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發布時間:2021-06-29 15:32:37

㈠ 小馬寶莉大電影3歌曲蝦米


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㈤ 小馬寶莉電影2英語介紹

In the human world, the students of Canterlot High School are preparing for an upcoming musical showcase, with Twilight Sparkle's human friends to perform in their own band, the Rainbooms, at the event. While practicing, they find that they assume half-pony forms whenever they play, caused by the Equestrian magic left over from Twilight's crown. Meanwhile, former school bully Sunset Shimmer is ostracized by the rest of the student body despite her attempts to redeem herself, though Twilight's friends still value their newfound friendship with her. Sunset volunteers to show three new students—Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk—around the school. The trio, calling themselves the Dazzlings, perplex Sunset and the Rainbooms when they sing a song that creates dissent amongst the rest of the student body and convinces them to turn the showcase into a battle of the bands. Finding that the Dazzlings have also put Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna under their spell, Sunset writes to Twilight for help through a magic book given to her by Princess Celestia.
Twilight receives Sunset's message while settling into her new castle in Equestria (after the events of "Twilight's Kingdom"). She deces that the Dazzlings are sirens exiled from Equestria who feed on negative emotions to control others through their singing. Using the book's magic to create a means of activating the portal between worlds, Twilight returns to the human world alongside Spike and reunites with her human friends. She suggests that they use the power of friendship to counter the Dazzlings' spell, but they are unable to evoke their magic. With help from Sunset Shimmer, Twilight determines that they must perform a song together as to cast their counterspell; Rainbow Dash puts Twilight as the band's lead singer and Twilight begins to work out lyrics for the counterspell, finding it to be far more difficult than she originally thought. The Dazzlings are alerted to the magic protecting the Rainbooms and set the rest of the student body against the band, creating strife within the group and increasing their vulnerability to the trio's spell.
At the competition, the Rainbooms best each opposing band, giving Twilight more time to work out the spell. During the semifinal round against Trixie Lulamoon's band, Rainbow Dash breaks out into an egotistical song that nearly triggers her half-pony transformation. Sunset stops her, knowing that this would expose their plan to the Dazzlings, but this is seen as a selfish act by the student body, furthering their dislike of Sunset. The Dazzlings guile Trixie into trapping the Rainbooms beneath the stage to prevent them from participating in the final round, ring which the Dazzlings absorb their magic as Twilight's friends argue with each other. Twilight and Sunset realize that the hostility within their group is preventing Twilight's spell from working, and convince the others to work together. The band is rescued by Spike and DJ Pon-3, the latter being protected from the Dazzlings' singing by her headphones. Performing on a makeshift stage provided by DJ Pon-3, the Rainbooms transform and fend off the Dazzlings' siren forms in a magical battle. But the Dazzlings prove to be too powerful for the six of them to handle. After a near-defeat, Twilight convinces Sunset to help them fight the Sirens. After Sunset assumes a half-pony form in the process, the full band is able to break the Dazzlings' spell and destroy the gems that empower the trio, rendering them tone deaf. The Dazzlings run off in defeat while the rest of the school celebrates. Rainbow Dash offers Sunset a place in the band as a backing vocalist to replace Twilight. In response Sunset reveals that she can also play guitar. Twilight and Spike return to Equestria with the ability to return at any time, keeping in touch with Sunset via her magic book.
A montage that plays ring the closing credits shows Sunset being accepted by the student body and performing as the Rainbooms' newest singer and guitarist. In a post-credits scene, the human world's version of Twilight Sparkle is shown investigating the strange activity around Canterlot High.

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㈦ 小馬寶莉大電影3中它們各是什麼公主


㈧ 小馬寶莉大電影三用哪個音樂軟體可以聽,或者誰有


㈨ 小馬寶莉大電影共有幾部都是什麼在什麼視頻可以看


《小馬寶莉》九部故事敘述了小馬Twilight Sparkle(紫悅/暮光閃閃)為了執行導師Princess Celestia(宇宙公主/塞拉絲蒂婭公主)給她的任務,與助手Spike(穗龍/斯派克)一起來到小馬鎮學習有關友誼魔法的知識,在學習和生活的過程中她結識了五位好朋友,並獲得了真正的友誼,與朋友們共同守護Equestria(小馬利亞/小馬國)。




㈩ 哪個視頻播放器可以看完整的小馬寶莉大電影3




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