導航:首頁 > 參演人物 > 電影的導演英文介紹


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Ⅰ "導演"的英語怎麼說


Ⅱ 電影wizard of oz的英文簡介,比如導演演員的英文名

綠野仙蹤 Wizard of Oz (1925)

導 演: ( Larry Semon )

主 演: ( Larry Semon) ( Dorothy Dwan) ( Mary Carr) ( Charles Murray) ( Bryant Washburn) ( Virginia Pearson)

上 映: 1925年04月13日

地 區: 美國

顏 色: 黑白

聲 音: 無聲(Silent)

時 長: 83 分鍾

類 型: 喜劇 家庭 奇幻 冒險


A Toymaker tells a bizarre story about how the Land of Oz was ruled by Prince Kynd, but he was overthrown by Prime Minister Kruel. Dorothy learns from Aunt Em that fat, cruel Uncle Henry is not her uncle, and gives her a note e on her eighteenth birthday, which reveals she is actually Princess Dorothea of Oz, and is supposed to marry Prince Kynd. She, Uncle Henry , and two farmhands are swept to Oz by a tornado. Snowball, a black farmhand soon joins them after a lightning bolt chases him into the sky. They land in Oz, where the farmhands try to avoid capture. Semon becomes a scarecrow, Hardy briefly disguises himself as a Tin Woodman, and Snowball is given a Lion suit by the Wizard, which he uses to scare the Pumperdink guards.

Ⅲ 電影製作中各職務的英文名稱




2、副導演-Assistant Director

核心職位之一,分為1st Assistant Director,中文為第一副導演,簡稱1st AD;2nd Assistant Director,中文為第二副導演,簡稱2nd AD。

第一副導演,有時在國內會被被稱為執行導演,是導演具體工作的執行人,主要負責片場的正常運行,以及確保拍攝按照拍攝計劃執行,並製作每日的通告單(call sheet)。




4、Property Master-道具師









核心職位之一。即創作電影音樂的音樂人。一般被賦予「Music by」的稱號。

9、Costume Designer-服飾設計師



























Ⅳ 電影開始時都有一些介紹製片人和導演等等人的職業的英語是怎麼寫的

導演 Director
編劇 Writer:
演員 Actor
製作人 Proced
原創音樂 Original Music:
攝影 Cinematography:
剪輯 Film Editing:
選角導演 Casting
藝術指導 Proction Designer
美術設計 Art Direction
布景師 Set Decoration
副導演/助理導演 Assistant Director

Ⅳ 誰能給我幾個著名外國導演的簡介,最好是英文的!

英文的,實在給不了! 斯蒂文·斯皮爾伯格 Steven Spielberg 男,生於1946年12月18日,美國俄亥俄州 美國導演,生於俄亥俄州辛辛那提,曾就讀加州州立學院三年,12歲開始用8厘米的電影攝影機拍家庭影片。1960年,他編導了一部片長四十分鍾的戰爭片《無處容身》,在「峽谷影展」中獲勝,並使他獲得了一台十六厘米的攝影機作獎品。1968年,他獲得一位開光學儀器公司的富翁投資十萬美元,讓他導演一部用三十五厘米攝影機拍攝的短片《安培林》,講述一對年輕戀人在莫哈威沙漠相遇後一齊坐車到加州海邊的故事,結果在第二屆亞特蘭大影展上獲獎。環球公司的行政總裁恰好看到了這部短片而與他簽約。從此開始了他在好萊塢呼風喚雨的時代。作品以卓越的講故事技巧著稱,名字已成為好萊塢的化身。 喬治·盧卡斯 George Lucas 男,生於1944年5月14日,美國加州 1977年,初出茅廬的盧卡斯以其非凡的藝術才華執導了影片《星球大戰》(《Star Wars》)並藉此樹立了其導演道路上的首座里程碑。該片一上映便在世界影壇引起轟動。它的成功,不僅在於其提出並探討了一個由科學技術高度發展給人類和世界帶來的社會問題,更在於它在一個極富想像力的故事框架之內運用現代尖端科技成果如激光、電腦、機器人等向觀眾展示了一種神奇的宇宙奇觀。影片的特技含量極高,令觀眾們嘆為觀止。它在世界科幻影片的創作與生產中具有開拓性意義並因之而獲得了第五十屆奧斯卡獎的6項大獎。 《星球大戰》的大獲成功也使盧卡斯獲得了巨額利潤,用這筆錢,盧卡斯在加里弗尼亞創設了他個人的電影製作公司。《星球大戰》雖然使盧卡斯名利雙收,但是為拍好這部影片,盧卡斯耗廢了大量的精力。基於此,他曾發誓再也不導演巨片了,而是把主要精力轉移到他的製作工作上來。 80年代初,他先後擔任了影片《星球大戰》的續集《The Empire Strikes Back》(1980) 和《Return of the Jedi》(1983)的製片人。同時,他又與大導演史蒂文·斯皮爾伯格合作,製作了《印第安納·瓊斯》系列(《Indiana Jones》)。這些影片都取得了良好的票房收入。尤其是《印第安納。瓊斯》系列,更是屢創佳績,反響不俗。1986年製作了影片《Howard the Duck》後,盧卡斯又開始從三、四十年代的流行影片中提取素材,把它們製作成一些具有英雄式 冒險經歷的影片,它們受到了年輕人的廣泛歡迎。八十年代中期,盧卡斯開始大力構建他的未來事業。他曾在三番市附近設立包括音樂製作在內的電影製作公司,又曾於1992年在美國ABC公司發展電視事業。盧卡斯總是喜歡製作那些融現代娛樂和具有教育意義的情節與一體的影視作品,而這一風格也正符合了大多數觀眾的興味。近來,盧卡斯在其影視事業上更加孜孜以求,他總是把眼光投射到那些風格獨具的小說作品上,希望從中挖掘素材並用他那天才的製作能力創造出更具影響力的影視作品來。 詹姆斯·卡梅隆 James Cameron 男,生於1954年8月16日,加拿大安大略省 1977年,卡梅隆看到了喬治·盧卡斯的經典科幻影片《星球大戰》,他開始意識到自己想要做什麼了。他在影壇的第一份正式工作是在羅傑·考曼(Roger Corman)1980年影片《世紀爭霸戰》(Battle Beyond the Stars)中任藝術總監,製作特技模型。第二年,他在電影《食人魚2》(Piranha Part Two: The Spawning)開始了他的導演之路。該片在義大利拍攝,由於卡梅隆和劇組的工作人員有些矛盾,在拍攝結束後,製片人甚至不讓他參加影片的最終剪輯。心高氣傲的卡梅隆一怒之下,自己學會了使用義大利剪片機的操作,花了幾個星期剪輯了整部電影。從此,卡梅隆發誓要為自己製作電影。1984年,詹姆斯·卡梅隆憑借著在夢中得到的一個靈感,撰寫並導演了電影《終結者》(Terminator)。這部以未來世界為背景的動作片由阿諾德·施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)主演,影片投資很小,但是卻非常的賣座。實際上,《終結者》是一部具有卡梅隆典型風格的電影,如富有創意的劇本、完美的特技、鮮活的人物以及在他後面的電影中頻頻出現的女性英雄。這部影片的成功使得卡梅隆受到廣泛關注。 1985年,卡梅隆和史泰龍一起撰寫了《第一滴血2》(Rambo: First Blood Part II))的劇本,該片由史泰龍主演並廣受好評。隨後卡梅隆又推出了一系列的科幻動作片,有《異形》(Aliens)、《終結者2》(Terminator 2: Judgment Day)等。他的電影常常啟用邁克爾·比恩(Michael Biehn)、詹妮特·戈德斯坦恩(Jenette Goldstein)、蘭斯·亨利克森(Lance Henriksen)、比爾·帕克斯頓(Bill Paxton)和施瓦辛格等明星為主演,並且經常有核戰爭的故事線索包含在內。為了營造完美逼真的效果,詹姆斯的電影鏡頭中,尤其是在追逐戲中,常常有巨大的破壞場面。他之所以成為電影業界最成功人士之一,大部分要歸功於1997年拍攝的票房巨艦《泰坦尼克號》。盡管這部電影在電影史上可謂是毀譽參半,既有大肆吹捧者,也有極力貶低者,但卻忠實地保持了詹姆斯·卡梅隆電影的一貫風格,情節扣人心弦,特技出神入化。當然,其缺陷也是顯而易見的。在電影的前半部中對故事的情感鋪墊缺少靈性。這表現出詹姆斯·卡梅隆善於在緊張的情節中表現人物的性格,卻不善於在細小的情節中表現人的情感。即便有著這些瑕疵,《泰坦尼克號》仍然是當今最賣座的電影之一。巨大的拍攝成本,高額的票房以及多達14項的奧斯卡提名和11項奧斯卡大獎使得導演卡梅隆和電影在好萊塢歷史上留下了不可磨滅的印記。 卡梅隆曾經和他的製片人吉爾·安·赫德(Gale Anne Hurd)結為夫婦。1989年,他與凱思琳·比吉洛(Kathryn Bigelow)結婚。

Ⅵ 導演的英文單詞



director (film etc.)


film director



stage director



The director wanted to star Michael Caine in his new film.


The director shouted `Cut!'


He has been courting the director, hoping to get the leading role in the play.



The director is looking for a suitable locale for his new film.


The film director put the new actor through his paces.


The director cast her in a leading part when she was a young unknown of 16.


陸爛Directors believe in the auteur theory but not many actors do.


The director expresses his sorrow in his film.


The director will come to the meeting with the leading actor and actress.


He directed three movies.


早掘漏The director expresses his sorrow in his film.


At that time “The Modern Times” directed by Chaplin was being remade in theirfilm studio.


Such a film does credit to the director.


There are much worse directors out there, some of whom have Oscars on their mantles.


Why are so many of those writers, directors, procers, and actors you mentionon the left?


Franco: Yeah. For now, though, there are none I want to direct that would be fullof spectacle.


Thus she got an appointment with the appointed director.


And I wonder what kind of director could come up with this movie?


Right! And I wonder what kind of director could come up with this movie?


He is not only an actor but a comedy writer, director and procer.


Why can't I be one of those critics who informs the director what he should havedone instead?


But if you blog, write software, transcribe medical dictation, proce music ordirect movies, then you only need one thing to deliver your proct: a large pipe.

幸運的是,一位導演幫助他,為他安排受 教育 。

Luckily, one of the directors helped him by arranging his ecation.


Regardless of your personal feelings towards the actors, the director or the actresses, ensure the movie itself gets an honest review and be sure to havesome standards in mind.


As some directors may be hazardous to your health, please consult your Doctorto determine if this is right for you.


Sort of like actors who want to direct.


How can I direct and proce at the same time?


The procers took a hard line because they knew that if they acquiesced toactors, they would probably have to make similar deals with both screenwritersand directors.


Another great director did almost exactly the same thing around that time, in avery different kind of movie.

Ⅶ 關於(肖申克的救贖)的導演和主演的英文簡介

A film review by Jeff Pidgeon
Copyright 1994 Jeff Pidgeon
THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION is a strong debut for director Frank Darabont, a screenwriter who sold the script on the provision that he could direct it. This isn't a Film For The Ages, but it is involving and engaging for the majority of its 150-minute running time. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman are both fine as convicts who meet in Shawshank Prison in the late 40's and get to know each other as they do time together. The suspense mainly revolves around 1) whether Robbins will continue to survive prison life; and 2) whether he should be there at all. The script does a decent job of sustaining these elements and keeping the viewer in doubt. On the other hand, there are few moments in the story that, once they are revealed, are different than you might expect. For the most part, the satisfying option is usually chosen, the one that will make the audience happy. While this makes for an enjoyable immediate experience , the side effect is that the lack of genuine surprise makes it less enring than you'd like. On the whole though, aside from script weaknesses and implausibilities (more than a couple), the performances are uniformly strong, if a bit two-dimensional in spots, the period feel of the art direction is thorough yet understated, Thomas Newman's score nicely supports things and is emotional without being too overpowering or treacly. For a prison drama, the violence isn't played up particlarly, but this ain't FREE WILLY, either. For the curious, SHAWSHANK makes for a good night out, as the saying goes. If the concept doesn't grab you from the start, I don't know that it would win you over. Marginally Recommended. 天涯:洛杉磯奇跡——————是這位仁兄的!

Ⅷ 電影《歌舞青春》英語簡介,導演,演員,思想內容。全英文簡介,急急急急!謝謝啊

1 Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez met over winter break after they were forced to sing together at a party. They became friends, and expected not to see each other again. But then, Gabriella's mother's company transferred her to another home in Alburquerqe, New Mexico, where Troy lives. Then, Troy and Gabriella end up at the same school after winter break. They decide to audition for their school's musical, and after they audition and get a call back along with Sharpay and Ryan Evans, the two actors who've been in every school musical, the whole school makes the biggest deal out of it. Then, Troy and Gabriella's call back was amazing, and Troy and Gabriella got the leading parts in the musical, and Ryan and Sharpay were the understudies.
2 At the winter, in a new years party. Troy and Gabriella, two strangers, sing together at a karaoke bar. Gabriella's mom soon transferred to New Mexico, so then Gabriella ended up in the same school with Troy. They both audition for a musical and performs the song "Breaking Free". Troy and Gabriella supposedly won.
3 The movie start out on New Years Eve when Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez are at a Ski Resort During Winter break. Troy is a popular basketball player and Gabriella is a girl Einstein. They are forced to sing karaoke and afterwords exchange numbers. After winter break, Troy returns to his school in Albequerque New Mexico, where he is surprised to discover Gabriella is a new student. They become friends quickly and decide to audition for the Winter Musical in pairs. They get callbacks, and have upset Drama Queen Sharpay Evans and her brother Ryan. Troys friend Chad becomes upset because he is afraid that Troy will become distracted from the basketball championship. Gabriellas friend Taylor wants her on the Decathelon team and is willing to do anything to get her on the team. Chad and Taylor decide to film Troy saying how Gabriella isn't important after Chad tricks him into saying it. Taylor shows the video to Gabriella. Gabriella then refuses to do the call backs with Troy. Confused, Troy convinces Gabriella that he didn't mean it by climbing up into her balcony and singing to her. Meanwhile, Sharpay and Ryan manipulate the Callbacks to the same time when The Championship game is, and the Decathalon is. The two manage to get to the tryouts, and they're events and win the Callbacks, getting parts as the lead pair in the Winter Musical, Twinkle Town : ) The Movie ends with a big finale with the entire cast singing "Were All in This Together".
4 Two high school students who are worlds apart -- the school's hoops star and the president of the science club -- secretly decide to audition for their school's musical, a decision that turns both their world and their school upside down.
5 Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez are two totally different teenagers who meet at a party while singing karaoke on New Years Eve. One week later Troy goes back to his high school, East High, in New Mexico to find that Gabriella is a new student there. They quickly become close, really good friends and accidentally audition for the school musical. After getting a callback, drama queen, Sharpay Evans and her sidekick brother, Ryan are furious. Then Chad, Troy's best friend and basketball teammate, and Taylor, Gabriella's new friend on the decathlon team must find out a way to make Gabriella hate Troy. After seeing that Troy and Gabriella sad about not talking, they soon support their choices and let them "break free".
1 The Wildcats are back. They start off getting out of school, where Shar Pay makes sure Troy has job at her country club. Troy then in returns gets everyone else a job at the country club too. Gabrielle is the new lifeguard, while Troy, Chad, and the others work in the kitchen. At the country club there is a talent show, which Sharpay and Ryan win every year. Kelsie had written a song for Troy and Gabrielle to sing at the talent show, which later on Sharpay takes (at a faster tempo) for her and Troy to sing at the talent show. Sharpay plots to take Troy away from Gabrielle,by getting him a better job than the rest of the Wildcats. Troy starts changing, all for a "scholarship", starting to act like a jerk, which results in Gabrielle breaking up with Troy, saying she doesn't belong there. After Troy loses all his friends, because he began acting like a jerk and had found out that Sharpay had made it where no Junior Staffers can perform in the talent show, he decides to do something about it, and asks for his old job back with the rest of his friends and quits the talent show leaving Sharpay with nothing, since she had ditched her brother to perform with Troy. She then goes back to Ryan, who had been working with the Junior Staffers on an act, who then leaves her saying she always wanted the spotlight, now she has it. Troy ends up doing the talent show, thinking that he would be performing with Sharpay. He learns a new song within a matter of minutes.
2 Troy is offered a job at Ryan & Sharpay's country club and ends up landing jobs for Gabriella, Chad, Taylor, Kelsi, Jason, Martha and Zeke. He is then introced to Sharpay's parents and realizes that Sharpay can land him many opportunities and even a basketball scholarship. Meanwhile, while Zac starts hanging out with the rich folk, Chad is worried that Zac will forget his friends. Gabriella feels as though she is losing Troy to Sharpay. In the end, Troy will have to learn how to think about his scholarship without losing his friends.
3 Good-bye, classroom! Hello, summer! But for Troy, Gabriella, Chad, and Taylor, this vacation is no day at the beach. That's because they're all working at a country club founded by Ryan and Sharpay's family! And with the club's annual talent show right around the corner, Sharpay's competitive instincts are sizzling. She mps Ryan as her singing partner and starts wooing Troy to join her onstage instead. Gabriella is less than thrilled that Troy has agreed to sing with Sharpay. How could he do that to her? Things are heating up on the lawns of high society. Will Troy and Gabriella realize that they're meant to be? Or is it already too late for them to sing one last song together?

Ⅸ 導演用英文怎麼說



另外dir. 還可代表很多單詞的縮寫畝答禪




directione [拉丁語、處方用語]用法,說明,指示



screenplay script 或screen script 都指劇本,編劇 cast指全體演職員 director 導演 music by 。。。。配樂 procted by 。。 procer 製作人 associate xxx 助理xxxx 如associate visual effects procer 助理視覺導演 first xxx 第一xxx second xxx 第二xxx 比如second director 副導演 editor 剪輯舉仿 consultant 指導 visual consultant 視覺指導 camera operator 攝像 visual effects art director 視覺效果導演 stunts 。。特技製作人員 design supervisor 設計總監 我只知道這些。
導演 編劇 製片人 英文怎麼說
導演 direction

製片 proction manager

編劇 screenwriter

主演 act the leading role

錄音 sound record 英語就是一土語。。。
導演 - Director

編劇 - Scriptwriter

剪輯 - Film editing

which direcotr has directed the movie?

Which director has directed the film?

Who is the director of the film?

Who has directed the movie?



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