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發布時間:2021-07-03 15:27:25

① 誰知道《面子》中的音樂背景是什麼 是首英文歌 我想知道下歌名 謝啦、

Claudine Longet--Love Is Blue

② hey judy英文歌詞


③ 最好的英文歌曲

流行音樂之王的歌曲(中文)MJ獲MTV先鋒獎Medley金曲連唱清晰中英文字幕版1995 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/sFFzGqGu8xU/Man In The Mirror (鏡中人) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=3892這首是我的最愛的,這是一首非常勵志且令人感動的歌曲,看完上面的視頻你就知道他是人類的和平衛士。Earth Song (地球之歌) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=3058MJ最喜歡的創作曲!前面排比句式的歌詞與後面的嘶聲吶喊形成鮮明對比,感情深入循序漸進。關鍵是MJ告訴我們現代的人們 要保護大自然 如果不珍惜 地球就會和我們說永別.....!! 不要浪費地球給我們生命資源包括一切!!! 實在是很喜歡MJ的創作才華!
Heal The World (拯救世界) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=3581被譽為「世界上最動聽的歌曲」拯救世界(Heal the world)是一首呼喚世界和平的歌曲,十分優秀,歌詞倡導人們保護和珍惜我們的環境,讓戰爭遠離,世界和平,我們的心中都有一個地方,那就是愛,讓我們營造一個沒有戰爭、沒有荒地,生機勃勃,到處充滿了溫暖和歡樂。We Are The World (天下一家) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=4293感動世界的歌曲Dangerous(危險) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=3051超酷的,無與倫比的現場表演。They Don』t Care About Us (他們不在乎我們) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=3063巴西鼓版They Don』t Care About Us (他們不在乎我們) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=4368禁播監獄版聽見他的吶喊了嗎???Thriller(顫粟) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=273開創MTV的作品,無人能比,永生難忘!beat it (避開) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=3054巔峰之作中的經典,全世界為之瘋狂。Billie Jean (比莉珍) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=3055一舞開始傳奇人生,一直被模仿,從未被超越。Smooth Criminal(犯罪高手) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=3586現場版有非常經典的45度傾斜Smooth Criminal(犯罪高手)MV http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=3061Give In To Me (屈服於我) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=6896MJ那種迷離的神情好性感,性感到無以復加......Blood On The Dance Floor (血染舞池) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=3056多年前的記憶,邁克後無來者啊。。。Come Together (一起來吧) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=3896翻唱披鬥士的作品,超越原唱Childhood(童年) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=3057MJ的自傳體歌曲,如果你還不了解他,請聽聽這首歌曲吧。去感受他的心吧。。。。Liberian Girl (利比亞女郎) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=3059幕後的偷拍,玩得很開心啊。好來塢的大牌明星雲集約翰特拉沃爾塔,斯皮爾伯格,大衛科波菲爾......只有MJ才有這么大的面子Dirty Diana(風騷的黛安娜) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=4370MJ迷死全世界的MV,王者氣概,無人能及。IN THE CLOSET (密愛) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=3583MJ與黑珍珠的完美演繹,十多年過去了,依然經典。Remember The Time (銘記這一刻) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=3434非常有創意的MV。Scream(嘶喊) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=3060MJ唯一一次和妹妹珍妮的合作且是至今為至最貴的MV製作Black Or White (黑或白) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=4024世界上被播放次數最多的MVBad(真棒) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=4032Say Say Say (說說說) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=5949Michael和Paul合作,強強聯手。You Rock My World (天旋地轉) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=5608Invincible專輯里唯一拍的mvWill You Be There (你會守侯我身邊) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=5948JAM(自由高歌) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=3584The Way You Make Me Feel (你給我的感覺) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=9041Ben(本) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=498511歲憑借這首歌曲獲得美國最年輕的冠軍Leave Me Alone(別煩我) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=3827Who Is It (是誰) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=5931Ghosts (鬼怪) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=9236Stranger in Moscow (莫斯科的陌生人 ) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=7387Rock With You (與你共舞) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=10964Don』t Stop Til You Get Enough (滿足為止) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=11799Cry(哭泣) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=14539you are not alone (永遠相伴) http://www.yinyuetai.com/play.do?videoId=3064Fall again (重拾舊愛 ) http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/4toGFcbj2zM/speechless (無法言語 ) http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/1QD9dT-2Ibc/The Lost Children (失蹤的孩子) http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/MA0T1rTiKIc/I'll be there(我就在那裡 ) http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/WnA0-ThgPwo/MJ的創意,大小邁克爾穿越時空的重逢演唱經典名曲I'll be there(我就在那裡 ) http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/ty0zOfD5r48/小邁克現在演唱
History(歷史) http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/ulIrJ2LPg3c/混音版,畫質不是太清晰還有他的其他歌曲:off the wall 瘋狂She's Out Of My Life 她離開了我 Hold my hand 執吾之手 Butterflies 意亂情迷
D.S.For All Time 永遠Gone Too Soon 稍縱即逝 Human Nature 人之天性
I Just Can't Stop Loving You 止不住的愛戀
I Want You Back 我想你回來
Money錢 P.Y.T (Pretty Young Thing) 漂亮的小傢伙
Dear Michael 親愛的邁克爾
Fly Away 飛逝
Whatever Happens 不論發生什麼
The Girl Is Mine她是我的this is it 就是這樣

④ 電影《面子(saving face)》的插曲


⑤ 求<面子>(saving face)里的所有插曲

i found a reason--cat power


⑥ 求les電影《面子》(saving face)的插曲歌詞 所有的~

Everything But the Girl - Love is strange

Love, love is strange
Many people take it for a game
Once you've had it you're in an awful fix
'Cause after you've had it you never wanna quit
A lot of people, they don't understand
They think lovin' is money in their hand
Your sweet lovin' is better than a kiss
When you leave me those kisses I will miss

Love, oh woh, love is strange
Many people, oh woh, take it for a game
Once you've had it, oh woh, you're in an awful fix
'Cause after you've had it, oh woh, you never wanna quit
A lot of people, woh woh, they don't understand
They think lovin', oh woh, is money in their hand
Your sweet lovin', oh woh, is better than a kiss
When you leave me, oh woh, those kisses I will miss
When you leave me, oh woh, those kisses I will miss
Those kisses I will miss, those kisses I will miss
Those kisses I will miss
Cat Power - I found a reason

Oh I do believe
In all the things you say
What comes is better than what came before

And youd better come come, come come to me
Better come,come come, come come to me
Better run, run run, run run to me
Better come

Oh I do believe
In all the things you say
What comes is better that what came before

And youd better run run, run run to me
Better run, run run, run run to me
Better come, come come, come come to me
Youd better run
After A Kiss(網友做的經典視頻配樂,很好聽)

Here we are on different sides of the fence
These angry words just don't make any sense
It doesn't really matter, whose right or wrong
I'd rather hold you than argue all night long
I'm gonna walk out that door
And walk right back in
Straight to your arms, start all over again
'Cause you and I know our love's bigger than this
Let's talk about it, after a kiss
Funny how it seems we hurt the ones we love
Tell me now that you agree we've said enough
Baby, we were laughing an hour ago
Can we back up and make up and let it go
I'm gonna walk out that door
And walk right back in
Straight to your arms, start all over again
'Cause you and I know our love's bigger than this
Let's talk about it, after a kiss
It doesn't take much to turn this around
If we both know our hearts are in it
Baby, your touch has never let me down
So wait right here just a minute
I'm gonna walk out that door
And walk right back in
Straight to your arms, start all over again
'Cause you and I know our love's bigger than this
Let's talk about it, after a kiss


⑦ 急求:電影<面子>的插曲 <after a kiss>的歌詞

歌手:Carolyn Dawn Johnson 地址: http://www.songtaste.com/song/203849/ 打開點播放`也可以下栽` 歌詞: Here we are on different sides of the fence These angry words just don』t make any sense It doesn』t really matter, whose right or wrong I』d rather hold you than argue all night long I』m gonna walk out that door And walk right back in Straight to your arms, start all over again 『Cause you and I know our love』s bigger than this Let』s talk about it, after a kiss Funny how it seems we hurt the ones we love Tell me now that you agree we』ve said enough Baby, we were laughing an hour ago Can we back up and make up and let it go I』m gonna walk out that door And walk right back in Straight to your arms, start all over again 『Cause you and I know our love』s bigger than this Let』s talk about it, after a kiss It doesn』t take much to turn this around If we both know our hearts are in it Baby, your touch has never let me down So wait right here just a minute I』m gonna walk out that door And walk right back in Straight to your arms, start all over again 『Cause you and I know our love』s bigger than this Let』s talk about it, after a kiss

⑧ 求<面子>(saving face)里的插曲

歌名:Cat_Power—I Found A Reason

歌詞:I do believe
In all the things you say
What comes is better than what came before

And you'd better come come, come come to me
Better come come, come come to me
Better run, run run, run run to me
Better come

Oh I do believe
In all the things you say
What comes is better that what came before

And you'd better run run, run run to me
Better run, run run, run run to me
Better come, come come, come come to me
You'd better run

⑨ 是不是再過幾年就不用學英語




⑩ 面子事兒 歌詞

沒錢時候挺著 有錢還得躲著
就是傷不起的 什麼都要扛著
浪漫就是哄著 愛情就得捨得
為了心上那個人兒 砸鍋賣鐵腫么了
就算兜里空著 手裡也得攥著
不能被人比下去 說什麼也得HOLD住了
你開著車 也未必舒服過走著
誰不想要樂呵 誰不想被捧著
誰不想吃香的 誰不想要好的
先嘗苦的 才有甜呢




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