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❶ 木乃伊電影觀後感100


❷ 木乃伊3 觀後感


❸ 求木乃伊1的影評

Mummy Returns


The 1999 remake of the horror classic The Mummy surprised Universal Pictures with its box office success. The studio had expected it to be profitable, but not that profitable. However, long before the worldwide gross crept close to $400 million, Universal had already put two additional Mummy films into the hopper, awarding the series the "franchise" label. The Mummy Returns, which re-unites nearly the entire cast from the 1999 movie, is the first of these two proctions. The other, a prequel called The Scorpion King, will be released either later this year or next year, depending on how Universal arranges its release schele.

Stephen Sommers' 1999 feature was an enjoyable, if overlong, romp recounting the struggles of an adventurer and his companions to stop the apocalyptic agenda of an ancient Egyptian priest. While not entirely successful, The Mummy nevertheless boasted an infectious blend of high adventure, low-scare horror, and special effects that transformed it into a crowd-pleaser capable of sating the early summer audience until The Phantom Menace came along a few weeks later. Now, Rick O'Connell (Brendan Fraser), Evie O'Connell (Rachel Weisz), Jonathan Carnahan (John Hannah), Ardeth Bay (Oded Fehr), and (of course) Im-Ho-Tep (Arnold Vosloo) are all back. Joining them are a couple of notable newcomers: Rick and Evie's son, Alex (Freddie Boath), and the dreaded Scorpion King (WWF mainstay, The Rock).

The story for The Mummy Returns is a meager and muddled affair peppered with deus ex machina contrivances. A cult of power-mad Egyptologists (is there another kind?) have concocted a plan by which they can obtain world domination. First, they must resurrect Im-Ho-Tep, the mummy from the first film. Since they are being led by the ancient priest's re-incarnated girlfriend, Anck-Su-Namun (Patricia Velazquez), this proves to be surprisingly easy. Then, with his powers restored, Im-Ho-Tep heads off to do battle with the mythical Scorpion King, whose tomb lies in a pyramid at the center of a hidden oasis. In order to find that oasis, Im-Ho-Tep needs an artifact which happens to be in the possession of Alex O'Connell. And, when the boy is kidnapped, that brings his parents, his uncle Jonathan, and their old friend, Ardeth Bay, into the conflict. This results in a lot of chasing around the globe and a climax that features a special effects-laden battle between a large force of humans and an army of decaying, dog-faced creatures.

The fundamental problem underlying The Mummy Returns is the reason that the movie exists in the first place. This is not the byproct of the creative process; it's an off-shoot of Universal Pictures' greed. The sequel was made not because the filmmakers had a compelling story to tell, but because The Mummy made so much money that a second installment became mandatory. This thought process results in countless pointless and derivative sequels - a class in which The Mummy Returns unquestionably belongs. The plot is just a flimsy excuse to bring back old friends and stick them in a series of cliffhangers. It's low-rent Raiders of the Lost Ark, with high-quality special effects filling in for character development and intelligible storytelling.

Some of the action sequences in The Mummy Returns are fun and the visual effects are more polished and less noticably "fake" than in the previous film. Unfortunately, all of this can't obscure the fact that there is basically no plot. The clash of armies at the end has no purpose beyond showing off the effects mavens' skills at the computer. (In terms of style, it's reminiscent of the war in The Phantom Menace, albeit without the same strong story motivation.) The Mummy Returns has opportunities to do interesting things (at one point, there's a chance to force Im-Ho-Tep and Rick into an uneasy alliance, but that is neatly bypassed). Like the Indiana Jones movies, The Mummy Returns tries to blend low-key humor with a non-stop series of cliffhangers. However, while some of the jokes are funny, the action sequences are only sporadically satisfying, owing primarily to their often preposterous resolutions. And, while Rick possesses a certain charm, he's no Indiana Jones.

Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz rekindle the cute chemistry that existed between their characters in The Mummy. Freddie Boath makes an effective addition to the cast, primarily because he's not as annoying as most movie kids. John Hannah is back as the fatuous Jonathan. Arnold Vosloo's Im-Ho-Tep is subtly diminished, perhaps because he now has to share the spotlight with two other villains. Patricia Velazquez has an expanded role here from the one she essayed in the first film. And the part of The Scorpion King doesn't challenge The Rock's thespian abilities - all he has to do is snarl and look tough - things he is familiar with from his day job.

The Mummy Returns offers one surprise - an unexpectedly poignant dramatic moment in which we feel a surge of sympathy for one of the characters. Unfortunately, it's for one of the bad guys, which makes the ending a downer. Overall, the film probably offers what fans of The Mummy are expecting. The thinner, unnecessarily long storyline notwithstanding, this is essentially more of the same. It's hollow, lightweight entertaininment - not unpleasant, but far from the summer's definitive action/adventure flick.




❹ 誰有木乃伊1的觀後感

意識侵略 - 《木乃伊3》觀後感 昨晚和朋友去影院看了<木乃伊3>。看完不爽。忍不住上來說兩句。 1)影片將秦始皇兵馬俑的考古發現描繪成西方人於解放前在寧夏開展的。陝西改成寧夏沒關系,七幾年改成解放前勉強也能接受,但是中國人自己發現的這點是不允篡改的。有點人文常識都明白考古發現的重要性,這是對一個文明的確認,對其淵源的實證。從史前人類學考古,到對形成文明後的歷史考古,無一不是對民族信念的支撐,民族自尊心自信心皆源於此。否則有人說你是劣等人,說你是雜種,說你是他們後代便無話可說,歷史上和當代很多民族和**問題皆與此相關。 自己的歷史要別人去發現去考證,這就像你不知道自己誰生的,別人來告訴你。真正是他發現或者得到他得幫助,自然感謝。 可是兵馬俑從發現到發掘全是中國自己進行的,還硬要算到他頭上。這等於說,你這獃子整天傻樂傻樂的連你爸是誰都搞不清,多虧我告訴你。全世界文明考古都是你英美發現的,都得感謝你,不然我都不知道自己姓啥。 不是狹隘的民族主義者,可是這不是明擺著帶著種族傾向么。搞這種擦邊球,潛移默化地將西方文明凌駕於東方之上。子孫們學到我們第一個皇帝和世界八大奇跡之一的兵馬俑,會認為是西方人發現的,對你們要敬仰要感恩戴德。 2)最後和被描繪成怪物的秦始皇做殊死搏鬥,並將其刺死的,為何不是Ziyuan的女兒lin,而是白人父子兩個。那把神劍是女巫ziyuan從兩千年前帶來,並於臨終前託付給lin。其已成年也是是武打角色,武功在白人之上,殺秦始皇順理成章,眾望所歸。從情節上講,拿著母親臨終交付得寶劍為父母報仇;從角色匹配上半人半仙的美少女殺死強大魔皇才合情合理。最後把半仙的lin扔在一邊,讓凡人身軀的白人爺倆上去打。秦始皇一指頭就把你倆打成灰,居然還能拳腳打了半天。最後肉身的俗人硬把秦始皇個魔幻之軀給捅死了,真為秦始皇叫屈。有人說誰殺無所謂不必計較,既然無所謂為什麼非要把順理成章的情節應給改的那麼生硬,就是非要把功勞記到白人頭上,突出其對勝負決定作用。 很壓抑。不可一世統一華夏的秦皇漢武,就被你倆白人給圍毆捅死了,然後跑到上海歌舞昇平,和lin成了男女朋友過起了所謂西方典雅的上流生活。消滅魔幻皇帝為人類做了這么大的貢獻似乎不足掛齒,僅僅是生活中一個小插曲信手拈來不值一提,還擺個高姿態,浪漫一下。 感到始皇很壯烈,我寧可做個魔兵效死保護我皇,形骸骨消在所不惜。 美國影片中經常流露出這種自高自大的口氣,隨意篡改歷史,俯視世界其它文明。幾個所謂白人探險家去征服整個世界,我說去球吧,跑到哪打到哪,搞當地女人,就是一群國際流氓。世界上到處都是落後野蠻黑暗,妖魔四起,需要你們這些救世主拯民塗炭。人們潛意識中會映射到當代社會,自己國家出了問題不能解決,希望寄託在外來的西方勢力,作為最終出路。這種靠砸錢,靠特技場面做賣點,沒有任何文化內涵,做工粗燥的商業片,就是文化擴張的急先鋒,其背後更深隱藏的是意識形態侵略。

❺ 木乃伊的讀後感三十個字左右

當我打開這本《木乃伊之謎》後,就深深地被裡面刺激的冒險精神所吸引了: 傑克和安妮是一對兄妹他們穿越時空來到了古埃及的金字塔里。走著走著,他們又來到了安葬室,在安葬室,他們發現了一個盜墓者,還有古埃及女王的鬼魂。為了讓女王可以投奔來生,傑克和安妮幫助她找到了《死者的書》。最後他們跟著黑貓走出了金字塔,回到了家。 書中他們兄妹倆的勇敢和助人為樂。而勇敢是每個人所必須具備的,助人為樂更是我們中華民族的傳統美德。但在這個社會上有一些人卻沒有把助人為樂這個傳統美德傳承下去。
因為沒有你的幫助在你眼前逝去的時候,你的心裡又過意的去嗎? 當然生活中,也有許多好的現象:在公交車上讓座給老年人或孕婦,在學校里幫助同學......這些都是助人為樂。 助人為樂是我們中華名族的傳統美德,所以我們一定要穿傳承下去。

❻ 電影木乃伊英文觀後感200字

影片《木乃伊》是一部1999年環球影業出品的美國冒險電影,由斯蒂芬·索莫斯編劇並執導,布蘭登·費舍、蕾切爾·薇茲、約翰·漢納、凱文·J·奧康納和阿諾德·沃斯洛等聯袂出演。影片一定程度上是1932年同名恐怖片的重拍片。影片於1999年5月7日在美國上映[1] 。
中文名 木乃伊 外文名 Momia, La 其它譯名 盜墓迷城 出品公司 阿爾法維爾影業 發行公司 環球影業 製片地區 美國 導 演 斯蒂芬·索莫斯 編 劇 斯蒂芬·索莫斯 製片人 肖恩·丹尼爾 類 型 動作 主 演 布蘭登·費舍,蕾切爾·薇姿 片 長 124分鍾 上映時間 1999年5月7日 票 房 4億1593萬3406美元 對白語言 英語 / 阿拉伯語

❼ 木乃伊歸來的五百字觀後感

忽然之間,有了善與惡......好人、壞人 一眼可以分出-----
我以為應該是成年人的樣子,沒有絕對的錯和對 、沒有真正的善良和邪惡;

❽ 木乃伊歸來讀後感


❾ 木乃伊3的觀後感

意識侵略 - 《木乃伊3》觀後感


自己的歷史要別人去發現去考證,這就像你不知道自己誰生的,別人來告訴你。真正是他發現或者得到他得幫助,自然感謝。 可是兵馬俑從發現到發掘全是中國自己進行的,還硬要算到他頭上。這等於說,你這獃子整天傻樂傻樂的連你爸是誰都搞不清,多虧我告訴你。全世界文明考古都是你英美發現的,都得感謝你,不然我都不知道自己姓啥。







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