻能牽引出另外東西。比如說,尼古發現詭異耳語者騷擾自己兒子時候,有一個鏡頭尼古檢查左輪手槍,手槍盒子以及說明書閃現了一下。這說明兩個問題,第一,這把手槍剛買,第二,尼古從沒用過手槍,因此需要說明書。為了兒子,尼古拚命了,這個細節又一次見證了偉大父愛!細節出真知,導演、編劇在細節處理上高,實在高。 除了亮點之外,本片也繼承了優秀災難片傳統,首先現實與理想結合911第一個預言,也夠詳細,一下子就讓人心提了起來,其次,雖然本片不以浩大特效吸引觀眾,但最後地球毀滅之時,幾個特效鏡頭十分逼真,起到了效果,最後,略微悲情讓你心情難以言表,加深你對影片記憶。

5. 哪個網站上有英美電影的英文鑒賞


6. 英文電影欣賞影評

The Pursuit of Happyness is a 2006 American biographical film directed by Gabriele Muccino about the on and off-homeless salesman-turned-stockbroker Chris Gardner. The screenplay by Steven Conrad is based on the best-selling memoir of the same name written by Chris Gardner with Quincy Troupe. The film was released on December 15, 2006 by Columbia Pictures.

Chris Gardner is a bright and talented, but marginally employed salesman. Struggling to make ends meet, Gardner finds himself and his five-year-old son evicted from their San Francisco apartment with nowhere to go. When Gardner lands an internship at a prestigious stock brokerage firm, he and his son enre many hardships, including living in shelters, in pursuit of his dream of a better life for the two of them.

7. 專業角度鑒賞英語電影


8. 那裡有英文電影賞析


Green Power

"Shrek" is fun. People who haven't seen this movie, and are wary of seeing what's popular, should give it a try. It's worth watching, and will probably win you over.

Taking a Fractured Fairy Tale approach to a "Beauty And The Beast"-type plot, throwing in a few mild profanities, flatulence jokes, and Michael Myers' over-the-top faux-Scots accent, "Shrek" shows off a very snarky humor, full of jokes that will likely go over the heads of a cartoon's target audience while registering with their parents. 'Sure it's big enough, but look at the location,' Shrek observes upon seeing a giant castle in the middle of nowhere. The kids, though, will love 'Shrek' every bit as much. It's impossible not to be carried along by its merry madness.

Myers, as the title character, is certainly easier to take than he was in his last Austin Powers movie, his voice work registering real tenderness as well as the expected laughs as a misunderstood ogre who would rather tell a group of frightened villagers about the cruelties he will inflict on them and their dead bodies than cause those villagers any genuine harm. He's a bit of a softie, actually, and scared to let anyone know it.

Cameron Diaz is as beautiful to listen to hear as she is to look at in her other films. Her character, Princess Fiona, doesn't have as much room to shine as Shrek (the balance turns out better in the sequel) but she does well with what she's given.

The comic highpoints in terms of voice characterization is Eddie Murphy as Shrek's donkey companion and John Lithgow as nasty Lord Farquaad, who wants to rid his domain of Duloc of all fairy tale creatures. Murphy never stops being funny even as he helps set up key plot moments; in fact he's never been this funny since the first "Beverly Hills Cop" movie. "We can stay up late, swapping manly stories, and in the morning, I'm making waffles," the donkey tells a much put-upon Shrek, and you still laugh the fifth time you hear it. Lithgow just makes you smile whenever he opens his mouth, like when he grills a hapless gingerbread man in such a convoluted way it turns into a nursery-rhyme recitation.

Why exactly Farquaad is grilling this gingerbread man so closely isn't clear, and there are similar plot holes throughout the movie. Shrek may be too tame a character; we never really feel any worry around him. The donkey falls into a relationship with a dragon that screams "plot convenience," and there are strange little bits of cruelty, like turning a frog and snake into balloons, which just is thrown out there and let be.

But the central story, about how Shrek and Fiona struggle to overcome the odds and find true love, is really sweet and well-rendered. The animation is spectacular, a revolution for the eyes in its deep-dish panoramas and remarkable attention to textures. And the jokes keep flying, the major ones as well as hilarious bits of filigree you won't notice the first or second time but reward you for paying attention.

This is not a Disney movie, something "Shrek" makes very clear not only with its PG-13 humor but its knocks at Disney characters like Snow White and at the Magic Kingdom in the form of Duloc, where an array of "It's A Small World"-type dolls lecture Shrek and Donkey on all the things NOT to do. Frankly, "Shrek" could use a little injection of Disney heart, but Disney could use some of this picture's freshness as well. A very charming movie worth your time.

9. 請問在哪兒可以找到英文的電影鑒賞


10. 請問英文的電影鑒賞在哪兒可以找到




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