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發布時間:2022-10-03 19:26:03

1. 珍珠港影評500字以上

影評:戰爭中的人性 文 / 韓彧

2. 電影珍珠港的觀後感



3. 《珍珠港》觀後感


4. 偷襲珍珠港電影看後感










5. 珍珠港電影英語影評

*** This comment may contain spoilers ***

Pearl Harbor is a monstrous, costly and utterly disrespectful abomination of film with pretensions of serious emotional weight and proper historical context. With the cost of the movie comparable to the damage costs of the actual Dec. 7, 1941, attack, more attention should've been paid to the script and research instead of all the models and gasoline for an attack sequence that, while spectacular, was more appropriate for a Star Wars clone or a video game than an actual World War II-era film.

And that's about the only "positive," if you can call it that, of that hack Michael Bay's Oscar-t project. Many history buffs have ripped the movie from the angle of historical inaccuracy and omission. Assuming that Pearl Harbor is not meant to be a documentary, but a work of historical fiction, lack of historical accuracy and comprehensiveness is by far the least significant of Pearl Harbor's problems, per se, although such blatant historical carelessness certainly starts to say a lot about the movie as a whole.

But, if Pearl Harbor's aim was to be a work of fiction, it has also miserably failed at that. It fails as literature, and it fails as a film. Pearl Harbor tries to be an amalgamation of three past classic movies on the subjects it covers: 1) From Here to Eternity, a clever and well acted telling of the stories of several characters' romantic pursuits and personal struggles right before the attack on Pearl Harbor disrupted everything, 2) Tora! Tora! Tora!, a mostly factual, well balanced depiction of the planning and execution of the actual Pearl Harbor attack with vintage cinematography, and 3) Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo, a meticulously detailed depiction of the Doolittle Raid with a schmaltzy but genuine love subplot involving one actual soldier and his wife. But Pearl Harbor falls far short of all three aforementioned films on not only their own terms, but simply as movies.

Instead of From Here to Eternity's clever dialogues and personal plot twists and romantic moments dripping alternately with irony and genuine warmth, Pearl Harbor wastes its first hour and a half of screen time setting up a sophomoric love triangle that could have been ripped straight from daytime television soap operas and trash talk shows.

The triangle involves two generically glamorous flyboys, played by Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett, who have been friends since childhood. Even their names, Rafe McCawley and Danny Walker, are mundane. Rafe (Affleck) falls in love with a nurse who presides over his physical named Evelyn (played by Kate Beckinsale), who is also generically glamorous. Rafe and Evelyn spend the next hour or so exchanging pallid lines of dialogue that try too hard to hammer into the audience that, yes, they are in love. Sort of like Shakespeare or Petrarch without any brains and about four centuries too late. In any case, Rafe goes to Britain to fly for the Royal Air Force, where he faces serious butt-kissing from the Brits in a disgustingly patronizing depiction of both British and Americans, and gets shot down over London. But (who didn't see this coming) he lives.

But Evelyn thinks he's dead. And so does Danny (Hartnett). After the token few minutes of mourning, Danny and Evelyn fly above Hawaii and then make it like rabbits under parachutes, invoking obvious parallels to Titanic's "I'm flying" scene followed by good ol' shagging in a car backseat. More faux-sonnet dialogue follows. Then, just like clockwork, Rafe comes back, poor Evelyn is caught in the middle, and Danny and Rafe fight Jerry Springer-style. Then it gets interrupted by the spectacular but oddly fake and inhuman money siphon ... er ... I mean, attack sequence characterized by CGI copies of trapped and screaming people.

Meanwhile, Pearl Harbor occasionally alternates to shots of somber-looking Japanese spies and soldiers planning the attack, all accompanied by evil-sounding music, going out of the way to make the Japanese look like devious souls out for revenge because America wouldn't give them their oil (convenient partial reasoning). Then, in an attempt to make the Japanese appear somewhat remorseful, the script calls for Admiral Yamamoto to utter his famous "brilliant man" and "sleeping giant" lines.

After the attack, Jon Voight does a wonderful impression of Peter Sellers' Dr. Strangelove. Only problem is, he was supposed to be Franklin D. Roosevelt.

O, and as for Rafe and Danny? They've sort of made up. Heck, ring the attack, they even team up to presumptuously usurp the roles of the two historical heroes of the Pearl Harbor attack, Lts. George Welch and Kenneth Taylor, who took to the skies and shot down anywhere from six to 10 Japanese planes.

Then our omnipresent plastic heroes listen in on a Top Gun-esquire rah-rah by Alec Baldwin's interpretation of Col. Jimmy Doolittle, which leads into a half-baked annotation of the historical Doolittle Raid, which has the threefold purpose of making sure our two heroes achieve good ol' American vengeance on the Japanese, to slap some convenient closure on our three-hour General Hospital episode (in case you couldn't figure it out, Danny dies, and Rafe and Evelyn live happily ever after with the parachute baby Danny Jr.), and to make me wonder why this movie was titled "Pearl Harbor" and not "Babes, Bombs and Butt-kicking," or something rather. Then the credits roll, accompanied by a pop song that sounds like a rejected idea for Titanic.

The title "Pearl Harbor" presumes that this movie is the ultimate cinematic authority on the attack. But instead it amounts to little more than a three-hour soap opera with putrid dialogue that has the gall to give credit to generic G.I. Joes for key historical roles. No other work of historical fiction has at the same time taken itself so seriously and managed to show such irreverence both for its subject and for the very craft of film-making.

6. 電影珍珠港的英文介紹

The movie begins on a Tennessee farm in the late 1920s as two kids, Rafe McCawley and Danny Walker, play in a pretend fighter plane they made, pretending to be shooting down German planes. As they are playing, Rafe's dad is out sting the fields in his old cropster. When he lands and goes into his tractor, the two boys sneak into his plane and keep the pretend fight going. They accidentally start the plane and "fly" it down the runway, almost crashing it until it finally stops. Danny's father, who still suffers the effects of fighting in World War One, (William Fichtner) comes out and starts screaming at them and smacking Danny. Rafe grabs a board and whacks him to stop the beating, protecting his best friend. This snaps him out of his funk, and he tells Danny he only wants to ensure he doesn't go to war someday like how he "fought 'em in the trenches."

Years later, Rafe (Ben Affleck) and Danny (Josh Hartnett), both in their early twenties and First Lieutenants in the U.S. Army, are at a U.S. Army Air Corps training field commanded by Major Jimmy Doolittle (Alec Baldwin). Rafe is very cocky as he and Danny do a particularly dangerous stunt (a game of chicken) that almost kills them (and more importantly to the brass, almost damages the planes). They are called into Doolittle's office where they are reprimanded, but Doolittle is actually quite impressed with Rafe as he reminds him of himself when he was young. Later, Doolittle tells Rafe that he has been accepted to go to Britain and join Eagle Squadron, a squadron of volunteer American pilots serving with the Royal Air Force in the fight against the Germans. It is strictly a volunteer assignment, and Doolittle tells him it's his ty to talk him out of it. Rafe asks Doolittle what he would do, and Doolittle says he would go, so Rafe agrees to go as well.

Prior to Rafe leaving, there is a big dance in New York, and many nurses are coming to the event. Some of the nurses are traveling there by train, and one of them, Evelyn Johnson (Kate Beckinsale), is telling the other nurses how she first met Rafe while assessing his fitness to fly. Although his eyesight did not fit the standard requirement, she felt sorry and passed him anyway. During his flu shots, she first agreed to go out with him, and they have been going out now for four weeks and two days. At the dance, Rafe tells Evelyn that in the morning he is headed off to Europe. They have a tearful good-bye, and Rafe tells her not to come to the train station to see him off. He goes to Europe, and Evelyn and Danny get transferred to Pearl Harbor.

While in Europe, the squadron Rafe is a member and is scrambled to intercept a formation of Heinkel He 111 bombers, but Rafe's fighter is attacked by a Messerschmitt Bf 109 escort. His oil line is ruptured, and his canopy jams. His aircraft crashes into the sea. In Hawaii, Evelyn is informed that Rafe is missing presumed killed.

Three months later while separately going to the same movie, Danny and Evelyn see a newsreel that shows British fighters being shot down by the Germans. Thinking of Rafe, both Danny and Evelyn leave the theater and by accident meet each other out front of the building. They strike up a friendship again which eventually leads to a romantic after-hours flight and a sexual encounter in a parachute storage room.

Evelyn has stopped mourning Rafe, but one morning she discovers she's pregnant, she is stunned to find Rafe. As it turned out, after he crashed into the English Channel, the impact meant he could escape, and he was rescued by a French fishing boat and returned to occupied France for three months where he couldn't get word out to them that he was alive. Suddenly Danny appears, holding a telegram that Rafe is alive. Somehow, Rafe instantly realizes that Danny and Evelyn are now together and leaves the room, refusing to talk to Danny.

After a barfight, Danny and Rafe argue and eventually drive to a hillside to discuss what they are going to do about their situation. They have been drinking and fall asleep in their convertible under the stars, after Rafe says there must be a way to work this out. They are awakened the next morning by Japanese Zero fighters, Val dive bombers and Kate torpedo bombers flying overhead. The barely-awake pilots think it is the U.S. Navy performing exercises.

The Japanese attack catches the U.S. fleet largely unaware, despite Admiral Kimmel having been informed of a Japanese midget submarine destroyed near the entrance to the harbor. Much of the surprise came not from a lack of awareness of the planes, but a radar station dismissing the large number of contacts as a flight of B-17s. A bomb dropped from a Kate bomber ruptures the forward part of the USS Arizona's ammunition magazine, literally splitting the ship in half and sending it to the bottom. Meanwhile, Japanese fighters are attacking the airstrips present on the island to prevent any attempt to intercept the attack aircraft. Petty Officer Doris "Dorie" Miller (Cuba Gooding Jr.), a cook on the USS West Virginia, mans an antiaircraft gun and manages to shoot down a Japanese plane. Around the same time, Evelyn, Sandra, Betty and the other nurses head towards the hospital to help injured people. On their way they are strafed, and many people flee into the hospital while some are killed. The gunfire forces Evelyn and Sandra to hide behind a fountain. Suddenly, a plane drops a bomb, and Betty is killed while the other women hide in the hospital.

Later, Evelyn and the other nurses are working frantically with masses of incoming casualties, having to prioritize which lives can be saved and who receives priority care. Rafe and Danny make it to their Army auxiliary airfield, and together with another pilot manage to get their planes moving, though the other pilot is destroyed before getting off the ground. The two of them shoot down seven Japanese planes over the Harbor. They even use the same maneuver that got them into trouble at Doolittle's school to force four Zeros to crash into each other.

The attack finally ends, and because of their heroism, Rafe and Danny are both promoted to Captain and assigned to Doolittle (now promoted to Lt. Col) for a top secret mission. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Jon Voight) wants to send a message that the Japanese homeland is not immune from bombing. They are going to put Army Air Corp B-25 Mitchell bombers onto the aircraft carrier USS Hornet (instead of the usual light naval assault bombers), sail out close to Japan, take off a few hundred miles offshore, bomb Tokyo and land in China. Prior to leaving, a heartbroken Rafe apologizes to Evelyn for leaving her, and asks why she wants to see him. She reveals that she is pregnant, but has not yet told Danny so he can focus on his mission. She also says that she is going to go with Danny, but deep down inside she will always love Rafe just as much. When Rafe and Danny leave, Evelyn tells Danny that she loves him and she will be waiting for him.

7. 幫忙翻譯成英文 拒絕在線翻譯描述二次世界大戰珍珠港戰役的戰爭愛情巨片《珍珠港》

我可以給你提供一點資料 這是羅斯福就珍珠港事件的講話(1941年12月8日) Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation

Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives:

Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 -- a date which will live in infamy -- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.

The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific.

Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleagues delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. And while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or of armed attack.

It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.

The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.

Yesterday, the Japanese government also launched an attack against Malaya.

Last night, Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong.

Last night, Japanese forces attacked Guam.

Last night, Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands.

Last night, the Japanese attacked Wake Island.

And this morning, the Japanese attacked Midway Island.

Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation.

As commander in chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. But always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us.

No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.

I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us.

Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger.

With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph -- so help us God.

I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire.


8. 如何用英語介紹<珍珠港>這部電影

Pearl Harbor is a classic tail of romance set ring a war that complicates everything. It all starts when childhood friends Rafe and Danny become Navy pilots and meet Evelyn a Navy nurse. Rafe falls head over heels and next thing you know Evelyn and Rafe are hooking up. Then Rafe volunteers to go fight in Britan and Evelyn and Danny get transfered to Pearl Harbor. And while Rafe is off fighting everything gets completely whack and next thing you know everybody is in the middle of an air raid we now know as "Pearl Harbor." Written by shoppingurl3

Set ring the time of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, two friends (Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett) are caught up in the events that draw the United States into World War II. One of them enlists with the U.S. Army Air Corps and the other flies for the British Royal Air Force, but they both find themselves in love with the same woman (Kate Beckinsale). Written by Anonymous

The classic story of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor is told through the eyes of two boyhood friends, now serving as officers in the Army Air Corps. Rafe is an energetic young pilot who is selected to fly with the British in Europe while America is still not at war. After Rafe is shot down and presumed killed, however, Danny comforts Rafe's former lover, Evelyn, and the two draw closer. But, when Rafe turns up alive, the two former friends become enemies, and it is through the turmoil of Pearl Harbor that the two may reconcile their differences. Written by Anthony Hughes {[email protected]}

Two childhood best friends, Rafe (Ben Affleck) and Danny (Josh Hartnett), grow up wanting to fly planes. When Rafe gets the chance to join the Royal Air Force ring World War II, he takes it - leaving his new love, Evelyn (Kate Beckinsale), a dedicated Navy nurse, and Danny, also a pilot, behind. Danny and Evelyn are transferred separately to the idyllic paradise of Hawaii, where they eventually meet through a connection to Rafe, who has been declared missing. But just as the love triangle begins to get complicated, Dec. 7, 1941 arrives, changing all of their lives forever. Written by Sujit R. Varma

9. 珍珠港100字觀後感









這時,羅斯福總統,推開輪椅,緩慢吃力,物理疼痛,但很堅決的讓自己硬是站了起來,在那句堅定的「別扶我,喬治,別扶我」下,他的這一舉動征服了所有的議員,然後,很有徵服力的說了一句:Do not tell me,沒有不可能。



10. 《珍珠港》電影觀後感800字以上




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