導航:首頁 > 電影結局 > 種族歧視電影觀後感英文


發布時間:2022-11-20 10:45:15

A. 對黑人歧視的看法及感受{英文的}

我很高興今天我和你們一起究竟會走在歷史的最偉大的示威集會自由的我們的nation.five十年的歷史前,一位偉大的美國人 - 今天我們就站在他象徵性的陰影,簽署了「解放宣言」。這項重要法令的頒布是一個偉大的燈塔的光芒,希望數以百萬計的黑奴已深深烙在火焰中凋謝的不公平。它猶如歡樂的黎明,結束漫漫長夜裡,他們的captivity.but百年以後的今天,黑人依然沒有獲得自由。一百年後的今天,生活的今天,黑人依然悲慘地蹣跚於種族隔離的鐐銬和種族歧視的枷鎖。一百年後的今天,黑人依然生活在物質繁榮的汪洋大海之中的貧困孤島上。一百年後的今天,黑人仍然萎縮在美國社會的角落裡,發現自己放逐在自己的土地上。,所以,我們今天來到這里,戲劇化了可恥的condition.in從某種意義上說,我們來到我們國家的首都是為了兌現一張支票。當我們共和國的締造者寫下憲法和獨立宣言的氣壯山河的詞句時,就簽署了一張每一個美國人都能繼承的期票。值得注意的是一個承諾,所有的人,是的,的黑人男子和白人男子,將保證「的」生命權,自由權和追求幸福的不可剝奪的權利「。」這是明顯的今天,美國拖欠著這張期票,因為她的有色公民而言。履行這項神聖的義務,而不是美國給黑人一張空頭支票,支票退了回來蓋著「資金不足。「但是,我們決不相信正義的銀行已經破產。我們不相信,有偉大的這個國家機會的金庫中的資金不足,因此,我們來兌現這張支票,支票將給我們以寶貴的自由和安全的justice.we也紛紛來到這個聖地也是為了提醒美國:現在正是萬分緊急的時刻。這是沒有時間去從事侈談冷靜下來或採取漸進主義的鎮靜劑的葯物。現在是時候真正的民主諾言的。現在是從種族隔離黑暗和荒涼的峽谷走上種族公平的金光大道了上升的時間。現在是時候把我們的國家從種族不平等的流沙,兄弟情誼的磐石上的時候。現在是時候讓正義的國家忽視的時刻的緊迫性,將所有神的children.it的一個現實是致命的。黑人的合理不滿的悶熱夏季將不會過去,直到自由和平等的爽朗秋天如。一九六三年不是一個結束,而是一個開端。和那些希望黑人只是需要出出氣,現在將內容,將有一個粗魯的覺醒,如果國家照常營業。在美國將沒有安寧和平靜,除非黑人公民的權利。反抗的旋風將繼續震撼我們國家的基礎,直至光輝燦爛的正義之日來臨。但也有一些話我必須要說我的人,誰站在通向正義之宮艱險門檻上的:在我們爭取合法地位的過程中,我們絕不能犯的錯誤行為。讓我們不要為了滿足對自由的渴望的抱著敵對和仇恨之杯喝。我們斗爭時必須永遠舉止得體,紀律嚴明的高水平上。我們不能容許我們富有創造性的抗議淪為暴力行動。一遍又一遍,我們必須上升,以對付物質力量的崇高境界與靈魂force.the了不起的新的戰斗席捲黑人社會,不應導致我們的不信任所有的白人,我們的許多白人兄弟,就證明由他們今天在這里,必須認識到,他們的命運與我們的命運是緊密相連的。他們已經認識到,他們的自由是息息相關的我們的freedom.we可以不走我們走行動時,我們必須保證,我們將始終走ahead.we無法打開back.there要求熱心民權運動的「時,你會得到滿意嗎?「我們決不能滿足作為,黑人是的無法形容的恐怖的警察暴行的受害者。只要我們的身體,我們就決不會滿意,重旅途的疲勞,可以不獲得住宿的汽車旅館的公路和酒店的城市。我們不能滿足於只要密西西比州的黑人不能參加選舉,在紐約有一個黑人認為他有沒有去投票。不,不,我們不能滿足,我們不會滿意,直至「公正似水奔流,正義如泉噴涌。」我,我沒有注意到,參加今天集會的人中,有些人已經來到這里巨大的痛苦和磨難。你們有些人剛剛走出狹小的牢房。一些你從你的追求 - 追求自由的地方給你留下飽受遭受迫害風暴襲擊和警察的暴行之風交錯。你已經飽經風霜,歷盡苦難。繼續努力,要相信:無辜受苦終得拯救。讓我們回到密西西比去,回到阿拉巴馬,回到南卡羅來納去,回到喬治亞去,回到路易斯安那去,回到我們北方城市中的貧民窟和黑人居住區去吧,知道心中有數,這種狀況是能夠也必將是changed.let我們不要陷入絕望的山谷中,我今天對你們說,我的朋友和我們雖然面臨的困難,今天和明天,我仍然有一個夢想。它的夢想是深深紮根於美國的夢想有一個夢想:有一天,這個國家將會奮起,實現它的信條的真正含義:「我們認為這些真理是不言而喻的,即所有的人都生來平等「我有一個夢:有一天,喬治亞州的紅色山丘上,昔日奴隸的兒子和昔日奴隸主的兒子將能夠坐下來一起在餐桌上的brotherhood.i有一個夢:有一天,甚至連密西西比州的,不公平的熱量悶熱的狀態,悶熱的狀態熱的壓迫,將被改造成一個自由和正義的綠洲。我有一個夢想,我的四個小孩將有一天生活在一個國家,他們不是從他們的膚色,而是由他們的character.i內容,今天有一個夢想我有一個夢想,有一天, ,阿拉巴馬州,其罪惡的種族主義者,州長,他的嘴唇滴「插入」和「無效」 - 但有朝一日,那裡在阿拉巴馬州的小黑人男孩和女孩將能攜手很少有白人男孩和女孩,像兄弟姐妹一樣的話。今天我有一個夢想我有一個夢想有一天,深谷彌合,高山夷平,每一座山丘和高峰被削低,崎嶇粗糙的地方,將平原,彎彎曲曲的地方變得筆直,「耶和華的榮光透露,凡有血氣的,必一同看見。」這是我們的希望,這是信念,我去回南天with.with這個信念,我們將能開采出一塊希望之石絕望之山。有了這個信念,我們將能夠改變我們國家的刺耳的不和音,變成了美麗的兄弟情誼交響曲。有了這個信念,我們將能一起工作,一起祈禱,一起斗爭,一起去監獄,一起為自由站起來,因為我們知道我們將是免費的。這將是這一天 - 這將會有一天,那時,所有上帝的孩子們將能以新的含義高唱:我的祖國你,可愛的自由之邦,我sing.land我的父親死了,土地朝聖者的驕傲,從每一座山崗上,讓自由之聲響徹,如果美國要成為一個偉大的國家,這個夢想必須實現。讓自由之聲從白雪皚皚的落基山脈的colorado.let自由之聲響徹從巍峨的崇山峻嶺響起的崇山峻嶺響起來新的york.let自由之聲響徹新罕布希爾州的自由之聲響徹的阿勒格尼高峰ofpennsylvania.let的自由之聲響徹婀娜多姿的斜坡california.but,不僅如此,還要讓自由之聲從喬治亞州的石嶺。讓自由之聲從望山tennessee.let自由之聲響徹每一座丘陵響起的mississippi.from每一座山崗,讓自由ring.and的,當這一切發生的時候,當我們讓自由之聲響徹,當我們讓自由之聲從每一個大小村莊,從每一個州和每一個城市,我們將能夠加速這一天的到來,上帝的所有孩子,黑人和白人,猶太教徒和非猶太教徒,耶穌教徒和天主教徒,將能攜手同唱那古老的黑人靈歌:「自由的話,在最後!終於自由了!感謝全能的上帝,我們終於自由了!

B. 在線等。急求一篇關於種族歧視的英文作文。內容包括種族歧視的現狀、措施還有你的看法。300左右

In America, the racial discrimination is everywhere, the racial conflict often happen, the black people are treated as slaves by white people, they often have the lowest salary, insurance and many unfair treatment.
Nowadays, the racial discrimination isn』t just between the white and the black, many other races in American are discriminated by the local people and they don』t have right to protect themselves

In 2003 ,a white people Doug Williams who hate the black people brought weapon to kill five black people then killed himself.
why American racial discrimination is so serious?
1. The mind of the racial discrimination exist in many white people』s minds. They always treat the black people as slaves or think them as criminals.
2. Some of the black people in America become lazy and crazy, they don』t work and do harmful things to the society, such as robbing, stealing and killing people.
3. The government don』t pay more attention on the racial discrimination, sometimes they maybe deprive the black people』s rights to maintain the white people』s rights.
4. The conflict of history which the black people try to get fair treatment is too short, many person don』t realize their rights deprived.
5. A widening gap between rich and poor is a reason cause the racial discrimination.
6.the essence of the problem is that the competition between the race and other race, it likes the regional protectionism(地方保護主義).
how to eliminate racial discrimination
1. A great leader
2. A responsible government
3. A justice international organization
4. A high quality people and an equal mind
A great leader
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.was an American political activist, the most famous leader of the American civil rights movement, Considered a peacemaker throughout the world for his promotion of nonviolence and equal treatment for different races, he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1968. His most influential and well-known speech is the "I Have A Dream" speech
A responsible government
Ensure black rights, especially employment, medical treatment, insurance and social welfare
To strengthen national equality and harmony of the propaganda and ecation, stop the spread of racism
A justice international organization
the United Nations must take responsibility to control the racial discrimination, help to eliminate poverty in developing countries, narrow the gap between rich and poor, and strongly advocated ethnic equality, harmonious and the dialogue between different civilizations
A high quality people and an equal mind
Give every races an equal ecation and job chances, keep the equal mind to treat everyone, improve human rights consciousness
The black people should improve their quality to win respect of the white people
The white people should correct their attitude towards the black, and give hands to the black people who need help
We have a long way to go
But we must believe :love is color blind

C. 電影《怒海潛將》種族歧視的觀後感



















D. 求關於反對種族歧視的英語作文,大概200字

馬丁路德金經典名言1. In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.在最後,我們會記得的不是敵人的話語,而是朋友們的沉默。2. I submit that an indivial who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law. 我提出:一個違反良心告訴他那是不公正法律的人,並且他願意接受牢獄的刑罰,以喚起社會的良心認識到那是不正義的,實際上他表現了對法律的最高敬意。3. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.對一個人的終極衡量,不在於他所曾擁有的片刻安逸,而在於他處於挑戰與爭議的時代。4.a man who stands for nothing will fall for anything 一個沒有立場的人總是相信任何事

E. 觀後感的英文怎麼說怎麼寫



impressions of after reading;


1.《老人與海》 我讀了美國著名作家海明威的小說《老人與海》,十分佩服小說中老漁夫的意志,他讓我懂得了一個人一定要有堅持不懈的精神,才能獲得成功。 小說描寫的是一個年近六旬的老漁夫,在一次單身出海打魚時,釣到了一條大魚,卻拉不上來。老漁夫同魚周旋了幾天後,才發現這是一條超過自己漁船數倍的大馬林魚,雖然明知很難取勝,但仍不放棄。後來又因大馬林魚傷口上的魚腥味引來了幾群鯊魚搶食,但老人仍不願就這樣放棄,最終突出重圍,將大魚帶回了漁港,讓其他漁夫佩服不已。

I read a famous American writer Ernest Hemingway's novel "the old man and the sea", very admire kept the will of the novel, he let me know how a man must have perseverance, can succeed. The man is a novel depicts a near the old fisherman, in a single out to sea fishing, caught a big fish, but pull not up. The old fisherman al with fish after a few days, found that this is a more than his several times as big marlin fishing boats, although knowing is hard to win, but still don't give up. Later and because the big marlin wound fish smell drew a few group of sharks rob food, but the old man still would not so give up, eventually beckoning, the big fish back to the fishing port, let the other fishermen

2.《to 童年admire. 》 這本書是作者真實生活的寫照,高爾基根據自己的親身經歷,再現了黑暗統治下的孩子從覺醒到長大的苦難歷程。阿廖沙是一個悲慘、可憐的小孩,他的童年是在外祖父家度過的,他的生活可不像我們現在這樣幸福,充滿陽光和愛。他的外祖父性情暴躁,貪婪、自私;兩個舅舅也很自私、粗暴,這些都在年幼的阿 廖沙的心裡留下了深深的烙印。這本書讓我了解到了當時沙皇統治時期的困苦生活,讓我知道了現在的美好生活的來之不易。我們要珍惜現在的幸福生活,熱愛生活,努力學習,用自己的能力和智慧把這個世界建設得更加美好。

This book is the real portraiture of life, golgi according to own experience, emersion the children of dark rule from awakening to the suffering of the course grew up. Allyson is a tragic, poor child, his childhood was spent in my grandfather home, his life is not like we do now happiness, full of light and love. His grandfather cranky and greed, selfish; Two uncle is very selfish, rough, these are young allyson heart left a deep imprint. This book let I learned the czar was ring the reign of the poor life, let me know the better life now the hard-won. We should cherish the happiness of life, love of life, study hard, with their own ability and wisdom to the world ?

3.《海底兩萬里》 這幾天,我看了一本《海底兩萬里》,這本書非常有意思。其中,我被《海底兩萬里》中的冰山這一節內容深深打動了。 他們在南極地區航行,在回來的路上,不幸被冰山困住,但他們用自己的智慧拯救了自己的生命。 多麼驚心動魄的一刻啊!想想他們,在危險的情況下,他們頭腦清醒,用智慧戰勝了困難。那我呢?我從小到大都很膽小,而且在困難來臨的時候沒有勇氣去面對、去戰勝它。而《海底兩萬里》給了我一些勇氣,我應該學習他們的那種不畏艱險的精神!《海底兩萬里》雖然只是一本冒險小說,但它卻給了我許多的勇氣,它讓我勇敢地去面對現實,不能膽小怕事!

These days, I read a book "the two miles", this book is very interesting. Among them, I was the submarine two miles of the tip this section content deeply moved. They in the Antarctic voyage, on my way back, unfortunate tip trapped, but they use their wisdom to save his own life. How thrilling moment! Think about them, in dangerous situation, they your head, with wisdom victory over the difficulties. What about me? My whole life is very timid, and in difficult comes no courage to face, to overcome it. The submarine two miles "gave me some courage, I should study they the sort of any difficulty spirit! "The two miles" although just a adventure stories, but it gave

4.《假如給我三天光明》 《假如給我三天光明》這本書記錄的是海倫.凱勒一生的事。書中感人心腑的故事,總是在我受到困難和挫折是鼓勵我,不要後退。海倫.凱勒從小就失去了聽覺、視覺和甜美的聲音。她也曾因自己的缺陷而放棄過,可她又很快振作起來。在莎莉文老師的幫助下,憑著超人的毅力,不但學會了說話,還學會了五種語言文字!她一生熬過了八十七個無聲、無語、無光的孤獨歲月!一個人只要胸懷大志,並不懈向著目標努力奮斗,就不會被一些客觀條件束縛,你就會擁有無限的力量去實現它!堅貞不屈、不斷進取的精神是海倫.凱勒所擁有的,我們——祖國的接班人更應該擁有這種美好的精神品質!

"If three days to see" the book of records is Helen. Keller of life. In the heart of the book moving heart-sweetening story, I was always in difficulties and frustrations is to encourage me, don't back. Helen. Keller was lost his hearing, vision, and sweet voice. She also had by his own defects and given it up, but then she soon cheer up. In Sally, the help of the teacher, with superman perseverance, not only learn to talk, but also learn to five language! Her life survived the eighty-seven silent, speechless, the loneliness of light years! As long as a person ambitious, and unremitting efforts to the target, won't be some objective conditions bondage, you will have unlimited power to realize

5.it! Stood 《firm and 水unyielding, enterprising 滸spirit 傳is Helen. ? 》 《水滸傳》是部龐大、復雜的小說,它生動地描寫、反映了梁山起義的發生,發展壯大直至起義失敗的整個過程。它明確地描寫出了當時起義的社會根源和原由,並成功塑造出了那些栩栩如生的起義英雄的形象,且通過他們不同的反抗道路展開了起義過程,也具體地揭示了起義失敗的內在原因。英雄們走上反抗的道路,各有不同的原因和不同的情況,但是在逼上樑山這一點上,許多人是共同的.他們不滿官府的剝削,受地主的掠奪和迫害起而反抗,結果被逼上山落草.勇猛地向統治階級進行沖擊.他們是從血的教訓中覺醒過來的。 The marsh is large, complex of novel, it vividly, reflect the occurrence of liangshan uprising, grow until the whole process of a failed uprising. It clearly description out of the uprising was social origins and reasons why, and successful making out the lifelike uprising hero image, and through them the resistance of the different road launched uprising process, also specifically reveals the internal reasons for a failed uprising. The resistance of the heroes on road, each have a different reason and to different situations, but in revolt this point, many people are common. Their dissatisfaction with the government exploitation, the landlord's rob and persecution revolted against, the results were forced up the mountain were gone. Bravely impact to the ruling class. They were from the blood of the teaching of the awakening of the ?



What We Learned: College is basically the Middle East, only with more gunfights, racial tension and date rapes.


If there's a movie you're both interested in seeing, watch it indivially and then call each other afterward and talk about it.


What We Learned: If you bully your team's water boy he will later show up inexplicably playing for your arch rival and rupture your spleen. Also, going to class is for suckers.


On the way home after watching a ballet performance, the kindergarten teacher asked her students what they thought of it.


Again, send a link to this post.Ask them what they think.Challenge them to get creative.


Learning of tables is essential even if there is a calculator. Each child should keep a diary where they can write stories, experiences and observations.


When I found this review in our forum I had no choice but to move it to the main page.


I advised writing an article after visiting the exhibition.


His roommate, Mary, is asking him about it.


I'm looking for time to write another two films out of Feedback, and recommend to others.


What We Learned: If you follow the example set in this movie, you will end up in federal prison.


Joe Bradley: Bnd that will be the end of the fairy tale.


I have been working on records, records that every section of Guan Hougan, I would like to.


What We Learned: Follow your heart and let inspiration into your life.


Probably everyone has seen a movie at one time or another! Discover some Modern English terms for expressing your feelings about them.


If there's a movie you're both interested in seeing, watch it indivially and then call each other afterward and talk about it.


These reviews accord with and stick to universal values. Effective criticism should have humanity as its core and embody humanistic concern and the spirit of rationalism .


On the way home after watching a ballet performance, the kindergarten teacher asked her students: What they thought of it.


Other children in the beginning of the paintings simple , the teacher let Chan Kwok-Kwan Shing see Picasso and the works of masters such as Monet, and then follow with the creation Feedback.


The movie is about the Wall Street "about it."


So far, the research documents for this work are limited to the brief introction to the plot or the simple after-reading comments.


Welcome any members here who are interested in this program to post any comments , suggestions or view about this program.


The Girl with the Dragon Tatto …


A Girl's Wish On the way home after watching a ballet performance, the kindergarten teacher asked her students what they thought of it.


What We Learned: If you're trying to make your college's swim team it helps to know the Triple Lindy.

《天降食物》觀後感 故事講的內容是這樣的:有一個小島,上面的人都很喜歡吃沙丁魚,這個小島還是專門出產沙丁魚的。

There is a small island, the people are very like eat sardine, the island is specialized in the manufacturing of sardine.

《天降食物》觀後感 故事講的內容是這樣的:有一個小島,上面的人都很喜歡吃沙丁魚,這個小島還是專門出產沙丁魚的。

F. 種族歧視英文文章

種族歧視產生於古羅馬帝國時代。美國的黑人、大洋洲的土著民以及日本的部落民都曾深受其害。下面就是我給大家整理的種族歧視英文 文章 ,希望大家喜歡。

In some countries where racial prejudice is acute, violence has so come to be taken for granted as a means of solving differences,that it is not even questioned. There are countries where the white man imposes his rule by brute force; there are countries wherethe black man protests by setting fire to cities and by looting and pillaging. Important people on both sides, who would in other respects appear to be reasonable men, get up and calmly argue in favor of violence – as if it were a legitimate solution, like any other. What is really frightening, what really fills you with despair, is the realization that when it comes to the crunch, we have made no actual progress at all. We may wear collars and ties instead of war-paint, but our instincts remain basically unchanged. The whole of the recorded history of the human race, that tedious documentation of violence, has taught us absolutely nothing. We have still not learnt that violence never solves a problem but makes it more acute. The sheer horror, the bloodshed, the suffering mean nothing. No solution ever comes to light the morning after when we dismally contemplate the smoking ruins and wonder whathit us.

Before we can even begin to contemplate peaceful co-existence between the races, we must appreciate each other's problems. And to do this, we must learn about them: it is a simple exercise in communication, in exchanging information. “Talk, talk, talk,” the advocates of violence say, “all you ever do is talk, and we are none the wiser.” It's rather like the story of the famous barrister who painstakingly explained his case to the judge. After listening to a lengthy argument the judge complained that after all this talk, he was none the wiser. “Possible, my lord,” the barrister replied, “none the wiser, but surely far better informed.”Knowledge is the necessary prerequisite to wisdom: the knowledge that violence creates the evils it pretends to solve.
According to the bourgeois racial and ethnic characteristics of people's social status and legal status of racial restrictions andviolations of other fundamental rights and freedoms of the phenomenon. In class society, racial discrimination is essentially class issues.

The existence of racial discrimination in ancient times, but its modern form from the beginning of the primitive accumulation of capital, so far, a number of areas in the world, there is still racial discrimination. This phenomenon is by the reactionary rulingclass to take legislative, administrative and other measures to advocate and spread of racial superiority and racial hatred, such as the doctrine. The performance of racial discrimination are open to the public, legal, hidden, reality.In South Africa, highlighted the performance of racial discrimination to apartheid, the white racists this is the basic national policy, has been 300 yearsof history. In the last half-century, white racism Racial Discrimination Act promulgated by the authorities as many as 100. American blacks, Indians, the indigenous people of Oceania, Europe's former colonial immigrants, ethnic minorities and foreign workers in Asia, "tribal people" and caste groups, are today the victims of racial discrimination.

Today, I say the United States of racial discrimination. Racial discrimination or colour issues, mainly in the United States and black-related issues, because they account for one-tenth of the total population of the United States.
In America, the racial discrimination is everywhere, the racial conflict often happen, the black people are treated as slaves bywhite people, they often have the lowest salary, insurance and many unfair treatment.

Nowadays, the racial discrimination isn’t just between the white and the black, many other races in American are discriminated by the local people and they don’t have right to protect themselves

In 20XX ,a white peopleDoug Williams who hate the black people brought weapon to kill five black people then killed himself.

why American racial discrimination is so serious?

種族歧視英文 作文 (3篇)種族歧視英文作文(3篇)1. The mind of the racial discrimination exist in many white people’s minds. They always treat the black people as slaves or think them as criminals.

2. Some of the black people in America become lazy and crazy, they don’t work and do harmfulthings to the society, such as robbing, stealing and killing people.

3. The government don’t pay more attentionon the racial discrimination, sometimes they maybe deprive the black people’srights to maintain the white people’s rights.

4. The conflict of history which the black people try to get fair treatment is too short, many person don’t realize their rights deprived.

5. A widening gap between rich and poor is a reason cause the racial discrimination.

6.the essence of the problem is that the competition between the race and other race, it likes the regional protectionism(地方保護主義).

how to eliminate racial discrimination

1. A great leader

2. A responsible government

3. A justice international organization

4. A high quality people and an equal mind

A great leader

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.was an American political activist, the most famous leader of the American civil rights movement, Considered a peacemaker throughout the world for his promotion of nonviolence and equal treatment for different races, he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 20XX. His most influential and well-known speech is the "I Have A Dream" speech

A responsible government

Ensure black rights, especially employment, medical treatment, insurance and social welfare

To strengthen national equality and harmony of the propaganda and ecation, stop the spread of racism

A justice international organization

the United Nations must take responsibility to control the racial discrimination, help to eliminate poverty in developing countries, narrow the gap between rich and poor, and strongly advocated ethnic equality, harmonious and the dialogue between differentcivilizations

A high quality people and an equal mind

Give every races an equal ecation and job chances, keep the equal mind to treat everyone, improve human rights consciousness

The black people should improve their quality to win respect of the white people

The white people should correct their attitude towards the black, and give hands to the black people who need help

We have a long way to go

But we must believe :love is color blind.

G. 觀後感用英文怎麼說應該怎麼寫



impression of view


搖滾校園觀後感 Rock campus Pom Poko ; School of Rock Feedback

貝隆夫人觀後感 Evita Feedback

純粹電影觀後感 Movie Review

電影觀後感 Film impressions ; After watching a movie ; Film Feedback

阿甘正傳英文觀後感 Forrest Gump


寫出一個觀後感 film revlewinq

死神來了觀後感 Death to the Feedback ; Death to the Pom Poko

變形金剛3觀後感 Transformers 3 impressions ; Transformers 3 Feedback



What We Learned: College is basically the Middle East, only with more gunfights, racial tension and date rapes.


If there's a movie you're both interested in seeing, watch it indivially and then call each other afterward and talk about it.


What We Learned: If you bully your team's water boy he will later show up inexplicably playing for your arch rival and rupture your spleen. Also, going to class is for suckers.


On the way home after watching a ballet performance, the kindergarten teacher asked her students what they thought of it.


Again, send a link to this post.Ask them what they think.Challenge them to get creative.


Learning of tables is essential even if there is a calculator. Each child should keep a diary where they can write stories, experiences and observations.


When I found this review in our forum I had no choice but to move it to the main page.


I advised writing an article after visiting the exhibition.


His roommate, Mary, is asking him about it.


I'm looking for time to write another two films out of Feedback, and recommend to others.


What We Learned: If you follow the example set in this movie, you will end up in federal prison.


Joe Bradley: Bnd that will be the end of the fairy tale.


I have been working on records, records that every section of Guan Hougan, I would like to.


What We Learned: Follow your heart and let inspiration into your life.


Probably everyone has seen a movie at one time or another! Discover some Modern English terms for expressing your feelings about them.


If there's a movie you're both interested in seeing, watch it indivially and then call each other afterward and talk about it.


These reviews accord with and stick to universal values. Effective criticism should have humanity as its core and embody humanistic concern and the spirit of rationalism .


On the way home after watching a ballet performance, the kindergarten teacher asked her students: What they thought of it.


Other children in the beginning of the paintings simple , the teacher let Chan Kwok-Kwan Shing see Picasso and the works of masters such as Monet, and then follow with the creation Feedback.


The movie is about the Wall Street "about it."


So far, the research documents for this work are limited to the brief introction to the plot or the simple after-reading comments.


Welcome any members here who are interested in this program to post any comments , suggestions or view about this program.


The Girl with the Dragon Tatto …


A Girl's Wish On the way home after watching a ballet performance, the kindergarten teacher asked her students what they thought of it.


What We Learned: If you're trying to make your college's swim team it helps to know the Triple Lindy.

《天降食物》觀後感 故事講的內容是這樣的:有一個小島,上面的人都很喜歡吃沙丁魚,這個小島還是專門出產沙丁魚的。

There is a small island, the people are very like eat sardine, the island is specialized in the manufacturing of sardine.

《天降食物》觀後感 故事講的內容是這樣的:有一個小島,上面的人都很喜歡吃沙丁魚,這個小島還是專門出產沙丁魚的。

There is a small island, the people are very like eat sardine, the island is specialized in the manufacturing of sardine.



reaction to a book or an article

impression of a book or an article


I do not read the book because I like it. I have to write a book report. (I read the book not because I like it.)?



n. 反應,回應;反動;反作用力

cascade reaction


reaction accelerator


Autocatalysis:Catalysis of a chemical reaction by one of the procts of the reaction.



n. 書籍;著作;聖經;有內涵的事物;知識;劇本;賬簿;卷,篇

adj. 從書本上學來的;賬簿記載的

v. 預訂;將…的姓名記在本子上;【英】預訂房間 c

subsidiary book

輔助帳簿; 明細帳簿

It was a stupid book.


This is the sum of this book.



n. 文章;論文;條款;物品;冠詞

v. 進行控告,提出罪狀;簽訂協議;訂約將…收為學徒或見習生

carry an article


It is a serious article.


A Class III article if it is of the opinion that the article is obscene

H. 種族歧視的原因(英文的)

In essence, this kind of racial discrimination is kind of despising upon the inferior community and culture. In the long history, e to high proctivity, the white community』s civilization is definitely higher than the others. The superior psychology of the White contributes greatly to racial discrimination. More specifically, when two different cultures confront with each other, the dominant culture necessarily judge the weaker culture according to its own measure, thus procing discrimination. To some extent, I regard it a concept of self-centered.


I. 誰有關於種族歧視的英文文章

Racial discrimination, or, the color problem, refers mainly to Negroes in the United States, as they constitute one tenth of the total population. The term "Negro" is applied to people descended or partly descended from slaves transported from Africa long ago. It is now avoided by many white Americans for fear of offending their "non-white" brothers. The old term "nigger" is now considered to be insulting, and is altogether avoided in decent usage. In official statistics the term "non-white" is used, and in ordinary situations it is acceptable to call non-white people "black", although this term was once also somewhat insulting.


Without some reference to historical back- ground, the Negro position today couldn't be understood. The black population is about 20 million. Their ancestors were brought to America as slaves in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Nearly all their descendants were kept in legal slavery in the South until 1865. The southern states were defeated in the Civil War and were forced to abolish slavery and set the slaves free. But the southerners were determined to keep the Negroes from becoming equal in anything but constitutional law.


The Federal Government has, graally compelled the white majority in the South to allow Negroes to enjoy civic rights. But legal protection has been slow to develop and has not yet solved the social problem of inequality in voting, ecation, employment and housing.


The masses of the unemployed black and the mounting wrath against social injustice constitute an active volcano in society and are attracting more and more serious public concern. Those who worry about the future of the country have been seeking a way to the solution of the problem. So in 1954 , the Supreme Court decided that the whole system of separate ecation in the South was denying the constitutional right of equal treatment to the Negroes. It ordered that the southern ecational authorities should integrate their schools for the white with the schools for the black. In 1964 President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Acts, banning discrimination in public place based upon race or color. But if the Federal Government has been making some effort for a program of providing equal ecation opportunity to all minority people, the progress has been slow and difficult.


J. 英語電影《鋼琴家》如50詞左右觀後感英語寫

The film, according to the Autobiography of Poland Jewish composer and pianist Wladyslaw Splman, describes the story of a Jewish pianist in Poland ring the Second World War.



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