導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 我看了一部電影英文


發布時間:2021-07-03 13:20:35

⑴ 去年我看了一部電影翻譯成英語

Last year I watched a Japanese horror movie "9877"--which actually scared me a lot.Since then,I decided not to watch horror movie anymore.

⑵ 「我看過這部電影」用英語怎麼說 我需要地道一點的回答。

I have seen the film.

⑶ 我昨天看了一部電影英語

1.I saw a movie yesterday.2.I bought a new bag the day before yesterday.3.I played football yesterday.4.I saw a UFO in 1997.5.I listened to an English song the day before yesterday.


I saw a very good movie

⑸ 英語作文我看過的一部電影300字

I saw a movie called "Nemo", I see the beautiful underwater world inside, blue sea life with hundreds of marine organisms, a lovely and beautiful girl Octopus jellyfish, and good big turtle. There are many beautiful sea algae, sea anemones, corals and be riotous with colour.
In the sea there is a red orange clown fish Nemo, he called. Once when he and students go to the cliff play caught a dentist, Nemo's father to save him, fling caution to the winds of the chase, along the way, he fell to the three terrible sharks in his hand, but he used his wisdom and courage to let mine explosion, blow them to fly, he also with sharp blame giant shark, fight, and through the poisonous jellyfish swarm, after go through untold hardships, he in many animal friends help, he finally found his son -- nemo.
Look at them hugs in together, I also cried. I think my mom and dad must also like Nemo's father loved me.

⑹ 上周四我看了一部電影英文

英文可以是,I saw a movie last Thursday.

⑺ 今天我看了一部電影,名字叫XXX。翻譯成英文

I watched a film named xxx today.

名為… 用named十分恰當,從結構和文意上看都很合適

⑻ 最近我看了一部電影用英語怎麼說

Recently I have seen a film called Avatar.It tells us that we should protect the environment.It is a film that is worth seeing.

⑼ 今天我看了一部電影,名字叫XXX.翻譯成英文

I watched a film named xxx today.
名為… 用named十分恰當,從結構和文意上看都很合適

⑽ 我上周末看了一部電影用英語怎麼翻譯

I saw a movie last weekand.



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