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發布時間:2021-07-02 13:07:54

① 電影《香水DAS PARFUM》影評英文

Junior high school when reading the original novel, only after reading that the world really wonderful, and later heard that a remake into a movie, read, discovered that a good film
First of all, the film adaptation of it as a relatively faithful to the original, but this is not easy to do, take a look at the recent death of the notes will know, the moral aspect, the film has always been a degree of tolerance than fiction, television and tolerance Also lower than the film, but the shooting of the film are shot out, everything was wonderful world of not less, especially from the end to the plot and narration are the same as the original, original works may be too strong to the extent that the director also would like to change too You
The film also has a subtitle called the story of a murderer, compared with the curry favor with the public, but may be e to the box office, that person is called an artist's story is more appropriate

Yan Zhujiao is a very special actor, his eyes revealed the depths of madness, it's a bit like Di Jiuri protagonist, an actor that looks like a skull, eyes, but it was clear people forget to look over

Then look at the original time is also small, also saw white, now remind ourselves that this is what a lot of profound symbolic
The novel is about a man looking for love and self-story, the protagonist is no smell, which implies a lack of self, and the smell of his sensitive than ordinary people to bring him some characteristics of the tragedy, he did not persist in the East and West He snatch other people's smell, he finally got the smell and the people love, but he also true of their own and I was puzzled by the existence of despair and this is a typical Gothic-style romanticism of the story

Obviously the film has found a starting point, which makes the whole film has a clear line
This is a romantic love story
Protagonist missed the first girl killed when his expression of despair, he tells us that the pursuit of the perfume is not just that he fell in love with a girl, she fell in love with the smell or the other does not matter, it was always his first love, as a There are also born with defects autistic boy is Qingdouchukai let him know what to do, he has to get her to keep her, but he did not know how, he thought he had found a way to kill them, make perfume, spreading in Himself, and he turned into them, and this is his love, the two become one, but then he found that he did not want his real self, that the round-shouldered dark as there is no Self-possession in Hong Wen dressed appearance, and no one to love, film, he looked at everyone on the stage in the high, first emerged in the minds of young girls figure, this clearly tells us that the entire movie theme

Romantic love has always been a pessimistic view, because a person can not be another person, no matter how close the other side can not belong to you, because it is two people, two of the main, the theme of love is despair, every time Do you think the other side has been found that this is only an illusion of time and disappointment brought about by the end of despair
The film's symbolic in this

Finally, he will disappear like crazy people in love, but died of loneliness and despair

② 香水觀後感


③ 求一篇英美電影的影評 中文的最好1000字以上 只要是英美的就行


一九零零年的第一天。油輪維珍尼亞號載著熙熙攘攘的歡呼人群在紐約港靠岸。在夢想的鼓動下黑壓壓的人流涌下船,迎接充滿可能性的美好未來。喧囂過後,船上除了船員所剩無幾。添煤工人Danny Boodman於是偷偷跑到餐廳搜羅客人遺落下的貴重物品,結果一無所獲。失望之餘,他在鋼琴架上發現一個漂亮的嬰兒。他抱起嬰兒,看見他的目光清澈,皮膚白凈。Danny Boodman對這意外收獲十分驚喜,於是收留了這個孩子,起名叫1900,紀念這孩子在新世紀的第一天被他收養。

善良的Danny Boodman十分痛愛小1900,教他讀書,不讓他受苦。但因為沒有任何出生證明之類的文件,Danny Boodman害怕1900會被別人搶走,不許他離開船艙一步。

在1900八歲時,Danny Boodman死了,在懵懂的1900於生離死別前迷茫時,突然聽見遠處傳來美妙動人的聲音,他回過頭,身邊一個亞洲女人告訴他,這是音樂




即使彈琴勝過爵士樂的始祖Jelly Roll Morto,讓max名聲大噪,唱片出版商希望為他錄制唱片,並保證他會名利雙收,他的內心依然平靜,安於生活和音樂帶給他的快樂。直到他遇到一個樸素而迷人的女孩。那一天他正在錄制唱片,女孩順著窗子向里看,和他四目相對,他立刻愛上了她。隨興而發彈奏了一曲為愛情的柔情似水的曲子。











他說:「我看不見城市的盡頭,我需要看見世界的盡頭。拿鋼琴來說,鍵盤有始也有終,並不是無限的,音樂是無限的。在琴鍵上,奏出無限的音樂,我喜歡。可是走過跳板之後,前面的鍵盤,有無數的琴鍵。無限大的鍵盤怎奏得出音樂?——不是給凡人奏,是給上帝奏。我生於船,長於船。這艘船每次只載客二千,既載人也載夢想,但范圍離不開船頭與船尾之間,我過慣那樣的日子——陸地?對我來說,陸地是艘太大的船,是位太美的美女,是條太長的航程,是瓶太濃的香水,是篇無從彈奏的樂章。我沒法舍棄這艘船。我寧可……舍棄自己的生命。反正,世間沒有人記得我,除了你,只有你知道我在這里。你屬於少數,原諒我,朋友,我不能下船。 」


在影片中,1900的故事即使被講述也並無法讓人相信,感人肺腑的情節最後換來max拿回了自己的小號。這是最感傷之處。我曾經相信1900隨著炸彈上天對故事而言已經是一個完美的結局,但隨後平淡的結束卻不給我任何的累贅感。這個結局是天賜的,我相信。最後的鏡頭max在街道的盡頭消失,無論曾如何紅極一時,這傳奇的故事平淡的落幕,1900也只能活在max的回憶中。 人生本來就是一出沒有固定劇本的戲.


④ 電影香水影評




《香水》主要劇情:十八世紀,讓-馬普蒂斯特•格雷諾耶(本•韋肖 Ben Whishaw 飾)出生在巴黎最骯臟、最惡臭不堪的地方——魚市場上。格雷諾耶天生對氣味有著驚人的天賦:無論惡臭還芳香,他都一一記住,並能輕易分辨各種氣味。



⑤ 求一篇《香水》的英文影評

Tom Tykwer adapts Patrick Süskind"s bestselling novel about an 18th century French psychopath with a superhuman sense of smell A German director, adapting a German novel set in France, with actors speaking English, plus extensive voice-over and a near-mute protagonist who spends a lot of his time sniffing. It doesn"t exactly sound like a recipe for cinematic success. Re馬克ably, Tom Tykwer (Run Lola Run, Heaven) has pulled it off, creating a film that overcomes its more awkward elements to be a visually impressive, highly unusual period thriller.

If you"ve read Patrick Süskind"s 1985 novel, dou變態less you"ll recollect its opening pages, where the profound stink of eighteenth century Europe is described and the protagonist, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille is born to his fish vendor mother, amid the guts and heads of a Paris fish 馬克et, "the most putrid spot in all the kingdom". Tykwer doesn"t immediately take us to this scenario, but after a short prologue showing the grown-up Grenouille in chains and on his way to the scaffold, he unleashes the full glory of a splendidly yucky cinematic realisation of said birth scene. In the light of the usual tone of period dramas, it"s refreshingly foul.

The first half of the film is defined by this grot as Jean-Baptiste is sent to an orphanage, where he grows up an odd child who unnerves the other children - as we"re informed in the extensive narration provided by John Hurt. If you"re of the school of thought that insists a good movie shouldn"t use voice over, perhaps Perfume isn"t for you, as much of the film relies on it, in part e to Grenouille not being much of a talker. Instead, he sniffs his way around the world, his sense of smell so acute he can identify pretty much any creature or substance within a large vicinity. After being sold to a tanner, he grows up into the appropriately wiry Ben Winshaw, who gives a gripping performance even if his delivery is a tad bious. Grenouille discovers the full panoply of scents on his first trip into the centre of Paris. He"s drawn to a perfumer"s shop, but then lured away by the scent of a beautiful young girl (Herfurth) selling plums. She becomes his first kill, almost by accident, and his lifelong obsession - the scent of her body is the most intoxicating he"s experienced.

When happenstance brings him into contact with the once famous but faded perfumier Baldini (Hoffman, doing the film"s only American accent), Grenouille so impresses him with his uncanny skills, he takes him on as an apprentice. This leads to him travelling to the perfume capital of Grasse in Provence, where he learns other techniques, which he then starts to exploit in his attempts to capture the elusive ideal scent of feminine youth and beauty. So begins his serial killing, and a new, ongoing mania for another beauty - Laura (Hurd-Wood), the daughter of a rich merchant, Richis (Rickman).

In the process, we learn some fascinating details about the proction of perfumes - which involve notes and chords, like music. We"re also introced to a fabulous bit of psychopathology - Grenouille is half super-canine, half-superhuman nutter, whose powers enable him to manipulate people, though he"s entirely without moral constraint or purpose. As such, he"s a force, a power. The film closes in 1766, and it would be nice to read the culmination of his ambitions as in some way having an influence on French society, then starting to ferment and build towards revolution. It"s probably reaching, but either way, the prior scenes of him manipulating a mob in the most extreme ways are an example of his re馬克able abilities. The film plays around nicely with conventions, so when Grenouille first follows the plum seller, the musical cues are pure romance. However, it"s not love for the girl our weird antihero feels, it"s love for her smell. The whole endeavour is like a grotesque romance, as his obsessions move him on to his infatuation with Laura. Tykwer slyly shoots it as if she"s gazing at him, or moving towards him, but he"s actually hidden, and while she"s oblivious, he"s savouring her scent.

The film does suffer from some pacing issues ring its 140 minute running time. However, even when the story is dragging, the film is so visually rich, it retains a pull. The $50 million budget is certainly up there on the screen, with wonderful proction design, and cinematography by Tykwer"s regular collaborator Frank Griebe. The first hour is amazing for its visions of old bridges packed with decrepit buildings and streets paved with filth. Grasse, on the other hand, introces a blaze of colour, with lavender fields and the town itself lit by the Provencal sun. It"s a beautiful, bright backdrop for Grenouille"s dark activities, which have him experimenting with elaborate equipment like some odour-oriented Dr Frankenstein.


⑥ 讀《風的香水鋪》有感











⑦ 看完美國電影《聞香識女人》你最大感受是什麼

中校去他哥哥家的那段戳中了我的淚點,他一點都不想,死,哪怕這個世界上有一絲絲的溫暖,他都可以留下,看的時候沒關彈幕,中校在他哥家吃飯被辱罵嘲諷的那段,彈幕飄了一句「好可憐,他明明那麼開心,為了去.他哥哥家還刻意給自己做了一身新衣裳...」那一刻,他真的不再是一個咄咄逼人的中校了,而是一個滿心期待溫情的的老人,就像我們小時候過年的時候會期待家長給買新衣服一樣,他那種孤注一擲卻失望 的情緒,真的太讓人難過,他甚至將去哥哥家做成了自己計劃中的一部分,可見這件事對他有多麼重要。

⑧ 電影《香水》影評






《香水》的上映讓人們期待了二十年。二十一年前,Süskind的小說被文學界稱為「一個重要的事件、一個奇跡.無數製片商爭購電影版權,隱居的 Süskind認為,只有《閃靈》和《發條橙》的導演斯坦利.庫布里克才能執筒。1999年,庫布里克去世。3年後,Süskind的好友、曾拍攝《玫瑰之名》和《帝國陷落》的伯恩德.艾欽格以千萬歐元求得《香水》電影版權。《羅拉快跑》的導演湯姆.提克威獲得伯恩德.艾欽格青睞執導本片。

根據暢銷名作拍片,這種方式為電影增加了神秘感與親切感。面對大批書迷,伯恩德.艾欽格說:「我們用意象、聲響和音樂的力量。營造出氣味的氛圍。」 為了忠實於原著的場景,他輾轉德國、西班牙、義大利、法國,用17噸的魚和動物屍體淹沒外景地的街道,20幾次的鼻部特色和深呼吸鏡頭、以慢鏡調動近千名群眾演員再現香水魔力下縱欲狂歡的人群…..不過,湯姆.提克威用須後水代替了重要的道具:香水。






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