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發布時間:2021-07-01 14:20:08

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『貳』 用英語描繪一下戛納電影節

Cannes international film festival, founded in 1946, is the most influential and top international film festival in the world today. Together with Venice international film festival and Berlin international film festival, it is known as the three major international film festivals in Europe, also known as the three major international film festivals in the world. The highest award is the palme d 'or.

Since its inception, cannes international film festival has always adhered to its original intention of promoting the development of the festival, revitalizing the world film instry, and providing an international stage for the world's filmmakers.

In addition to adhering to the original intention of the festival, the festival is also ready to accept new concepts and ideas. Over the past few decades, the festival has evolved beyond its core values to discover new talent in the film instry and create a platform for communication and creativity.

『叄』 用英語描述戛納電影節的歷史由來


In the late 1930s, France was impressed by the high fascist flames of Germany and Italy at that time.


Especially Joseph Goebbel, the German propaganda minister, made great efforts to run Lenny Rifenstall to shoot the Berlin Olympics in 1936. After that, he became the documentary "Olympia" in 1938. He was strong in the Venice Film Festival in 1938 and won the Mussolini Prize for Best Foreign Film.


The French Minister of Public Administration and Art, Chan Jay, accepted Philip Elanger's proposal and decided to create a New International Film Festival in Cannes.


The full name of the first film festival is "International Film Festival". Cannes was chosen because of the comfortable climate there.


In June 1939, Louis Lumier chaired the first International Film Festival, which lasted from September 1 to September 30.

『肆』 戛納的英文是什麼








『伍』 戛納電影節金棕櫚大獎用英文怎麼說

戛納電影節金棕櫚大獎翻譯成英文是: The palme d 'or at the cannes film festival





『陸』 戛納電影節的英文介紹在哪找了


『柒』 關於法國戛納電影節的英語介紹




The Cannes Film Festival (French: Festival de Cannes) is an international film exhibition and film award that was first held by France in 1939 in Cannes, the southern city of the country, revived after World War II and expanded in the same place. It is one of the most influential film festivals in the world.

It is called the Five World Film Festivals together with the Berlin Film Festival in Germany, the Venice Film Festival in Italy, the Toronto International Film Festival in Canada and the Caroville Film Festival in Czech Republic. It is also called the Four World Art Film Festivals with the Berlin Film Festival, the Venice Film Festival and the Moscow Film Festival in Russia.

Cannes Film Festival is held in mid-May every year for about 12 days. It usually opens on Wednesday and closes on Sunday every other week. In addition to film competitions, market exhibitions are also held at the same time.

『捌』 about 戛納電影節的名稱 英文名是什麼

戛納電影節的英文名全稱為:Cannes International Film Festival


早期,戛納電影節因「大海」、「美女」和「陽光」(Sea Sex Sun)而被稱為3S電影節。






『玖』 英語介紹戛納電影節

Cannes International Film Festival, also translated as Cannes International Film Festival, was founded in 1946 and is the most influential and top international film festival in the world today.


With the Venice International Film Festival and the Berlin International Film Festival, they are also known as the three major international film festivals in Europe and the three major international film festivals in the world. The highest prize is the "Golden Palm Award".


The Cannes International Film Festival is held in mid-May every year for about 12 days. In addition to film competitions, market exhibitions are also held at the same time.


The Festival is divided into six moles: "Formal Competition", "Two Weeks for Directors", "One Watch", "Movie Critics Week", "New Appearance of French Films" and "Outside Market Exhibition".


Since its inception, the Cannes International Film Festival has always adhered to its original intention of promoting the development of the festival, revitalizing the world film instry, and providing the international stage for world filmmakers.


In addition to insisting on the original intention of the festival, the festival is also ready to accept new conceptual ideas.


In the past few decades, film festivals have been developing on the basis of their core values. They are committed to discovering new entrants in the film instry and creating a platform for communication and creation for film festivals.


『拾』 用英語來描繪一下戛納電影節

Cannes International Film Festival, founded in 1946, is the most influential and top-notch international film festival in the world. It is also known as the three major international film festivals in Europe and the three major international film festivals in the world together with the Venice International Film Festival and the Berlin International Film Festival. The highest award is the "Golden Palm Award".

The Cannes International Film Festival is held in mid-May every year for about 12 days. In addition to film competitions, market exhibitions are also held at the same time. The Festival is divided into six moles: "Formal Competition", "Two Weeks for Directors", "One Watch", "Movie Critics Week", "New Face of French Film" and "Outside Market Exhibition".

Since its inception, the Cannes International Film Festival has always adhered to its original intention of promoting the development of the festival, revitalizing the world film instry, and providing the international stage for world filmmakers. In addition to insisting on the original intention of the festival, the festival is also ready to accept new conceptual ideas. In the past few decades, film festivals have been progressing on the basis of retaining their core values. They are committed to discovering new entrants in the film instry and creating a platform for communication and creation for film festivals.



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