Disney continues its string of instant classic family films with one of their best in recent years, The Lion King. Essentially, it's a loose interpolation of Shakespeare's "Hamlet," set in the fields of Africa, with lots of typical Disney anthropomorphic creatures to sing and dance for our every amusement. It's a solid endeavor, with excellent characterizations and a good deal of heart that keeps keen interest, while also blessed with a memorable soundtrack.
Simba (voiced by Jonathan Taylor Thomas, "Home Improvement") is a lion cub currently being groomed to be the next king of the plains, which is currently the job of his father, the strong, brave Mufasa (James Earl Jones, The Sandlot). Mufasa's slighter, but wilier brother, Scar (Irons, Reversal of Fortune), wants to be the king in the worst way, and devises a plan to usurp the vaunted position for himself. But first, he needs to get Mufasa out of the way, and Simba as the next in the blood line. Banished in exile, Simba finds a life of no worries, but destiny calls him. Will he be ready to avenge Scar's misdeeds?
The Lion King works on nearly every level. I won't go so far as saying it is a masterpiece, but it is definitely worthy of being called a classic in the Disney arc, containing all of the elements that the greats of the 1930s and 1940s delivered. Although many clearly will be enamored of the catchy soundtrack, or the colorful animation, where The Lion King's strength really lies is in good storytelling. You feel for Simba and his plight, which pays off well ring the sadder moments, later becoming thrilling when the confrontation between the Simba and Scar manifests itself in a fiery, cataclysmic finale.
I feel the need to point out that the MPAA ratings system has a perfunctory tendency to give G ratings to anything that is animated and has the word "Disney" above the title. While it probably isn't going to permanently wreck the psyche of any young children out there, The Lion King is quite a dark, scary and often violent film. Yes, it's all a cartoon, but there is a murder of a main character, and a handful of attempted killings throughout, and while people feel that animation equals innocuous fare, The Lion King is not cartoonish in its handling of these alt themes. Heck, the flatulence alone should have been enough to kick it to PG, even if there weren't several scenes of murder and mayhem.
On the flip side, The Lion King will appeal to alts more than most Disney films just by being more mature in its themes, so even alts without children should find much to like here. Nice scenery, pleasant music, and a very strong story all add up to one of the grand, timeless entertainments of the 90s for young and old alike. Watching this will become an integral part of the "circle of life" for future generations for a long time to come.
The LION KING is technically an amazing and dazzling movie. I find it hard to review a cartoon. Perhaps, I could start by discussing some of the characters that were made special by the actor's voice.
Hands down, the best voice in this movie was that of Jeremy Irons who was the evil Scar, brother of the king Mufasa. Irons is brilliant in everything he does, but I think his best roles were BRIDESHEAD REVISITED and REVERSAL OF FORTUNE. He can play villains and good guys equally well. James Earl Jones was the voice of Mufasa, and although he was good, I expected more out of one of the most dramatic sounding voices in the movies today. Jones could have been a great orator (read politician I guess) had he not become an actor. Whoopi Goldberg was funny as a laughing hyena. I liked everyone except Mathew Broderick who I felt was too weak and unconvincing as the grown up Simba.
The movie's strengths, however, were not in the characters. The images and the soundtrack were the highlights. All of the music was very moving. The images had a 3D effect that I have not seen before. There was clear foreground and background in almost every shot, and sometimes they even varied the focus as you would in a "real" movie so that at first the foreground was in focus and then the background. My favorite part of the entire show was the vibrance of the colors. Monet would have come every day to see The LION KING.
Sad to say, I can not give it as high a rating as I would liked for two reasons. First, the story and the characters were okay, but they were not as interesting as they could have been. When they have to resort to lots of jokes about gas and bad breath, you know the script writers have run out of steam.
Second, the main audience for this movie is little kids. I have a 5 year old boy who went with us. Why oh why did they have to have someone who viciously murders his own brother in the sight of his brother's son? And if they felt they had to kill off a character, why be so explicit? Yes, this part of life does happen, but so does rape, incest, drive-by shootings and a lot of other stuff. Being true to life does not mean we have to subject little kids to it.
By the way, my son spent almost the whole movie in one of our laps, but claimed in the end to have not been scared (he was clearly scared while it was going on), and wanted to see it again. Actually, he wants to see LASSIE even more.
Walt Disney came up with a winning formula when he made SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS, back in 1937; over the years, his company refined that formula to a science. With the re-birth of Disney in the late 1980s, the "magical" formula for Disney animation was re-discovered by Jeff Katzenberg and Michael Eisner, the studio heads. Unfortunately, these two men are not Walt Disney: they're Hollywood studio executives. That means that you can expect them to milk a winning formula for all it's worth, and not dare to push the edge. If it works, why change it?
Because you can wear it out, that's why. The spectacular box-office success of Disney's animated films (except for THE RESCUERS DOWN UNDER, which deserved to do better) has blinded the men on the top of the heap; as long as the money keeps rolling in, they're not going to want to make any changes. But they don't see that when you rely too heavy on a safe, predictable formula, you risk losing the life-granting "spark" that infuses your creations with energy--and keeps the money rolling in. THE LION KING is going to make another pile of money for Disney, and as a result we can expect to see no changes in the formula for Disney animated films in the future. That formula is laid bare here:
- Pour lots of money into procing great animation. This is the easy part. The Disney studios have hundreds of artists and the latest computer technology to proce lavish, dazzling animation that can be matched by no one else. There are some amazing moments here, especially ring the opening sequence (which Disney has pushed for months, revealing this sequence at its many Disney Stores as early as February) and a scene where Mufasa speaks to his son from the clouds. The animation on the rest of the movie is also good, as one expects from Disney. But is great animation the only reason we watch Disney films? No. The formula has more ingredients, such as ....
- Create an evil, sneaky villain, and then let him be utterly defeated (preferably in the midst of an inferno of some sort, with lightning and smoke and explosions and fire to make it more dramatic). With the Disney formula, there are only the Good Guys and the Bad Guys--you know whom to root for, because the Bad Guys are always drawn in a cartoonish way that makes them look less than human. The perfect hero and heroine battle the freaks, and guess who wins in the end?
- Create a hero, and give him a girlfriend--but make sure the hero is nice and bland. What's the difference between Simba, the hero of this film, and Aladdin? Nothing at all, other than being drawn differently. They're both young and naive; they both make a big mistake; they both correct that mistake by beating the Bad Guy once and for all. And the girlfriend must be equally bland, though at least in ALADDIN Princess Jasmine was a major character. In THE LION KING, the girlfriend is merely there for the hero to grow up with, and to bring him back to face his big mistake so that the movie can reach its climax. Why must the hero and his girlfriend be so generic and uninteresting? So that they won't overshadow the supporting characters, as we see in the next ingredient ....
- For comic relief (and merchandising), through in a few goofy characters to play the hero's friends. These characters always act silly, and they get the lion's share (pun intended) of the laughs, except ring the climax when they stay by the hero's side and battle the bad guys.
- And of course, include a bunch of musical numbers. Ever since THE LITTLE MERMAID won the Oscars for Best Original Score and Best Song, Disney has been pushing its animated films as the last bastion of the Hollywood musical. Each of their animated films includes a bunch of bouncy numbers as filler, one Busby Berkeley surrealist musical number, and a sappy, treacly "love" song to get the audience all weepy-eyed.
When this formula works, it can awaken the child in us. I enjoyed THE LITTLE MERMAID, because it made the Disney films seem fresh and new again. I loved ALADDIN in spite of its flaws--but if it weren't for Robin Williams, that movie would have fallen flat on its face, because it was nothing but Disney formula. THE LION KING doesn't have Robin Williams; and while it does have James Earl Jones' booming baritone as Mufasa, the great king, that's not enough to keep this film from feeling like a re-hash. There's nothing new here, and there's not enough creativity to make it seem refreshing.
Sure, the animation's great--that's easy for Disney to do, because they've got millions of dollars to do it. But there's more to making a great film than merely dazzling the eyes, whether it's with animated lions, computer-generated dinosaurs or exploding bridges (which we'll see in TRUE LIES). As in all great movies, it's the story and the characters that count, and there's nothing in here that we haven't seen before. Mufasa himself is a regal, majestic figure; the comic-relief characters are funny; and the evil Scar is wicked and properly evil. But Disney has given us a long line of majestic, funny, and evil characters, from Cruella de Vil and Stromboli to Gaston and Iago; the characters in THE LION KING simply aren't charismatic enough to come out from the shadow of their predecessors.
As if to add insult to injury, the musical numbers are downright awful. There's nothing in here to match the catchy, joyful "Under The Sea and "Be Our Guest," or even the fun "Prince Ali" and "Never Had A Friend Like Me." The songs were written by Tim Rice (who also worked on the ALADDIN soundtrack) and Elton John--who also sings the "love theme" over the ending credits. Bleah. Disney is certain to push this soundtrack for the Oscar...but if it actually wins, it will be undeniable proof that taste is dead in Hollywood. There IS a reasonably good musical score by Hans Zimmer that's based on on African music (though why didn't Disney just bring in some real African musicians to compose it?), but that's about all the praise I can give it.
The problem is simply that we've seen it all before. Nothing is new here, and one gets the impression that Disney is merely spinning its wheels. The Disney formula is starting to wear thin ... but as long as it keeps making millions for the company, we're not going to see anything different.
In this respect, one can say that BEAUTY AND THE BEAST was the most original Disney film in a long time, because while it included many aspects of the Disney formula (animation, musical numbers, comedy relief characters), it actually worked on real characterization (at least on the part of the Beast himself) and an entertaining story (though I detested the character of Gaston). But that film proved to be an exception to the rule. ALADDIN, despite Robin Williams' delightful presence, was merely a return to the old formula ... the same formula that mires down THE LION KING.
This does not bode well for the long-term future of American animated films. Hollywood is falling once again into the trap of trying to imitate Disney, rather than experimenting with other ways of making animated films. But Walt Disney himself knew that if you don't keep looking forward and aiming for something new, fresh, and different, you're liable to dig your own grave.
Disney has reached the height of its popularity; in fact, it may have already passed that peak (note the troubles of Euro Disneyland). But if corporate history has any precedents, it is that the bigwigs at the top don't notice that the tree is sick until it's already rotten and ready to collapse or be cut down. I suspect that the same thing is starting with Disney: THE LION KING is merely one symptom of corporate rot that is starting to seep into the Disney empire--its movies are safe, non-controversial, and bland; the theme parks are expanding with seemingly endless re-hashes of the same few ideas (movie-based rides); and all of the company's other projects (the BEAUTY AND THE BEAST stage musical, or their proposed ceremonies for the World Cup tournament) consist of them spending money like water to flash and dazzle the eyes and promote themselves.
『貳』 獅子王英語觀後感
[獅子王英語觀後感]《獅子王對於我們90後來說,應該都不陌生了,獅子王英語觀後感。就我自己而言。我都看了不下於三遍了,剛開始,是因為小不懂事,就當是好玩,慢慢的隨著年齡的增長,自己也從中學到一些東西,做人處事的道理。可是遺憾的是,知道現在我也沒有看過完整版的英語版本。看獅子王,一遍又一遍,不是因為我們沉迷於動畫的世界,長不大,而是被它的內涵所吸引,道理所折服。《獅子王》的主角辛巴,從一個幼小的獅子成長為了一國之王,他的成長是坎坷的也是勇敢的。也許曾經他逃避過,當看到自己父親為了救自己而死於羊群的踐踏之下的時候:那一刻,他彷彿不再是自己,他討厭自己的頑皮;那一刻,他幼小的心靈被封閉了;那一刻,他膽怯了,失魂落魄;那一刻,他選擇了逃避,選擇了離開;那是落難的離開,是被別人從自己的家園趕出來家門。流浪在外的日子,其實每天都受著心靈的折磨,他永遠走不出父親離開的那天,逃不開父親看向他的眼神……就這樣,他在自己的心靈受到一次次煎熬的時候,他用自己的勇敢戰勝了一切困難,從一個孩子到一位文中的領導者,我們無法想像到他經歷的心路有多遠多坎坷!影片的最後,辛巴用自己的智慧與領導才能奪回了屬於父親屬於自己的國家,還自己的家園一片寧靜!我喜歡辛巴的勇敢。即使受到再大的挫折,我們在等自己冷靜之後,都要勇敢面對著,雖然這個過程是殘酷的甚至是漫長的,在這個過程中我們唯一要做的調整自己,學會等待時機學會忍受!Is full of contradictions and with joy in the sad film, which began around the story of Simba. Simba, who in a noble family, and all the future king is a very lucky little lion, at the same time accompanied by contradictions, from the origin of the principal contradictionScar(Simba father\'s brother) in the heart of jealousy, because Simba said that his birth, when the king\'s desire to burst, and that life is very unfair to think of it when they have talent but when the king can not be king, they colluded with the murder of jackal dog Simba\'s father and son when the king himself. So the Lions seemingly peaceful kingdom has implied a serious crisis, that is, from the rebellion Scar. The story of Simba\'s birth to start the next generation to the outcome of birth, echoed at the beginning of the beautiful land are also considered. Videos to order starting from the grand and stirring music scene, we can see that the grasslands of the animal kingdom there is a Golden Age, specifically what is it? Who do not know, follow the flow of animals, the audience to the glory of the sacred stone that symbolizes the right place. We all are celebrating the birth of a small lion, and he will become king. Simba how lucky he was born in the moment on the subject of much attention. When the scenes in that great quote in the air with little Simba in contrast, the envy of all the audience is not autonomous and animals also have a common pilgrimage to the small sense of Simba\'s birth. This depicts the use of a large number of panoramic view to the performance of the performance from the perspective of composition to the very place. Perhaps because the history has been recognized as a classic film, and as a result of reasons as to why the subject felt the history of taste, I can not help but think of the "Finding Nemo "It\'s a little one to the theme of animation, in the choice of subject matter is I think" Finding Nemo "is better. "Lion King" is based on the theme of the story of big shot. In the "Lion King" is not a great guy and did not over-emphasize the great love, more respect in the responsibility. His responsibility is Simba, because his uncle was not a good Scar King, in his field of rule is full of hunger and desolation, he brought into the Kingdom of vibrant dark lion, Simba met Nana at the same time, in accordance with traditional practices should be King Simba, is a well-recognized legitimate king, Nana the Kingdom of the lion Simba told the crisis, so at the responsibility, he decided to go back, but he killed his father\'s inner sense of guilt does not disappear, Simba and did not know at this time is Scar is the real murderer to kill his father. Full of dramatic plot, the characters sense of inner contradictions and the audience is not the same as the feelings, derived from a contradiction between the complexity of feelings, touches the hearts of the audience.Scar still enjoying all kinds of evil of his life when King did not die he did not know is the return of Simba, people are still alive Scar in the deception, at the same time to allow the return of Simba to the throne of Scar will once again be threatened. When Simba and Scar fight back the throne, the abominable to kill Simba, Scar use his father\'s sense of guilt, I would like the opportunity to kill Simba, but the trick did not play a decisive effect, to the last knife Simba with a lie to deceive the scar hidden in the back when the original of the jackal trying to help dog Scar three brothers have seen the true face of Scar , and finally in the most dangerous time for Simba to say Scar Simba killed his father, the fact that This is all truth, angry Simba kill she\'s father see their enemy is their own uncle, no longer in the fight in the mountains under Scar hoof, the final outcome was Scar jackal dog eat his own making deserving to be damned, after the rain after the war indicates that the rule was Scar the dark period is over the Lions is about to usher in the Kingdom of the dawn of his, so the Lions returned to the Kingdom of the past alive. Character of each character to a certain expression. However, there are many perfect in the imperfect, perfect on visual Needless to say, the story only in the focus on a character portrait of Simba, a strong dramatic narrative but his point is relatively weak. "Finding Nemo" the merits of its story is that he can satisfy the curiosity of the audience can feel that everyone has their own understanding of life, whether social or indivial aquatic organisms, the audience can feel each and every circle different feel. Kingdoms is their vividly without affectation. And "Lion King" only over Peng Ding Peng and active atmosphere, can be the story of the tragedy or as a result of the strong sense of reason, from time to time, reminiscent of Hamlet. People in the image of the design is very elegant. The traditional Disney style we can see that the great sand wood law, he is characterized by a square on the chin, the red hair loose and full of body, in the action also reflects the design style of the King, in the corresponding Scar although would like to have is in the appearance of a lion or a great difference between the physical shape of thin build, black hair and so on have different performance, in action and also in line with Scar character. The design of said action, I think that there were their own characteristics, the differences between animals in the relationship between the expression of the action together with the integration of anthropomorphism is close, given the person\'s facial expression and emotion, you will think that they are animals right? Their performance given the characteristics of people, while people can not have some lovely and so on. The tremendous success of music, music with rhythm and a good screen, music in the films is an indispensable part of the screen along with the music constantly changes, rendering the atmosphere of the audience led the tour. The film became a classic of history, and achieved great success, touched the hearts of countless viewers, with the development of 3D it is not 2D animation development to adapt to the situation now. 3D has its obvious advantages, the combination of 2,3-dimensional use of their advantages will be better I think the birth of the animation.
『叄』 獅子王英文版觀後有感
『肆』 電影《獅子王》觀後感 20條人生格言 (中英) 20 條警示語(中英)
也許因為已經被歷史承認為經典影片了,由於題材的原因會感覺到歷史的味道,我不禁的想起《海底總動員》它一部一以小人物為題材的動畫,在題材的選擇上我到是覺得《海》是更勝一籌 。《獅子王》則是以大人物為題材的故事。在《獅》中沒有小人物的偉大,也沒有過多的強調愛的偉大,更多的表現在責任方面。是辛巴他的責任,因為他的叔叔刀疤並不是一個好國王,在他統治的領域充滿了飢餓與荒涼,他把生機勃勃的獅子王國帶進了黑暗,同時娜娜遇到了辛巴,按照傳統慣例辛巴應該是國王,是大家公認合法的國王,娜娜把獅子王國的危機告訴了辛巴,於是處於責任,他決定回去,但他內心的害死父親的犯罪感並沒有消失,而此時的辛巴並不知道是刀疤是害死父親的真正兇手。富有戲劇化的劇情,人物內心的矛盾和觀者內心的感受是不一樣的,由一個矛盾衍生出來的復雜感情,牽動著觀者的心。作惡多端的刀疤還在享受他的國王的生活時他不知道沒有死的辛巴正在回歸,人們還在刀疤的欺騙中活著,同時辛巴的回歸讓刀疤的王位再次會受到威脅。當在辛巴與刀疤決斗取回王位時,可惡的刀疤利用辛巴對害死父親的犯罪感,想乘機殺死辛巴,但這一招並沒有起到決定性的效果,到最後刀疤用謊話欺騙辛巴時隱藏在背後原本想幫刀疤的豺狗三兄弟也看到了刀疤的真正面目,終於在辛巴最危險的時候刀疤說出了自己殺害辛巴父親的事實,這是一切都真相大白,憤怒的辛巴看到自己的殺父仇人就是自己的叔叔,忍無可忍在決斗中把刀疤蹄下了山,最後刀疤的結局被豺狗吃掉也是他自己造成的死有餘辜,戰後完的一場雨預示著被刀疤所統治的黑暗時期已經過去了獅子王國即將迎來他的黎明,就這樣獅子王國又恢復了往日的生機勃勃。
每個人物的性格特點得到了一定的表達。但完美中又有許多的不完美,視覺上的完美就不用說了,故事只是在著力刻畫一個人物辛巴,有著強烈的戲劇性但他的故事性相對要弱一點。〈海〉它的故事的優點就在於他可以滿足觀者的好奇心,可以感覺到每個人都有自己對生活的理解,無論群居,還是單個的水生生物,觀眾可以到每一個圈裡感受的不同感覺。他們的演義真是惟妙惟肖毫不做作。而〈獅〉中只有彭彭和丁滿活躍了一下氣氛,可還是由於故事的悲劇感太強的緣故,不時的讓人想起王子復仇記 。
人生格言警句大全 I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too.朋友不能阿諛奉承。
If a man deceives me once, shame on him, if he deceives me twice, shame on me.
If you make yourself an ass, don『t complain if people ride you.
If your ears glow, someone is talking of you.耳朵發燒,有人念叨。
If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.腳踏兩條船,必定落空。
If you sell the cow, you sell her milk too.殺雞取卵。
If you venture nothing, you will have nothing.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
If you want knowledge, you must toil for it.要想求知,就得吃苦。
Instry is the parent of success.勤奮是成功之母。
It is better to die when life is a disgrace.寧為玉碎,不為瓦全。
It is easier to get money than to keep it.掙錢容易攢錢難。
It is easy to be wise after the event.事後諸葛亮好當。
It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open.創業容易守業難。
It is hard to please all.眾口難調It is never too old to learn.活到老,學到老。
It is no use crying over spilt milk.覆水難收。
It is the first step that costs troublesome.萬事開頭難。
It is the unforeseen that always happens.天有不測風雲,人有旦夕禍福。
It is too late to grieve when the chance is past.坐失良機,後悔已遲。
It never rains but it pours.不鳴則已,一鳴驚人。
It takes three generations to make a gentleman.十年樹木,百年樹人。
Jack of all trades and master of none.門門精通,樣樣稀鬆。
Judge not from appearances.人不可貌相,海不可斗量。
Justice has long arms.天網恢恢,疏而不漏。
Keep good men company and you shall be of the number.近朱者赤近墨黑。
Kill two birds with one stone.一箭雙雕。
Kings go mad, and the people suffer for it君王發狂,百姓遭殃。
Kings have long arms.普天之下,莫非王土。
Knowledge is power.知識就是力量。
Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud.
博學使人謙遜,無知使人驕傲。 Learn and live.活著,為了學習。
Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse.
Learn not and know not.不學無術。Let sleeping dogs lie.別惹麻煩
Learn to walk before you run.先學走,再學跑。
Let bygones be bygones.過去的就讓它過去吧。
Let the cat out of the bag.泄漏天機。Life is but a span.人生苦短。
Lies can never changes fact.謊言終究是謊言。
Lies have short legs.謊言站不長。
Life is half spent before we know what it is.人過半生,方知天命。
Life is not all roses.人生並不是康莊大道。
Life without a friend is death.沒有朋友,雖生猶死。
Like a rat in a hole.瓮中之鱉。
Like author, like book.文如其人。
Like father, like son.有其父必有其子。
Like for like.一報還一報。 Like knows like.惺惺相惜。
Like mother, like daughter.有其母必有其女。
Like teacher, like pupil.什麼樣的老師教什麼樣的學生。
Like tree, like fruit.羊毛出在羊身上。
Little things amuse little minds.小人無大志。
Look before you leap.摸清情況再行動。
Lookers-on see more than players.當局者迷,旁觀者清。
Losers are always in the wrong.勝者為王,敗者為寇。
Lost time is never found again.歲月既往,一去不回。
Love at first sight.一見鍾情。 Love cannot be compelled.愛情不能強求。
Love is blind.愛情是盲目的。 Love is full of trouble.愛情充滿煩惱。
Love is never without jealousy.沒有妒忌就沒有愛情。
Love me, love my dog.愛屋及烏Make hay while the sun shines.良機勿失。
Make your enemy your friend.化敵為友。
Man is the soul of the universe.人是萬物之靈。
Man proposes, God disposes.謀事在人,成事在天。
Many hands make light work.眾人拾柴火焰高。
Many heads are better than one.三個臭皮匠,賽過諸葛亮。
Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there.
Measure for measure.針鋒相對。
Misfortunes never come alone.禍不單行。
Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends.患難見真情。
Money isn『t everything.錢不是萬能的。 Murder will out. 紙包不住火。
My son is my son till he has got him a wife, but my daughter is my daughter all the days of her life.
Nature is the true law.天行有常,不為堯存,不為桀亡。
Necessity is the mother of invention.需要是發明的動力。
Never fish in trouble water.不要混水摸魚。
Never judge from appearances.不可以貌取人。 Never say die.永不言敗。
Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.亡羊補牢,為時未晚。
New wine in old bottles.舊瓶裝新酒。
No cross, no crown.不經歷風雨,怎麼見彩虹。
No garden without its weeds.沒有不長草的園子。
No living man all things can.世上沒有萬事通。
No man can do two things at once.一心不可二用。
No man is born wise or learned.沒有生而知之者。 No man is content.人心不足蛇吞象
No man is wise at all times.聰明一世,糊塗一時。
None are so blind as those who won『t see.視而不見。
None are so deaf as those who won『t hear.充耳不聞
No news is good news.沒有消息就是好消息。
No one can call back yesterday.昨日不會重現。
No pains, no gains.沒有付出就沒有收獲。
No pleasure without pain.沒有苦就沒有樂。
No rose without a thorn.沒有不帶刺的玫瑰。
No sweet without sweat.先苦後甜。 No smoke without fire.無風不起浪。
Nothing brave, nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
Nothing dries sooner than a tear.眼淚幹得最快。
Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.
Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.世上無難事,只要肯登攀。
Nothing seek, nothing find.沒有追求就沒有收獲。
Nothing is so necessary for travelers as languages.外出旅行語言最要緊。
Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.
Not to advance is to go back.不進則退。
Not to know what happened before one was born is always to be a child.
No way is impossible to courage.勇者無懼。
『伍』 獅子王第一部觀後感英文版
The LION KING is technically an amazing and dazzling movie. I find it hard to review a cartoon. Perhaps, I could start by discussing some of the characters that were made special by the actor's voice.
Hands down, the best voice in this movie was that of Jeremy Irons who was the evil Scar, brother of the king Mufasa. Irons is brilliant in everything he does, but I think his best roles were BRIDESHEAD REVISITED and REVERSAL OF FORTUNE. He can play villains and good guys equally well. James Earl Jones was the voice of Mufasa, and although he was good, I expected more out of one of the most dramatic sounding voices in the movies today. Jones could have been a great orator (read politician I guess) had he not become an actor. Whoopi Goldberg was funny as a laughing hyena. I liked everyone except Mathew Broderick who I felt was too weak and unconvincing as the grown up Simba.
The movie's strengths, however, were not in the characters. The images and the soundtrack were the highlights. All of the music was very moving. The images had a 3D effect that I have not seen before. There was clear foreground and background in almost every shot, and sometimes they even varied the focus as you would in a "real" movie so that at first the foreground was in focus and then the background. My favorite part of the entire show was the vibrance of the colors. Monet would have come every day to see The LION KING.
Sad to say, I can not give it as high a rating as I would liked for two reasons. First, the story and the characters were okay, but they were not as interesting as they could have been. When they have to resort to lots of jokes about gas and bad breath, you know the script writers have run out of steam.
Second, the main audience for this movie is little kids. I have a 5 year old boy who went with us. Why oh why did they have to have someone who viciously murders his own brother in the sight of his brother's son? And if they felt they had to kill off a character, why be so explicit? Yes, this part of life does happen, but so does rape, incest, drive-by shootings and a lot of other stuff. Being true to life does not mean we have to subject little kids to it.
By the way, my son spent almost the whole movie in one of our laps, but claimed in the end to have not been scared (he was clearly scared while it was going on), and wanted to see it again. Actually, he wants to see LASSIE even more.
『陸』 《獅子王》的觀後感。
也許因為已經被歷史承認為經典影片了,由於題材的原因會感覺到歷史的味道,我不禁的想起《海底總動員》它一部一以小人物為題材的動畫,在題材的選擇上我到是覺得《海》是更勝一籌 。《獅子王》則是以大人物為題材的故事。在《獅》中沒有小人物的偉大,也沒有過多的強調愛的偉大,更多的表現在責任方面。是辛巴他的責任,因為他的叔叔刀疤並不是一個好國王,在他統治的領域充滿了飢餓與荒涼,他把生機勃勃的獅子王國帶進了黑暗,同時娜娜遇到了辛巴,按照傳統慣例辛巴應該是國王,是大家公認合法的國王,娜娜把獅子王國的危機告訴了辛巴,於是處於責任,他決定回去,但他內心的害死父親的犯罪感並沒有消失,而此時的辛巴並不知道是刀疤是害死父親的真正兇手。富有戲劇化的劇情,人物內心的矛盾和觀者內心的感受是不一樣的,由一個矛盾衍生出來的復雜感情,牽動著觀者的心。作惡多端的刀疤還在享受他的國王的生活時他不知道沒有死的辛巴正在回歸,人們還在刀疤的欺騙中活著,同時辛巴的回歸讓刀疤的王位再次會受到威脅。當在辛巴與刀疤決斗取回王位時,可惡的刀疤利用辛巴對害死父親的犯罪感,想乘機殺死辛巴,但這一招並沒有起到決定性的效果,到最後刀疤用謊話欺騙辛巴時隱藏在背後原本想幫刀疤的豺狗三兄弟也看到了刀疤的真正面目,終於在辛巴最危險的時候刀疤說出了自己殺害辛巴父親的事實,這是一切都真相大白,憤怒的辛巴看到自己的殺父仇人就是自己的叔叔,忍無可忍在決斗中把刀疤蹄下了山,最後刀疤的結局被豺狗吃掉也是他自己造成的死有餘辜,戰後完的一場雨預示著被刀疤所統治的黑暗時期已經過去了獅子王國即將迎來他的黎明,就這樣獅子王國又恢復了往日的生機勃勃。
『柒』 《獅子王》觀後感
[《獅子王》觀後感]《獅子王》觀後感 昨天看完的《獅子王》,沒有著急寫觀後感,不是沒感受,是不想寫,這應該就是人的惰性,《獅子王》觀後感。有時候在想,寫這些感受的意圖,想這些的時候真感覺微不足道。但還是情不自禁地寫了下來。為什麼說這些廢話呢?渲染我無處可泄的情感罷。我粗略地看了一下電影簡介,是導演根據莎士比亞的小說改編而成的,應該就是哈姆雷特了,同樣的叔叔奪取王位,而電影通過動物表現出來,實屬難得。電影成功的製作的技巧,每一處微小的動作都逼真地觸動著人的情感。似乎那個動物世界的事情確是發生人類身上的事情似的。一直以來,動畫給我的感覺總是做作,造假,我們只是以一個審視,而不是進入的狀態觀察著那個世界的情景,而這次,我卻能跟隨著動畫的情節而激動,就已經表明這部電影的優秀之處。 關於電影,不想大篇幅的描述,主人公辛巴只表現了哈姆雷特的十分之一,甚至更少的東西。最明顯的意識就是反抗,其他的應該還有,但是已經忘卻。我在別人的推薦下看的,看的時候不免帶有一種審慎的心態,而對於未知的兒童來說,這部動畫可能要給予他們更多的感受,甚至會成為他們心底永久的動力和力量,觀後感《《獅子王》觀後感》。動畫中語言很有喻義性,辛巴抬頭望著天空中的星星,定格成一種遙遠的嚮往和追求,讓自己的心也朝著那遠處仰望,夢想著更大的自由,夢想著自己也能對著自己的過往開始回憶和對明天憧憬著。 故事情節如下:老獅子王木法沙和愛姬生下小幼獅,在一個精明的老猴的洗禮後,取名辛巴,並授於其為未來廣博的草原的獅子王。然而,老獅子王的弟弟刀疤一直對於王位\"獅\"視眈眈,利用陰謀詭計陷害木法沙,勾結土狼,陰謀得逞。木法沙為救辛巴死於逃竄的犀牛蹄下。刀疤派土狼追殺辛巴,辛巴不能正視父親因自己而死的現實,在森林中安逸的生活。當得知自己的國土被叔叔刀疤蹂躪千瘡百孔,毅然地返回草原,和刀疤決斗,成為新一代的獅子王,草原恢復了往日的生機。
『捌』 獅子王的觀後感英文要用了五十字要帶翻譯
Film is an amazing technical achievement, but even if it is meticulous, it is only "realistic", because real animals can't talk, they can't sing, and they can't quote those interesting pop culture stalks.
Movies are sometimes wonderful, but they are often absurd. And sometimes-for example, a very lifelike animal dies on the big screen in front of you, and the only son cries for him-it is really wandering on the edge of grotesque.
喬恩·費儒也是電影《奇幻森林》的導演,他帶領《阿凡達》《泰坦尼克號》的視覺效果團隊,進一步提升了迪士尼CG(Computer Graphics)電影的製作技術水平,運用計算機設計、人工模型及道具等,使電影中的動物毛發、大自然的光和影等,都顯得更加逼真,而不是真正引入獅子等動物來拍攝電影。
『玖』 獅子王英文觀後感,初一水平,80詞左右,帶翻譯
Simba, the prince of the animals' kingdom, whose life was not always happy. Simba's uncle, carried out an evil plan.To save his dear son, the old lion king died. And Simba, with his uncle taking his father's place, had no other choice but to flee. On his aimless road, he met two new friends, a weasel and a boar. They were hearty.
The friendship between Simba and the other two brought him great courage.Through efforts of himself and help from his friends, Simba finally defeated his uncle and became the king of the animals.
This film taught me that a friend in need is a friend indeed and that only through perseverance can one reach his goal.