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㈠ 盤點布魯斯威利斯的電影有哪些,【在線觀看】免費百度雲資源

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?pwd=1122 提取碼:1122

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?pwd=r829 提取碼:r829

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?pwd=hfe2 提取碼:hfe2

㈡ 布魯斯·威利斯的所有電影

《敢死隊》(個人覺得很無聊,而且看著小時候喜歡的動作明星老了那麼多,總提不起興趣看,看據說影評不錯)《拍檔偵探》(又叫警界雙賤、Cop Out,看了不到10分鍾就看不下去了,感覺有點毀布魯斯在我心中的形象)

㈢ 【合集】布魯斯威利斯的全部電影,【免費高清】在線觀看百度網盤資源

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1n8b1gmGyCk5eWYx7Moe8Xw

?pwd=2z25 提取碼: 2z25

㈣ 盤點布魯斯威利斯主演的系列電影,【在線觀看】免費百度雲資源


凱西(安雅·泰勒-喬伊 Anya Taylor-Joy 飾)是一個顯得和同齡人格格不入的怪女孩,某日,她和同學克萊爾(海莉·路·理查森 Haley Lu Richardson 飾)、瑪西亞(傑西卡·蘇拉 Jessica Sula 飾)一起准備坐車回家,哪知道遭到了一神秘男子的襲擊和綁架,三人被囚禁在灰暗陰冷的地下室中,面臨著未知的凶險命運。

㈤ 告訴我布魯斯威利斯的所有電影! 謝謝啊!

1.《虎膽龍威4:虛擬危機》Live Free or Die Hard AS . John McClane(2007)
2.《農民宇航員》The Astronaut Farmer (2007)
3.《完美陌生人》Perfect Stranger AS …… Harrison Hill (2007)
4.Morgan's Summit AS …… (attached) (2007)
5.《籬笆牆外》Over the Hedge AS …… RJ (voice) (2006)
6.《勇闖16街區》16 Blocks AS …… Jack Mosley (2006)
7.HBO First Look Over the Hedge: Off the Strip & Onto the Screen AS ... Himself (2006)
8.Friday Night with Jonathan Ross Episode #10.13 AS …… Himself (2006)
9.Cannes 2006: Crónica de Carlos Boyero AS …… Himself (archive footage) (2006)
10.大衛深夜脫口秀Late Show with David Letterman Episode dated 17 May 2006 AS …… Himself (2006)
11.The Early Show Episode dated 22 May 2006 AS …… Himself (2006)
12. Al Pacino: An American Cinematheque Tribute AS …… Himself (2006)
13.Grand journal de Canal+, Le Episode dated 20 May 2006 AS …… Himself (2006)
14.《黑水船運公司》Black Water Transit AS …… Earl Pike (2006)
15.《火線對峙》Hostage AS …… Jeff Talley (2005)
16.《罪惡之城》Sin City AS …… Hartigan (2005)
17.Wildwood Days AS …… Himself (2005)
18.Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope AS …… Himself (2005)
19.《阿爾法狗》Alpha Dog AS …… Sonny Truelove (2005)
20.《幸運數字斯萊文》Lucky Number Slevin AS …… Mr. Goodkat (2005)
21.Shelter from the Storm: A Concert for the Gulf Coast AS …… Himself (2005)
22.《十二羅漢》Ocean's Twelve AS …… Himself (uncredited) (2004)
23.《整十碼》The Whole Ten Yards AS …… Jimmy (2004)
24."Retrosexual: The 80's" AS …… Himself (archive footage) (2004)
25.Geschichte des erotischen Films, Die AS …… (archive footage) (2004)
26.MTV Video Music Awards 2004 AS …… Himself (2004)
27.'Pulp Fiction' on a Dime: A 10th Anniversary Retrospect AS …… (archive footage) (2004)
28.Genius: A Night for Ray Charles AS …… Himself (2004)
29.《太陽之淚》Tears of the Sun AS …… Lt. A.K. Waters (2003)
30.《原野小兵兵》Rugrats Go Wild! AS …… Spike (voice) (2003)
31.《霹靂嬌娃2》Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle AS …… William Rose Bailey (uncredited) (2003)
32.Hollywood Celebrates Denzel Washington: An American Cinematheque Tribute AS …… Himself (2003)
33.2002 ABC World Stunt Awards AS …… Himself (2002)
34.True West AS …… Lee (2002)
35.《完美盜賊》Bandits AS …… Joseph 'Joe' Blake (2001)
36.《哈特之戰》Hart's War AS …… Col. William A. McNamara (2001)
37.Grand Champion AS …… CEO (2001)
38.《扭轉未來》The Kid AS …… Russell Duritz (2000)
39.《整九碼》The Whole Nine Yards AS …… Jimmy \'The Tulip\' Tudeski (2000)
40.《驚心動魄》Unbreakable AS …… David Dunn (2000)
41.2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards AS …… Himself (Presenter) (uncredited) (2000)
42.Hollywood Salutes Bruce Willis: An American Cinematheque Tribute AS …… Himself (2000)
43.Entertainment Tonight Presents: 'Moonlighting' Exposed AS …… Himself (2000)
44.《我們的故事》The Story of Us AS …… Ben Jordan (1999)
45.《靈異第六感》The Sixth Sense AS …… Malcolm Crowe (1999)
46.《冠軍的早餐》Breakfast of Champions AS …… Dwayne Hoover (1999)
47.Franky Goes to Hollywood AS …… Himself (1999)
48.《緊急動員》The Siege AS …… Major General William Devereaux (1998)
49.《隕石大沖撞》Armageddon AS …… Harry S. Stamper (1998)
50.《刑房之恐怖星球/恐怖星球/索女喪屍機關槍》 Planet Terror ------- (2007)
51.《終極密碼戰》Mercury Rising AS …… Art Jeffries (1998)
52.《狙擊職業殺手》The Jackal AS …… The Jackal (1997)
53.《第五元素》The Fifth Element AS …… Major Korben Dallas (1997)
54.《癟四與大頭蛋》Beavis and Butt-Head Do America AS …… Muddy Grimes (voice) (1996)
55.《終極悍將》Last Man Standing AS …… John Smith (1996)
56."Bruno the Kid" AS …… Bruno the Kid (voice) (1996)
57.《瘋狂終結者》Four Rooms AS …… Leo (segment "The Man from Hollywood") (uncredited) (1995)
58.《十二猴子》Twelve Monkeys AS …… James Cole (1995)
59. A Night to Die for AS …… Himself (1995)
60.《大智若愚》Nobody's Fool AS …… Carl Roebuck (1994)
61.《低俗小說》Pulp Fiction AS …… Butch Coolidge (1994)
62.《浪子保鏢》North AS …… Narrator (1994)
63.《夜色》Color of Night AS …… Dr. Bill Capa (1994)
64.《致命距離》Striking Distance AS …… Tom Hardy (1993)
65.《重裝武器》Loaded Weapon 1 AS …… John McClane, 814 Pacific Coast Highway (uncredited) (1993)
66.《飛越長生》Death Becomes Her AS …… Dr. Ernest Menville (1992)
67.《超級大玩家》The Player AS …… Himself (1992)
68.《虎膽神偷》 又名《哈德森之鷹》......Hudson Hawk (1991)
69.《義膽風雲》Billy Bathgate AS …… Bo Weinberg (1991)
70.《最後戰士》The Last Boy Scout AS …… Joseph Cornelius 'Joe' Hallenbeck (1991)
71.《致命思想》Mortal Thoughts AS …… James Urbanski (1991)
72.《虛榮的篝火》The Bonfire of the Vanities AS …… Peter Fallow (1990)
73.《看誰又在說話》Look Who's Talking Too AS …… Mikey (voice) (1990)
74.Sinatra 75: The Best Is Yet to Come AS …… Himself (1990)
75.Die Harder: The Making of 'Die Hard 2' AS …… Himself (1990)
76.《看誰在說話》Look Who's Talking AS …… Mikey (voice) (1989)
77.《冷暖天涯》In Country AS …… Emmett Smith (1989)
78.Saturday Night Live: 15th Anniversary AS …… Himself (1989)
79.《第61屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮》The 61st Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Cinematography (1989)
80.That's Adequate AS …… Himself (1989)
81.Saturday Night Live Episode #15.1 AS …… Himself - Host (1989)
82.《落日》Sunset AS …… Tom Mix (1988)
83.《虎膽龍威》Die Hard AS …… John McClane (1988)
84.The Return of Bruno AS …… Bruno Radolini (1988)
85.《盲目約會》Blind Date AS …… Walter Davis (1987)
86.The Pointer Sisters: Up All Nite AS …… Himself (1987)
87.The 44th Annual Golden Globe Awards AS …… Himself (1987)
88.《藍色月光》Moonlighting AS …… David Addison Jr. (1985)
89."Moonlighting" AS …… David Addison Jr. (1985)
90.《大審判》The Verdict AS …… Courtroom Observer (uncredited) (1982)
91.Guru kommt, Ein AS …… Extra (uncredited) (1980)
92.《第一死罪》The First Deadly Sin AS …… Man Entering Diner as Delaney Leaves (uncredited) (1980)
93.The Hamster Factor and Other Tales of Twelve Monkeys (1997) AS …… Himself (uncredited)
94.Bruno the Kid: The Animated Movie (1996) AS …… Bruno the Kid (voice)
95.Pulp Fiction: The Facts (2002) AS …… Himself
96.Apocalypse (1998) AS …… Trey Kincaid
97.Playboy: The Complete Anna Nicole Smith (2000) AS …… Himself (archive footage)
98.Inside 'Bandits' (2001) AS …… Himself
99.Journey to Safety: Making 'Tears of the Sun' (2003) AS …… Himself
100.Film-Fest DVD: Issue 3 - Toronto (2000) AS …… Himself
101.Conversations with Jon Turteltaub (2000) AS …… Himself
102.Scene 71 Filmmakers Workshop (2003) AS …… Himself
103.The Making of 'The Jackal' (1998) AS …… Himself
104.'The Sixth Sense': Reflections from the Set (2002) AS …… Himself
105.Watch the Mercury Rising (1999) AS …… Himself
106.A Kid Becomes the Kid AS …… Himself
107.Telling the Story of Us AS …… Himself
108.1st Annual Mystery Science Theater 3000 Summer Blockbuster Review AS …… Himself (archive footage)
109.Siskel & Ebert: Actors on Acting AS …… Himself
110.《終極尖兵》AS Joe Cornelius Hallenbeck (1991)
111.《白晝冷光》The Cold Light of Day......Martin(2012)
112.《環形使者》Looper......Older Joe
113.《月亮升起之王國》Moonrise Kingdom(2012)
114.《敢死隊2》The Expendables II ......Church(rumored)
115.《賭博回憶錄》Lay the Favorite......Dink Heimowitz
116.《凱恩和林奇》Kane& Lynch.......Kane
118.《粉紅鎮》Pinkvill......William R.Peers
119.《科比就是黑曼巴》 2011.2.19(七分鍾短片)
120.《赤焰戰場 》……Red (2010.10.15)
121.《敢死隊》……The Expendables (2010.8.13)
122.《Stylo》……Gorillaz Mv(2010)
123.《拍檔偵探》……Cop Out(2010).......Jimmy Monroe
125.《布魯諾》……Sacha Baron cohen(2009)
126.《即時發生》……What Just Happened(2008)
127.《高中校長陰謀事件/暗殺我的高中校長》(Assassination of a High School President)(2008)
128.《未來戰警》……The Surrogates(2009)

㈥ 布魯斯威利斯都有那些的電影

作為演員布魯斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis的電影作品(數量:126)
What Just Happened? ------- (2008)
Morgan's Summit ------- (2007)
The Last Full Measure ------- (2007)
刑房/磨坊 Grindhouse ------- (2007)
恐怖星球 Planet Terror ------- (2007)
Live Free or Die Hard: Inside the Action ------- (2007)
虎膽龍威4.0/虎膽龍威:虛擬危機/終極警探4.0/頑固分子4 Live Free or Die Hard ------- (2007)
完美陌生人/勾引陌生人 Perfect Stranger ------- (2007)
Black Water Transit ------- (2007)
Memories of Moonlighting ------- (2006)
阿爾法狗/領頭狗/頭號嫌疑犯 Alpha Dog ------- (2006)
嘻哈少年 The Hip Hop Project ------- (2006)
16街區/勇闖16街區 16 Blocks ------- (2006)
Tony Bennett: An American Classic ------- (2006)
快餐帝國/快餐國家 Fast Food Nation ------- (2006)
Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards '06 ------- (2006)
Al Pacino: An American Cinematheque Tribute ------- (2006)
籬笆牆外/籬牆之戰 Over the Hedge ------- (2006)
'T4' Goes 'Over the Hedge' ------- (2006)
Cannes 2006: Crónica de Carlos Boyero ------- (2006)
幸運數字斯萊文/神鬼運轉/關鍵密碼 Lucky Number Slevin ------- (2006)
Hammy's Boomerang Adventure ------- (2006)
Boffo! Tinseltown's Bombs and Blockbusters ------- (2006)
農民宇航員 The Astronaut Farmer ------- (2006)
Shelter from the Storm: A Concert for the Gulf Coast ------- (2005)
罪惡之城/萬惡城市/罪惡城市/罪惡城 Sin City ------- (2005)
Wildwood Days ------- (2005)
Starz on the Set: Sin City ------- (2005)
"Biography" Sylvester Stallone ------- (2005)
Not Just a Day Job: The Story of Moonlighting, Part 1 ------- (2005)
Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope ------- (2005)
Inside the Blue Moon Detective Agency: The Story of Moonlighting, Part 2 ------- (2005)
火線對峙/人質/虎膽狙擊/人質危機 Hostage ------- (2005)
The Moonlighting Phenomenon ------- (2005)
整十碼/這個殺手不眨眼2 The Whole Ten Yards ------- (2004)
十二羅漢/瞞天過海2/盜海豪情2/12羅漢/十二王牌 Ocean's Twelve ------- (2004)
Geschichte des erotischen Films, Die ------- (2004)
"Retrosexual: The 80's" ------- (2004)
MTV Video Music Awards 2004 ------- (2004)
"Grand journal de Canal+, Le" ------- (2004)
Genius: A Night for Ray Charles ------- (2004)
Hollywood Celebrates Denzel Washington: An American Cinematheque Tribute ------- (2003)
太陽之淚 Tears of the Sun ------- (2003)
Journey to Safety: Making 'Tears of the Sun' ------- (2003)
霹靂嬌娃2/霹靂天使2/神棎俏嬌娃 Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle ------- (2003)
原野小兵兵 Rugrats Go Wild ------- (2003)
"E! True Hollywood Story" Demi Moore ------- (2003)
哈特之戰 Hart's War ------- (2002)
Grand Champion ------- (2002)
2002 ABC World Stunt Awards ------- (2002)
True West ------- (2002)
'The Sixth Sense': Reflections from the Set ------- (2002)
Pulp Fiction: The Facts ------- (2002)
"Extreme Close Up with ..." ------- (2001)
終極土匪/完美盜賊/劫匪 Bandits ------- (2001)
Inside 'Bandits' ------- (2001)
Twentieth Century Fox: The Blockbuster Years ------- (2000)
Hollywood Salutes Bruce Willis: An American Cinematheque Tribute ------- (2000)
Entertainment Tonight Presents: 'Moonlighting' Exposed ------- (2000)
A Kid Becomes the Kid ------- (2000)
2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards ------- (2000)
Conversations with Jon Turteltaub ------- (2000)
整九碼/這個殺手不眨眼 The Whole Nine Yards ------- (2000)
Film-Fest DVD: Issue 3 - Toronto ------- (2000)
還我童真/扭轉未來 The Kid ------- (2000)
不死劫/驚心動魄 Unbreakable ------- (2000)
Playboy: The Complete Anna Nicole Smith ------- (2000)
Watch the Mercury Rising ------- (1999)
冠軍的早餐/茶煲大帝 Breakfast of Champions ------- (1999)
Franky Goes to Hollywood ------- (1999)
Telling the Story of Us ------- (1999)
我們的故事/真心男女 The Story of Us ------- (1999)
第六感/鬼眼/靈異第六感 The Sixth Sense ------- (1999)
終極密碼戰 Mercury Rising ------- (1998)
世界末日/絕世天劫 Armageddon ------- (1998)
成龍的傳奇 Jackie Chan: My Story ------- (1998)
The Making of 'The Jackal' ------- (1998)
The Fifth Element ------- (1998)
Apocalypse ------- (1998)
全麵包圍/緊急動員/烈血天空/全面圍攻 The Siege ------- (1998)
狙擊殺手/狙擊職業殺手/血嶺狙擊/豺狼末日 The Jackal ------- (1997)
The Hamster Factor and Other Tales of Twelve Monkeys ------- (1997)
第五元素 The Fifth Element ------- (1997)
Bruno the Kid: The Animated Movie ------- (1996)
終極悍將/不敗梟雄 Last Man Standing ------- (1996)
癟四與大頭蛋 Beavis and Butt-Head Do America ------- (1996)
12猴子/十二隻猴子/十二神猴/未來總動員 Twelve Monkeys ------- (1995)
虎膽龍威3/紐約大劫案/終極警探3/頑固分子3 Die Hard: With a Vengeance ------- (1995)
A Night to Die for ------- (1995)
瘋狂終結者/荷里活有間怪酒店/四個房間 Four Rooms ------- (1995)
老友記/六人行/老友情緣 "Friends" ------- (1994)
低俗小說/黑色追緝令/危險人物 Pulp Fiction ------- (1994)
"HBO First Look" ------- (1994)
浪子保鏢 North ------- (1994)
大智若愚 Nobody's Fool ------- (1994)
夜色/黑色之夜 Color of Night ------- (1994)
重裝武器 Loaded Weapon 1 ------- (1993)
致命距離 Striking Distance ------- (1993)
超級大玩家/幕後玩家/操控者 The Player ------- (1992)
捉神弄鬼/飛越長生/死亡之戀/面臨死亡 Death Becomes Her ------- (1992)
Siskel & Ebert: Actors on Acting ------- (1991)
致命思想 Mortal Thoughts ------- (1991)
終極尖兵 The Last Boy Scout ------- (1991)
虎膽神偷/終極神鷹/哈德森之鷹 Hudson Hawk ------- (1991)
勝者為王 Billy Bathgate ------- (1991)
虎膽龍威 2/終極警探 2/終極警探續集/頑固分子 2 Die Hard 2 ------- (1990)
虛榮的篝火 The Bonfire of the Vanities ------- (1990)
Sinatra 75: The Best Is Yet to Come ------- (1990)
The Earth Day Special ------- (1990)
看誰又在說話 Look Who's Talking Too ------- (1990)
Die Harder: The Making of 'Die Hard 2' ------- (1990)
看誰在說話 Look Who's Talking ------- (1989)
That's Adequate ------- (1989)
冷暖天涯 In Country ------- (1989)
Saturday Night Live: 15th Anniversary ------- (1989)
落日 Sunset ------- (1988)
The Return of Bruno ------- (1988)
虎膽龍威/終極警探/頑固分子 Die Hard ------- (1988)
The Pointer Sisters: Up All Nite ------- (1987)
盲目約會 Blind Date ------- (1987)
One Voice ------- (1986)
藍色月光 "Moonlighting" ------- (1985)
藍色月光 "Moonlighting" Moonlighting (Pilot) ------- (1985)
大審判 The Verdict ------- (1982)
無頭血案 The First Deadly Sin ------- (1980)
Guru kommt, Ein ------- (1980)

㈦ 盤點布魯斯威利斯高分電影,【在線觀看】免費百度雲資源


分裂: 鏈接:https://pan..com/s/1wss3ffm8QXUz2M9cbHODeg

?pwd=1122 提取碼:1122

我們的故事: 鏈接:https://pan..com/s/11wr6mqwvts_L5BIT8_NBZw

?pwd=hfe2 提取碼:hfe2

恐怖星球: 鏈接:https://pan..com/s/1tfVBfQzyoDj0kpUp4EOS1A

?pwd=r829 提取碼:r829

㈧ 推薦幾部布魯斯威利斯經典的電影


本名:Walter Bruce Willis
教育: Montclair大學
前妻: 黛米-摩爾,1987-1998
女兒:Rumer Glenn, Scout LaRue, Tallulah Belle
1986/87--艾美獎最佳男主角 (《藍色月光》)

我認為經典的有好運斯萊文 (2006) 16條街區 (2006) 罪惡之城 (2005) 整十碼 (2004) 太陽之淚 (2003) 原野小兵兵 (2003) 哈特之戰 (2002) 完美盜賊 (2001) 還我童真 (2000) 扭轉未來 (2000) 整九碼 (2000) 我們的故事 (1999) 第六感 (1999) 水銀蒸發令 (1998) 終極密碼戰 (1998) 全麵包圍 (1998) 第五元素 (1997) 狙擊職業殺手 (1997) 絕對目標 (1997) 弱智與喪門星玩轉美國 (1996) 不敗梟雄 (1996) 虎膽龍威3 (1995) 十二隻猴子 (1995) 大智若愚 (1994) 偷天神偷 (1991) 最後戰士 (1991) 哈德森之鷹 (1991) 勝者為王 (1991) 看誰又在說話 (1990) 虎膽龍威2 (1990) 虎膽龍威 (1988),

㈨ 布魯斯威利斯的全部電影有哪些

截止2021年3月2日:《白晝冷光》、《環形使者》、《月亮升起之王國》、《敢死隊2》、《凱恩和林奇》、《迷局》、《粉紅鎮》、《科比就是黑曼巴》 、《赤焰戰場》、《敢死隊》、《拍檔偵探》、《我仍在這里》、《布魯諾》、《虎膽龍威4:虛擬危機》、《農民宇航員》、《完美陌生人》、《籬笆牆外》、《勇闖16街區》、《黑水船運公司》、《火線對峙》、《罪惡之城》、《阿爾法狗》、《幸運數字斯萊文》、《十二羅漢》、《整十碼》、《太陽之淚》、《原野小兵兵》、《霹靂嬌娃2》、《完美盜賊》、《哈特之戰》、《扭轉未來》、《整九碼》、《驚心動魄》、《我們的故事》、《靈異第六感》、《冠軍的早餐》、《緊急動員》、《隕石大沖撞》、《終極密碼戰》。




㈩ 布魯斯威利斯的所有電影及詳細介紹


本名:Walter Bruce Willis
教育: Montclair大學
前妻: 黛米-摩爾,1987-1998
女兒:Rumer Glenn, Scout LaRue, Tallulah Belle
1986/87--艾美獎最佳男主角 (《藍色月光》)

布魯斯-威利斯於1955年3月19日出生於美軍在西德的一個軍事基地,2歲後移居美國新澤西州,並在那裡度過了他的童年生涯。步入青年之後,他有了一個口吃的毛病。不可思議的是,這個毛病在他參加演出的時候居然會消失。到了高中以後,他開始陸續的參加了一些演出,主要是演丑角。由於捲入了學校的種族沖突,他被學校開除了。後來,他的父親僱用了一個律師出面解決,布魯斯-威利斯才得以畢業。畢業後,布魯斯-威利斯一開始打了幾份零工,後來在一個名叫Loose Goose布魯士樂隊作口琴伴奏。在蒙特克萊爾大學就學期間,他參加了一次演出,此時,他表現出了對表演的極大熱情。他花了大量的時間去紐約尋找非百老匯戲劇界作品中的各種角色。在1977年他終於有了機會,他離開了學校去參加舞台劇《天與地》("Heaven and Earth")的演出工作。但是隨後,他的演出並沒有走上正軌,東拍一部商業片,西演一場舞台劇。
1984年,布魯斯-威利斯在非百老匯戲劇界的一場《愛情傻瓜》(「Fool for Love」)的演出中脫穎而出。在隨後到洛杉磯的旅途中,他從3000名試鏡者中被選中,在西比爾-謝潑德的浪漫喜劇《月光偵探所》("Moonlighting")中飾演一位逛妄、自負的私人偵探大衛-艾迪生。雖然該片有許多鮮為人知的內幕,這主要是由於威利斯、謝潑德和該片的製作格倫-戈登-卡倫之間的長期沖突引起的,但這是在他85到89年這段時間所演的作品中比較成功的一部。在80年代初,威利斯在2部大片中出演過小角色,直到1987年在布萊克-愛德沃茲的荒誕喜劇《盲目約會》(「Blind Date」)中與金-貝辛格演對手戲才真正走到台前。1988年,他再度與愛德沃茲合作,和傑姆斯-迦納的懷亞特-厄普在西部片《日落》(「Sunset」)出演牛仔明星湯姆-米克斯。這二部影片都獲得了不錯的票房收入,但並沒有讓布魯斯-威利斯成為一個炙手可熱的大明星。
1989年,布魯斯-威利斯得以在《虎膽龍威》(第一集)(「Die Hard」)中出演紐約的一個不如意的警察。片中一群國際恐怖分子綁架了一個公司正在參加聖誕節晚會的全體員工,這個警察的不和睦的妻子也在其中。布魯斯-威利斯與這群國際恐慌分子展開了機智靈活的斗爭,這部電影取得了極大的成功。影片節奏明快,並充斥著許多驚人之舉,影片上演後廣受歡迎,布魯斯-威利斯也在好萊塢眾多明星中被列入A級。
就在人們普遍以為布魯斯-威利斯會馬上推出其第二部"重磅炸彈"之際,他出演了諾曼-朱維遜的一部喜劇《冷暖天涯》(「In Country」),在片中扮演一位心靈受創的越南老兵,孤身一人撫養著他的侄子----一個孤兒。同年,布魯斯-威利斯又接下了新作《看誰在說話》(「Look Who's Talking」)系列片的第一部,1990年又出演了其第二部《看誰在說話II》(「Look Who's Talking Too」)。後來,他又繼續在2部《虎膽龍威》系列電影中飾演警察的角色。1991年,他第一次出演自己編寫的劇本《哈德遜之鷹》(「Hudson Hawk」),獲得了極大的成功。此後,雖然他繼續保持著多產,但一路走來極不平坦。拍攝的《夜色》(「The Color of Night」)和《瘋狂終級者》(「Four Rooms」)不是很成功,但也拍攝了諸如《低俗小說》(「Pulp Fiction」)和《十二隻猴子》(「12 Monkeys」)這樣的好片。
1998年,布魯斯-威利斯出演了斥巨資拍攝的《世界末日》(「Armageddon」),這部電影取得了較高的票房收入,並使他作為動作明星的聲望達到了巔峰。這以後,布魯斯-威利斯選擇了一部規模較小的影片,1999年他出演了庫爾特-馮內格特的籌劃已久的《冠軍的早餐》(「Breakfast of Champions」)。同年,他主演的低成本影片《第六感》成為當年票房和影評的雙料大贏家。他2000年最新的影片包括《整九碼》《小孩》和正在拍攝的《堅不可摧》等。

1.《虎膽龍威4:虛擬危機》Live Free or Die Hard AS …… John McClane (2007)
2.《農民宇航員》The Astronaut Farmer (2007)
3.《完美陌生人》Perfect Stranger AS …… Harrison Hill (2007)
4.Morgan's Summit AS …… (attached) (2007)
5.《籬笆牆外》Over the Hedge AS …… RJ (voice) (2006)
6.《勇闖16街區》16 Blocks AS …… Jack Mosley (2006)
7.HBO First Look Over the Hedge: Off the Strip & Onto the Screen AS …… Himself (2006)
8.Friday Night with Jonathan Ross Episode #10.13 AS …… Himself (2006)
9.Cannes 2006: Crónica de Carlos Boyero AS …… Himself (archive footage) (2006)
10.Late Show with David Letterman Episode dated 17 May 2006 AS …… Himself (2006)
11.The Early Show Episode dated 22 May 2006 AS …… Himself (2006)
12.Al Pacino: An American Cinematheque Tribute AS …… Himself (2006)
13.Grand journal de Canal+, Le Episode dated 20 May 2006 AS …… Himself (2006)
14.Black Water Transit AS …… Earl Pike (2006)
15.《火線對峙》Hostage AS …… Jeff Talley (2005)
16.《罪惡之城》Sin City AS …… Hartigan (2005)
17.Wildwood Days AS …… Himself (2005)
18.Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope AS …… Himself (2005)
19.《阿爾法狗》Alpha Dog AS …… Sonny Truelove (2005)
20.《幸運數字斯萊文》Lucky Number Slevin AS …… Mr. Goodkat (2005)
21.Shelter from the Storm: A Concert for the Gulf Coast AS …… Himself (2005)
22.《十二羅漢》Ocean's Twelve AS …… Himself (uncredited) (2004)
23.《整十碼》The Whole Ten Yards AS …… Jimmy (2004)
24."Retrosexual: The 80's" AS …… Himself (archive footage) (2004)
25.Geschichte des erotischen Films, Die AS …… (archive footage) (2004)
26.MTV Video Music Awards 2004 AS …… Himself (2004)
27.'Pulp Fiction' on a Dime: A 10th Anniversary Retrospect AS …… (archive footage) (2004)
28.Genius: A Night for Ray Charles AS …… Himself (2004)
29.《太陽之淚》Tears of the Sun AS …… Lt. A.K. Waters (2003)
30.《原野小兵兵》Rugrats Go Wild! AS …… Spike (voice) (2003)
31.《霹靂嬌娃2》Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle AS …… William Rose Bailey (uncredited) (2003)
32.Hollywood Celebrates Denzel Washington: An American Cinematheque Tribute AS …… Himself (2003)
33.2002 ABC World Stunt Awards AS …… Himself (2002)
34.True West AS …… Lee (2002)
35.《完美盜賊》Bandits AS …… Joseph 'Joe' Blake (2001)
36.《哈特之戰》Hart's War AS …… Col. William A. McNamara (2001)
37.Grand Champion AS …… CEO (2001)
38.《扭轉未來》The Kid AS …… Russell Duritz (2000)
39.《整九碼》The Whole Nine Yards AS …… Jimmy \'The Tulip\' Tudeski (2000)
40.《驚心動魄》Unbreakable AS …… David Dunn (2000)
41.2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards AS …… Himself (Presenter) (uncredited) (2000)
42.Hollywood Salutes Bruce Willis: An American Cinematheque Tribute AS …… Himself (2000)
43.Entertainment Tonight Presents: 'Moonlighting' Exposed AS …… Himself (2000)
44.《我們的故事》The Story of Us AS …… Ben Jordan (1999)
45.《靈異第六感》The Sixth Sense AS …… Malcolm Crowe (1999)
46.《冠軍的早餐》Breakfast of Champions AS …… Dwayne Hoover (1999)
47.Franky Goes to Hollywood AS …… Himself (1999)
48.《緊急動員》The Siege AS …… Major General William Devereaux (1998)
49.《絕世天劫》Armageddon AS …… Harry S. Stamper (1998)
50.《成龍的傳奇》Jackie Chan: My Story AS …… Himself (1998)
51.《終極密碼戰》Mercury Rising AS …… Art Jeffries (1998)
52.The Fifth Element (1998) (VG) AS …… Korben Dallas (1998)
53.《狙擊職業殺手》The Jackal AS …… The Jackal (1997)
54.《第五元素》The Fifth Element AS …… Major Korben Dallas (1997)
55.《瘟四與大頭蛋》Beavis and Butt-Head Do America AS …… Muddy Grimes (voice) (1996)
56.《終極悍將》Last Man Standing AS …… John Smith (1996)
57."Bruno the Kid" AS …… Bruno the Kid (voice) (1996)
58.《瘋狂終結者》Four Rooms AS …… Leo (segment "The Man from Hollywood") (uncredited) (1995)
59.《十二隻猴子》Twelve Monkeys AS …… James Cole (1995)
60.A Night to Die for AS …… Himself (1995)
61.《大智若愚》Nobody's Fool AS …… Carl Roebuck (1994)
62.《低俗小說》Pulp Fiction AS …… Butch Coolidge (1994)
63.《浪子保鏢》North AS …… Narrator (1994)
64.《夜色》Color of Night AS …… Dr. Bill Capa (1994)
65.《致命距離》Striking Distance AS …… Tom Hardy (1993)
66.《重裝武器》Loaded Weapon 1 AS …… John McClane, 814 Pacific Coast Highway (uncredited) (1993)
67.《飛越長生》Death Becomes Her AS …… Dr. Ernest Menville (1992)
68.《超級大玩家》The Player AS …… Himself (1992)
69.《義膽風雲》Billy Bathgate AS …… Bo Weinberg (1991)
70.《最後戰士》The Last Boy Scout AS …… Joseph Cornelius 'Joe' Hallenbeck (1991)
71.《致命思想》Mortal Thoughts AS …… James Urbanski (1991)
72.《虛榮的篝火》The Bonfire of the Vanities AS …… Peter Fallow (1990)
73.《看誰又在說話》Look Who's Talking Too AS …… Mikey (voice) (1990)
74.Sinatra 75: The Best Is Yet to Come AS …… Himself (1990)
75.Die Harder: The Making of 'Die Hard 2' AS …… Himself (1990)
76.《看誰在說話》Look Who's Talking AS …… Mikey (voice) (1989)
77.《冷暖天涯》In Country AS …… Emmett Smith (1989)
78.Saturday Night Live: 15th Anniversary AS …… Himself (1989)
79.《第61屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮》The 61st Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Cinematography (1989)
80.That's Adequate AS …… Himself (1989)
81.Saturday Night Live Episode #15.1 AS …… Himself - Host (1989)
82.《落日》Sunset AS …… Tom Mix (1988)
83.《虎膽龍威》Die Hard AS …… John McClane (1988)
84.The Return of Bruno AS …… Bruno Radolini (1988)
85.《醉酒俏佳人》Blind Date AS …… Walter Davis (1987)
86.The Pointer Sisters: Up All Nite AS …… Himself (1987)
87.The 44th Annual Golden Globe Awards AS …… Himself (1987)
88.《藍色月光》Moonlighting AS …… David Addison Jr. (1985)
89."Moonlighting" AS …… David Addison Jr. (1985)
90.《大審判》The Verdict AS …… Courtroom Observer (uncredited) (1982)
91.Guru kommt, Ein AS …… Extra (uncredited) (1980)
92.The First Deadly Sin AS …… Man Entering Diner as Delaney Leaves (uncredited) (1980)
93.The Hamster Factor and Other Tales of Twelve Monkeys (1997) AS …… Himself (uncredited)
94.Bruno the Kid: The Animated Movie (1996) AS …… Bruno the Kid (voice)
95.Pulp Fiction: The Facts (2002) AS …… Himself
96.Apocalypse (1998) AS …… Trey Kincaid
97.Playboy: The Complete Anna Nicole Smith (2000) AS …… Himself (archive footage)
98.Inside 'Bandits' (2001) AS …… Himself
99.Journey to Safety: Making 'Tears of the Sun' (2003) AS …… Himself
100.Film-Fest DVD: Issue 3 - Toronto (2000) AS …… Himself
101.Conversations with Jon Turteltaub (2000) AS …… Himself
102.Scene 71 Filmmakers Workshop (2003) AS …… Himself
103.The Making of 'The Jackal' (1998) AS …… Himself
104.'The Sixth Sense': Reflections from the Set (2002) AS …… Himself
105.Watch the Mercury Rising (1999) AS …… Himself
106.A Kid Becomes the Kid AS …… Himself
107.Telling the Story of Us AS …… Himself
108.1st Annual Mystery Science Theater 3000 Summer Blockbuster Review AS …… Himself (archive footage)
109.Siskel & Ebert: Actors on Acting AS …… Himself



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