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① 有部電影叫最後的莫西幹人,我覺得這部電影的插曲很好聽,誰知道那插曲叫什麼名字


本片配樂由 Trevor Jones 和 Randy Edelman 兩位音樂家連手,不過二人的音樂風格和成績表現有明顯的落差, Jones 的主題作曲和整體的效果氣勢上,要比 Edelman 的作品強出許多, Trevor Jones 的主旋律是一個十分成功的作品,不僅可以揮撒的豪氣乾雲,同時也是一個十分動人的 Love Theme ,在音樂中也整合了 」The Gael」 (如 The Kiss , Promentory , Writen by Dougie Maclean )的愛爾蘭色彩,和 」Orchestral Mohican」 ( The Glade Part II , Writen by Daniel Lanois )的印弟安歌頌,加強故事角色出身背景的形象,也都是旋律很動聽的主題旋律. Fort Battle 是一段氣勢情感與旋律性都十分成功的動作主題,而 Massacre/Canoes 在音樂格式上則是管弦版的 」 布蘭詩歌 」 ,由 Track 1. 聽到 Track 9. ,原聲帶前半段由 Trevor Jones 作曲的部分一氣呵成,兼具了豪情氣魄與柔情唯美,有很高的音樂欣賞效果.
自 The Courier 之後音樂進入由 Randy Edelman 作曲的部分,其實 The Courier 和 Cora 在主旋律的作曲上也算是很好的作品,不過在風格上和 Trevor Jones 的作品並不融合, Edelman 的作品採用帶有現代感和民謠色彩的吉他編曲,聽起來幾乎像是另外一部電影配樂,令人彷彿看到了美國60年代的無際麥田和恬靜無爭的鄉間小鎮.而 Edelman 其餘的作品,不曉得是不是因為他的運氣稍差,分配到的配樂段落都是電影中比較陰沉的部分,使得這些作品幾乎都很無趣,最後一首由 Giaran Brennan 製作的主題曲 I Will Find You ,是時下風行的新世紀美聲風格,算是可以稍微拉抬一下原聲帶每況愈下的無力感.
整體而言,這張作品可以算是 Trevor Jonse 的代表作,但 Edelman 的發揮有限,而且不如 Jonese 那樣抓到電影的神髓.不過像《最後的莫希幹人》這樣的電影音樂展現了電影的微妙處,電影常是不符合現實,但大家又都能接受的藝術產物,就像這樣一部風格現代化,而且沒有明顯民族色彩的電影配樂,也可以一點也不勉強的放在一個歷史傳奇電影中,而且同樣能令人感到震撼與感動.


② 最後的莫希幹人 電影英文簡介

During the French and Indian War in 1757, Mohican Chingachgook (Russell Means) with his sons, Uncas (Eric Schweig) and adopted white Nathaniel Hawkeye (Daniel Day-Lewis), visit the Cameron frontier household. Friend Jack Winthrop (Edward Blatchford) tells them he is gathering militia for the British army. General Webb agrees to grant the militia leave if their homes are attacked, in return for their reinforcement of Colonel Edmund Munro (Maurice Roëves) at Fort William Henry.

Newly arrived Major Duncan Heyward (Steven Waddington) and the Huron guide Magua (Wes Studi) are to escort Munro's daughters, Cora (Madeleine Stowe) and Alice (Jodhi May), from Albany to their father at the fort. Duncan wishes to marry Cora but she feels only friendship for him. Magua leads the group into an ambush by his Huron party but Hawkeye, Uncas and Chingachgook save Duncan, Cora and Alice and decide to escort them to the fort.

Along the way the Cameron home is found razed and its occupants murdered, most likely by a war party as nothing has been stolen. The group arrives at the fort which is under siege by the French but sneak in. Munro is surprised at his daughters』 arrival, because he sent a letter for them to stay away and requesting reinforcements but the courier was intercepted by Magua. The fort can only hold for three more days, so a messenger is sent to General Webb for help. Cora and Hawkeye have become attracted to one other and so when Munro and Hawkeye disagree about the attack on the Cameron home, a jealous Duncan publicly claims that it was done by thieves. He privately confesses to Munro afterwards that Hawkeye was correct but Munro believes that British interests and the defense of the fort are more important and refuses to let Jack and the militia leave to defend their homes and families. Cora is disgusted by Duncan for lying and tells him that she will not marry him. Hawkeye helps the militia desert, despite Munro's threats and is arrested for sedition and sentenced to hang, despite Cora's pleas. French General Montcalm (Patrice Chéreau) generously offers all in the fort safe passage to Albany if they surrender and vow to never fight in North America. Munro reluctantly accepts after Montcalm shows Webb』s intercepted message, showing that no aid is forthcoming.

Magua berates Montcalm for making peace, revealing that his village was destroyed and his children killed by Munro's troops, assisted by the Mohawk; though he regained his freedom from Mohawk slavery, his wife remarried believing he was dead. Montcalm, though intending to honor the terms, implies to Magua that he does not want to fight the British troops a second time. In consequence, the retreating British soldiers and their families are ambushed by Magua's men. Magua cuts out Munro's heart but not before promising to kill Munro's daughters to extinguish his line. Hawkeye, Cora, Alice, Uncas, Chingachgook, Duncan and two British soldiers flee in canoes across Lake George and down a river to a cave behind a waterfall but Magua and his men are soon upon them. For their safety, Hawkeye urges Cora and Alice to submit if captured and promises he will find them later, then leaps with his father and brother down the waterfall. Magua takes Duncan and the two sisters to a Huron village.

Magua is negotiating with the sachem when they are interrupted by the arrival of an unarmed Hawkeye. Despite provocations and threats by the warriors, he manfully walks into the village holding aloft a collection of wampum beads that declare his right to be heard and to be left unharmed. With Duncan translating in French, Hawkeye convinces the chief that Magua is acting for his own interests, rather than for the good of the tribe. He tells the chief that Magua's heart is filled with white mans' sickness for power and loot. The chief decides that Cora is to be burned alive to atone for Magua's children, gives Alice to replace Magua's wife so that both bloodlines can continue and orders Duncan's return to the British to placate them. Hawkeye is released in recognition of his bravery but pleads to take Cora』s place. Duncan deliberately mistranslates, sacrificing himself instead, so Hawkeye and Cora can go free. Magua curses the sachem and departs with Alice and his men. From a safe distance, Hawkeye mercifully shoots Duncan as he is being burned alive.

Uncas, who cares for Alice, races ahead to intercept Magua's band, killing several warriors before engaging Magua in single combat. Magua kills him, then drops his body off the cliff. Rather than join Magua, Alice follows Uncas, jumping to her death. Seeing this, Hawkeye and Chingachgook fall upon the Hurons, killing several. While Hawkeye holds the rest at bay, Chingachgook engages and kills Magua. After a ritual for Uncas and Alice with Cora and Hawkeye, Chingachgook announces that he is the last of the Mohicans.

③ 最後的莫西幹人 電影


④ 在哪裡可以找到《最後的莫西幹人》電影


⑤ 電影《最後的莫西幹人》原曲叫什麼

原曲:Alborada Del Inka - The Last Mohican


Alborada Del Inka是非常牛逼的一支印第安音樂樂隊,來自秘魯

⑥ 在哪可以下載到電影《最後的莫西幹人》

http://www.tudou.com/playlist/id/2469713/ 土豆有,然後你可以用iTudou下載視頻的


⑦ 最後的莫西幹人的影片信息

Director:Michael Mann
Writers (WGA):James Fenimore Cooper (novel)
John L. Balderston (adaptation) ...
Release Date:25 September 1992 (USA) more
Genre:Adventure | Romance | War more
Tagline:The first American hero.
Plot:Three trappers protect a British Colonel's daughters in the midst of the French and Indian War. full summary | full synopsis
Plot Keywords:Native Americans Adopt White Man | Love Triangle | Battle | Battle Scene | Epic more
Awards:Won Oscar. Another 5 wins & 10 nominations more

⑧ 《最後的莫西幹人》電影的經典台詞

最經典的是「不要忘記我們來自於哪裡,我們是誰」Great Spirit and the Make of all life...a warrior goes to you swift and straight
as an arrow shot into the sun. Welcome him
and let him take his place at the council fire
of my people.
He is Uncas, my son.
Bid them patience and ask death for speed;
for they are all there but one
- I, Chingachgook - Last of the Mohicans.

⑨ 最後的莫西幹人 電影,最好高清

你搜The Last of Mohicans 720p有很多 字幕的話去射手網搜下



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