Ⅰ 謊言西西里結局什麼意思

該片講述了在摩登都市上海,足跡還遠至充滿美麗傳說的義大利西西里,上演一場跨越國界和地域的動人戀情 。韓國男孩俊浩(李准基飾)以隱形的方式默默守護心愛女友小悠(周冬雨飾)——一位天真爛漫的小女生,並幫助其重啟人生和愛情,但兩人的甜蜜愛情中突遇說不清道不明的白色謊言。
Ⅱ 電影《真實的謊言》的影評
3. 作為這么久遠的動作片,好看程度絲毫不亞於如今的好萊塢大片,可見一斑。
Ⅲ 求美國電影《真實謊言》的觀後感
大多數的家庭夫妻之間都相敬如「冰」。妻子們總是覺得自己的老公呆板、沒有激情,常常為了他們那些枯燥的工作而忽略了家庭,卻還自以為自己的工作有多了不起似的;而丈夫們面對這種指責可能只是無奈,由於他們不可能,或者說他們中的大多數不可能以其在工作上的超凡脫俗的表現來重新贏回夫人心,也不大有希望擺脫平日的「衣食之累」,而專門去為妻兒經營浪漫,那就只能幻想著自己比現實中要能幹得多了,或者幻想著自己的老婆會突然發現:原來他們是如此的重要和了不起,就像影片中的女1號那樣驚嘆:「天!我嫁給了藍波(史泰龍扮演的一個絕世英雄的名字)」!我認為,這是整部影片的點睛之筆,它道出了這部影片的主旨。你想啊,一天到晚中規蹈矩、對自己和家庭也似乎熱情不再的老公卻原來是一個叱吒風雲、能上天入地的英雄(而且這還是他只所以呆板、乏味的原因),這是不是一種讓人吃驚的幸福?我不知道你怎麼看,但是看整部影片的後半部分不惜花重墨描寫女1號得知真像後的驚訝(包括她讓人哭笑不得地急於在恐怖分子面前表明自己的身份),作如此推測應該也不無理由。而且不知你注意沒有,當女1號被男1號救下來安全地站到了飛機上,稍稍平靜了一下,卻仍在一絲壞笑之後又發出驚聲尖叫,剛開始的尖叫還可能是因為驚恐,但後來這尖叫應該是發自興奮的了吧。這部片子,也許能滿足不少男人的幻想(或者應該說是所有「小」男人的幻想),可能它也只能滿足他們的幻想,你看了就很不以為然嘛。好像,它是一部拍給男人們看的電影。它滿足了大部分男人的幻想、它給了他們一個經典的、絢麗的幻想。從這個角度來看,《真實的謊言》的得名可能不光是因為它包含了一個個說給太太們聽的謊言(形式上雖是一個謊言),更可能是因為這個故事本身就是一個能夠滿足男人們的謊言(而事實上男人大多有這種幻想卻是真實,女人都「望夫成龍「也是真實,此觀後感切中主旨),它是如此切中肯綮,以至於雖明知它是虛假仍讓需要它的人們趨之若鶩,在它編織的美麗的謊言里放縱自己的幻想。它是謊言,但它表達了一種真實的心態,所以它叫做「真實的謊言」。從這個意義上講東施效顰的《史密斯夫婦》只是因了男1號和女1號的魔鬼身材才得以叫賣也是在意料之中的事,因為在這部糟糕的模仿片中,謊言,就只是謊言,離開了人們的生活(這是現實,卻是要人批判的現實,人們的無聊與焦躁已沒有耐心去拍也沒有耐心去品味經典,只有快餐文化。糟糕的模仿源於當代人的精神潰乏) 。
Ⅳ 求一部電影名。簡介是說一個人在撒了一個謊後,不得不用一連串的謊言去彌補,最後不可收拾。

Ⅳ 韓國電影《優雅的謊言》結局是什麼金香奇飾演的女孩為什麼會自殺
結局是萬智她們發現千智自殺前留在毛線球里的遺書,知道千智走前原諒了冷暴力者和對家人的祝福,她們學會用愛去生活下去。(萬智也原諒了自食惡果的那人。) 原因 有著一個打著好朋友的牌子背地裡散播流言慫動全班鄙視你厭惡你遠離你 的人 在加上性格上較內向 家人沒有重視其悶悶不樂之態(有關注到但沒深究)
Ⅵ 電影《無雙》結局什麼意思10個細思極恐的疑問你看懂了么

Ⅶ 萬箭穿心 電影的結局是什麼意思

Ⅷ 關於美國電影《謊言之下(WHAT LIES BENEATH)》劇情的問題!
Claire Spencer (Michelle Pfeiffer) enters a new phase of her life after a serious car accident leaves gaps in her memory. She is married to the renowned scientist Dr. Norman Spencer (Harrison Ford). Shortly after arriving in a new lakeside house in Vermont that once belonged to Norman's scientist father, her daughter Caitlin leaves home to go away to college. One day when Claire is working in the garden she hears loud sobbing coming from over the fence. It turns out to be her neighbor, Mary Feur (Miranda Otto). She seems terrified and Claire is very concerned, thinking that her husband is beating her. Norman tells her not to worry. Claire wakes in the middle of the night, and looks out of the window. She sees Mary's husband Warren (James Remar) dragging what looks like a body bag out into the boot of his car. By the time Claire had woken Norman, there was nothing left to see.
The next day, Claire decides to investigate by taking a basket of flowers and wine to the house as a "Welcome Gift". After nobody answers the door she walks round the side of the house and makes a startling discovery; a woman's sandal with a dark stain on it... She collects the sandal, and returns to the front door to leave the basket there. Warren returns as she is leaving the basket, and Claire explains why she was there and asks where Mary is. Warren gives a vague answer which leaves Claire even more worried.
Mysterious events begin to happen in Claire's house when Norman is not there - a picture falling off the window sill, doors opening and closing themselves and the computer screen typing 'MEF MEF MEF' (Mary E Feur).Throughout the film a framed news paper clipping of Claire and Norman at a awards ceremony keeps mysteriously falling off tables and the glass breaks. At one point, Claire is running a bath and as she looks into the water she sees a second reflection over her shoulder. Claire then believes that Mary is dead, and is now haunting her.This prompts her to visit her husband at work in his lab. She chats to one of the scientists who explains the drug halothane which they are using in the lab. It paralyzes but leaves the victim completely conscious. Norman, of course, thinks that Claire is feeling a bit empty since Caitlin is at university and this is just an excuse to grab attention. Desperate for closure, Claire invites her best friend Jody to join her for a séance in her bathroom where she had seen the reflection of Mary. Claire proces the sandal she had earlier taken from Mary's house, and places it on the table. The Ouija board does not move, but a candle starts to flicker, then goes out. The dial on the Ouija board then starts to move slowly from M to F. Nothing else happens, so Claire and Jody break the Ouija circle and Claire puts the Ouija board in a cupboard downstairs under some sweaters, and asks Jody not to tell Norman about the séance which Jody tifully does not.
Claire returns to Norman's workplace, where she informs Norman of what she and Jody had done. Norman tells her that she is going crazy, and decides to take her home. As they are crossing a bridge, they meet Warren, and Claire starts accusing him of killing Mary. When Warren looks confused, a lady comes over and asks him what the problem is. It turns out to be Mary Feur, leaving Norman and Claire very embarrassed.
When Claire is once again downstairs in the dark, the picture falls off the windowsill again, and Claire removes the newspaper cutting from the broken frame. She notices the back of the cutting, where a missing person's report is. Half way down the report, a name is mentioned - Madison Elizabeth... The end is cut off as it was only a cutting from the newspaper. Claire searches the missing persons records for Madison Elizabeth F. There her name was - Madison Elizabeth Frank, MEF. She looks at the picture on the record, and it looked like the reflection that Claire had previously seen in the bath. As Madison had been a student at the University where Norman had been a lecturer, Claire decides to investigate by visiting Madison's mother. It turned out that Madison had never been found. Claire finds a lock of hair in Madison's room, and takes it, and also sees a photo proving that a strangely shaped key she had found at home was Madison's.
Claire returns home to Norman, and behaves to him as if she were Madison trying to sece him. She then looks into the mirror and sees herself drenched, standing in the doorway. She realizes she can see herself before the car accident, when she had caught Norman with one of his students. She is distraught and goes to stay with Jody who tells her that she had seen Norman with a young woman in a bar in the local arty town of Adamant just before the accident, but then decided it would be better not to tell Claire. After an unhappy phone call, Claire decides to go home. She finds Norman in the bathtube, apparently electrocuted, but he turns out to be alright. As he denies ever having been in Adamant, she visits the town and guesses the key unlocks a jewelery box she sees in a shop window. Diving into the lake by her house she finds the box. As she steps back into the house, Norman sees her. he notices the box and has to tell her everything.
He explains that he slipped, just once. He began a relationship with Madison and soon after realized his mistake: he loves Claire much more. But Madison was unstable and she threatened Norman that she would tell Claire, or worse, kill her. One day soon after the accident Norman came home to find her dead of an overdose of pills and a letter to Claire explaining everything. He put everything into her car and pushed it into the lake, burning the letter. He wanted to save his marriage, and his career. He and Claire then agree he should call the police and close the case. Norman makes a call from the house phone and goes off for a shower. Suspicious, Claire checks through the phone and the last called number is not the police. At that moment Norman presses a cloth containing halothane into her face and she is paralyzed. He places her into the running bath, for her to drown, unable to move, but completely conscious while she is paralyzed. He gives Jody a call, explaining that he would be sleeping at the lab overnight, so could she check on Claire in the morning? He leans over her to give her one final kiss, and notices a chain around her neck. He spins it around, and his face goes pale as he recognizes the pendant around her neck. A paranormal ghost jumps, making Norman scream and fall back into the mirror behind him. He collapses slowly on the floor, grasping at the bath on the way down. Claire pulls the plug out of the plughole with her foot, as the drugs are wearing off.
As she pulls herself up to the edge of the bath, Norman had vanished. Claire starts to crawl down the stairs, but there is still no one there, just blood marks all over everything. She picks up the phone, but it had been disconnected. The drug had almost all worn off by now. Claire starts walking towards the front door, picking up the keys to the truck on the way. She walks past Norman's body on the floor. As she gets in the truck, Norman starts running towards the door. Claire starts driving, but Norman manages to grab onto the edge of the truck. Claire needs to get to the middle of the bridge to get a signal on her mobile phone. As she reaches the middle of the bridge, he jumps into the front of the truck, and grabs the wheel. The truck veers into the lake. Claire can see the car where Madison's body is lying. Norman grabs Claire's leg so that she cannot escape, but the paranormal figure grabs Norman, dragging him to the bottom of the lake, and making him let go of her leg so she can float to the top and be safe.
In the Near Future: It is Winter and Claire is seen placing a single red rose on the grave of Madison Elizabeth Frank, but not the grave of Norman.
Ⅸ 美國影片《謊言背後》到底結局是什麼
結局是男主角被鬼魂拖下了湖底 女主角遊了上來 得救了 這就是惡有惡報