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发布时间:2023-08-10 22:59:59

❶ 请问这是凯瑟琳温妮克(KatherynWinnick)的哪部电影或者电视剧

这是凯瑟琳温妮克(KatherynWinnick)的《致命选择 (2010)里面的剧照。

凯瑟琳·温妮克(Katheryn Winnick) 是一位相貌出众的加拿大籍明星,出生于1977年12月17日加拿大安大略省多伦多的Etobicoke,影视演员。2001年,参与拍摄电视剧《法律与秩序:犯罪倾向》。2005年,参与拍摄电视剧《识骨寻踪》。

2007年,参与拍摄电影《当尼采哭泣》。2010年,参与拍摄了电影《 Love and Other Drugs 》(爱情与灵药)、《尼基塔 La Femme Nikita》。2011年,主演的电影《Killers 》(杀手们)。2013年,主演了电影《查尔斯的大脑》、《偷窃的艺术》,电视剧《维京传奇》。2016年,加盟科幻电影《黑暗塔》。

其实这是一部本来就有预期不会是很精彩的片子,但是冲着Katheryn Winnick 主演实在不能不看。就恐怖片而言,基本没被吓到,配乐马马虎虎却没配对时间点,故事线很乱,虽然连得起但是有些地方很勉强。

特别是凶手的动机实在有点难理解。特别是他那副德行怎怎么出入图书馆没引起人们注意这点很囧。结局那个猥琐老头是什么意思,实在让很多观众感到费解。算是一口气看完,毕竟Katheryn Winnick 实在太美了,希望她下次能遇到好的剧本。

以上内容参考:凯瑟琳·温妮克 - 网络

❷ 《至尊千上千》陈百祥/冯淬帆/高丽虹/王晶演的老电影在哪里可以看到这部电影。


演员 :陈百祥 高丽虹 冯淬帆 冯丽宝



❸ Kirsten Dunst克尔斯滕·邓斯特和Gwyneth Paltrow格温妮斯·帕特洛分别主演过的电影

演员 cast
0如何众叛亲离 How to Lose Friends & Alienate People(2009).....Alison Olsen
1 蜘蛛侠3 Spider-Man 3 (2007) ..... Mary Jane Watson
2 Untitled Kirsten Dunst Project (2007) ..... Marla Ruzicka
2 How to Lose Friends & Alienate People....Alison Olsen
3 玛丽·安托万(又名:绝代艳后)Marie-Antoinette (2006) ..... Marie-Antoinette绝代艳后
4 MTV Video Music Awards 2005 (2005) ..... Herself - Presenter
5 伊莉莎白镇 Elizabethtown (2005) ..... Claire Colburn
6 第77届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 77th Annual Academy Awards (2005) ..... Herself - Co-presenter: Best Film Editing
7 A Look Inside 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' (2004) ..... Herself
8 Making the Amazing (2004) ..... Herself
9 蜘蛛侠2 Spider-Man 2 (2004) ..... Mary Jane Watson
10 2004 MTV Movie Awards (2004) ..... Herself - Presenter
11 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards '04 (2004) ..... Herself
12 无痛失恋 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) ..... Mary
13 情定温布尔登 Wimbledon (2004) ..... Lizzie Bradbury
14 Spider-Man 2 (2004) ..... Mary Jane Watson
15 Making of 'Wimbledon: The Movie' (2004) ..... Herself
16 Hero in Crisis (2004) ..... Herself
17 率性 Levity (2003) ..... Sofia Mellinger
18 蒙娜丽莎的微笑 Mona Lisa Smile (2003) ..... Betty Warren
19 2003 MTV Movie Awards (2003) ..... Herself
20 Behind the Microphone: Kiki's Delivery Service (2003) ..... Kiki
21 盖娜 Kaena: La prophétie (2003) ..... Kaena (voice: English version)
22 MTV Bash: Carson Daly (2003) ..... Herself (archive footage)
23 The Death and Life of Nancy Eaton (2003) .....
24 第74届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 74th Annual Academy Awards (2002) ..... Herself - Co-Presenter: Best Visual Effects
25 Behind the Scenes: Spider-Man the Movie (2002) ..... Herself
26 蜘蛛侠 Spider-Man (2002) ..... Mary Jane Watson
27 Spider-Man: An MTV Movie Special (2002) ..... Herself
28 The Spider-Man Story (2002) ..... Herself
29 Spidermania (2002) ..... Herself
30 MTV Video Music Awards 2002 (2002) ..... Herself
31 The Mummy Parody (2001) ..... Herself
32 The 2001 IFP/West Independent Spirit Awards (2001) ..... Herself
33 失恋大不同 Get Over It (2001) ..... Kelly Woods/Helena
34 猫咪喵 The Cat's Meow (2001) ..... Marion Davies
35 2001 MTV Movie Awards (2001) ..... Herself (Co-Host)
36 美丽痴狂 Crazy/Beautiful (2001) ..... Nicole Oakley
37 Spotlight on Location: The Making of 'Bring It On' (2001) ..... Herself
38 鸦魔战士 The Crow: Salvation (2000) ..... Erin Randall
39 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (2000) ..... Herself
40 Savage Garden: Superstars and Cannonballs: Live and on Tour in Australia (2000) ..... Girl on Subway ("I Knew I Loved You") (uncredited)
41 Deeply (2000) ..... Silly
42 6th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards (2000) .....
43 Luckytown (2000) ..... Lidda Doyles
44 All Forgotten (2000) ..... Zinaida
45 魅力四射 Bring It On (2000) ..... Torrance Shipman
46 The Making of 'Dick' (1999) ..... Herself
47 折翼天使 The Virgin Suicides (1999) ..... Lux Lisbon
48 Dick (1999) ..... Betsy Jobs
49 美丽比一比 Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999) ..... Amber Atkins
50 The Devil's Arithmetic (1999) ..... Hannah Stern
51 "Stories from My Childhood" (1998) ..... Alice/Gerda (voice)
52 魔幻小战士 Small Soldiers (1998) ..... Christy Fimple
53 The Animated Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1998) ..... Becky Thatcher (voice)
54 粉骚大联盟 Strike! (1998) ..... Verena von Stefan
55 Fifteen and Pregnant (1998) ..... Tina Spangler
56 摇尾狗 Wag the Dog (1997) ..... Tracy Lime
57 True Heart (1997) ..... Bonnie
58 Tower of Terror (1997) ..... Anna Petterson
59 安娜斯塔西娅 Anastasia (1997) ..... Young Anastasia (voice)
60 白色风暴 The Siege at Ruby Ridge (1996) ..... Sara Weaver
61 母亲之夜 Mother Night (1996) ..... Young Resi Noth
62 Children Remember the Holocaust (1995) ..... (voice)
63 勇敢者的游戏 Jumanji (1995) ..... Judy Shepherd
64 小妇人 Little Women (1994) ..... Younger Amy March
65 夜访吸血鬼 Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994) ..... Claudia
66 Greedy (1994) ..... Jolene
67 Darkness Before Dawn (1993) ..... Sandra Guard (age 8)
68 High Strung (1991) ..... Young Girl
69 虚荣的篝火 The Bonfire of the Vanities (1990) ..... Campbell McCoy
70 魔女宅急便 Majo no takkyûbin (1989) ..... Kiki (voice: English version)
71 纽约故事 New York Stories (1989) ..... Lisa's Daughter (uncredited)
72 "Loving" (1983) ..... Young Child (1990-1991) (uncredited)
73 "Stories from My Childhood" () ..... Alice/Gerda (voice)
74 "HBO First Look" () ..... Interviewee: Christy Fimple
75 "Stories from My Childhood" () ..... Alice/Gerda (voice)
76 "Stories from My Childhood" () ..... Alice/Gerda (voice)
77 "Stories from My Childhood" () ..... Alice/Gerda (voice)
78 "Stories from My Childhood" () ..... Alice/Gerda (voice)


钢铁侠 / 铁人 / 钢铁人 / 铁甲奇侠 Iron Man (2008) .....Pepper Potts
两个情人 / 劈腿情缘 Two Lovers (2008) .....Michelle
第79届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 79th Annual Academy Awards (2007)
晚安好梦 The Good Night (2007) .....Dora
夹缝求生 / 拿着剪刀奔跑 Running with Scissors (2006) .....Hope Finch
相思成灾 / 缘份吹吹风 Love and Other Disasters (2006) .....Hollywood Jacks
明星聊电影 Boffo! Tinseltown's Bombs and Blockbusters (2006) .....Viola De Lesseps (archive footage) (uncredited)
声名狼藉 Infamous (2006) .....Kitty Dean
Brave New World (2005) .....Herself/Polly Perkins
证据 / 情来,算尽爱 / 求证 / 证明我爱你 / 情来算尽爱 Proof (2005) .....Catherine
第77届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 77th Annual Academy Awards (2005) .....Herself - Presenter: Best Foreign Language Film
101 Most Unforgettable SNL Moments (2004) .....Herself (archive footage)
明日世界 / 天空上校和明日世界 / 轰天战士决战明日世纪 / 空军上校和未来世界 Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004) .....Polly Perkins
101 Biggest Celebrity Oops (2004) .....Herself - #53: Red Carpet Disasters: Gothic Ugly (archive footage)
瓶中美人 / 希尔维亚 / 篇篇情意劫 Sylvia (2003) .....Sylvia Plath
我要飞上天 / 头等俏佳人 / 空中拜金女 / 美国空姐 / 空姐梦 View from the Top (2003) .....Donna Jensen
关于黛布拉·温格 Searching for Debra Winger (2002) .....Herself
第74届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 74th Annual Academy Awards (2002) .....Herself - Co-Presenter: Writing Awards
王牌大贱谍3 / 王牌大贱谍3:金盟友 / 凸务之王决战金大支 Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002) .....Gwyneth Paltrow as Dixie Normous in 'Austinpussy'
无可救药爱上你 / 迷梦情缘 Possession (2002) .....Maud Bailey
真爱大吐槽 / 今夜狂欢心事多 The Anniversary Party (2001) .....Skye Davidson
特伦鲍姆一家 / 天才一族 / 癫才家族 The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) .....Margot Tenenbaum
庸人哈尔 / 情人眼里出西施 / 猪兜有情人 / 肤浅的哈尔 Shallow Hal (2001) .....Rosemary Shanahan
盖世傻侠 / 普迪·唐 Pootie Tang (2001) .....Herself (archive footage) (uncredited)
风情万种 / K歌情缘 Duets (2000) .....Liv
缘来是你 / 当真爱来敲门 / 自制多情 / 机票情缘 Bounce (2000) .....Abby Janello
2000年大热门娱乐奖颁奖典礼 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (2000) .....Herself
第71届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 71st Annual Academy Awards (1999) .....Herself - Winner: Best Actress in a Leading Role & Presenter: Best Art Direction-Set Decoration
天才雷普利 / 心计 The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) .....Marge Sherwood
超完美谋杀案 / 叛侣游戏 / 完美的谋杀 A Perfect Murder (1998) .....Emily Bradford Taylor
莎翁情史 / 恋爱中的莎士比亚 Shakespeare in Love (1998) .....Viola De Lesseps
禁止尖叫 / 迷离布局 Hush (1998) .....Helen Baring
烈爱风云 / 远大前程 / 爱情有刺 / 烈爱风暴 / 新孤星血泪 Great Expectations (1998) .....Estella
滑动门 / 双面情人 / 缘份两面睇 Sliding Doors (1998) .....Helen Quilley
赌场纵横 / 赌城纵横 Hard Eight (1996) .....Clementine
乔恩·斯图尔特每日秀 The Daily Show (1996) .....Herself (2 episodes, 2004-2005)
艾玛 Emma (1996) .....Emma Woodhouse
出殡抱佳人 The Pallbearer (1996) .....Julie DeMarco
第68届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 68th Annual Academy Awards (1996) .....Herself
七宗罪 Se7en (1995) .....Tracy Mills
杰弗逊在巴黎 / 不羁的巴黎 / 总统的秘密情人 Jefferson in Paris (1995) .....Patsy Jefferson
月光情圣 / 月光情人 / 月光与瓦论蒂诺 Moonlight and Valentino (1995) .....Lucy Trager
帕克夫人的情人 Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle (1994) .....Paula Hunt
无情大地有情天 Flesh and Bone (1993) .....Ginnie
体热边缘 Malice (1993) .....Paula Bell
铁钩船长 / 虎克船长 Hook (1991) .....Young Wendy/Peter's Mother
呐喊赤子心 Shout (1991) .....Rebecca




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