导航:首页 > 参演人物 > 控制电影演员表


发布时间:2021-07-06 09:37:32

❶ 王道韩国电影演员










❷ 电影主要演员是哪些人


❸ 电影最后的操纵者演员表













❹ 美国电影肮脏交易演员表

Janine Benyus ....Author / Founder
Jeremy Narby ....Anthropologist
Sebastião Salgado ....Photographer
Marisha Farnsworth ....Natural Builder
Kevin Rowell ....Natural Builder
Lottie Manuel ....Herself
Edward Pagan ....Himself
Pabo Rolan ....Himself
Bill Logan ....Urban Arborist / Author - 'Dirt'
Paul Stamets ....Mycologist
Gary Vaynerchuk ....Founder - The Wine Library / Host of Wine L
Vandana Shiva ....Physicist / Environmental Activist
Miguel Altieri ....Professor Ph.D. Entomology - University of Florida / UC Berkeley
万加丽·马萨伊 Wangari Maathai ....Nobel Laureate / Founder - Green Belt Movement
Carlo Petrini ....Founder - the Slow Food Movement
Pierre Rabhi ....Author / Farmer / Environmentalist
Andy Lipkis ....Founder - Tree People / Citizen Forester
Fritjof Capra ....Theoretical Physicist / Director - Center for Ecoliteracy, Berkeley
Jeanette Armstrong ....Land Speaker - Okanagan Author & Artist
James Suntum ....The Parochial Vicar - Santuario de Chimayo
Casimiro Roca ....The Associate Pastor - Santuario de Chimayo (as Fr. Casimiro Roca)
David Orr ....Professor of Environmental Studies - Oberlin
Richard Regester ....Eco-designer
Wes Jackson ....President - The Land Institute
Jerry Glover ....Agroecologist - The Land Institute
Juan Vicent Sanchez ....Professor Agriculture Studies - UCA
Leila Salgado ....Co-Founder - Instituto Terra
Majora Carter ....Founder - Sustainable South Bronx
Peter Girguis ....Assistant Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University
Helen White ....Herself - MSI Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Organismic & Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University
Hilda Krus ....Horticultural Therapist - The Greenhouse: Rikers Island
James Jiler ....Program Director - The Greenhouse: Rikers Island
Barbara Damrosch ....Author / Organic Farmer
Wes Kinney ....Owner - Kinney Compost
Will Brinton ....Founder - Woods End Research Laboratory
艾丽丝·沃特斯 Alice Waters ....Founder - Edible Schoolyard
Sharon Jackson ....Participant - The Green Team
Juan Mighty ....Participant - The Green Team
John Cannizzo ....Director - The Green Team
杰米·李·柯蒂斯 Jamie Lee Curtis ....Narrator
Katrina Hawkins ....Herself
Cricket Leigh ....Temp Narrator
Francesca Mazzola ....Herself

导演 Director:
比尔·本内森 Bill Benenson
伊洛诺尔·戴利 Eleonore Dailly
吉尼·络斯沃 Gene Rosow
制作人 Proced by:
比尔·本内森 Bill Benenson ....executive procer
Laurie Benenson ....executive procer
伊洛诺尔·戴利 Eleonore Dailly ....procer
吉尼·络斯沃 Gene Rosow ....procer
Dileep Singh Rathore ....line procer: India
Tracy J. Brown ....associate procer
Christine Deitner ....associate procer
Tyler Harbour ....associate procer
Marisa Murgatroyd ....associate procer
Lisa Yesko ....post-proction procer
原创音乐 Original Music:
Jorge Corante
摄影 Cinematography:
David Aubrey
Ben Bloodwell
César Boretti
Steve Elkins
Walter Lorrusso
Antonio Rossi
Marisa Murgatroyd
Tom Pakulski
剪辑 Film Editing:
Jonathan P. Shaw
Alexandra Komisaruk
Rob Seidenglanz
Brian Singbiel [1]

❺ 纵横天下电影演员表

《纵横天下》演员表 :








❻ 绝对控制电影演员表

《绝对控制》演员表 :

饰 薛冰

饰 朱琳

饰 楚晓明

饰 仲大峰

饰 胡世生

饰 唐子杰

饰 熊小毛

饰 华十月

饰 罗海阳

❼ 这几部电影的演员表

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a为演员名 b为角色名

魔戒首部曲:魔戒现身 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) 演职员表

1. 彼得·杰克逊 Peter Jackson


1. 彼得·杰克逊 Peter Jackson ..... (screenplay)
2. 托尔金 J.R.R. Tolkien ..... (novel The Fellowship of the Ring)
3. Philippa Boyens ..... (screenplay) &


1. 彼得·杰克逊 Peter Jackson ..... Albert Dreary (uncredited)
2. Harry Sinclair ..... Isilr
3. 西恩·奥斯汀 Sean Astin ..... Sam Gamgee
4. 奥兰多·布鲁姆 Orlando Bloom ..... Legolas Greenleaf
5. 伊利亚·伍德 Elijah Wood ..... Frodo Baggins
6. 克里斯托弗·李 Christopher Lee ..... Saruman
7. 伊安·麦克莱恩 Ian McKellen ..... Gandalf the Grey
8. 马尔顿·索克斯 Marton Csokas ..... Celeborn
9. Ian Holm ..... Bilbo Baggins
10. Ian Mune ..... Bounder
11. 安迪·瑟金斯 Andy Serkis ..... Gollum
12. Shane Rangi ..... Witch-King of Angmar (uncredited)
13. 萨拉·贝克 Sala Baker ..... Sauron
14. Mark Ferguson ..... Gil-Galad
15. 多米尼克·莫纳汉 Dominic Monaghan ..... Merry
16. 比利·博伊德 Billy Boyd ..... Peregrin 'Pippin' Took
17. 凯特·布兰切特 Cate Blanchett ..... Galadriel
18. Alan Lee ..... King of Men (prologue sequence) (uncredited)
19. 丽芙·泰勒 Liv Tyler ..... Arwen
20. 肖恩·宾 Sean Bean ..... Boromir
21. 雨果·维文 Hugo Weaving ..... Elrond
22. 约翰·里斯-戴维斯 John Rhys-Davies ..... Gimli
23. Noel Appleby ..... Everard Proudfoot
24. Lawrence Makoare ..... Lurtz
25. Sarah McLeod ..... Rosie Cotton
26. 维果·莫特森 Viggo Mortensen ..... Aragorn
27. Alan Howard ..... The Ring (voice)
28. Craig Parker ..... Haldir
29. Billy Jackson ..... Cute Hobbit Child
30. Katie Jackson ..... Cute Hobbit Child
31. Victoria Beynon-Cole ..... Hero Orcs, Goblins, Uruks & Ringwraiths
32. Philip Grieve ..... Hero Orcs, Goblins, Uruks & Ringwraiths
33. Lee Hartley ..... Hero Orcs, Goblins, Uruks & Ringwraiths
34. Peter Corrigan ..... Otho (extended edition)
35. Lori Dungey ..... Mrs. Bracegirdle (extended edition)
36. Norman Forsey ..... Gaffer Gamgee (extended edition)
37. Bill Johnson ..... Old Noakes (extended edition) (as William Johnson)
38. Elizabeth Moody ..... Lobelia Sackville-Baggins (extended edition)
39. Brian Sergent ..... Ted Sandyman (extended edition)
40. Timothy Bartlett ..... Hobbit (uncredited)
41. Taea Hartwell ..... Child Hobbit (uncredited)
42. Thomas McGinty ..... Hero Orcs, Goblins, Uruks & Ringwraiths (uncredited)
43. Kate O'Rourke ..... Hero Orcs, Goblins, Uruks & Ringwraiths (uncredited)
44. Megan Edwards ..... Mrs. Proudfoot
45. Michael Elsworth ..... Gondorian Archivist
46. Brent McIntyre ..... Witch-King
47. Peter McKenzie ..... Elendil
48. Cameron Rhodes ..... Farmer Maggot
49. Martyn Sanderson ..... Gate Keeper
50. David Weatherley ..... Barliman Butterbur
51. Sam La Hood ..... Hero Orcs, Goblins, Uruks & Ringwraiths
52. Chris Streeter ..... Hero Orcs, Goblins, Uruks & Ringwraiths
53. Jonathan Jordan ..... Hero Orcs, Goblins, Uruks & Ringwraiths
54. Semi Kuresa ..... Hero Orcs, Goblins, Uruks & Ringwraiths
55. Clinton Ulyatt ..... Hero Orcs, Goblins, Uruks & Ringwraiths
56. Paul Bryson ..... Hero Orcs, Goblins, Uruks & Ringwraiths


1. 彼得·杰克逊 Peter Jackson ..... procer
2. Barrie M. Osborne ..... procer
3. Jamie Selkirk ..... co-procer: WingNut Films
4. 哈维·韦恩斯坦 Harvey Weinstein ..... executive procer
5. Robert Shaye ..... executive procer: New Line Cinema
6. Rick Porras ..... co-procer: WingNut Films
7. 鲍伯·韦恩斯坦 Bob Weinstein ..... executive procer
8. 马科·奥德斯凯 Mark Ordesky ..... executive procer: New Line Cinema
9. Tim Sanders ..... procer
10. Michael Lynne ..... executive procer: New Line Cinema
11. Ellen Somers ..... associate procer (as Ellen M. Somers)

魔戒二部曲:双塔奇兵 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) 演职员表

1. 彼得·杰克逊 Peter Jackson


1. 彼得·杰克逊 Peter Jackson ..... (screenplay)
2. 托尔金 J.R.R. Tolkien ..... (novel)
3. Philippa Boyens ..... (screenplay) &
4. Stephen Sinclair ..... (screenplay) &


1. 彼得·杰克逊 Peter Jackson ..... Rohirrim Warrior (uncredited)
2. 西恩·奥斯汀 Sean Astin ..... Sam
3. 奥兰多·布鲁姆 Orlando Bloom ..... Legolas Greenleaf
4. 米兰达·奥图 Miranda Otto ..... Eowyn
5. Robyn Malcolm ..... Morwen
6. 卡尔·厄本 Karl Urban ..... Eomer
7. 伊利亚·伍德 Elijah Wood ..... Frodo Baggins
8. 克里斯托弗·李 Christopher Lee ..... Saruman the White
9. 伊安·麦克莱恩 Ian McKellen ..... Gandalf the Grey - aka Gandalf the White
10. Robbie Magasiva ..... Mauhur
11. Stephen Ure ..... Grishnákh
12. 安迪·瑟金斯 Andy Serkis ..... Gollum - aka Sméagol
13. Jed Brophy ..... Sharku/Snaga
14. 萨拉·贝克 Sala Baker ..... Man Flesh Uruk
15. 布拉德·道里夫 Brad Dourif ..... Grima Wormtongue
16. John Leigh ..... Háma
17. 多米尼克·莫纳汉 Dominic Monaghan ..... Merry
18. 比利·博伊德 Billy Boyd ..... Peregrin 'Pippin' Took
19. 凯特·布兰切特 Cate Blanchett ..... Galadriel
20. Dan Hennah ..... Man of Rohan (uncredited)
21. Alan Lee ..... Man of Rohan (uncredited)
22. 丽芙·泰勒 Liv Tyler ..... Arwen
23. 肖恩·宾 Sean Bean ..... Boromir (extended edition)
24. 伯纳德·希尔 Bernard Hill ..... Theoden
25. 雨果·维文 Hugo Weaving ..... Elrond
26. Bruce Phillips ..... Rohan Soldier
27. 约翰·里斯-戴维斯 John Rhys-Davies ..... Gimli/Voice of Treebeard
28. John Bach ..... Madril
29. Robert Pollock ..... Mordor Orc
30. Bruce Hopkins ..... Gamling
31. Nathaniel Lees ..... Uglúk
32. 大卫·文翰 David Wenham ..... Faramir
33. 维果·莫特森 Viggo Mortensen ..... Aragorn
34. John Noble ..... Denethor (extended edition) (as John Nogle)
35. Craig Parker ..... Haldir
36. Bruce Allpress ..... Aldor
37. Sam Comery ..... Éothain
38. Calum Gittins ..... Haleth - Son of Háma
39. Paris Howe Strewe ..... Théodred - Prince of Rohan
40. Olivia Tennet ..... Freda
41. Ray Trickett ..... Bereg
42. Billy Jackson ..... Cute Rohan Refugee Child
43. Katie Jackson ..... Cute Rohan Refugee Child
44. Hannah Wood ..... Woman in Cave (uncredited)
45. Phillip Spencer Harris ..... Ranger 1 (uncredited)
46. Paul Holmes ..... Orc (uncredited)
47. Timothy Lee ..... Wildman (uncredited)
48. Henry Mortensen ..... Reluctant Rohan Child Warrior (uncredited)
49. Piripi Waretini ..... Uruk-Hai Soldier (uncredited)
50. Jørn Benzon ..... Elf Archer - Helm's Deep Scene (uncredited)


1. 彼得·杰克逊 Peter Jackson ..... procer
2. Barrie M. Osborne ..... procer
3. Jamie Selkirk ..... co-procer
4. 哈维·韦恩斯坦 Harvey Weinstein ..... executive procer
5. Robert Shaye ..... executive procer
6. Rick Porras ..... co-procer
7. 鲍伯·韦恩斯坦 Bob Weinstein ..... executive procer
8. 马科·奥德斯凯 Mark Ordesky ..... executive procer
9. Michael Lynne ..... executive procer

魔戒三部曲:国王归来 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) 演职员表

1. 彼得·杰克逊 Peter Jackson


1. 彼得·杰克逊 Peter Jackson ..... (screenplay)
2. 托尔金 J.R.R. Tolkien ..... (novel Return of the King)
3. Philippa Boyens ..... (screenplay) &


1. 彼得·杰克逊 Peter Jackson ..... Mercenary On Boat (uncredited)
2. Harry Sinclair ..... Isilr
3. 西恩·奥斯汀 Sean Astin ..... Sam
4. 奥兰多·布鲁姆 Orlando Bloom ..... Legolas
5. 米兰达·奥图 Miranda Otto ..... Eowyn
6. 卡尔·厄本 Karl Urban ..... Eomer
7. Ian Hughes ..... Irolas
8. 伊利亚·伍德 Elijah Wood ..... Frodo
9. 克里斯托弗·李 Christopher Lee ..... Saruman (extended edition)
10. 伊安·麦克莱恩 Ian McKellen ..... Gandalf
11. Bruce Spence ..... The Mouth of Sauron (extended edition)
12. 马尔顿·索克斯 Marton Csokas ..... Celeborn
13. Ian Holm ..... Bilbo
14. Stephen Ure ..... Gorbag
15. 安迪·瑟金斯 Andy Serkis ..... Gollum/Smeagol
16. Jed Brophy ..... Orc
17. Shane Rangi ..... Harad Leader 2
18. 萨拉·贝克 Sala Baker ..... Orc/Sauron
19. 布拉德·道里夫 Brad Dourif ..... Grima Wormtongue (extended edition)
20. Alistair Browning ..... Damrod
21. Bret McKenzie ..... Elf Escort
22. 多米尼克·莫纳汉 Dominic Monaghan ..... Merry
23. 比利·博伊德 Billy Boyd ..... Pippin
24. 凯特·布兰切特 Cate Blanchett ..... Galadriel
25. Peter Tait ..... Shagrat
26. 丽芙·泰勒 Liv Tyler ..... Arwen
27. 肖恩·宾 Sean Bean ..... Boromir
28. 伯纳德·希尔 Bernard Hill ..... Theoden
29. 雨果·维文 Hugo Weaving ..... Elrond
30. Bruce Phillips ..... Grimbold
31. 约翰·里斯-戴维斯 John Rhys-Davies ..... Gimli
32. John Bach ..... Madril
33. Robert Pollock ..... Orc
34. Bruce Hopkins ..... Gamling
35. 大卫·文翰 David Wenham ..... Faramir
36. Noel Appleby ..... Everard Proudfoot
37. Alexandra Astin ..... Elanor Gamgee
38. David Aston ..... Gondorian Soldier 3
39. Sadwyn Brophy ..... Eldarion
40. Richard Edge ..... Gondorian Soldier 1
41. Jason Fitch ..... Uruk 2
42. Lawrence Makoare ..... Witch King/Gothmog
43. Sarah McLeod ..... Rosie Cotton
44. Maisie McLeod-Riera ..... Baby Gamgee
45. 维果·莫特森 Viggo Mortensen ..... Aragorn
46. John Noble ..... Denethor
47. Paul Norell ..... King of the Dead
48. Todd Rippon ..... Harad Leader 1
49. Thomas Robins ..... Deagol
50. Joel Tobeck ..... Orc Lieutenant 1
51. Alan Howard ..... The Ring (voice)
52. Ross Duncan ..... Orc
53. Billy Jackson ..... Child
54. Katie Jackson ..... Child
55. Lee Hartley ..... Orc
56. Pete Smith ..... Orc


1. 彼得·杰克逊 Peter Jackson ..... procer
2. Barrie M. Osborne ..... procer
3. Jamie Selkirk ..... co-procer
4. 哈维·韦恩斯坦 Harvey Weinstein ..... executive procer
5. Robert Shaye ..... executive procer
6. Rick Porras ..... co-procer
7. 鲍伯·韦恩斯坦 Bob Weinstein ..... executive procer
8. 马科·奥德斯凯 Mark Ordesky ..... executive procer
9. Michael Lynne ..... executive procer

黑客帝国 The Matrix (1999) 演职员表

1. 安迪·沃卓斯基 Andy Wachowski ..... (as The Wachowski Brothers)
2. 拉里·沃卓斯基 Larry Wachowski ..... 4 (as The Wachowski Brothers)


1. 安迪·沃卓斯基 Andy Wachowski ..... (written by) (as The Wachowski Brothers) &
2. 拉里·沃卓斯基 Larry Wachowski ..... (written by) (as The Wachowski Brothers)


1. 凯瑞-安·莫斯 Carrie-Anne Moss ..... Trinity
2. 乔·潘托里亚诺 Joe Pantoliano ..... Cypher
3. 劳伦斯·菲什伯恩 Laurence Fishburne ..... Morpheus
4. 基努·李维斯 Keanu Reeves ..... Neo
5. Matt Doran ..... Mouse
6. Marcus Chong ..... Tank
7. 雨果·维文 Hugo Weaving ..... Agent Smith
8. Gloria Foster ..... Oracle
9. Bill Young ..... Lieutenant
10. Robert Taylor ..... Agent Jones
11. David Aston ..... Rhineheart
12. Julian Arahanga ..... Apoc
13. Paul Goddard ..... Agent Brown
14. Belinda McClory ..... Switch
15. Anthony Ray Parker ..... Dozer
16. Marc Gray ..... Choi
17. Ada Nicodemou ..... Dujour (White Rabbit Girl)
18. Denni Gordon ..... Priestess (as Deni Gordon)
19. Rowan Witt ..... Spoon Boy
20. Elenor Witt ..... Potential
21. Tamara Brown ..... Potential
22. Janaya Pender ..... Potential
23. Adryn White ..... Potential
24. Natalie Tjen ..... Potential
25. David O'Connor ..... FedEx Man
26. Jeremy Ball ..... Businessman
27. Fiona Johnson ..... Woman in Red
28. Harry Lawrence ..... Old Man
29. Steve Dodd ..... Blind Man
30. Luke Quinton ..... Security Guard
31. Lawrence Woodward ..... Guard
32. Michael Butcher ..... Cop Who Captures Neo
33. Bernard Ledger ..... Big Cop (as Bernie Ledger)
34. Robert Simper ..... Cop
35. Chris Scott ..... Cop
36. Nigel Harbach ..... Parking Cop


1. 安迪·沃卓斯基 Andy Wachowski ..... executive procer
2. 拉里·沃卓斯基 Larry Wachowski ..... executive procer
3. Barrie M. Osborne ..... executive procer
4. Joel Silver ..... procer
5. Dan Cracchiolo ..... co-procer
6. Carol Hughes ..... associate procer
7. Erwin Stoff ..... executive procer
8. Andrew Mason ..... executive procer
9. Bruce Berman ..... executive procer
10. Richard Mirisch ..... associate procer

黑客帝国2:重装上阵 The Matrix Reloaded (2003) 演职员表

1. 安迪·沃卓斯基 Andy Wachowski ..... (as The Wachowski Brothers)
2. 拉里·沃卓斯基 Larry Wachowski ..... 4 (as The Wachowski Brothers)


1. 安迪·沃卓斯基 Andy Wachowski ..... (characters) (as The Wachowski Brothers) &
2. 安迪·沃卓斯基 Andy Wachowski ..... (written by) (as The Wachowski Brothers) &
3. 拉里·沃卓斯基 Larry Wachowski ..... (characters) (as The Wachowski Brothers)
4. 拉里·沃卓斯基 Larry Wachowski ..... (written by) (as The Wachowski Brothers)


1. 雷·沃纳尔 Leigh Whannell ..... Axel (as Leigh Whannel)
2. 凯瑞-安·莫斯 Carrie-Anne Moss ..... Trinity
3. 贾达·萍克·史密斯 Jada Pinkett Smith ..... Niobe
4. Ian Bliss ..... Bane
5. 劳伦斯·菲什伯恩 Laurence Fishburne ..... Morpheus
6. Tory Mussett ..... Beautiful Woman at Le Vrai
7. 基努·李维斯 Keanu Reeves ..... Neo
8. Adrian Rayment ..... Twin #2
9. Neil Rayment ..... Twin #1
10. Genevieve O'Reilly ..... Officer Wirtz
11. Christopher Kirby ..... Mauser
12. Steve Bastoni ..... Soren
13. Robert Mammone ..... AK
14. Scott McLean ..... Security Bunker Guard #2
15. Valerie Berry ..... Priestess
16. 莫妮卡·贝鲁齐 Monica Bellucci ..... Persephone
17. Gina Torres ..... Cas
18. Nona M. Gaye ..... Zee
19. Anthony Wong ..... Ghost
20. 兰伯特·威尔逊 Lambert Wilson ..... Merovingian
21. Harold Perrineau Jr. ..... Link
22. 雨果·维文 Hugo Weaving ..... Agent Smith
23. Matt McColm ..... Agent Thompson
24. Bernard White ..... Rama-Kandra
25. Ray Anthony ..... Power Station Guard
26. Christine Anu ..... Kali
27. Andy Arness ..... Police #2
28. Alima Ashton-Sheibu ..... Link's Niece
29. Helmut Bakaitis ..... The Architect
30. Don Battee ..... Vector (as Don Batte)
31. Daniel Bernhardt ..... Agent Johnson
32. Liliana Bogatko ..... Old Woman at Zion
33. Michael Budd ..... Zion Controller
34. Stoney Burke ..... Bike Carrier Driver
35. Kelly Butler ..... Ice
36. Josephine Byrnes ..... Zion Virtual Control Operator
37. Noris Campos ..... Woman with Groceries
38. Paul Cotter ..... Corrupt
39. Marlene Cummins ..... Another Old Woman at Zion
40. Attila Davidhazy ..... Young Thomas Anderson at 12
41. 伊斯·戴维斯 Essie Davis ..... Maggie
42. Terrell Dixon ..... Wurm
43. Nash Edgerton ..... Security Guard #5
44. Gloria Foster ..... The Oracle
45. David Franklin ..... Maitre D'
46. Austin Galuppo ..... Young Thomas Anderson at 4
47. Daryl Heath ..... A.P.U. Escort
48. Roy Jones Jr. ..... Ballard
49. Malcolm Kennard ..... Abel (as Malcom Kennard)
50. Randall Duk Kim ..... The Keymaker
51. Peter Lamb ..... Colt
52. Nathaniel Lees ..... Mifune
53. Harry J. Lennix ..... Commander Lock (as Harry Lennix)
54. Tony Lynch ..... Computer Room Technician
55. Joshua Mbakwe ..... Link's Nephew
56. Chris Mitchell ..... Power Station Guard
57. Steve Morris ..... Computer Room Guard
58. Rene Naufahu ..... Zion Gate Operator
59. Robyn Nevin ..... Councillor Dillard
60. David No ..... Cain
61. Socratis Otto ..... Operator
62. Montaño Rain ..... Young Thomas Anderson at 8
63. Rupert Reid ..... Lock's Lieutenant
64. David Roberts ..... Roland
65. Shane C. Rodrigo ..... Ajax
66. Nick Scoggin ..... Gidim Truck Driver
67. Kevin Scott ..... 18 Wheel Trucker (as Kevin C. Scott)
68. Tahei Simpson ..... Binary
69. 邹兆龙 Collin Chou ..... Seraph


1. 安迪·沃卓斯基 Andy Wachowski ..... executive procer
2. 拉里·沃卓斯基 Larry Wachowski ..... executive procer
3. Joel Silver ..... procer
4. 格兰特·希尔 Grant Hill ..... executive procer
5. Andrew Mason ..... executive procer
6. Bruce Berman ..... executive procer
7. Steve Richards ..... associate procer
8. Vicki Popplewell ..... associate procer (as Vicki Poppelwell)
9. Phil Oosterhouse ..... associate procer: EON

黑客帝国3:矩阵革命 The Matrix Revolutions (2003) 演职员表

1. 安迪·沃卓斯基 Andy Wachowski ..... (as The Wachowski Brothers)
2. 拉里·沃卓斯基 Larry Wachowski ..... 4 (as The Wachowski Brothers)


1. 安迪·沃卓斯基 Andy Wachowski ..... (characters) (as The Wachowski Brothers) &
2. 安迪·沃卓斯基 Andy Wachowski ..... (written by) (as The Wachowski Brothers) &
3. 拉里·沃卓斯基 Larry Wachowski ..... (characters) (as The Wachowski Brothers)
4. 拉里·沃卓斯基 Larry Wachowski ..... (written by) (as The Wachowski Brothers)


1. 凯瑞-安·莫斯 Carrie-Anne Moss ..... Trinity
2. 贾达·萍克·史密斯 Jada Pinkett Smith ..... Niobe
3. Ian Bliss ..... Bane
4. 劳伦斯·菲什伯恩 Laurence Fishburne ..... Morpheus
5. 基努·李维斯 Keanu Reeves ..... Neo
6. Genevieve O'Reilly ..... Officer Wirtz
7. Bruce Spence ..... Trainman
8. Christopher Kirby ..... Mauser (as Chris Kirby)
9. David Bowers ..... Q-Ball Gang Member #1
10. Craig Walker ..... Hel Club Pony Girl Trainer (uncredited)
11. Robert Mammone ..... AK
12. 莫妮卡·贝鲁齐 Monica Bellucci ..... Persephone
13. Gina Torres ..... Cas
14. Nona M. Gaye ..... Zee
15. Anthony Wong ..... Ghost
16. 兰伯特·威尔逊 Lambert Wilson ..... Merovingian
17. Harold Perrineau Jr. ..... Link
18. 雨果·维文 Hugo Weaving ..... Agent Smith
19. Bernard White ..... Rama-Kandra
20. Helmut Bakaitis ..... The Architect
21. 伊斯·戴维斯 Essie Davis ..... Maggie
22. Peter Lamb ..... Colt
23. Nathaniel Lees ..... Mifune
24. Harry J. Lennix ..... Lock (as Harry Lennix)
25. Rene Naufahu ..... Zion Gate Operator
26. Robyn Nevin ..... Councillor Dillard
27. Rupert Reid ..... Lock's Lieutenant
28. David Roberts ..... Roland
29. Clayton Watson ..... Kid
30. Cornel West ..... Councillor West
31. Anthony Zerbe ..... Councillor Hamann
32. Mary Alice ..... The Oracle
33. Tanveer K. Atwal ..... Sati
34. 凯特·宾汉 Kate Beahan ..... Coat Check Girl
35. Francine Bell ..... Councillor Grace
36. Rachel Blackman ..... Charra
37. Henry Blasingame ..... Deus Ex Machina
38. Zeke Castelli ..... Operations Officer Mattis
39. Dion Horstmans ..... Q-Ball Gang Member #2
40. Lachy Hulme ..... Sparks
41. Joe Manning ..... First Operator at Command
42. Maurice Morgan ..... Tower Soldier
43. Tharini Mudaliar ..... Kamala
44. Kittrick Redmond ..... Second Operator at Command
45. Kevin Michael Richardson ..... Deus Ex Machina (voice) (as Kevin M. Richards


❽ 电影2012演员表

Johann Urb
2001 Zoolander Mugatu Bodyguard
2003 Fear of Feathers Hunk
Miss Match David TV series (one episode: "Who's Your Daddy?")
2004 CSI: Miami Brad Tustin TV series (one episode: "Stalkerazzi")
The Mountain Travis Thorson TV series (13 episodes)
2005 Love's Long Journey Fyn Anders
2006 Prescriptions Vegan Rick TV series
All In Jake
Life Happens Jason
Entourage Ken TV series (one episode: "Vegas Baby, Vegas!")
The Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman Doug TV series (two episodes: "Tumor Has It" and "Pounded")
'Til Death Greg TV series (one episode: "The Wood Pile")
2007 Dash 4 Cash TV series
Dirt Johnny Gage TV series (five episodes)
The Bank Job Brandon
1408 Surfer Dude
Hidden Palms Steve TV series (one episode: "Dangerous Liaisons")
2008 One Tree Hill Nick TV series (one episode: "Four Years, Six Months, Two Days")
The Hottie & the Nottie美女和丑姑 Johann Wulrich
Strictly Sexual现金与爱情 Joe
A Gunfighter's Pledge Lars Anderson
Toxic毒药 Greg
Knight Rider Skyler Rand TV series (one episode: "Knight of the Iguana")
2009 Hired Gun职业杀手 Ryan Decker
Eastwick东镇女巫 Will St. David TV series (two episodes: "Pilot" and "Reaping and Sewing")
2012 Sasha
Pornstar Cannon Balls

❾ 控制电影狗蛋的扮演者

《控制》演员表 :

饰 马克

饰 洁希

饰 泰哥

饰 宓蜜

饰 杰夫

饰 魔鬼

饰 珍丽

饰 三毛

饰 木文

饰 康妮

饰 马克老板

饰 李可



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