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發布時間:2022-09-29 15:10:35

Ⅰ 《天生一對》的英語觀後感,初一的水平,100字左右。

Movie is re-shot "for a short time naughty " 60's of close classics feeling mild and fragrant comedy with modern gimmick , a pair of twin sisters is spent because of parents early years gets divorced , one is taken to arrive at California by father Nick (Denis · Kuide) , one is that Lisha is taken to London by the mother , two people seeks face therefore never, existence not knowing each other even. Destiny lets them meet at summer camp however but ingenious after many years, two sisters is pleasantly surprised more, that spare time, decides not to stint everything making a match of parents , includes the dignity exchanging, design and the girlfriend who frightens father away , make to play joke continuously. Close feeling , love get very good embodiment in drama.

Ⅱ 英語電影觀後感(100字)


Ⅲ 5篇100字左右的英文電影的觀後感,要用英語啊

I honestly don't know where to start with this movie. I will say however, that - like many other people - this is the film I've been waiting 20 years to see.
I suppose it's sensible to start with what should be the foundation stone of any cinematic experience - the script. It's cheesy, cliché-ridden, and poorly-structured. Characterisation (especially of the Autobots/Decepticons) is non-existent. Optimus Prime uttering the words "My bad" must go down in history as one of the worst moments in movie history. Actually scratch that - the "lubricating" scene is definitely worse. The writing of human characters is lazy at best, sticking with stereotypes such as the beautiful code-breaker, fat computer whizz, bumbling government agent etc etc. The performances (Shia aside) are instantly forgettable, but a great deal of that comes down to the script and direction. Megan Fox may be a great actress for all I know, but she may as well be a stripper for the purposes of this movie.
The effects are incredible (although not helped by Bay's erratic editing style), but when you've no reason to care about them it results in an empty experience. Effects DON'T MAKE A MOVIE.
With Spielberg as part of this project I allowed myself a little optimism, but it's patently clear that Bay and Co. had no understanding or respect for the Transformers franchise. GIANT "FLIPPING" ROBOTS BLOWING "STUFF" UP this may be, but it is most certainly not Transformers.

Ⅳ 冰雪奇緣電影完整版觀後感(英文字)100字左右



Ⅳ 查理和巧克力工廠英語讀後感100字

編輯於 2018-02-22

5分鍾內響應 | 萬名專業答主
最美的花火 咨詢一個教育問題,並發表了好評
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AKA 咨詢一個教育問題,並發表了好評
— 你看完啦,以下內容更有趣 —
we can't live without love, especially love from the family. sometimes we may have good luck, for example owing lots of money or good chances, like what charlie met in the movie. however, we could not give up our family love to choose money or others. family is a good place to laugh, to cry. no matter you are happy ro sorrow, your family members will be together with you. My family is not rich, but our relationship is very well. Sometimes, we may complain the poor house, the common clothes, but we love each other, my lovely family members. Love can not be payed by money. so, as long as we own love, we are the happy people. At last, I hope everyone cheirsh his family forever, and love them all his life. 我們沒辦法生活在沒有愛的世界,尤其是來自家庭的愛。有時候我們好像很幸運,例如有點錢或者好機會,就像查理在電影中遇見的一樣。然而我們不能放棄我們家庭的愛去換取金錢或其他。因為家庭是一個歡樂或哭泣的領地,無論你是開心或悲傷,你的家庭成員都會陪伴著你。我的家庭不是很富裕,但是我們的感情很好。有時候我們會抱怨房子小,抱怨衣服簡單,但是我的可愛的家庭成員們相親相愛。 愛不能用金錢來衡量,所以只要我們有愛,我們就是富有的人。 最後我永遠愛每一個查理的家人和愛他們的生活。 Tim did give us a beautiful chocolate factory where there are dwarfs , purest chocolate, rooms made from candies and equipments which can send the objects inside the TV set,but the abundant imagination which enlightens us didn't make its appearance. The original story can be like this,such feeling disappeared.And unitl the end of the whole movie,the favorite character was not Charlie or Willy Wonka,nor were the children and their parents who got four Golden Ticket,but the bunch of old man in Charlie's home.As the progatonist of the story,Charlie was the tranditional good boy who took charge of home at an early age.He was kind and knew how to make both ends meet with a deep look on his face which was inappropriate with his age;Willy Wonka was both selfish and hysterical;four kids were four extremes who were greedy and spoiled belonging to the arrogant post-modern grown man.Since they showed up,we could guess their results;regarding the grown-ups,from the accompanying parents to the grown-ups who tried to buy Charlie's Golden Ticket,even the uncle who was selling the candies,they were all so pale and lacked indiviality.Finally,what made me laugh happily was only those old men whose age added up to 381 years old.It was also because of them that made this movie have some warm feeling. Though the story was still familiar,the warmth of family would never fade away.But besides the beginning and end which lasted more than half and hour,can the conventional story in the middle satisfy the audiences?At least I was not satisfied.
查理和巧克力工廠英語讀後感 「Charlie and the chocolate factory」is about Charlie Bucket, a child whose family is so poor that he can not buy enough food to eat, after being lucky enough to get a golden ticket (the only way to get into the WONKA factory is to own a ticket) , there are some strange, new and interesting things that happen in Mr. Willy Wonka』s chocolate factory. Although he was one of the five winners of the Golden Ticket (all children) , I think Charlie had the last laugh because he was more obedient, but it seems that Mr. Wonka wanted a obedient child to inherit his factory. Of course, Charlie still has a lot of advantages, such as smart, sensible, obedient (just said) , and so on.In the factory, they saw a huge chocolate shop with all kinds of fancy but experimental candy labs, Round Squares of candy, nut shops, TV shops, and so on. 作文翻譯 《查理和巧克力工廠》這本書,主要講的是查理巴克特這個家裡窮到連夠買能吃飽的食物都沒有的孩子,在幸運地得到了一張金獎劵(只有擁有獎券才能進入旺卡工廠)後。 在威利旺卡先生的巧克力工廠(就是旺卡工廠)裡面遇到的一些稀奇古怪又新鮮有趣的東西和事情。雖然查理在包括他在內的五個金獎劵得主(全是小孩子)中留了下來,不過我覺得查理之所以能夠笑到最後,應該是比較聽話的緣故吧,不過旺卡先生好像本來就是要一個聽話的孩子來繼承他的工廠耶。 當然啦,查理還是有不少優點的,比方說聰明啦,懂事啦,聽話啦(剛才說過了),等等等等。查理他們在工廠里看到了龐大的巧克力車間,裡面有各種新奇但還在實驗階段的糖果實驗室、看起東西來圓滾滾的方糖、果仁車間、電視車間等。
讀了查理和巧克力工廠後我深有感觸:一個人不能太貪心,太驕傲。 查理和巧克力工廠講述的是一個名叫查理的小男孩的到了全世界只有5張的金券,他到了巧克力工廠經過重重考驗的到巧克力工廠的故事。 當時巧克力工廠的主人威力·旺卡為了測試誰最適合繼承巧克力工廠,設置了重重「巧合」最終發現查理是最適合的 其他4位都因為他們的貪心而被淘汰,所以,我的感悟是:貪心會使人失去一切。
查理和巧克力工廠英語讀後感100字 — 找答案,就來「問一問」
5分鍾內響應 | 萬名專業答主
求一篇《查理和巧克力工廠》的英文觀後感 最新的……謝謝
星期天,我在網上看了一部電影《查理和巧克力工廠》我覺得有點搞笑,有點感人。 Sunday, I watched a movie "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" I feel a bit funny on the Internet, a little touching. 主要內容:小查理和一家人生活在一個小房子里,爸爸在牙膏廠上班,工作很辛苦,而薪水很少,一家人每天吃喝不飽的甘藍湯。一家雖然苦,但很幸福。在小鎮的中央有搜索座巧克力工廠,工廠門十五年沒開過,但卻聞的到濃郁的巧克力味。事情是這樣的,旺卡先生做了五張金獎卷藏在五包巧克力里,而小查理機會很少,因為他每年只有一塊巧克力。首先是喜歡暴飲暴食的奧古斯塔斯,第二位是被家人寵壞的小女孩維魯卡·索爾特。第三位是爵口香糖冠軍維奧莉特。最後一位是邁克。而小查理在雪地里撿到一張紙幣,去買了一塊巧克力,結果金獎卷在裡面,五個孩子去了巧克力工廠,結果奧古斯塔斯掉進巧克力河裡,維奧莉特變成藍莓糖果,維魯卡·索爾特被送進廢品爐,邁克鑽進了電視,變成了微小粒子。而查理得到一座巧克力工廠。 看完這部電影,我覺得很感動,旺卡先生把一座巧克力工廠送給查理叫他和自己獨行,查理沒答應,而是要和家人在一起,換做別人早就同意。後來查理又幫助旺卡先生和他的父親的誤會解開,因為旺卡先生的父親是一位牙醫,從小就不讓旺卡先生吃糖。而且旺卡先生和父親爭吵要開一家糖工廠。而查理發現在旺卡先生父親的牆上,粘滿了有關旺卡先生的糖果廠的事情。我覺得查理一句話說得很好,傷心時,就去找家人。是啊!傷心時家人會為我們分擔痛苦,安慰我們,鼓勵我們,讓我們不再傷心而很開心。親人是愛我們的,只是我們沒有發現罷了!盡管和我們爭論過後,過一陣總會後悔起來我剛才對不對,也許會對我們說:「對不起」。親人總是表面對我們壞,其實心裡很內疚的。結果很美好,旺卡先生得到了親人,而查理也接受了巧克力工廠。 這部電影對我啟發很大,和親人在一起,再苦也是甜的,如果有興趣,也可以去看看。 Main content: little Charlie and one family lived in a small house, father work in toothpaste factory, work very hard, but a small salary, one family eating and drinking is not full of cabbage soup. A though bitter, but very happy. Search a chocolate factory in the town of central, the factory door not open for fifteen years, but the smell of the rich chocolate. The thing is, Mr. Wonka had five pieces of gold hidden inside each of the five packet of chocolate, while little Charlie little chance, because he was only a piece of chocolate. The first is like Augustus puyinpusi, second is a spoiled little girl family Viruka Salt. The third grand champion Violet is chewing gum. The last one is Mike. While little Charlie found a note in the snow, to buy a piece of chocolate, the gold medal rolls on the inside, five children went to the chocolate factory, Augustus fell into the river Violet a chocolate, blueberry candy, Salt was sent to scrap furnace, Mike got into the TV, into small particles. Charlie got a chocolate factory. After seeing this movie, I feel very touched, Mr. Wonka had a chocolate factory to Charlie and asked him to walk alone, Charlie didn't agree, but to stay with family, do others would agree. Charlie later helped Mr. Wonka and his father misunderstanding untie, because Mr. Wonka's father is a dentist, never let Mr. Wonka candy. But Mr. Wonka and quarrel father to open a sugar factory. And check the barber now Mr. Wonka father wall, candy factory thing sticky about Mr. Wonka. I think Charlie is a very good, sad, went to the family. Yeah! Sad when family will we share the pain, to comfort us, encourage us, let us not be sad and happy. The family is loving us, but we did not find! And although we after the
debate, af

Ⅵ 誰能幫我寫一篇《魂斷藍橋》英文觀後感,100字左右的

Watched the film "Waterloo Bridge", a look and it is deeply sad. Movie plot is simple, but there is a poignant and moving force. Although the black and white screen, but the actors performing great accuracy, the handling of the scene and the screen was clear and aesthetic, so that the effect of gift to the tragedy of black and white colors and classic taste. More than half a century ago the old movies, but in order to win praise from generation to generation classic.


Ⅶ 一百字英文電影觀後感


Today, we watched a movie, the name of this movie was called:The day after tomorrow.What this movie speaks BE:A world happened to become cold affairs in the world,What to broadcast it is an etc. the region temperature nasty play in New York to descend in the movie, is almost each to descend more than ten degree.The sky still descends terrible hail, also having more afraid of of
Tornado, city in New York became to break city for an instant after being cut through by tornado, making the whole city become more without results one.
This really lets the person touch eyes shocking, make the person's heart can't fall calm once in a very long while, although exaggerate very in the movie, but we now not just so:world become warm...So ask the classmates to rise from the do-it-yourself, environmental protection, make our environments more beautiful!

Ⅷ 瘋狂動物城英語觀後感100字


Today, my mother said she would take my sister and me to see a movie called zootopia.

After dinner, we came to the cinema in high spirits and found that the ticket check was about to start. So we hurried into the cinema to find our seats and sat down.

When the movie started, people all wore 3D glasses. It was so cool! The film is mainly about a dream rabbit Judy, in the face of parents and friends do not understand, through their own efforts, overcome the kind.

Kind of difficult to realize the dream of becoming a police officer, came to Zootopia. He also meets Nick, a fox who accidentally becomes his assistant, and they work together on crimes.

Brave to face the challenge, rely on their own wisdom, finally broke the missing case...... Finally they found the black hand, did not expect to be the mayor of sheep, through their efforts, the city of Animals to restore calm.

After the end of the movie, out of the theater, my sister and I have been talking about this movie with relish: I think everyone should have their own dreams, as long as the dream will be able to achieve continuous efforts.






Ⅸ 電影奇跡男孩英文觀後感100字



Films occasionally fall into the stereotype of children's films, which are too cute and create inappropriate humor for young groups.

However, the film's ultimate success not only tells a complex story, but also conveys the experience of confusion, loneliness and fear to the audience.






範文:In the sound of music, Julie Andrews's loud and beautiful voice, like a valley warbler, blends well with the vast and magnificent natural landscape of the Alps, and has also become a memory label that impressed the audience at the beginning.

As a film adapted from a musical, most of the episodes in the film exude a strong sense of drama. Between the ups and downs of the melody, the audience can experience a dynamic beauty caused by emotional changes.





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