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發布時間:2021-07-03 23:39:32

㈠ 我很喜歡看電影。英語翻譯。

1.I like watching movies very much.
2.movies是movie的復數形式;一直喜歡是like doing ,一時喜歡是like to do (film和movie意思差不多)

㈡ "我喜歡看電影"英語怎麼說謝謝..

(1)I love watching movies.

(2)I'd like to see a movie.

(3)Would you like to see the movie with me?

㈢ 我非常喜歡看電影,你呢 我喜歡看電視的英文怎麼說


㈣ 為啥人們愛看電影 英文

因為電影劇情經典 濃縮

㈤ 用英語描寫~!我為什麼喜歡看電影~!

Why do I like watching movies?
I am a great movie fans,let me tell you something about my favorites about movies.
My favorite movie is Harry Potter.I really like the spirit of that movie.Harry Potter and his two friends are the main roles of that movie.They get together and face the difficulties,wherever how hard,they never give up,that kind of pure love and outstanding courage is the very point that we should learn.
My favorite actor is Jackie Chan.I've seen his movie called "80 days around the world" and "Shanghai Kinght".He is famous for his action movies,his Chinese kung fu is really great,when I'm watching his movie,I feel really excited!He's very funny too.
He love his motherland--China,that's the most important thing.
Well,I've talked so much,so you want to know who is my favorite actress?Well,I'll tell you next time.


㈥ 我喜歡看電影用英語怎麼說

(1)I love watching movies.
(2)I'd like to see a movie.
(3)Would you like to see the movie with me?

㈦ 他喜歡看電影英語怎麼說(一般現在時)

He likes watching movies.

㈧ 以我的興趣是看電影寫一篇英文作文

I like watching movies, they are a great form of art. The sound, light, and flashing pictures of movies are always able to bring stimuli and pleasure for the human senses. Movies have brought a lot of happiness into my life. Watching movies can sooth one's emotions, or simply something fun to do with one's free time. If you want to learn about new, interesting and popular topics, you can watch comedy or romance films. If you want something exciting, you can choose to watch horry films. Personaly, I like watching war films. They teach me a lot about history, and most importantly, the tragedies of war, and the importance of peace. If you want to make new friends, it can be done very quickly if you share interest in the same film. If you have the same views about movies and actors with the person you like, you can talk about movies together. This is a great way to bring the two of you closer together.
Overall, movies are always able to bring happiness into my life...


㈨ 我們都喜歡看電影的英文怎麼說

we all like to watch the movie (我們都喜歡看電影)

㈩ 看電影的英文

  1. 看電影watch movie:

  2. 喜歡看電影Like watching movies;

  3. 正在看電影Are watching the movie。

  4. Watch a movie 看場電影,看電影;

  5. go watch a movie 去看電影。



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