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發布時間:2021-07-03 22:50:30

『壹』 美國有幾大電影公司啊 英文全寫是啥

華納兄弟製片 / 英文:Warner Bros
哥倫比亞 / 英文:Columbia
二十世紀福克斯 / 英文:20th Century Fox
派拉蒙製片 / 英文:Paramount
環球 / 英文:Universal
華特·迪士尼影片公司Walt Disney Pictures
新線電影公司 New Line cinema
頂峰娛樂 ummit Entertainment
獅門電影公司 Lions Gate Films
福克斯探照燈 fox searchlight pictures
夢工廠電影公司 DreamWorks
三星電影公司 TriStar Pictures(索尼娛樂旗下子公司)
米拉麥克斯電影公司 miramax films
焦點娛樂 Focus Features
帝門影業 dimension films
聯美電影公司 United artists
試金石電影公司 Touchstone Pictures
城堡石影業公司 castle rock entertainment
幕寶影業 screen gems inc
威秀(也翻譯為」鄉間路「)電影公司 Village Roadshow Pictures
韋恩斯坦公司 The Weinstein Company
革命電影工作室 Revolution Studios
羅格影業 Rogue Pictures
皮克斯動畫工作室Pixar Animation Studios
傑瑞·布洛克海默影業公司 Jerry Bruckheimer Films
窺視鏡(也翻譯為」望遠鏡「)娛樂公司 Spyglass Entertainment
湖岸影業 Lakeshore Entertainment
攝政娛樂 Regency Enterprises
沃爾頓傳媒公司 Walden media
驚奇娛樂電影工作室 Marvel enterprises
盧卡斯影業 Lucasfilm Ltd
想像娛樂影業 imagine entertainment
艾肯(聖像)影業 Icon Proctions
起源電影公司 Original film
傳奇影業 Legendary Pictures
壞機器電影工作室 Bad Robot
風暴(也翻譯為「輕風暴」)電影工作室 Lightstorm Entertainment
中心城電影工作室 Centropolis Entertainment
燈塔電影工作室 Beacon Films
好萊塢電影公司 Hollywood Pictures

『貳』 看電影用英文怎麼說地道啊,是see a movie還是watch a movie啊


see a movie 和 watch a movie 的不同是兩者觀看影片的場所或所用的裝置並不相同。see a movie 是指在電影院看電影,而 watch a movie 則是在電視、電腦等設備上看電影。



1、Do something active : run, exercise, go see a movie, go shopping, etc.


2、Do you prefer to watch a movie home or in movie theater?


3、They are going to see a movie this evening.


4、Chill out, watch a movie, you know ?

放鬆一下, 看一部電影什麼的 吧?

5、Ronald wants stay up late to watch a movie tonight.


『叄』 <電影是什麼>的英文版誰有呀


『肆』 誰能推薦一個電影呀英文電影

強烈推薦「這個殺手不太冷」——Leon The Professional



Léon (Jean Reno) is a hitman (or "cleaner", as he refers to himself) living a solitary life in New York City's Little Italy. Most of his work comes from a mafioso named Tony (Danny Aiello), who operates from the "Supreme Macaroni Company" restaurant. Léon spends his idle time engaging in calisthenics, nurturing a houseplant that early on he describes as his "best friend",[3] and (in one scene) watching old Gene Kelly musicals.

On a particular day on his way home, he sees Mathilda Lando (Natalie Portman), a twelve-year-old girl with a black eye and smoking a cigarette, living with her dysfunctional family in an apartment down the hallway. Mathilda's father (Michael Badalucco) attracts the ire of corrupt DEA agents, who have been paying him to store cocaine in his residence, after they discover that he has been stealing some of the drugs for himself. A cadre of DEA agents storm the building, led by a ragged and drug-addicted Norman "Stan" Stansfield (Gary Oldman), murders Mathilda's entire family, missing her only because she was out shopping when they arrived. When she returns with the groceries she was sent to buy and notices the carnage, she calmly continues down the hallway past the open door of her family's apartment, and receives sanctuary from a reluctant Léon.

Mathilda, who soon discovers that Léon is a hitman, begs him to become her caretaker, and to teach her his skills as a "cleaner": she wants to avenge the murder of her four-year-old brother, the only member of her family that she actually loved. In return, she offers herself as a maid and teacher, remedying Léon's illiteracy. Léon hesitantly accepts her offer and the two begin working together. As they do so, Mathilda admits to Léon several times that she is falling in love with him, but he says nothing back.

As Mathilda increases her confidence and experience, she locates Stansfield, follows him to his office in the DEA building in an attempt to kill him, only to be ambushed by Stansfield in a bathroom. Léon, discovering her intentions after reading a note left for him by Mathilda, rushes to the building and rescues her, shooting two of Stansfield's men in the process.

Stansfield is enraged that what he calls the "Italian hitman" has gone rogue and is killing his men. He confronts Tony and threatens him, coercing him into surrendering Léon's whereabouts. Later, as Mathilda returns home from grocery shopping, an NYPD ESU team, sent by Stansfield, takes her hostage and attempts to infiltrate Léon's apartment. Léon ambushes the ESU team and takes one of their members hostage, rapidly bartering him for Mathilda's freedom. As they slink back into the apartment, Léon creates a quick escape for Matilda as he reassures her and tells her that he loves her moments before they come for him.

In the chaos that follows, Léon sneaks out of the apartment building disguised as a wounded ESU officer, almost unnoticed save for Stansfield who recognizes him and silently sneaks up and shoots him from behind. Looming over the dying Léon, Stansfield jeers him haughtily. However just before he gives out, Léon places an object in Stansfield's hands, which he explains is "from Mathilda". Opening his hands, Stansfield recognizes it as the pin from a grenade and rips open Léon's vest to discover several grenades on his chest. Stansfield lets out a brief and final quip "Shit" right before a massive explosion destroys them both.

Mathilda heads to Tony's place as she was instructed to do by Léon. Tony will not give Mathilda more than a small amount of the fortune Léon had amassed, which was being held by Tony. His reasoning is that she is not old enough to receive the large amount of money (only allowing her a monthly allowance) and that school should be her priority until she's older. When Mathilda asks Tony to give her a 'job', and insists that she can 'clean' as Léon had, Tony sternly informs her that he 'ain't got no work for a 12-year-old kid!' Having nowhere else to go, she is then seen going to Roosevelt Island using the Roosevelt Island Tramway to return to school. Seemingly readmitted to the school, Mathilda walks into a field in front of it with Léon's houseplant in hand, she digs a hole and plants the houseplant in the grounds of the school, as she had told Léon he should, "to give it roots."

『伍』 英文電影


『陸』 什麼英文電影比較好看呀最好是新的


『柒』 各種電影名的英文

《Be There or Be Square》--在那裡或者是平等的(《不見不散》,雲山霧罩的還是見了就快點散了吧)

《Seventeen Years》--十七年(故弄玄虛,《回家過年》)

《So Close to Paradise》--天堂如此之近(《扁擔,姑娘》,譯名比原名有意思,原名讓人想起什麼《轆轤,女人和狗》之類的東東, 「 解不開的小疙瘩呀 」 )

《Ashes of Time》--時間的灰燼(《東邪西毒》,這個譯名意味深長,無論你是東邪還是西毒,武功再高還不是最後都成了時間的灰燼?)

《All Men Are Brothers: Blood of the Leopard》--四海之內皆兄弟:豹子的血(《水滸傳》,《水滸傳》有個英文譯名就是《四海之內皆兄弟》)

《Chinese Odyssey 1: Pandora『s Box》--中國的奧德賽1:潘多拉寶盒(《大話西遊之月光寶盒》,這個絕對是入鄉隨俗了,不過好象都挨不上邊耶,葡萄)

《Chinese Odyssey 2: Cinderella, A》灰姑娘(《大話西遊之仙履奇緣》,至尊寶成了孫悟空,灰姑娘穿上了水晶鞋,天才啊!葡萄)

《Funeral of the Famous Star》--明星的葬禮(淡出鳥來,《大腕》)


《Dream Factory》--夢工廠(《甲方乙方》,夠NB的)

《Steel Meets Fire》--鋼遇上了火(翻譯遇上了鬼?《烈火金剛》)

《Third Sister Liu》--第三個姐姐劉(《劉三姐》,典型的不動腦筋)

《Steal Happiness》--偷喜(《沒事偷著樂》,直接聯想到了 「 偷歡 」 ,以為是限制級的)

《Red Firecracker, Green Firecracker》--紅鞭炮,綠鞭炮(《炮打雙燈》,兒童片?)

《Breaking the Silence》--打破沉默(《漂亮媽媽》,譯名直接,反觀原名倒有賣弄風情之感)

《Emperor『s Shadow》--帝國的陰影(《秦頌》,是說希特勒的?)

《In the Mood for Love》-- 在愛的情緒中(《花樣年華》,戀愛中的譯者)


《From Beijing with Love》--從北京帶著愛(到香港換不了菜,《國產007》)

《Fatal Decision》--重大選擇(可惜FATAL有致命的意思,致命的抉擇?《生死抉擇》)

《In the Heat of the Sun》--在炎熱的太陽下(《陽光燦爛的日子》,原文的 「 陽光燦爛 」 可有寓意啊。譯文讓JEWAYS想起中學語文第幾課來著--祥子拉著人力車在街上走)

《Keep Cool》--保持冷靜(《有話好好說》,郁詎!)

《Far Far Place》--很遠很遠的地方(《在那遙遠的地方》,想起LONG LONG AGO)

《Sixty Million Dollar Man》--六千萬美圓的男人(《百變星君》,談錢很俗耶)

《Flirting Scholar》--正在調情的學者(別人看《紅樓夢》看到詩,你看到了屎?《唐伯虎點秋香》)

《Royal Tramp》--皇家流浪漢(《鹿鼎記》,為什麼不譯成 「 皇家馬德里 」 ?)

《Flowers of Shanghai》--上海之花(PG18?《海上花》)

《A Better Tomorrow》--明天會更好( 「 玉山白雪飄零,燃燒少年的心...」 ,《英雄本色》)

《Color of a Hero 》--英雄的顏色(《英雄本色》的另一譯名,是不是李陽的學生譯的啊?--GIVE YOU COLORS TO SEE SEE-- 給你點顏色瞧瞧)

《Once Upon a Time in China》--從前在中國(《黃飛鴻》,大而無邊)

《Twin Warriors》--孿生勇士(《太極張三豐》,張三豐是雙胞胎嗎?)

《A Man Called Hero》--一個叫做英雄的男人(《中華英雄》,譯者偷懶,照抄影評的第一句)

《Swordsman 3:The East is Red》--劍客3之東方紅(《東方不敗之風雲再起》,東方一紅就不敗)

《Mr. Nice Guy》--好人先生(《一個好人》,有美國本土片名風格,國內譯者可能會譯成A GOOD MAN)

《Skinny Tiger and Fatty Dragon》--(《瘦虎肥龍》這位譯者一定是後來翻譯《卧虎藏龍》的那位吧)

《Saviour of the Soul》--靈魂的救星(啊呸!真不要臉!《九一神鵰俠侶》)

『捌』 請問有誰知道一些電影的英文名字,很急呀!!!!!!!!

The Fifth Element 第五元素
The Brothers Grimm 格林兄弟
The Wedding Crashers 婚禮傲客
Fsnstastic Four 神奇四俠
Wild Wild west 飆風戰警
Gone with the wind 亂世佳人

『玖』 誰介紹幾部英文的電影啊







『拾』 電影用英語怎麼寫




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