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發布時間:2025-03-10 10:38:09

① 急求一篇英語作文,內容是一部電影劇情簡介。

Angels are among us and when we feel an invisible presence, you better believe they are watching you. For a Los Angeles heart surgeon named Maggie, that is too much of a stretch. She believes that it is her job to save the lifes of her patients and when she meets Seth after visiting hours are over, he tells her it's simply just their time to go. She becomes intrigued by his presence and opinion. Seth is not just normal, he is an Angel. He meets Messinger while visiting patients. Messinger can see him because he was once a Angel but gave his power up to become human. This makes Seth want to become human so he can feel, smell, and love Maggie.

《The Shawshank Redemption》: The story may sound simple, but the truth behind the words is remarkable. When I heard the name of the film first time, I considered the Shawshank to be a man』 name, but in face it is a jail——a hell in the world. Not only for the inhumanity of the jailors——they behaved brutally; but also for the jail gnawed at people』 heart by keeping them waiting and waiting as life passed. It seemed that only those utterly worthless people who gave up everything could survive. That』s where the story happened.
The part impressed me most is when Andy got out of the jai. He extended his arms in front of him in the heavy rain as if he were welcoming the fresh air and the freedom. At that moment, I saw the faith win the darkness, discharging light dazzling the eyes in the dark blue sky. Under the light, I could feel my recreant innermost being shivering as his voice said: 「Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies!」
That』s why I like this film: it encourages people to fight to preserve the dignity of human beings, to appreciate the beauty of life, and the most important is to keep hope forever. He once that is born, that is die. Everyone is the same. The only difference is whether busy living or busy dying. The film tells me even a man can live once, but if he keeps faith, keeps hope and works his life right, then once is enough. The faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark, the hope is the chief happiness that this world affords, and the life should be full of the singing of the bird and the happiness hope brings. " What』s that do you think? It』s the trembling of the heart, the singing of the mind, the flying of the soul and the hope to be free.」

Forrest, Forrest Gump is a simple man with little brain activity but good intentions. He struggles through childhood with his best and only friend Jenny. His 'mama' teaches him the ways of life and leaves him to choose his destiny. Forrest joins the army for service in Vietnam, finding new friends called Dan and Bubba, he wins medals, starts a table tennis craze, creates a famous shrimp fishing fleet, inspires people to jog, create the smiley, write bumper stickers and songs, donating to people and meeting the president several times. However this is all irrelevant to Forrest who can only think of his childhood sweetheart Jenny. Who has messed up her life. Although in the end all he wants to prove is that anyone can love anyone.
The story follows the life of low I.Q. Forrest Gump and his meeting with the love of his life Jenny. The film chronicles his accidental experiences with some of the most important people and events in America from the late 1950's through the 1970's including a meeting with Elvis Presley, JFK, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, fighting in Vietnam, etc. The problem is, he's too stupid to realize the significance of his actions. Forrest becomes representative of the baby boomer generation having walked through life blindly.

② 電影《天使之城》為了表達什麼

我的最愛,天使之城 我認為是為了引申意義表達出人們對於愛情的追求和執著,不惜犧牲許多事情,同時還有一種感覺,就是我們是不是在和當下相戀的人真正的相愛著,這是我們應該思考的事情。記得我六年前高二第一次看完後的第一反應就是 Seth 會不會再變回天使去,也是有點疑惑。嘿嘿,我收藏了這部DVD,是我的初戀男孩送給我的,以後來大學又看了好幾遍。

③ 急求兩片英文電影的影評,影評要中文的!外加求推薦三部英文電影!!(我是初中生)

I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it. (這是最令我感動的地方)
或許愛是生命中痛苦的根源,可對於愛情、對於天使、對於生命中那未知的美好,我還是要說——I can''t see you, but i know you there.

3暮光之城系列(The Twilight Saga )四部曲
我喜歡愛德華試圖掩蓋自己內心的表情,他努力尋找著合適的言語:「I feel very protective of you.」用一種固執的眼神看著眼前這個柔弱的人類。很簡單,但是讓人心動。那麼困惑,他試探著表達:「I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore.」他冰冷的手,確是最溫暖的一顆心,只是他不知該把它如何裸露在這個不夠友好的世界。
貝拉發現愛德華的秘密的進程似乎有些過快,連愛上他都是那麼迅速,難道是為了顯示他身上承擔的最漫長的時光。當貝拉念出他的身份,他像個悲傷而焦躁的野獸,嚇唬她,稱自己為monster,顯示自己的力量,只是想要避免未來可能的傷害。貝拉的一句「I trust you」像清晨的柔光照亮那蜷縮在陰影中的畏懼的他。被主動的接近,被關懷,被融化。

④ 急求兩片英文電影的影評,影評要中文的!外加求推薦三部英文電影!!(我是初中生)

1. 《天使之城》影評
"I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it." 這句話深深地打動了我,讓我明白愛情的真諦。
2. 《這個殺手不太冷》影評
3. 《暮光之城》系列影評



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