㈠ 迫在眉梢 觀後感
very good man
《迫在眉梢》迅雷評分達到9.9,應該是很難得的,尤其在網路這個平台上 ,這一次達到了驚人的一致,有點不可思議。
故事講述普通工人亞瑟,為了給兒子一個活命的機會,鋌而走險,「綁架」了醫院的急診科;為了挽救兒子的性命,他甚至已經計劃好了結束自己的生命。故事的結尾既在情理之中,又在意料之外。亞瑟以自己的牢獄之災 ,換回了兒子的新生命,換得了人們的尊敬;小孩的那一聲:dad thank-you!無疑是天下兒女都應該向父母表白的心聲。
故事在感人的親情背後,更加揭露了社會的不平等 ,留給人們一些其他的思索。美國,一樣不是窮人的天堂,只有1000元存款的亞瑟 ,要支付的卻是25萬美金的醫療費!亞瑟別無他法,唯有鋌而走險,給自己的孩子尋找一個活命的機會——只是一個機會而已。所謂的保險也無法帶來真正的保險,不過是給窮人下套的工具。而醫院也一樣不是救死扶傷 的高尚所在,一樣地充滿了銅臭味。但一個奉公守法勤勞善良的人被25萬逼的 走上絕路,無疑也是一個社會的悲哀與恥辱,——
當亞瑟坦然赴死,當亞瑟坦然服刑,一方面我們為他的父愛而感動 ,一方面又不得不重新審視自己處身的這個社會——如果真有這么一天,我們又會怎麼辦?我們有沒有勇氣向這個體系說不,像亞瑟那樣不接受任何拒絕,像他那樣做一個人們心目中的「very good man」,我覺得很難!也因此,亞瑟是如此值得我們去尊重。
就像另一個黑人兄弟所說 :you are my hero!
㈡ 迫在眉梢英文觀後感800字
Denzel Washington follows his powerful and gripping role in "Training Day" with a strong, powerful and intense performance in "John Q." Immense star power, outstanding performances, a powerful message and a poignant story; these are the qualities, which make "John Q" one of the most powerful movies of the year.
With raw intensity, extreme authenticity and powerful intrigue Washington leads an all-star cast that includes Robert Duvall, Ray Liotta, James Woods and Anne Heche. With tremendous support from Kimberly Elise, Daniel E. Smith and Eddie Griffin, "John Q." is a solid film that delivers on the promise to satisfy.
The best thing about watching "John Q." is the conviction, integrity, brutal honesty and intense emotion each actor ought to their character. Furthermore, the cast is not afraid to tackle the truth surrounding the health care system and the way the system treats society. Washington, Heche, Duvall and Liotta create electricity with each scene they are in.
"John Q." surrounds a father who has been pushed over the edge as he attempts to save the life of his son, Mike, after it is found that his heart has a defect. Though he has insurance that covers the surgery to give his son a new heart, John Q. takes the hospital hostage until the hospital administrator puts Mike's name on the list for a heart transplant.
It always puts a smile on my face to watch a movie that has the courage to tackle the truth. The writers deserve most of the credit for bringing to light one of the most important issues facing America; the health care system. Through creating intense moments and powerful scenes, the writers were able to successfully capture my attention and make me feel as if I were in the movie. Writing is the first thing I look at when I make my decision to give it a thumbs up or down, so when "John Q." passed this test, I knew it was only a matter of time before the rest would fall into place.
There is not much one can say about Duvall other than he is a phenomenal talent who along with Washington brings credibility. Each film Duvall takes part in seems to turn into magic because he brings so much to each role. He may not have been the best actor in "John Q." but he was certainly the best suited for the role he had as the hostage negotiator.
Heche is an added bonus to "John Q." as her role as the hospital administrator is performed with integrity, brutal honesty and fire that makes her role incredibly satisfying. Another actor who made a tremendous impact in "John Q." is James Woods Woods whose best quality is his ability to play villainous role so well it makes everyone forget that he is only playing a part. I relish the opportunity to watch his next film. Ray Liotta's role as the police chief is far and beyond his best performance to date. It's fun to watch everyone come together to turn in a great ensemble performance.
"The Hurricane," "Courage Under Fire," and "Philadelphia" are only three films, which has cemented Washington as one of the top notch actors in Hollywood. With his role in "John Q.," Washington brings authenticity, screen presence and ability to draw the viewers in with his unique charm. These are qualities he has been able to utilize in previous films.
With the integrity of his performance and intensity of his presence, Washington was able to keep me on the edge of my seat throughout the film. A smile comes to my face with every Denzel Washington film because I know I will get a quality performance from him. It is a pleasure to watch a fine actor continue to deliver on demand.
"John Q." is a blockbuster with intense dialogue, powerful scenes and a poignant story that will satisfy everyone from start to finish.
㈢ 誰能給我一個美國丹澤爾·華盛頓經典動作劇情片《迫在眉梢 燃眉之急》電影的觀後感謝謝。。
《迫在眉梢》迅雷評分達到9.9,應該是很難得的,尤其在網路這個平台上 ,這一次達到了驚人的一致,有點不可思議。
故事講述普通工人亞瑟,為了給兒子一個活命的機會,鋌而走險,「綁架」了醫院的急診科;為了挽救兒子的性命,他甚至已經計劃好了結束自己的生命。故事的結尾既在情理之中,又在意料之外。亞瑟以自己的牢獄之災 ,換回了兒子的新生命,換得了人們的尊敬;小孩的那一聲:dad thank-you!無疑是天下兒女都應該向父母表白的心聲。
故事在感人的親情背後,更加揭露了社會的不平等 ,留給人們一些其他的思索。美國,一樣不是窮人的天堂,只有1000元存款的亞瑟 ,要支付的卻是25萬美金的醫療費!亞瑟別無他法,唯有鋌而走險,給自己的孩子尋找一個活命的機會——只是一個機會而已。所謂的保險也無法帶來真正的保險,不過是給窮人下套的工具。而醫院也一樣不是救死扶傷 的高尚所在,一樣地充滿了銅臭味。但一個奉公守法勤勞善良的人被25萬逼的 走上絕路,無疑也是一個社會的悲哀與恥辱,——
當亞瑟坦然赴死,當亞瑟坦然服刑,一方面我們為他的父愛而感動 ,一方面又不得不重新審視自己處身的這個社會——如果真有這么一天,我們又會怎麼辦?我們有沒有勇氣向這個體系說不,像亞瑟那樣不接受任何拒絕,像他那樣做一個人們心目中的「very good man」,我覺得很難!也因此,亞瑟是如此值得我們去尊重。
就像另一個黑人兄弟所說 :you are my hero!