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發布時間:2022-11-27 21:52:11

A. 美國電影《天生一對》觀後感用英語怎麼寫

At the first time I saw the film, I was deeply touched by the naught and lovely twins, Especially the first time they were met at the school. It is very interesting, then I was touched by the content of the film, I think the love Is very important In our life, whenever you are, wherever you live, no matter what the situations we face, love is always in there, in our heart, it not changed by the environment we are, the true love is not change, it is can make us feel great no matter what the mood we are in,

The film gave me a good lesson about love after I saw it, the love about parents, the love between family members, from the film we can seen that the time has make the family apart, they live far away from each other, but what makes the family reunion, I think all the people can know the reason, it is about love, because they love each other very much, although they are apart along time, but the heart get close each other, the good end of this film can tell us above.

The true love is not changed by other peoples, in the film, the Meredith want to marry Nick because his property, but endless, so I think money can make many things come true, we can many things we want, when it comes to love, money can not make love come true forever, I think this film is a good example about life, so we should love each other in the family and cherish the relationships we made.

B. 英文觀後感怎麼翻譯

可以有很多種譯法,常用的就是 Review。如:
Movie Review(電影觀後感)

preview 則是「預覽」。


C. 天生一對,用英文怎麼說

1、A Doomed Couple 天生一對
2、The Parent Trap 天生一對:兒時的Lindsay Lohan真是清純可愛啊
3、We fit together 天生一對


1. 我愛蘿拉。我們是天生一對。
I love Laura. We were meant for each other.
2. 因為我們是天生一對。
Because we were born of a couple.

3. 我相信我們倆是天生一對!
I believe we are a right match!

D. 請問一下,美國電影《天生一對》中的經典台詞是那些要有中英文互譯,越多越好,謝謝,急急急急急急急急

Hallie: You wanna know the *real* difference between us?
Annie: Let me see… I know how to fence and you don』t… Or I have class and you don』t. Take your pick.
Hallie: Why I oughta!
Hallie: I have a brilliant beyond brilliant idea!
Annie as Hallie: I know what mystery my father sees in you.
Meredith Blake: You do?
Annie as Hallie: You』re young, beautiful, sexy, and hey the guy is only human, but if you ask me marriage is supposed to be based on more then just sex.
Annie: That girl is, without a doubt, the most horrible creature that ever walked the face of this planet!
Hallie: [watching from outside] Thank you, thank you very much.
Annie: [Hallie just finished cutting Annie』s hair to look like hers] This is so scary.
Hallie: Honey you never looked better.
Grandpa Charles James: [Annie smells him] What are you doing?
Hallie as Annie: Making a memory! Years from now when I』m all grown up I』ll always remember my grandfather and how he always smelled of
[smells him again]
Hallie as Annie: peppermint and pipe tobacco.
Hallie as Annie: [crying, seeing her mother for the first time] I』m sorry, it』s just I』ve missed you so much.
Elizabeth James: I know, it seems like it』s been forever.
Hallie as Annie: You have no idea.
Annie as Hallie: [after a discussion about how Annie as Hallie seems different to Chessy] Chessy, I changed a lot over the summer, that』s all.
Chessy, the Parker』s Maid: OK, boy if I didn』t know any better I』d say it』s almost like you were… forget it, it』s impossible.
Annie as Hallie: Almost if I were who, Chessy?
Chessy, the Parker』s Maid: Nobody, nobody, forget I mentioned it.
Annie as Hallie: Almost if I were, Annie?
Chessy, the Parker』s Maid: You know about Annie?
Annie as Hallie: I am Annie.
Elizabeth James: [after Hallie as Annie reveals the truth] You』re not Annie?
Hallie as Annie: That would be correct.
Elizabeth James: You』re Hallie?
Hallie as Annie: I am. Annie and I met at the camp and, and we decided to switch places. I』m sorry, but I』ve never seen you and I』ve dreamt of meeting you my whole life and Annie felt the exact same way about Dad so, so we sort of just switched lives. I hope you』re not mad because I love you so much, and I just hope that one day you could love me as me, and not as Annie.
Elizabeth James: Oh darling, I』ve loved you your whole life.
Martin, the James』 Butler: [sobbing] I』ve never been so happy in my entire life.
Hallie as Annie: His and hers kids. No offense, Mom, but this arrangement really sucks.
Elizabeth James: I agree, it totally sucks.
Annie: [Hallie is getting ready to cut Annie』s hair] Don』t shut YOUR eyes!
Hallie: Sorry, I』m just a little nervous!
Annie: YOU』RE nervous? An 11 year-old is cutting my hair!
[last lines]
Hallie: We actually did it!
Hallie: [playing poker with Annie at camp] I』ll tell you what. I』ll make you a little deal. Loser jumps into the lake after the game.
Annie: Excellent.
Hallie: Butt naked.
Annie: Even more excellent. Start unzipping Parker. Straight, in diamonds.
Hallie: You』re good James, but, you』re just not good enough. In your honor, a royal flush.
Meredith Blake: You know, the way your father described you, I expected a little girl, but you are so grown-up.
Annie as Hallie: I』ll be twelve soon. How old are you?
Meredith Blake: Twenty-six.
Annie as Hallie: Only fifteen years older than me! How old are you again, Dad?
Nick Parker: Wow, suddenly you』re so interested in math!
Annie: Any of your pictures ruined?
Hallie: Only the beautiful Leo DiCaprio…
Annie: Who?
Hallie: You』ve never heard of Leonardo DiCaprio? How far away is London anyway?
Meredith Blake: The day we get married is the day I ship those brats off to Switzerland, get the picture? It』s me, or them. Take your pick.
Nick Parker: Them.
Meredith Blake: What?
Nick Parker: T-H-E-M. Them. Get the picture?
Nick Parker: [hiking] I』m going to take the lead. You two help Meredith.
Meredith Blake: [looks at the girls] Sure you』ll help me. Right over a cliff you』ll help me…
Hallie: [whispering to Annie] That』s actually not a bad idea.
Annie: Yeah, see any cliffs?
Marva Kulp, Sr.: Excuse me, girls. I just got to have a sculp of these gorgeous strawberries. Would you care for some dear?
Hallie: Oh, no thanks, can』t. I』m allergic.
Marva Kulp, Sr.: Oh, that』s too bad. How about you, dear, strawberries?
Annie: Oh sorry I wish I could, but I can』t, I』m allergic.
Marva Kulp, Sr.: Yes, you just told me that over here. How』d you get over there? Well, first day at camp you』ll have to excuse the old girl.
[Annie walks away]
Marva Kulp, Sr.: At least I』m not putting salt in the sugar shakers. Well, actually sugar in the salt shakers, but… now where did she get off to?
Annie: Need a hand, Mer?
Meredith Blake: Not from you, thank you. Don』t think I can see pass those angelic faces. One more trick from you two, and I promise you, I』ll promise you I』ll make your lives miserable from the day I say 「I do.」 Got it?
Hallie: Got it, Cruella.
Meredith Blake: What did you call me?
Hallie: Nothing. Nothing. Not a thing, Cruella. Oh, by the way, Mer. I think I see something on your head.
[the lizard is on her head]
Nick Parker: You know, I may never be alone with you again. So about that day you packed, why』d you do it?
Elizabeth James: Oh, Nick. We were so young. We both had tempers, we said stupid things so I packed. Got on my very first 747, and you didn』t come after me.
Nick Parker: I didn』t know that you wanted me to.
Elizabeth James: Well, that really doesn』t matter anymore. So, let』s put on a good face for the girls and get the show on the road, huh?
Nick Parker: Yeah, sure. Let』s get the show on the road.
Meredith Blake: First change I make is to send that two-faced little brat off to boarding school in Timbuktu.
Richard, Meredith』s Assistant: Oof, Ice Woman!
Meredith Blake: Proud of it, babe!
Nick Parker: [after explaining to Elizabeth why they returned early from the camping trip] So, where』s Chessie? I』m starving.
Elizabeth James: Well, she and Martin went off to a picnic around noon. Yesterday.
Nick Parker: [Impersonating Cary Grant] Really. Who would have thought. My nanny, your butler.
Annie: [after Hallie surprises Elizabeth and Annie by arriving in London and showing up at their home before Elizabeth and Annie do] What are you doing here?
Hallie: It took us abound 30 seconds after you guys left for us to realize we didn』t want to lose you two again.
Elizabeth James: We?
Nick Parker: [walking in from another room] We. I made the mistake of not coming after you once, Lizzie. I』m not going to do that again no matter how brave you are.
Elizabeth James: And I suppose you just expect me to go weak at the knees, and fall into your arms and cry hysterically. And say we』ll just figure this whole thing out. A bi-continental relationship with our daughters being raised here and there. And. And, you and I just picking up where we left off and growing old together. And. And. C』mon Nick what do you expect? To live happily ever after?
Nick Parker: Yes. To all of the above. Except you don』t have to cry hysterically.
Elizabeth James: [With tears in her eyes] Oh, yes I do.
[he kisses her]
Nick Parker: You know, sometime if we』re ever really alone maybe we could talk about what happened between us. You know it』s all a bit hazy to me now. It ended so fast.
Elizabeth James: It started so fast.
Nick Parker: Well, that part I remember perfectly.
Elizabeth James: [after the limo pulls up to the end of an empty pier and everyone gets out] Where are we?
Nick Parker: This is where we』re eating?
Hallie: [Pointing to a 100+ foot yacht] No. Actually that』s where we』re eating.
Annie: She』s ours for the night.
Nick Parker: Wow. So, how exactly are we paying for this?
Annie: Well, we pooled our allowances.
Nick Parker: Yeah. Right. Annie?
Annie: Okay. Grandfather chipped in a bit.
Elizabeth James: Annie!
Annie: Okay. He chipped in a lot.
Hallie as Annie: Seeing all these wedding dresses, doesn』t it make you think about the 「f」 word?
Elizabeth James: The 「f」 word?
Hallie as Annie: My father!
Elizabeth James: [Hallie, as Annie, is underneath Elizabeth』s covers struggling to tell her about the switch] Annie!
Hallie as Annie: That』s where I have to go! I have to go see Annie!
Elizabeth James: Oh,I see, and where might Annie be?
Hallie as Annie: In Napa, with her father Nick Parker.
Annie: [Elizabeth and Hallie have arrived at the hotel to meet Nick and Elizabeth is drunk and Annie see her] She』s drunk! She』s never had more than one glass of wine her entire life and she chooses today to show up totally zonked!
Elizabeth James: [walking down the hall in the hotel] Hallie Parker!
[both girls exit from rooms across the hall from each other]
Elizabeth James: Oh, don』t do this to me. I』m already seeing double.
Hallie: Oh my god!
Annie: What?
Hallie: I have pierced ears.
Annie: No, no and no. Not happening. Sorry, wrong number. I won』t. I refuse.
Hallie: Then cutting your hair was a total waste. I mean, I got to camo with pierced ears and come home without them. Come on, get real.
Nick Parker: I told Hallie.
Meredith Blake: You did? And?
Nick Parker: She went ballistic. She started yelling in French. I didn』t even know she spoke French.
Hallie: [takes out a box of Oreo] Want one?
Annie: Oh, sure. I love Oreos. At home, I eat them with… I eat with peanut butter.
Hallie: You do? That is so weird.
[takes out a jar of peanut butter]
Hallie: So do I.
Annie: You』re kidding? Most people find that totally disgusting.
Hallie: I know. I don』t get it.
Annie: Me either.

E. 「天生一對」英文翻譯

A perfect couple./ A doomed couple.

F. 翻譯:觀後感的英文

如果是指一種感覺,是the impression after watching / reading
如果是指作業或者文章,可以說a movie / book review或者a movie / book report

G. 從天生一對中摘抄5個英文句子


1、Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.希望是一件好事,也許是人間至善,而美好的事永不消逝。

2、No one but ourselves can degrade us.沒人能夠貶低我們,除非是我們自己。

3、I will honour myself by showing up powerfully in my life today.我會為在今天努力生活的自己而感到自豪。

4、Don't look forward to tomorrow, don't miss yesterday, to grasp today.不憧憬明天,不留念昨天,只把握今天。

5、Nobody really cares if you』re miserable, so you might as well be happy。沒有人真的在意你是不是難過,所以還是快樂一點吧。

H. 天生一對印度版電影觀後感

這次看的是美國的一部電影《天生一對》,,但是我已經深深被劇情吸引了。晚上,在優酷網上找到了這部電影,並且看完了。 喜歡浪漫的人,或許本身不夠浪漫。喜歡那種戲劇性的電影,像《西雅圖不眠》,故事情節曲折並不大,或許在故事沒有結束前就已經知道結果了,但是故事的本身有種美吸引著我,這就是電影所展現出來的魅力所在。 《天生一對》主要講了兩個小女孩,她們在夏令營相識,似乎是天意,她們具有太多相似的地方。後來他們發現,她們倆個就是雙胞胎。在此之前,他們的父母離異,其中一個跟著爸爸,另一個跟著她媽媽生活。她們在此之前從未見面,他們都好想看到自己媽媽和爸爸。她們倆做了個約定,各自回對方的家去找媽媽和爸爸,爭取讓她們的爸媽重逢相聚,......,最終如願以償,一個圓滿的結局。 故事唯美,讓人回憶起自己的童年,但是又讓我想到中國和西方國家的不同,她們生活的更加開放,更加無拘無束,流露出一種自然的真情美

I. 「天生一對」怎樣翻譯成英文啊

美國電影 The Parent Trap 被翻譯成 天生一對。
港片《天生一對》(楊千嬅任賢齊主演)被譯成 2 become 1。

We are made for each other.

J. 《天生一對》的英語觀後感,初一的水平,100字左右。

Movie is re-shot "for a short time naughty " 60's of close classics feeling mild and fragrant comedy with modern gimmick , a pair of twin sisters is spent because of parents early years gets divorced , one is taken to arrive at California by father Nick (Denis · Kuide) , one is that Lisha is taken to London by the mother , two people seeks face therefore never, existence not knowing each other even. Destiny lets them meet at summer camp however but ingenious after many years, two sisters is pleasantly surprised more, that spare time, decides not to stint everything making a match of parents , includes the dignity exchanging, design and the girlfriend who frightens father away , make to play joke continuously. Close feeling , love get very good embodiment in drama.



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