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發布時間:2023-10-25 12:26:09

❶ 印度天生一對簡明簡介


❷ 剖析《天生一對》觀後感與心裡健康2000字




❸ 英語電影天生一對 英語觀後感

lies The day on the cotton candy is the smoke , the cloud and the foam. The huge sweetness and happiness expanded form a little spoon of sugar as well. This story let remind the movie 『the beautiful mind』. They also explain the lies. And what was a lie, A childish lie ,he said :honey ,the concentration camp is just a game in which we must wear the prisoner cloth and do the hard work in order to get the mark of 1000 cents and get his favourite tank. In the end , the real tank appeared in the empty concentration camp as his father said it was a Soviet Russia tank . But his father was killed by German soldier. In this case , how can he explain to his son ?he said :the information of shed blood you hear is a lie ,and how can they make soap by human. Lies , he used lies to repair lies. A another way , he let his son hide like a mouse in the prison room to avoid him being killed and seeing the shed blood. Happiness, happiness will be broken . comedy ,comedy has a little fairy tale. Separated , separated make up of the pure love. Ideality will be never died off. A wedding dress designer and a grape farmer』s love happened on a luxury shining ship. It is a philistinism story with out little lovely twins. They grow up lonely and do not know each other. Can not it change? The answer is yes. They changed their identities in the summer camp and began a new journey. They do not mind their parents』 lies and help them to fall in love again . We bear a lot from parents even though the white lies. for instants, we did not divorce just for you, you must get a higher degree because we pay you a lot, they adopt children just for care for them when they are old not really care about children』s feeling . But one day , my mother told me that if I am old ,then please sent me into the beadhouse . That time , I did not express anything ,but I cried below my breath in the night. I know I have a good mother that she don』t want to get any help from me and just pay out. Now I know parents』 words are not just lies and they also contain love. All that is simple, which they hope us be happy ,so nice. Maybe one day you will be the mother or the father, and you will also lie to the children that your father has fenced against for country , your mother gets the first award in the singing competition ,we get married in a romantic fire balloon and so on. So now, please comprehend your parents. And love them as they love us. That is enough. 參考: http://i.cn.yahoo.com/liulillian/blog/p_28/ 追問: xie xie a

❹ 《天生一對》的英語觀後感,初一的水平,100字左右。

Movie is re-shot "for a short time naughty " 60's of close classics feeling mild and fragrant comedy with modern gimmick , a pair of twin sisters is spent because of parents early years gets divorced , one is taken to arrive at California by father Nick (Denis · Kuide) , one is that Lisha is taken to London by the mother , two people seeks face therefore never, existence not knowing each other even. Destiny lets them meet at summer camp however but ingenious after many years, two sisters is pleasantly surprised more, that spare time, decides not to stint everything making a match of parents , includes the dignity exchanging, design and the girlfriend who frightens father away , make to play joke continuously. Close feeling , love get very good embodiment in drama.

❺ 天生一對的影片評價

《天生一對》是一部講述都市白領生活、愛情的喜劇電影,楊千嬅與任賢齊分飾由「斗氣冤家」到「情人知己」的男女主角。影片節奏明快、笑料不斷,看似是楊千嬅最拿手的「大笑姑婆」戲路,實則是挑戰演技的用心之作。女主角從懷疑自己詈患乳癌的驚慌到最後坦然手術的平靜,楊千嬅演得拿捏入微、恰到好處,出乎觀眾意料之外,堪稱從影以來最佳表現(東方早報評) 。
《天生一對》用輕喜劇方式講述乳癌這個沉重話題,拍攝得妙趣橫生。雖然影片題材很容易拍得很俗,但是《天生一對》四兩撥千斤。故事從女性應該正視自己的乳房健康展開,擴展到要積極地面對人生與愛情。楊千嬅與乳房對話、絕望自殺等環節的表演堪稱絕妙。由於是關於乳房健康的電影,乳房、胸罩等鏡頭和話題自然必不可少,但呈現給觀眾的畫面極其清新自然,並無任何色情成分(京華時報評) 。

❻ 怎麼評價電影《天生一對》


❼ 求《天生一對》美國的觀後感

這次看的是美國的一部電影《天生一對》,,但是我已經深深被劇情吸引了。晚上,在優酷網上找到了這部電影,並且看完了。 喜歡浪漫的人,或許本身不夠浪漫。喜歡那種戲劇性的電影,像《西雅圖不眠》,故事情節曲折並不大,或許在故事沒有結束前就已經知道結果了,但是故事的本身有種美吸引著我,這就是電影所展現出來的魅力所在。 《天生一對》主要講了兩個小女孩,她們在夏令營相識,似乎是天意,她們具有太多相似的地方。後來他們發現,她們倆個就是雙胞胎。在此之前,他們的父母離異,其中一個跟著爸爸,另一個跟著她媽媽生活。她們在此之前從未見面,他們都好想看到自己媽媽和爸爸。她們倆做了個約定,各自回對方的家去找媽媽和爸爸,爭取讓她們的爸媽重逢相聚,......,最終如願以償,一個圓滿的結局。 故事唯美,讓人回憶起自己的童年,但是又讓我想到中國和西方國家的不同,她們生活的更加開放,更加無拘無束,流露出一種自然的真情美!

❽ 怎麼評價電影《天生一對》





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