導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 他們經常去看電影英文


發布時間:2021-07-04 07:39:48

❶ 翻譯英語:1.他經常去看電影______________________ 2.她從來不穿牛仔褲和運動鞋_____________________

1. He often goes to the cinema.
2. She never wears jeans or sports shoes.
3. a pair of sports shoes
4. a pair of jeans
5. many; much; a lot of; lots of
6. watch a football match on TV
7. My brother likes reading novels.
8. different habbits
9. at once=in no time=immediately

❷ 他們常常晚上去看電影.這句話用英文怎麼說

They often go to the cinema at night.

❸ 他經常在周六去看電影用英語怎譯


He often goes to the movies on Saturday.

❹ 我經常和朋友去看電影用英語怎麼說

I often go to the cinema with my friends.

❺ 他們喜歡在哪裡看電影的英文

where do you like to watch the film?

❻ 周末。他經常和朋友們一起去看電影 用英語怎麼說

he often watches the film with his friends at the weekends

❼ 他每天都去看電影用英語怎麼說

he goes to the cinema every day


The cinema is near my house so I often go to the movies.

❾ 你想知道你朋友多經常去看電影用英語怎麼問

How often do you go to the cinema?
How many times do you watch a movie in a month?

❿ 他們經常出去,和朋友吃飯,看電影,逛街用英語怎麼說

They often go out, have meals with friend, see movie and do window shoping.他們經常出去,和朋友吃飯,看電影,逛街



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