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發布時間:2021-07-01 10:10:50

㈠ 急求一份介紹電影的英文PPT!!!


㈡ 電影發展史ppt


㈢ 求一個全英文的ppt 有關電影介紹的

With Po long-lost father suddenly appeared, the father and son reunion with people came to a piece of unknown panda paradise. Here, met a lot of lovely panda similar Po. When a mysterious force villain trying to sweep China, destroying all the martial artist, Po must be grasped the nettle and put those keen pleasure, clumsy panda villagers trained a group of invincible kung fu panda.

㈣ 2012電影英文介紹ppt

Curtis Jackson (John Cusack ornaments) to the Yellowstone National Park vacation with children play, they found that had good memories of the lake has dried up, and this region has become a closed area. Yellowstone is full of doubts of his camp near the chance to know Charlie. Charlie told him the greatest in human history as the first outbreak of the sun, the earth's own balance system has collapsed, mankind will face unprecedented natural disasters. Charlie said that some countries have developed and built in the joint secret can avoid this disaster spacecraft. Jackson thought he was crazy, they laugh it off and walked away.
But the next day, disaster would happen. Strong earthquakes, volcanic eruptions to great home front became a familiar hell on earth. Elsewhere in the world, various natural disasters on an unprecedented scale outbreak. Jackson and many families survive as set foot on the road. Face of the global natural disasters do not know where he suddenly remembered Charlie mentioned the Ark and maps, and decided to search for Ark base chance of survival.
Ark in the search for and to base the process, Jackson has experienced a death in the face. Eventually they finally reached the ark base. However, the Ark has been completed the number of manufacturing is far from meeting the world heard the news coming from the affected people. Who is who remain have become a challenge to the entire human moral choice. The face of disaster, from different countries made the most important human choice: "All are equal, has an equal chance of survival!" Ark of the last people finally spent this global disaster, obtained to continue the reproctive and development of hope.


㈤ 求一個全英文的介紹電影的ppt


㈥ 跪求 英文電影介紹ppt 感謝感謝


㈦ 求電影發展歷史的資料,一定要英文的啊


㈧ 求一個介紹三部英語電影的ppt 要用英文介紹 不用太復雜 開一頁頭 一業結尾 中間三頁分別介紹三部





㈨ 急求一科幻電影的英文PPT


㈩ 求關於世界電影發展史的英文presentation的ppt

勵20(財富值+經驗值) +15分鍾內



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