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發布時間:2023-02-13 23:01:24

⑴ 翻譯<<重返十七歲>>觀後感

"Return to seventeen," the story of a boy playing basketball in high school are particularly good, just as he can in the game with good performance can be more than a good university, then there is a better life, his girlfriend see the game in before the start and have a child, he said, he gave up the game, choose a family, after his life is not satisfactory, in the workplace does not go smoothly, so every day, then complain when to give up good opportunities, etc. his wife filed for divorce, his son and his daughter is not good, he even want to re-do a back to the 17th at the age of choice, as he must choose basketball to have a better life. So there is a magical movie character led him back to seventeen years old, and the people around him have not changed, so it leads to a series of funny things, he was back in high school, is good and his son to play with to talk, can focus on her daughter, found her love of a ruffian, to persuade her to choose the right. Experienced a variety, finally solved the problem of the child, and his wife, son, here he is only the identity of the students to see, that really did not pay attention before his wife's work and hobbies. They want the court in a divorce, the wife feeling that he could be his husband, and he has to play the game, and she as a parent to his son and daughter go to the game, when he found when he gestures toward her action, she completely believe that he is "him", she would not be affected by the arrival of her game again to go outside, the historic scene there, he dropped the basketball, left the court, choose a wife, then he turned back now 40 years old.
I think the film would like to tell us: not that we can change the selection back to the past, may go back will make the same choice, so it would not have to regret before the choice, that you can start over What is the difference, in this life the trajectory is such that if there are no regrets how the United States, seems to be interpreted as this is destined.


⑵ 電影重返十七歲英文觀後感.一百字.


⑶ 剛看了美國電影《重返十七歲》,跟韓國的《奇怪的她》劇情大致一樣














⑷ 電影重返十七歲表達了什麼



⑸ 重返十七歲的英文感想

17 Again is one of those half and half films--half of it is good, moral, and entertaining, and half of it is raunchy, mature in nature, and unnecessary. The plot goes something like this: Middle-aged Mike is unhappy with his life and about to get a divorce from his wife. He and his kids are like strangers to each other, even though he genuinely cares for them. One night Mike mysteriously transports to the age of 17 in present times. He decides (with the help of his MAJOR sci-fi freak best friend) to go back to high school and help put his kids on the right path. So Mike (under the name of Mark) goes back to school and spends his time lecturing his kids about who they should date, helping them onto sports teams, or romancing their mom (who is also his wife).

Some of the funniest parts are the most awkward ones. Teenage Mike/Mark dancing with his wife (to his wife, he is just her son's friend) and being found by their son. Mike/Mark's daughter wants to start a relationship with the teenage Mike/Mark, not knowing that he is actually her dad. When he tells her that they can never be together, she at first thinks that he is gay. There is one use of the b-word and some other mild profanities. Mike/Mark's daughter has a pompous, lustful boyfriend. Mike's best friend is seen in bed (fully clothed) with the school principal (at the end of the film, right before the credits).

I was surprised at the amount of good messages in this movie. Mike (when he is actually 17 in high school sometime in the 1980's) gives up his college dreams to marry his pregnant girlfriend. When he is an alt, he strives to spend time with his kids and shows genuine interest in their lives. When he goes back to the age of 17 through the warp thing, he makes it his goal to help his kids get their lives on the right track. He speaks about abstinence to the entire Health class. He does everything he can to get his daughter's messed-up boyfriend away from her.

Without the sexual jokes and overtones, this movie would be great for kids and teens. Unfortunately, the crude humor ruins it, even if kids don't understand all of the "jokes". Zac Efron is at his best in this film and captures a sensible, struggling teenage dad very well. Don't expect it to be any funnier than you see in the previews, though. Most of the funny parts are in the previews. Overall, it was an enjoyable two hours of reliving high school.

hey guys im natasha and i live in new zealand so we got to watch the movie on the 16th

well all i can say is that the movie was AWESOME!

both Zac Efron and Matthew Perry did an awesome job, though matthew was only in the movie for about 5-10 mins and girls get ready to got the shivers as soon as u see Zac transform into the cool kid.

the story basically starts off showing Mike (zac) being the most popular guy in school hes awesome at basketball and is about to be offered a basketball scholarship, however just before the big game starts his girlfriend Scarlet(Leslie Mann) tells zac that she is expecting their child, this confuses mike ring the game and he finally leaves the game and runs after the girl he loves. 20 years later his life is a total disaster, with his wife giving him a divorce , his kids hating him mike(matthew) moves in with his best friend ned a self made billionaire. Then something changes mikes's world he goes back to his school and stares at his championship photos he there meets a janitor with whom he shares his thoughts of going back to high school the janitor suddenly dissapears and while driving home mike sees him jumping off a bridge while mike hurries to go save him he himself falls into the river and gets turned back to 17. Then hilarious events start happening with a light saber fight to a fight with his daughters boyfriend. Also mike helps his son find the girl of his dreams and also gets him into the basketball team. An awkward scenes was where maggie( michelle) his daughter wants to kiss him its an awkward moment but it will surely make u laugh.

I don』t fully understand the desire to return to high school. I actually enjoyed high school, but that doesn』t mean that I want to re-live being a teenager, it』s just so awkward. But films will continue to be made, all with the premise of returning to the past to change something. 17 Again is no different, although the modern twist on an old story doesn』t make it as enjoyable as I remember.

We begin in 1989 with Mike O』Donnell (the young version played by Zac Efron) shooting hoops, getting ready for the big game that could get him a scholarship to college. When he finds out that his high school girlfriend is pregnant, he walks out of the game and we flash-forward to the present-day Mike (Matthew Perry). Now his life is a mess—no job promotion, on the verge of a divorce and no relationship with his kids. Paying homage to It』s a Wonderful Life, Mike runs into an old janitor that magically transforms him into his 17-year-old self. It is then up to Mike to figure out what he needs to do to transform back.

The modern high school is shown as a breeding ground for disrespectful, sexually overactive teenagers. Not to say that this is not what all high schools are like, but 17 Again chooses not to show anything about going back to high school. Mike doesn』t want to relive high school to change his future; instead he realizes that this is the time to reconnect with his kids and to somehow win his wife back.

It is most humorous when young Mike interacts with his wife (Leslie Mann). She swears that he looks like her husband and the flirtation that plays out is almost uncomfortable but it works. Also, for those Zac Efron fans out there, he even dances and plays basketball in the film. I don』t know if he will ever grow out of this High School Musical role.

The fun of movies like this is to see our character react or interact with his new surroundings. The film fails to capture the heart of being a teenager, only making jokes to how fast their metabolism is and how they can exercise easily. Although young Mike does have an inside view into his kid』s lives, their interaction is very sterile and unbelievable. He coaches his youngest son at basketball, while he still gets to take the glory of being a better player and he preaches to his daughter about making bad choices. If he gets to be 17 again to connect with his kids, the relationships seem forced.

When Mike finds himself back where he started, he realizes that he had made the right choices, he was just absent from most of his life. Now he gets the chance to pay attention. Mike』s inside look into the lives of his kid』s and wife is an interesting twist on an old idea. But the fun of watching films like this is missing because our lead actor isn』t having fun. There is no use in re-living high school for that.

If you want to illustrate the acid rain that 20 years can pour down onto a human face, just show Zac Efron and then make us believe that life has turned him into Matthew Perry. Oh, that beautiful boy - oh, that lumpy-faced man. What happened? Failure and disappointment? Self-hatred? Grand-scale spiritual error? We're just scratching the surface here. For Efron to turn into Perry in a mere two decades would require something more drastic, like sitting down every morning to a breakfast of hot, steaming toxic waste.

Yet what better way to make us feel it - the sheer relief of going back in time. In "17 Again," Mike (Perry) is a washed-up pharmaceutical salesman with an estranged wife and two kids who think he's an idiot. But one day, through some movie magic, he transforms back into the 17-year-old he once was - a basketball star who could have had a scholarship if he hadn't married his pregnant girlfriend.

"17 Again" is a variation on the old if-only-I-could-go-back fantasy. In this variation, the hero doesn't go back. Nothing changes, except his body. He's young, he's handsome, the world is before him ... and yet inside, he's still middle-aged. He cares about his kids. He's attracted to his wife. "17 Again" isn't a sophisticated work of art, nor was it intended to be. It's often silly, sometimes fun silly, sometimes too silly. Yet in one area - its honest, unself-conscious exploration of the conflict between a man's physical and psychological age - it goes deeper than the much more ambitious "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button."

The credit goes to Efron, a teen idol who has girls shrieking in the theater from his first close-up but who is also an actor and proves it over the course of the picture. He conveys Mike's al nature. It will come as news to none of his young admirers that Efron has good eyes, pale blue and piercing. He can use them, too, for more than cosmetic effect. He brings to the role the sensitive, fretting gaze of the concerned parent - one who finds himself in the same high school as his own kids.

The movie's limits are the limits of the formula. There's only one way "17 Again" can be resolved, but doing so requires a shoehorn. Also, why did Mike's teenage daughter (Michelle Trachtenberg) have to be presented as such a repellent brat? If you believe Hollywood, there's no teenage-girl nastiness, ingratitude or misbehavior that can't be forgiven, even without an apology. That's a great message to be reinforcing in a movie that's going to be seen by every 14-year-old girl in America.

⑹ 觀後感《重返十七歲》







⑺ 重返17歲的意義

影評:《重返十七歲》一個父親的自我救贖 高中時期的邁克英俊瀟灑,球技一流,即將得到全額獎學金上大學,還有個校花級的女友,此時的他簡直就是風華正茂,前途不可限量。 比賽休息時,一個不詳的消息打破了邁克的美夢,女友懷孕了。在美好的前途與過早的婚姻之間,邁克選擇了後者,這意味著他將放棄自己原本的理想,去承擔一種做父親的責任。 經過二十年的打拚,邁克還是未能創出一片天地,僅僅在公司里做個普通的職員,就連即將唾手可得的升職機會也與自己擦肩而過。而邁克苦苦經營的婚姻卻變得支離破碎,越積越多的矛盾早就不可調解,最後鬧到離婚的地步,甚至自己的親生子女也對自己愛答不理。一切的厄運猶如天降,邁克難於接受這個現實,彷彿世界即將末日。 十七歲是邁克人生的重大轉折點,正是他當時那個選擇,才有了今天的生活。邁克顯然是對現狀十分不滿,就連高中時期弱不禁風的好友耐德現在也比他過的富有、自由、愜意,所以邁克不止一次抱怨道:「如果我十七歲的時候不是選擇結婚,那我的人生……」 或許是上帝對邁克眷顧,它給了邁克一次回到十七歲的機會。掉入巨大的時光漩渦里,邁克的肉體回到了十七歲,其他一切都不變。 既然年近不惑的自己如此失敗,那麼回到十七歲的邁克,理所當然應該選擇從頭來過,迎接一種嶄新的生活。然而電影中的邁克並沒有那樣做,他不過是做回一個高中生,親近他的子女,用另一種角度來看待身邊、看待自己。當他知道兒子被籃球隊的人欺負,女兒和壞蛋拍拖時,才感覺到自己作為一個父親的失敗:原本還以為自己很關心孩子,而事實卻連子女最簡單的煩惱都一無所知。另一方面卻發現妻子原來是個美化設計的天才,而以前自己卻從未肯定過她,甚至經常抱怨是她耽誤了自己的美好前程。 邁克的重返十七歲實際上是在自我救贖,他要拯救破碎的家庭,挽回即將毀滅的婚姻。邁克選擇了理解,選擇了補救。邁克幫兒子建立起自信,和他一起訓練籃球,甚至教他如何合適地和女生相處;並傳授給女兒正確的戀愛觀,不再和壞蛋談禽獸般的戀愛;最後當然也打動了自己的妻子,挽回了婚姻,結局可謂完美。 塗著濃厚煙熏妝的麥格很有如今90後非主流女生的影子,她在大庭廣眾之下與斯坦舌吻那一幕足於讓人咋舌。中國出現的非主流,說的明白些就是不入流。裝主流扮時尚是要金錢而時間的,既然這兩個條件不能達到,就畫虎不成反類犬,只能達到時尚的三成,顯示出來得不過是主流的山寨版,於是美言之非主流雲雲。 盡管電影里將斯坦描述成囂張狂妄的壞蛋,但麥格偏偏就是喜歡他,因為他至少是籃球隊隊長,球技不賴,穿著前衛,家境不錯。不然你叫一個美女去喜歡家庭貧窮、穿著寒酸,膽小怕事,又無特別才華的男生嗎?現實中斯坦這樣的人盡管令同性討厭,但不得不承認他是受異性喜歡的,《流星花園》里的道明寺簡直就是飛揚跋扈,胡作非為,但無論戲里戲外都有海量的女生倒在他的魅力之下,這就是現實。 性是本部電影不可避免的,正是不恰當的性,才毀掉了邁克的光明前程。所以當邁克回到二十年前,在一節性教育課堂上,他以過來人的口吻提倡:「所有人應該放棄婚前性行為。」周圍的學生用各種各樣的身體語言反對他的觀點,而直接反駁他的人正是課堂上的老師:「要求高中生放棄婚前性行為,就像貓不吃腥一樣,簡直不可能。」美國年輕人的性觀念之大膽、之開放、之前衛,真讓人佩服得六體投地。然後老師直接把一大籃子的安全套傳下去,這真是美國性教育多麼有前瞻性的一步。 反觀中國的高中的性教育,還阻止高中生談戀愛,真是布鼓雷門、貽笑大方。甚至大學生還在討論戀愛是必修課還是選修課的問題,簡直是井底之蛙、丟人現眼。越是發達的國家,性觀念就越開放,美國、英國、法國、日本、韓國,哪個發達國家性觀念不比中國開放?中國之所以還這么保守,只能說明一點:中國還不發達。但中國貧富差距堪稱世界第一,不少人早就過著比美國人還要逍遙的生活,所以如此武斷地說中國人性觀念保守那簡直是冤枉了不少中國人,全世界性觀念最前衛和最保守的人可能都是中國人。不要說中學生性行為,就連三文治、三國鼎立這樣的玩法早就被部分的中國年輕人趕上了,真是後生可畏! 中國的性教育簡直就是一張白紙,就連基本的生理常識都不能普及,中國應試教育之畸形,性教育之失敗程度可見一斑!當然中國人天生聰慧,個個無師自通,晚上宿舍關燈後就是中國性文化交流最激烈的時候,他們八仙過海,各顯神通,餘音裊裊,不絕如縷。 既然是白紙就阻止不了主人的肆意塗畫,於是部分有識之士就喊出洋務運動的口號「師夷長技以自強」:受日本啟蒙,向歐美看齊,拜陳冠希為師。恐怕如今的功力沒有歐美日韓的十足也有八成了,他們技術熟練之程度,不用面試就可以去拍《色戒2》了。特別是互聯網這十年,大大促進了性文化的傳播和交流,所以可以發現年輕人已經不那麼恨日本人了,只恨不能日他們的女人而已! 然而諷刺歸諷刺,電影歸電影,現實歸現實。還是讓我們回到現實吧,雖然中國體制不是一般的不完善,貪官不是一般的多,教育不是一般的差,但這一切都不是我們不工作、不學習、不努力的理由。既然我們改變不了世界,那就改變我們自己。 《鋼鐵是怎樣練成的》有句名言:「人生最寶貴的是生命,生命屬於人只有一次。因此人的一生應當這樣度過:當他回首往事的時候,他不致因虛度年華而悔恨,也不致因碌碌無為而羞愧……」其實很多道理大家都懂,只不過被生活的繁瑣所迷惑,不知不覺中迷失了自己,從而釀造一個又一個的讓人後悔、讓人愧疚的錯誤。 盡管邁克回到過去,但籃球場上的一幕仍然重演,他再次站在人生的三岔口上,結果他還是做出和以前一樣的抉擇。可見我們不滿的往往不是我們走哪一條路,而是我們沒有走好那條路。電影給了邁克一次機會,讓他用另一種角度去看待人生,做出更好的調整,從而改變自己的人生。 現實中的我們,盡管都曾想回到過去,卻都回不到過去。我們應該做的就是回首過去,吸取經驗,面對現實,減少抱怨,珍惜現在,讓明天的自己因自己今天的努力而驕傲,而不是遺憾。既然我們都覺得用現在的知識回到過去,自己會活的更好,那麼我們為什麼不用十年後,二十年後的角度去思考今天的事情呢,或許今天的我們可以少走彎路,這不就是比爾蓋茨經常提到的遠見嗎? 永遠有人十七歲,但沒人永遠十七歲。我們都搭上了一輛不可逆反的時光快車,我們所能做的就是緊緊把握住手上的時間,努力去做一些我們覺得有價值的事情。



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