導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 電影結尾的英文


發布時間:2021-07-02 11:25:21

⑴ 電影什麼時候結束 英語如何表達.

When did the movie finish?
When will the movie finish?

When will you finish your lesson/class/school?

⑵ 電影已經結束了(英文) 快啊.

The movie already ended

⑶ 在電影結束的時候,英文

when the movie ended...

⑷ 電影末尾的「彩蛋」英文怎麼說

At Easter, people usually decorate shells of cooked eggs with different colors, or make the chocolate into the shape of an egg, then give the egg as presents to children. In some countries, easter eggs are hidden and children look for them. The first time that 「easter egg」 used as a metaphor for surprise scene was in the movie 「The Rocky Horror Picture Show」.
so: Easter Egg (彩蛋) 代表電影結束時的驚喜

⑸ 「電影結束之後」在英語中怎麼說

After the End of the Movie

But you've come this far, and after many, many lifetimes it would be a shame to leave before the end of the movie.

⑹ 電影結束時未完待續英文縮寫是end還是ent

電影結束時未完待續的ent 一般是 to be continued

⑺ 「電影結束之後」在英語中怎麼說

afterthemovie.或 whenthemoiveended..........

⑻ 記住我電影 最後的結束語英文版的是什麼,

Whatever you do in life will be insigificiant,
but it's very important that you do it because nobody else will.
Like when someone comes into your life,
and half part of you says:"You are nowhere near ready."
But the other half says:"Make her yours forever."
Micheal,Caroline has asked me what I will say if I know you could hear me,
I said I do know.
I love you.
God I miss you.
And I forgive you.

⑼ 哪幾個電影結尾的時候會有the end的英文




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