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發布時間:2021-07-03 19:06:38

① 電影原著用英文怎麼說

original novel for the movie

② 電影 原版 英文 字幕



③ 經典 英文原版 電影


④ 求英文原版電影的簡介

The young bank staff sum and fiancee beautiful Li fall in love to is deep. They have moved in set of attractive apartments which helps by friend Cull to trade, carries on before the marriage the preparation. However when time sees a play the return, they have actually received scoundrel's robbing. The sum is hit in the fight died, beautiful Li is deeply grieved. The sum turned a spirit. He very quickly on the discovery originally is the chief instigator which friend Cull unexpectedly is causes him to die. In order to steal in the bank the great sum of money, he wants the Peru code which obtains the sum to grasp. Now he has launched the pursue to beautiful Li. How did the sum graally learn to use the strength. He frequently loafs to beautiful Li's periphery, frequently is protecting her, but actually is unable to exchange. In order to stop Cull, he found to be able with the spirit communication spirit intermediary Austria tower, and obtains the relation through her with beautiful Li. At first beautiful Li certainly did not believe. But the fact finally caused her to feel the sum existence. However deep deeply falls in love two people actually are unable directly to contact and the exchange. In order to protect beautiful Li, the penalty murderer, the sum has launched the retaliation to Cull. He took out the great sum of money which is stolen by Cull, and caused Cull's several under to encounter the retribution. Breathless Cull wants to injure beautiful Li. Luckily the Austria tower and the sum promptly rush. Facing filled the hatred spirit, Cull has finally courted destruction. Completed the wish sum end soon to go to the heaven. In front of vanishing, beautiful Li finally saw appears the personal appearance the sum. Two people closely support. In front of this life and death faithful love, was unable the masculine and feminine elements which surmounted to separate instantaneous also as if to vanishes 這個是《人鬼情未了》的介紹

⑤ 關於英文原版電影的名稱和簡介


GONE WITH THE WIND is a historical epic film of the War Between the States and Reconstruction starring Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, Leslie Howard and a host of other stars. Released in 1939, the film made box office history. It is the highest grossing film of all time (adjusted for inflation). The film received eight Academy Awards including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress, Best Screenplay, and Best Supporting Actress (for Hattie McDaniel - the first time a black had been nominated and honored)
The film is historically romantic in its treatment of many aspects of the era, including a decidedly racist view of slavery and the portrayal of the black characters. Never-the-less, it gives a fascinating view of the American South of long ago.

The film is divided into two halves. Part I deals with Scarlett O'Hara before and ring the war. Part II continues the story line after the war and Scarlett's tumultuous relationship with Rhett Butler. Each part has corresponding pages in this site, with a plot summary and a scene-by-scene outline, both with pictures. The site is arranged so you can go from one page to another from any page.

For more on GWTW and the War of Northern Aggression, go to the GWTW Links Page. For more on Films, go to Film and History Links.

GONE WITH THE WIND is part of a larger History in Film web site that supports teaching history using popular films. It includes films from Rome up to the war in Vietnam.

⑥ 找一些原版的英文電影電影

想要字幕的話去shooter.CN 下載

⑦ 有哪些英語原版電影

《惡靈騎士》《哈利·波特5》《國家寶藏2 》《火線保鏢》《我是傳奇》《黑暗物質三部曲之金色羅盤》

《X戰警》系列《蝙蝠俠》系列 《異形》系列 《異種》系列《星際旅行》系列 《終結者》系列 《黑客帝國》系列
《機械警察》系列 《侏羅紀公園》系列《回到未來》系列 《刀鋒戰士》系列《星球大戰斗》系列《角鬥士》
《生化危機》系列 《魔戒》系列 《諜中諜》系列 《天繭》系列 《雙面疑殺》《哥斯拉》《地心末日》《特洛伊》
《黑衣人》《12隻猴子》《攔截未來者》《未來水世界》《未來主宰者》《全面回憶》 《深淵》《美國黑幫》

⑧ 英語原版的電影


⑨ 電影原版和英語版有什麼區別

英語指語言是英語,而不是國語,但內容可能有刪減等 原版是指電影完全是原版,英語且未刪減

⑩ 電影原版中文和英文區別

原版就是英文原聲 且沒有翻譯;中文就是國語配音;英文就是英文原聲,中文字幕。



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