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发布时间:2021-07-01 14:41:37

『壹』 “海上钢琴师”导演是谁

中文名: 吉赛贝·托纳多雷
英文名: Giuseppe Tornatore

『贰』 一部电影名称问题

《灵动:鬼影实录》是以伪纪录片的手法讲述一对年轻的夫妇在饱受家中灵异现象困扰后,决定用隐藏夜视摄影机拍下所有不可思议的恐怖画面。本片仅动用1万1千美元、耗费一周时间便拍摄完成,是编辑、导演Oren Peli的处女作,创作灵感是源自Oren Peli本人搬到一所新房子后听到奇怪响声的亲身经历。

『叁』 吉赛贝·托纳多雷的三部作品



答案补充 影片《西西里的美丽传说》是一部诗意的电影。《西西里的美丽传说》也是以孩子的视角展开的。影片收尾部分维里图把自己那张唱片《我的情意》投入大海的镜头,显然是—个蒙懂少年向个人曾经未知的生活作某样告别的仪式。是的,电影里的年少青春和人初恶行是可以掷向大海毁掉的。但是作为—个人的心间记忆却永久不能抹杀去的,无论丑与善。成长中的人性是每—个有过少年心的永远的记痕。
给我最后的感觉就是,原来美丽也是一种罪,如果女主角不是一个美丽的人,可能情节会全变了! 答案补充 当玛莲娜再次回到这个小镇时,令人倾倒的美丽已经随岁月一起流逝,她不再美丽,不再迷人,她只是一个人的妻子,一个没了一只手臂的军人的妻子。





『肆』 请提供下海上钢琴师主角蒂姆·罗斯 Tim Roth和导演朱塞佩·多纳托雷的英文简介

Dim · Ross is born in United Kingdom London on May 14 , 1961 , is good at being copied the various accent's example , American being often mistaken as. He had learned dropping out of school after sculpture in Kanboweier art academy, has run after performance cause wholeheartedly. The first breaking is to act as role in United Kingdom telecine "United Kingdom makes " in 1982. Perform film maiden work in 1984 "being subordinate to you he plays a novice killer who just puts up road in 10 ". "Be subordinate to you let him get a series including BAFTA in 10 " having future newcomer award "most. Although persisting in the independent route leaking since Dim · Ross is very antipathetic to commerce film , this way ,this makes him not have the right job , live on extremely destitute line within pretty long a period of time. He had acted as the supermarket employee , had also had made telephone sale promotion, a scene of chaos living. The at last sleeps in Amsterdam the sewer moment he is discovered and brought back United Kingdom by Peter · Green Nawei, play the important thief's in "The Cook , The Thief , His Wife & Her Lover " middle under the leadership of. Be the first afterwards bring to his film with international reputation, comparing with Robert · Aoteman cooperation , reflects all high old age life "all height and mentions an oersted ". Then, his first name contacts with Gary · Aodeman once again having arrived at together. Black comedy "death of N. Rosen · Gelanzi and Jill · Dengsin", being winning speaks highly of enthusiastically. Position afterwards, going ahead because of politics, he has been driven out of United Kingdom. He cooperating with new-fledged Kunding · Talundinuo , has shaken the movie circle black classics in 1992, "dog in the water", Mr in movie. Orange corner is that he has won in independent eminent filmdom reputation and has performed more much a chance. Development of Dim · Ross can be termed as going off smoothly after this , his cooperation director is including and Kunding , Woody Allen , Giuseppe Tornatore , Wim Wenders , Francis · Ford · Kebola etc. , he is insisting on self principle as before , is that the movie fan offers the more and more how classical role and film as a tribute.


On May 27 , 1956, Tuonaolei is born in Italy Sicily Island Palermo (Palermo) Bageliya town (Bagheria). Seem to have got special caring for of God, little age of Tuonaolei is moved towards already extremely rich natural gift , the first share occupation of him is to serve as a cameraman , what be taken pictures is published appreciation having obtained favourable comment greatly on different film magazine, having also got Pilandeluo (Pirandello Luigi) and Feilibo (De Filippo). That Tuonaolei has participated in them right away when being 16-year-old, two puts up drama , his interest hobby begins to change from patting a photo to shooting a film right away from this , surpasses all talent though one brief documentary start however pat a few, but the body having already demonstrated Tuonaolei is a director's , accomplishes a task with ease and within this one field, Scenarist's head part story of a play has gained the Italy film journalists' association that very year Best Director silver piece man the professor is called in 1985" bringing the award and the Jin Qiu award along being worth expecting the new director award most, writing or painting realistically being few in number also by column for Italy film school upstart director. . Tuonaolei's director life also is furthermore gain senior official position , unusually brilliant henceforth. 1979, is annual the 23-year-old Tuonaolei prepare right away already the Italy country television station RAI television station only having started the long range cooperation , are that they have made large amount of TV program and. On Italy Salainuo photo exhibition (Salerno Festival) in 1982, his director's full-length novel documentary "LE MINORANZE ETNICHE IN SICILIA " has gained Best Documentary Award. The 32-year-old Tuonaolei hold "Heaven movie theatre " second films having led him in 1988, reputation chirps right away already greatly on the whole world movie circle , judging gaining France Cannes film festival tries regiment Grand Prix and 62nd Oscar the best foreign language movie award. Still have 1995 in the afterwards gaining Italy David in glory rewarding Best Director Award and Venice with a photo exhibition judging Oscar the best foreign language movie examining regiment Special Award , in 1998 once again, flatte time of Italy David rewarding the Best Director Award epic with huge work "sea the piano division " , being selected once again Y2K be nominated for "Sicilian beautiful classics short stories of the Tang and Song dynasties legend ", ... Having establish the Tuonaolei position in world movie circle , be uncertain for he wins a movie fan. Tuonaolei has debuted "conceal" hanging changing style in 2006, doubting work , the film has related to many force factor , has initiated a little dispute. Tuonaolei's up-to-date work has been comedy cooperating with Monika · Beiluqi "Bageliya" , he has participated in "the international director in 2008 patting the Beijing " activity.


『伍』 和海上钢琴师一起并称三部曲的电影分别是什么导演是谁



朱塞佩·多纳托雷在年纪很小的时候就开始了工作,最初的职业是当摄影师,他拍的照片被刊登在不同的摄影杂志上。16岁时他参与了皮兰德娄(Pirandello Luigi)和菲利波(De Filippo)的两出戏剧,这以后他开始涉足电影,初期主要是拍一些纪录片,应该说这段工作经历对他以后的电影风格的形成有很大影响。




『陆』 谁看过这部电影,有一个自学成才的钢琴师,在一艘轮船上……

《海上钢琴师》,意大利电影,导演是意大利著名导演朱塞佩·托纳托雷,此片是他的“三部曲”之一。 电影是由亚历山卓·巴利科1994年的剧场文本《1900:独白》所改编而成。

中文名: 海上钢琴师
外文名: The Legend of 1900
其它译名: 1900海上钢琴师 声光伴我飞 一九零零的传奇
出品时间: 1998年
出品公司: 意大利
导演: 吉赛贝·托纳多雷
编剧: 亚历山卓·巴利科
主演: 蒂姆·罗斯 比尔·努恩 梅兰尼·蒂埃里
类型: 爱情,奇幻,剧情,音乐
片长: 160分钟(法国:120分钟)
上映时间: 1998年10月28日 意大利

『柒』 问个电影的名字 记得部分剧情


『捌』 海上钢琴师的主演是谁 英文片名 导演 还有 主演演过什么电影 电视剧

主演tim roth 片名为 the legend of 1900 他还出演 低俗小说 绿巨人还有lie to me

『玖』 吉赛贝·托纳多雷的介绍

吉赛贝·托纳多雷(Giuseppe Tornatore),1956年5月27日出生于意大利西西里岛,导演、编剧。1982年,执导纪录片《LE MINORANZE ETNICHE IN SICILIA》,在意大利萨莱诺影展上获得最佳纪录片奖。1985年,编导首部剧情片《被称为教授的男人》,获得意大利电影记者协会最佳导演的银带奖以及金球奖的最值期待新导演奖1。1988年,执导第二部影片《天堂电影院》,获得戛纳电影节评审团大奖和奥斯卡最佳外语片奖23。1998年,凭借爱情音乐片《海上钢琴师》获得第43届意大利大卫奖最佳导演奖4567。2000年,自编自导《西西里的美丽传说》89。2006年,凭借剧情片《隐秘女人心》获得第20届欧洲电影奖-最佳导演提名1011。2009年,凭借剧情片《巴阿里亚》获得1213141516第54届意大利大卫奖最佳导演提名17。2015年,执导影片《对应》。

『拾』 英语翻译:你看过一部电影里面有一个人的名字叫做1900

Have you ever seen a film of which the character is called 1900?



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